UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC (ftf^^k ™^ A M H W&HoM B/C1I. 4/131O AINU' ^S^&W/ 1 February 1979 ^OriAl COllNCH ^r^r-- Original: EHGLISH/EBEHCH/ J \_/ V- I r\U >w^V^MVIL SPA1TISII C0HMIS3I01T OH 1-IUlIft.H EIGHTS Thirty-fifth session Agenda item 5 of the provisional agenda, STUDY OF REPORTED VIOLATIONS OP HUTIA.1T RIGHTS IN CHILE, 1/ITH PARTICULAR REPERE1TCE TO TORTURE AHD n OTHER CRUEL, H iUl;lAH OR DEGRADING TREATlIEFr OR PUHISHMGITT Report.of the Ad Hoc Working Group established under resolution 8 (XXXI) of the Commission on Human Rights to inquire into the situation of human rights in Chile COHTEHTS Paragraphs Page Introduction « 1 - 21 5 Chapter I. • Constitutional and legal developments affecting human rights 22 - 86 13 A. State of siege and state of emergency 22-39 13 B. The specialized State security agencies 40-57 16 C. The role of the judiciary 58 - 6$ 21 D. Civil and political rights; the draft Constitution 70 - 86 24 II. Life, liberty and security of person 87 - 105 30 A, Arrest and detention 88 - 100 30 B, Ill-treatment and torture 101 - 103 36 C, The role of the judiciary in the protection of the right to life, liberty and security of person 104 - 105 39 III. Missing persons 106 - 128 40 IV. Exile and return 129 - 138 47 GE.79-10412 E/CN. 4/1310 page 2 C01M31TTS (contd) Chapter Paragraphs Page V. Freedom of expression and information 139 - 148 50 VI. Right to education 149 - 1^7 54 VII. Freedom of association and the right of assembly ISO - 251 59 A. Freedom of association and the right of assembly in imivorsitiecs 171 - 184 59 J3. Freedom of association and the right of assembly in the case of trade unions 185 - 251 63 1. The Chuquicamata conflict 105 - 195 63 2. Hew legislation affecting freedom of association 196 - 251 66 VIII. Economic and social rights 252 - 319 8 2 A. The problem of unemployment and the situation of workers 252-278 82 1. Unemployment 252-261 8? 2. The economic situation of certain sectors of the population 262 - 270 86 13. Situation of rural workers 279 - 305 90 C. Situation of the indigenous populations 306 - 311 96 D. Right to health 312-31? 98 IX Concluding observations and recommendations 320- 330 - 338 103 X. Adoption of the report 339 107 E/C1T.4/1310 page 3 ANNEXES I. General Assembly resolution 33/174 of 20 December 1970. II. General Assembly resolution 33/175 of 20 December 1970. Ill, General Assembly resolution 33/1.73 of 20 December 1978. IV. Information concerning the labour plan of the Government of Chile and measures permitting tra.de vuiion meetings without prior authorisation (submitted by the Government of Chile under cover of a letter dated 4 January 1979)• V. Letter dated 25 January 1979 from the Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman, of the Ad Hoc Working Group. VI. Communication dated 21 September 1970 from the Minister of the Interior addressed to the President of the Court of Appeals of Santiago concerning an action for enforcement of rights. VII. Communication from the national Information Agency addressed to the President of the Court of Appeals of Santiago concerning an action for enforcement of rights. VIII. Petition to the Supreme Court by the Episcopal Vicars of the Archbishopric of Santiago requesting the appointment of investigating judges (3 November 1978 )' IX. Statement by the Permanent Committee of the Episcopal Conference of Chile Regarding Missing Persons (9 November 1970). X. Statement by the Minister of the Interior regarding missing persons (10 November 1970). XI. Press reports concerning tho discovery of unidentified bodies at Lonquen, Chile. XII. Press reports concerning tho discovery of unidentified bodies at Cxiosta '.Oarriga, Chile. XIII. Statements by the sons of two missing persons. XIV. Decree-Law No. 2345 of 17 October 1970. XV. Decree-Law No. 2346 of 17 October 1970. XVI. Decree-Law No. 2347 of 17 October 1970. E/OT.4/1310 page 4 AMEXES (contd) XVII. Decree-Law Ho, 2376 of 26 October 1973. XVIII. Declaration and documents relating to tra.de union rights, XIX. Extract from an article entitled "Chile's economic success from tho working nan's point of view, Heal wage levels in 1973". XX. Price changes in 1978. XXI. Note verbale dated 31 January 1979 from the Permanent Mission of Chile to tho United ITations Office at Geneva addressed to the Chairman of tho Ad Hoc 1/brld.ng Group. XXII. Observations of the Government of Chile on tho report of the Ad Hoc Working Group. E/CN.4/1310 pa.ge 5 INTRODUCTION 1. The Ad Hoc Working Group to inquire into the situa.tion of human rights in Chile wa.s originally established under resolution 8 (XXXl) adopted "by the Commission on Human. Rights on 27 Februa.ry 1975* l/ In accordance with that resolution the Chairman of the thirty-first session of the Commission, I'ir. Ghulam Ali Allana., appointed four members of the Commission to serve on the Group in their personal ca.pa.city. The composition of the Group is as follows; Mr. Ghulam Ali Allana. of Pa.ld.stan (Chairman-Rapporteur), Mr. Leopoldo Benites of Ecua.dor, Mr. Abdoula.ye Dieye of Senegal, llr, Felix Erma.cora. of Austria, and Mrs. Marian J.T. Kamara of Sierra. Leone. 