WNIB Program Schedule April 1972

WNIB Program Schedule April 1972

PROGRAM SCHEDULE WNIB 97.1 fm April, 1972 The TEAC 12 3 0 STEREO DECK ... Regular List $399.50 NOW $349.50 NEAR NORTH NORTH WEST SOUTH SUBURBAN SOUTH 48 E. OAK 5700 W. DEMPSTER 7045 W. NORTH AVE. 2035 W. 95th ST. 18100 S. HALSTED 337-4150 967-6690 383-7006 779-6500 799-2400 MONDAY & THURSDAY 10- 9 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10-6 WI aµ &ZWM1•11waa; ow;,..._.,. i R WW// "t"'1i~f¼'•••po,:,ow,'§i!i4"¾€Piiii!!W)!/!•,~ 1,' Werner Andreas Albert (Electrola C063,-28'180) PROG~AM I SCHEQULE 6 PM , RACUM,ANINOFF (born on this date in 1873) "Aleko" 86.ite - ·Orch/Ahdre Kostelanetz · (Col ,MS 716)!) , 97,1 hrL RACHMANINOFF 3 "Etude,-Tableaux April, 1972 (in'e~; in C; &tn D) - Vl~dffi!ir IIorowitz,p , (Cql M 3046'!1,) , /. .·, RACHMANINOFF Vocallse, Op. 34#2 - Anni Moffo, s (RCA 2795) . ' ,! RACHMANINOFF 3 Russian Folksol\gs (f1Across the Swift Little Rirern; "Oh, Y?u Van­ I·. , . ' , ' , , ·., .··. '. ,, , . ka''; & ''M;y Powdered Rosy'~lush','s''), -,St. Am,­ , WNIB Program. Schei;lule is published by Radio Station WNIB, 25 East Chestnut, brose Cath~dral Ghoir.;New Philh/Igor.Bllketdff Chicag?, Illillois-60611. Phone:, 337,?252, SubsStipfiop. rates: pne,sear ~5,. 00; (RCA 3051) , , ,. , . ... ' two years $9. 00; Jhree years ~1~'.10~. · ,: ' RACHMANINOFF Prelude Ing'#, Op. ' I' 32#12; & Prelude in c#, Op, 3#2 ~ ,Gary Graff- 1t1an, p (Col MS 7508) C:::OVJm:. The Reading Room iof the firstChicagi> Pt1bUc Library ... a kater fank that survived the GreatJ!hicago Fire, , The Book Rown in the Old 'I'ank was the 7 PM MfG 197~. SCfJ;,WETZINGE~ FESTIVA,L rmcleus of the greatest librarylnthe world. The shelv~s ~fill.is lib;t-ary accpm­ . , J C BA CH Symphony fpr P?ip>le Orqh modated, some U, 000 volumes. The ReadingRooip was equipped with 6 lolig inD; VIVALDI!!Pia;ngo"; & "Cessa~e omai11 ;· tables and 72 chairs. The Chicago ;pubfi~ Library .is qelebrating the 100th anni­ · DA CAPUA '"Ho. ragione" from "La Zingara"; & versary of its fouµdil,1&", Photographs ,n this is~ue appear thr911gh ,tM cou,rtesy , "Io ti lascio''• K, _621a .... La,~rte Malaguti, bt; of the Chicago Public Library. , , , M:ainz Chamber Or~h/Guenter Kehr I I 7:45 . • ,' :j3ASTIANINI-HES$E ','Thr~e l3lind'.Fi-­ garril!; ANONYMOUS Shoenendoa Fugue; pouw­ WA TER ''Wh,en John'!W Comes Marching ffome' Again, Bouree, B6uree"; WHITTLEHYe~;,Zoo , Joyo;,_ the Range''; LA MER j'Erie1 Fanta~ia'.';, & 1 BUSONl'''Poctor Fhst" ~ Dietrich , "Down in t_he Water Music"; D{[CKWORTH'., . 1 'SATURDAY 1 Fischer-Di~skat1 (Doctor Faust); Karl Christia!\ "SheepMa:y Se~ Nell~ Home SafflY" & ''¥Y I KoM (Wigner & !he Master of Cereriio~ies); ,Grandfather's Two Parnllventiori''; MAKE­ ) 9AM THE BACH HOUR William Cochran (Mephist?pheles); ,Anto~de :PEACE "Watch It Out OldMacponald11 ;& PRU-­ BACH Mass iff,G, BWV 236 -' Elisa­ Ridder (Duke of :J>arma); HUdegard ~illebi,echt RIENT ".The Brassier the B~al\tfruv• ., .. Cqncerh beth SpeJser;~; Ingebt>tg Rlls,s,e; J,ohri va'p. Kes­ (Oueh~ss of I'arrna); Franz Gt-undheber (Th~ teren, t; Jalc\')b, ~ernpfH; bs; Gae9llinger Kanto~ gebluff A uthat,ts brch ,Society (M,aceM(::t\110036) Gifi'sBrother;,Apoctor ofNa~uralHfatClry &. , , GOUNOD ValentiM •~ A'i'ia;\;Jewel ' ,rei & Bach~Collegium, Stutt/iart/H!c>lmllth , A smodus);, Mat\.t:rel:l Sphlnidt, (A Lieutenant·~ Song; & 11 Sal11t, pemeure" froiri 11 Fa~st'.' - Jenny Rillirl~ (Non~ ~G 73020) . .'