![S. No Author Age(Years )/ Sex Presentation Underlying Condition Endoscopic Findings Treatment Outcome 1 Ullah Et Al [5] 50/M](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Author Age(years S. No )/ Sex Presentation Underlying condition Endoscopic findings Treatment Outcome circumferential necrotic, hematemesis, alcohol abuse, HTN, fatty friable esophagus with PPI, Ullah et al vomiting, liver disease, CAD, associated friable red transfusions, 1 [5] 50/M unresponsive state. GERD, cocaine abuse. mucosa Sucralfate Died Gurvits GE DM, HTN, CM, Pleural, Nil-per- et al. [6] Dysphagia, coffee effusions dehydration, Pan-esophageal; gastritis; oral,PPI, 2 62/M ground emesis gastritis, duodenitis duodenitis antibiotics Recovered Gurvits DM, HTN, Dyslipidemia, Nil-per-os GE et al. Melena, weakness, Hepatitis C, Cirrhosis, PPI Blood 3 [6] 83/M malaise SBP, dehydration ascites Distal transfusion Died Gurvits Nil-per-os GE et al. DM, CKD, HTN, PPI [6] Dysphagia, Dyslipidemia PVD, Sucralfate hematemesis, Orthopedic surgery, Pan-esophageal; duodenal Blood Recovered, hematochezia, chest duodenal ulcer, ulcer; esophageal transfusion Esophageal 4 75/M pain esophageal candidiasis candidiasis Fluconazol stricture Gurvits Afib, Sick sinus GE et al. syndrome PPM, OSA, [6] CAD, DM, Dyslipidemia, Epigastric pain, GERD, HTN PE, PNA, Nil-per-os Coffee-ground COPD exacerbation UTI PPI 5 73/M emesis, nausea Gastric ulcers Mid-distal; gastric ulcers Sucralfate Recovered Gurvits GERD, Alcohol abuse, Mid-distal; hiatal hernia; Nil-per-os Recovered, GE et al. Respiratory failure, PNA gastritis; gastric ulcer; PPI Esophageal 6 [6] 57/F Abnormal CT scan alcohol withdrawal duodenal ulcers Sucralfate stricture Gurvits Nil-per-os GE et al. PPI [6] Pan-esophageal; Antibiotics HTN, CKD, Gout, Hernia esophageal ulcer; nodular Blood 7 67/M Melena syncope repair GEJ transfusion Recovered Gurvits Alcohol abuse, Alcohol Nil-per-os GE et al. Hematemesis intoxication, alcoholic PPI 8 [6] 49/M epigastric pain hepatitis Distal Sucralfate Recovered Gurvits CAD, Afib, CHF, HTN, GE et al. Dyslipidemia, PVD, COPD Nil-per-os [6] Weakness, Vomiting, PUD, Dehydration, PNA Mid-distal; hiatal hernia; PPI Blood 9 86/ M melena Sepsis duodenal ulcer transfusion Recovered Kalva NR Circumferential blackening et al. [7] of mid-distal esophagus. Hematemesis and Alcoholism, GERD, Hep- Duodenal ulcerations till Hemofiltrati 10 45/F melena. C with CLD. third segment on, Surgery Died 11 Kalva NR 66/F Nausea, coffee DM-2, CAD with CABG, Scattered ulcerations of Insulin Recovered et al. [7] infusion and fluids for DKA and the proximal esophagus high dose ground emesis, and with circumferential PPI for upper retrosternal and essential HTN, and blackening of mid-distal gastrointesti epigastric pain. hyperlipidemia. esophagus. nal bleed. Inayat F lethargy obtundation. Diffuse, circumferential, et al [8] hypotension, black-appearing, friable Antibiotics, tachycardia hypoxia mucosa in the distal third PPI,TPN 12 52/F hematemesis. DM-1. of esophagus. NPO. Recovered Shafa S Amputation, et al [9] an Black necrotic mucosa orogastric circumferentially tube. Post- Lower extremity throughout the entire operatively, necrotizing fasciitis esophagus. Additionally, the patient with hypotension, there was disruption of remained fever, leukocytosis, right wall of the hypotensive and AKI requiring esophagus allowing entry and hypoxic emergent into the right pleural despite 13 62/M amputation. Poorly controlled DM. space. intubation. Died Shafa S Diffuse esophageal et al [9] necrosis as well as a small Injected with Acute onset of chest segment of denuded epinephrine, pain, nausea and HF, COPD, and alcohol mucosa that was actively TPN and 14 63/M hematemesis. abuse. oozing blood. clear liquid. Recovered Shafa S Left groin infection, Esophageal necrosis from Managed et al [9] surgery for femoral Severe PAD, bilateral the cricopharyngeus to conservative popliteal graft and BKA and left femoral- the gastroesophageal ly with NPO, 15 72/M melena. popliteal bypass graft. junction. IV PPI. Recovered Shafa S Insulin dependent DM Circumferential necrosis Gastrostomy et al [9] DKA, melena, acute and HTN. Alcoholic, throughout the esophagus tube and anemia, and cocaine, and cannabis and a mid-esophageal supportive Recovered, 16 25/M dysphagia. user. stricture 5 cm in length. therapy. Strictures Shafa S Hematemesis and ICU and et al [9] acute anemia Pan-esophageal necrosis maximal requiring transfusion HTN, stroke, gallstones, with circumferential medical 17 64/M and IVF. and alcohol abuse. involvement distally. support. Died Shafa S Due to et al [9] overwhelmin g infection and progressive Fevers, chills, MOF, his weakness, and family syncope that was decided to attributable to Necrosis in the distal third withdraw 18 49/M endocarditis. Asthma and HTN of his esophagus care. Died 19 Galtés I 54/M Unconscious, Alcoholism, multiple The autopsy confirmed the The patient Died et al [10] hyperglycaemia (550 drug addictions and DM- presence of acute bilateral died 24 mg/dL) with ketone bronchopneumonia, hours post chronic pancreatitis, bodies in the urine, severe hepatic steatosis. septic shock, severe At the oesophagus, AEN admission respiratory failure. 