2. Under Commission resolution 3 (XXXl), the Group wa.s manda.tod to inquire "into the present situation of human rights in Chile" on the ba.sis of va.rious resolutions previously a.dopted by organs of the United Nations, the International La.bour Orga.nisa.tion and the United Na.tions Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, of a. visit to Chile, and of oral and written evidence to be gathered from all relevant sources. The Group wa.s required to sxibmit a. progress report, through the Secreta.ry-General, to the General Assembly at its thirtieth session and to report to the Commission on Human Rights a.t its thirty-second session. Since the Group wa.s first established in 1975> i^s mandate ha.s been renewed three times by the Commission on Human Rights, a.cting at the invita.tion of the General Assembly, 2/ and with ea.ch renewal the Group wa.s requested to report to the following sessions of the General Assembly and of the Commission on Human Rights. 3. The Group has adopted seven previous reports, four of which were submitted to the General Assembly and three to the Commission on Human Rights. 3/ The present report is the eighth a.dopted by the Group. Ea.ch of its previous reports contained information on the activities of the Group during the period in question, l/ The Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities ha.d recommended to the Commission tha.t it study the situation of human, rights in Chile (resolution 8 (XXVIl) and the General Assembly, in resolution 3219 (XXIX), had endorsed that recommendation. 2/ In 1976 the Group's mandate wa.s renewed by Commission resolution 3 (XXXIl) at the invita.tion of the General Assembly in resolution 3448 (XXX). In 1977 the Group's ma.nda.te wa.s renewed by Commission resolution 9 (XXXIIl) a.t the invita,tion of the General Assembly in resolution 3l/l24« In 1973 the Commission renewed the Group's mandate in resolution 12 (XXXIV) acting at the invitation of the General Assembly in resolution 32/118. 3/ The reports a.dopted by the Group and the resolutions a.dopted by the bodies concerned in relation to the situa.tion of human rights in Chile a.re as follows! progress report to the General Assembly at its thirtieth session (A/10285), General Assembly resolution 3443 (XXX)$ report to the Commission on Huma.n Rights at its thirty-second session (E/CN.4/1183), Commission resolution 3 (XXXIl); report to the General Assembly a.t its thirty-first session (A/31/253), General Assembly resolution 3l/l24; report to the Commission on Huma.n Rights at its thirty- third session (E/CN.4/1221), Commission resolution 9 (XXXIIl )5 report to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session (A/32/227), General Assembly resolution 32/II8; report to the Commission on Human Rights a.t its thirty-1 fourth session (E/CN.4/1266), Commission resolution 12 (XXXTV); report to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session (A/33/33l)> General Assembly resolutions 33/174, 33/175 and 33/176. E/CN.4/1310 pa.ge 6 including the Group's relations with the Government of Chile, oral a,nd written evidence gathered by the Group from relevant sources a,nd the Group's conclusions on the situation of human rights in Chile. In ma,ny ca,ses the Group ma,de recommendations for steps to be taken to improve respect for huma.n rights in Chile, 4. The Commission on Human Rights, at its thirty-fourth session (Februa.ry- March 1978), a.fter having considered the sixth report of the Group (E/CN.4/1266) and the observations and other information submitted by the Government of Chile, adopted resolution 12 (XXXIV) on 6 March 1978 • The Commission, in that resolution, a.nd in response to General Assembly resolution 32/llG, extended the manda.te of the Working Group for one yea.r a,nd requested it to report to the General Assembly a.t its thirty-third session a.nd the Commission on Human Rights at its thirty-fifth session.
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