.. , ,· , Beelzebuth); H~n~'Sotin {A Theologian & Gra'­ BACH Partita #5 in G '- Glenn Gould, WiUiams, s; ,Thomas ''8urhs, !JtlR,C,A251l7)i , , . ·, vis); M'.adus Rintzler (A .Jurist & Levis); Ba­ ', . · PILLNEYVariatio11s t>il'''Was machst , p (Gol ML 5186) '· ·· , ' varian Radio or6h Cho/Ferdinand Leitp.er & du mit dem J<nie, lieber ;Han~" - Ernst Guep.ter. BACaTrid Sqnata #4in e, BWV 528 (DGG 2709 032) "' , -<Anthqµy Newmap., organ (~61 M 31127) ·Scherzer, p; ,Northwest, German Phil/Werner ''· I • : '' t' Andreas Albert (ltlectrola C 063-28 180) ' • I ' '3:30 , ITALIAN MAGAZINE (from RAI) MOzART,THIS.MdRNING 3:45 , , SCOPE '(from UN'Radio) MOZART Ove;ture' fo ''La Fin.ta 9 PM- GROWING 01.:0 J'.N,AMElUCA, Giardiniera", K. 196, with Finale,' K; 121 - . ' · Twelfth of ,13 programs pr~duced by New Philh/RaymondLeppard (Phi 802 90l 'LY) 4 PM CONVERSATI9N AT CHICA 90, ., the University of Ulinoi~ at Chicago Circle • MOZART."Aer t~a.p.9uillo"; 111;1arbar? ! "What's Happened to tire W,A, S, P. ?" . Tt>night: "Community Services and Needed Ser- oh'. Dio"; & "Alla selila, al prato•1 from ".Il Re .,' is discussecfby Martiri,E. Marty, Professor & , Pastorel! -.Maria Stader, E\i: Salzpurg ~qzarteum Associate Dea:'n o(the Univetriity of Chicago Di­ 9: 30 SEARCHING Orch/Bernhard J?aumgartner (DGG i36 369) vinity,Scho9l; Father Andrew M, Greeley, Lec­ Documentary from the Canadian MOZART I'iano ~onata #6 in D, K. turer in th!l Department of Sociology and Direc­ Broadcasting Corporation about and ~ith young, 2,84. '- ChristophJ<isc\umbach,p (DGG 2720 031) tor of thE\ Centei, for the Study bf American people today. Tonight:' "Three R's,Spell RiJ:i.; MOZART Ma.sonic Funeral'Music, , Pluralism at the University's Nationa(Opinion Off," . K. 477:.. .Columbia Syrn/Bruno Walter (Ody ResE!atch' Genter;,& Peter Schrag, author and, 1 Y 30048) . .. Contributing Editor for the Saturday Review. I 'Arthur Na,yer, Director of the" University 6f 11 AM, , FR()M ,'fiI;E MIDWAY , ,, Chicago .Alumni A,ssociation, is moderator., SUNDAY 2 . "Designing New Social.'\yelfare' Ser­ 4:30. 'rERJ\IAN PRESSREVIEW vices" is discu~sed by Walter Walket, Vice­ 9 A:M , PERG6LESI Concerto A~onibo #6 . Pre13ident fotPlanni/tg ~nd Associate Pr?fessor 4:45, . GERMANY TODAY iµ Bb - Stuttgart Chamber Orch/}$:a,rl Munc,hin­ in the School, of.Social SerVjice Administration at , . Glenn 'Loney' talks with Walt'er Fel- glir (Lon CM. 9395) th\) University of Chj.cago; & "If Our Children' senstein, head of j;he C,omic Opera in East Ber..: · SOLER Concertd #3 ,in G for Two Sho\lld Lose Their ~oul s" is disc;us~ed by Mar­ lin; ., (From the ,\ssociatfon of German Broild­ 1 Organs' .. E. Power Biggs' & Dahiel Pinkham., garet K. Rosenheim, Ptofessor in the Scho.ol of, casters) , ' /! · · • ·• ' o (Col ML 5608) , , , . , ' Soctal Service Administration at th.e ,Univ,er,Sity IACCHINI Tratenimento per camera of Chicago. , · 1 5 fM MOZART A Mu11ical Joke,. K, 522 in D; & BONONCINI Sinfonia #19 inD - Don I ('')'he'Village Musicians••/,. Qrch San Pietro/ Srnither13 & Michael Laird, trum~ets; The A.ca­ 12 PM .