1. was evident. due to MOF. Rigolon R NPO, IV PPI et al [11] and albumin infusion Circumferential necrosis of (TPN for the middle and distal approximate portions of the esophagus ly 15 d). Dysphagia, vomiting, with an abrupt transition Then semi- polyuria, polydipsia at the gastroesophageal liquid diet Recovered, 20 50/M and low-grade fever. DM-2 and HTN. junction. was started. Strictures Iorio N et Necrotic-appearing pan- al [12] esophagitis in the upper third and lower third of esophagus, severely Managed Abdominal pain, ulcerated, necrotic conservative diarrhea, nausea, and kidney transplant, DM-2, duodenitis in the second ly with IVF 21 63/F vomiting. HSP and PAD. portion of duodenum. and IV PPI. Recovered Salem GA Hematemesis and 22 et al [13] 62/F severe hypothermia Alcoholic cirrhosis. Abu-Zaid NPO, IVF, A et al Circumferential black analgesia, [14] Medical and surgical pigmentation, fragile TPN, IV PPI history were notable for esophageal necrotic and pancreatic vasoactive mucosa, and multiple ranitidine. 2 Severe epigastric intestinal peptide- superficial ulcerations in units of pain, coffee-ground producing tumor; the middle and lower packed red 23 40/M emesis, and fatigue. resected 18 months ago. thirds of esophagus. blood cells. Recovered Tse A et Surgical al [15] intervention PMH included alcohol for abuse, epilepsy and esophagecto GERD leading to stricture my and formation and two A gastrografin swallow anastomosis Severe hemodynamic biodegradable stent confirmed an esophageal . A feeding Recovered, 24 58/M shock. insertions for that. perforation. jejunostomy. Strictures Talebi- Hematemesis, Bakhshay abdominal pain, DKA and esh M et nausea, vomiting, appropriate al [16] fatigue and Black esophagus with the treatment 25 34/M disorientation. Insulin dependent DM. proximal third spared. was started. Lin MC et Diffuse black pigmentation al [17] with extensive ulcerative Hypertensive mucosa in the mid-to- cardiovascular disease, distal esophagus as well Oral DM with CRF, AF, sick as sharp demarcation at sucralfate Melena and sinus syndrome and the gastroesophageal (GE) and PPI for 2 26 70/M hematemesis. prostatic CA. junction. weeks. Recovered 27 Tsao C et 73/M coffee ground emesis. HTN,COPD and a 57- At the time of autopsy, the He was Died al [18] pack-year smoking and decedent was described pronounced as cachectic and diffuse dead shortly Alcohol abuse. blackening of esophagus. after arrival. Zacharia Managed GS et al with IVF, PN, [19] parenteral PPI, Nausea, hematemesis antiemetics and retrosternal chest and 28 62/F discomfort. DM and HTN. Black distal esophagus. sucralfate. Recovered Worrell Managed SG et al conservative [20] ly with antibiotics, Melena and Black mucosa but no NG tube, 29 84/M hematemesis. cirrhosis evidence of perforation. and NPO. Recovered Worrell SG et al Nausea, chest pain, Black mucosa in the distal 30 [20] 84/M and hematemesis. DM and HTN esophagus. NPO, TPN. Recovered Worrell Emergent SG et al surgery and [20] an esophagecto my with cervical diversion Hematemesis and Black esophagus with was 31 77/M diarrhea. Cirrhosis and DM distal perforation. performed. Died Nikolić S The autopsy showed the et al [21] acute necrotizing esophagitis and the acute gastric and duodenal 32 76/M HTN and DM. erosions of mucosa. Died Abed J et Continuous ulcerated and al [22] darkened necrotic esophageal mucosa from 20 cm beyond the incisors Managed Diffuse abdominal to the gastroesophageal conservative 33 80/F pain with melena. UC and GERD. junction. ly with TPN. Recovered Hermet A Hematemesis and IV PPI, TPN, et al [23] epigastric pain one and red day after the surgical blood cell 34 72/M intervention. CAD, PAD, DM and HTN. Necrosis of the esophagus. transfusion. Recovered Groenvel Stenting d RL et al was [24] considered, but due to friable Severe dyspnea due mucosa and to left sided tension perforation pneumothorax and Hemicolectomy for CA Perforated black an Recovered, 35 68/F chest tube insertion. colon and chemotherapy. esophagus. intrathoracic Strictures flushing- system was placed through VATS. Lahbabi The upper third of the M et al esophagus was [25] circumferentially congestive but the mid to lower third showed DM, HTN and amputation circumferential black Septic shock, of right leg for diabetic pigmentation associated TPN and IV 36 60/M hematemesis. arteriopathy. with diffuse bleeding. PPI. Died Hejna P Toxicology analysis et al [26] revealed a fatal blood Patient died level of antipsychotics due to Found dead on the
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