• , BERLIOZ King Lear Overture, Op, 4 Renato Ruotolo (Dec DL 10068) . , tlemy of St,: Martil),;in'-the-Fields/Nevilie , . MOZAR\l' Vengeance Aria frq1n !'The . , - London ~/Colin Da~s (Phi 835 367 LY) 1 Marriner (Phi 6500 HO) 11 1 (LISZT Vallee d'Obermann - Claudio· ' Magic Flute''; BACH B'iassy''; J STRAUSS JR , D SCARLATTI Sinfonia tn B '-: New 1rrau,p (Phi 802 902 LY) . '' ' Adele'5La,ughing;Song fr6m.•"Die Flederma1pi", Philh/Raymond Leppard (Phi 900 235) ·, . DVORAK Serenade in d, Op. 44 ., ,-·Floterlee Foster Jenkins,s;'Gosme McMoon,'"' , . : ·, D SCARLATTI, Selectipn of Piano' . Musica Ae~erna Orch/:Fred~ric Waldman (Dec p (RCA 2597) - , Sonatas - RalphKtrkpatrickihpsi:I (Coi S~ 221) DL ,710137) '' ,' I' , . OGH Hl)morous Variatfons on" 'S ' ' kommt ein Vogel geflogen11 - Ernst Guenter 10 AM '· BACH Eas\;er 6ratoriol BWV 249 - l J?M ' fiA T'(JRDAY AFTERNOON OPE~ , Sch!lrzer,p; Nqrt?,west Ger.maµ Radio Orch/ Teresa Zylis-Gara, ~; Plitricia Johnson, c; Theo : 3 Altmeyer, t; Di~tricjl Fisclier-Dieskau, bt;, South senio); Teodoro Rovetta,bs (Togno); Gul.~enklan Op. 72 -,Ilaiµt Vered,p-(Conn,oisseur Society · German Madrigal Choir & SouthwJst German Chamber. Orch/Clianfi;anco Rivoli (Phi 839, 710/ cs 2023) . Chamber Oreb/Wolfgang Goennewein (Ang S 12 LY) ' 36322) . ' 4:30, , DUTCH SOLO~STS & ENSEMBLE$ . llANDRIEU Basse-etDessusdeTrom- 10 PM ClllCAGO TEMPLE SERVICE ANDRIESSEN Trio f6r Vidlin, '.Cello pette; & Fugue a 4 - Anthony ·Newman, organ \ Dr. Robert Brucie Pierce,.. pastor 1. &'Piano.- Herman Krebbe.rs,vn;· Jean Decroos., (Col M 311.Z'I) . · \ . ,, ' 'c; Danielle Declienne,p · · I 11 Al\:t CHICAGO TEMPLE SERVICE 5 RM _ RESPIGHI ~razilia~ Impresf?ions - Dr. Robert Bruce ,Pierce, past&r .MONDAY. 3 London)lym/Antal Doratt (Mer SR 90153) \ ' '" 1: ' ·.. · [ ', '' ' . ' ' ' ' . '/ BRAZILIAN TRADITIONAi; "Engenpo 12:30 MUSIC FROM GERMANY -9 AM MORLEY Dances for Broken Consort Novo!"; "A Casinha peque~na'.'; "Meu ooi Barro­ , -MOZA:RT 3'Marches, K. 408; & from "First B!)Oke •of Co1:isort Les~ons", 1599 so"; & "Ogµnde-;-Varere"'._ Bidu sayao,s; Milne TELEMANN Musical Geography (Part 1) / .-. The Early,Music' Consort of London & The Charnley, p (Cc,l ML 5231) Morley Copsort/David Munrow (Ang S 36851) GOTTSGliALK Grande Fantaisie Tri­ . 1PM ~lllCAOO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA - . · ·. SOLE;R Quintet #6 in g for Organ & oniphale sur l'Hymne National Bresilien, OI>•. 69 20TH SEASON: A Chicago Cfuimber string Quartet - Marie-Claire Alain, organr - Eugene List,p; 'Berlin Sym/Sam~el Adler Orche_stra preview with Conductor· Dieter Kober , Huguette Fernandei' & G!lrmain~ Ra~ond, vns; (Turnabout TV S-34440/42) , I discussing the music to be perf<Jni'ied this 'month. Mar~!l-ROS!l Guiet, vs, ~ean Deferrieux, 'c (West ' VILLA LOBOS Bachianas Brasilie~as XWN 18754) . ' . l #9 for Oreb..,: ]'.rencl\ Nat'l Radio Orch/Heitor. 2 PM , LISZT Piano Con~erto in A - Sam­ Villa Lobos (Ang 35547) #2 , . I . •'son Francois,p; Philh/Constantin Silvestri (Ser 10 AM MOZART, Serenade #6 in .D, K. 239 S 60107) · , . · • · . ("Sere'nata No~turna'') .,. Beriin<Phil/Herbert v.oli 6 PM . CHOPIN 2 Sc)lerzi (#1 in b, Op. 20 & .

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