E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 No. 8 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Friday, January 15, 2021, at 10 a.m. House of Representatives WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021 The House met at 9 a.m. and was We have taken our obligations freely, tempore (Mr. BROWN) at 9 o’clock and called to order by the Speaker pro tem- but we remain beholden to Your guid- 16 minutes a.m. pore (Mr. BROWN). ance. Hold us, then, accountable to f f Your powerful Word. In the strength of Your holy name, PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER we pray. OF H. RES. 24, IMPEACHING DON- PRO TEMPORE Amen. ALD JOHN TRUMP, PRESIDENT The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- f OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR fore the House the following commu- HIGH CRIMES AND MIS- THE JOURNAL nication from the Speaker: DEMEANORS WASHINGTON, DC, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, by di- January 13, 2021. ant to section 5(a)(1)(A) of House Reso- rection of the Committee on Rules, I I hereby appoint the Honorable ANTHONY lution 8, the Journal of the last day’s call up House Resolution 41 and ask for G. BROWN to act as Speaker pro tempore on proceedings is approved. its immediate consideration. this day. f The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- NANCY PELOSI, Speaker of the House of Representatives. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE lows: H. RES. 41 f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- PRAYER lution it shall be in order without interven- MCGOVERN) come forward and lead the tion of any point of order to consider in the The Chaplain, Reverend Margaret House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Grun Kibben, offered the following House the resolution (H. Res. 24) impeaching Mr. MCGOVERN led the Pledge of Al- Donald John Trump, President of the United prayer: legiance as follows: States, for high crimes and misdemeanors. God, our judge, nothing is hidden I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The previous question shall be considered as from Your sight. Thus, we stand before United States of America, and to the Repub- ordered on the resolution and on any amend- You to give account for our role in to- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ment thereto to adoption without inter- day’s momentous decisions. In our indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. vening motion or demand for division of the deepest desire to carry out our respon- f question except two hours of debate equally sibilities to govern, protect, and pre- divided and controlled by the chair and rank- RECESS serve this Nation, while yet unsettled ing minority member of the Committee on the Judiciary or their respective designees. by the events of this past week, we find The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair SEC. 2. Until completion of proceedings en- ourselves seizing the scales of justice abled by the first section of this resolution— from the jaws of mobocracy. declares the House in recess for a pe- (a) the Chair may decline to entertain any Almighty God, wield Your sword and riod of less than 15 minutes. intervening motion, resolution, question, or penetrate the confusion and discontent Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 2 min- notice; and of our country. Lay bare our attitudes utes a.m.), the House stood in recess. (b) the Chair may decline to entertain the of vengeance that You would show us f question of consideration. how to serve as instruments of Your SEC. 3. Upon adoption of House Resolution b 0916 24— pure judgment and peace. Divide our AFTER RECESS (a) House Resolution 40 is hereby adopted; rhetoric from the light of Your truth. and Judge our partisan thoughts and con- The recess having expired, the House (b) no other resolution incidental to im- vict us to attend to the common good. was called to order by the Speaker pro peachment relating to House Resolution 24 b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H151 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:41 Jan 14, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JA7.000 H13JAPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H152 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 13, 2021 shall be privileged during the remainder of election was an egregious assault on Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress. democracy. self such time as I may consume. SEC. 4. Section 5 of House Resolution 8, He said Vice President PENCE ‘‘was Mr. Speaker, before I begin my for- agreed to January 4, 2021, is amended by going to have to come through for us.’’ mal remarks, I want to ask for God’s striking ‘‘January 28’’ each place that it ap- blessing and protection on you; on my pears and inserting ‘‘February 11’’. Trump then told this mob to ‘‘walk down to the Capitol.’’ friend, Mr. MCGOVERN; for all who The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- The signal was unmistakable: These come to this Chamber today to speak tleman from Massachusetts is recog- thugs should stage a coup so Donald and to vote; for our wonderful staff nized for 1 hour. Trump can hang on to power. The peo- that make this possible; and most espe- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, for ple’s will be damned. cially for the men and women of the the purpose of debate only, I yield the This beacon of democracy became Capitol Police and the other affiliated customary 30 minutes to the distin- the site of a vicious attack. Rioters law enforcement agencies that are here guished gentleman from Oklahoma chanted, ‘‘Hang Mike Pence,’’ as noose to protect everybody and to make sure (Mr. COLE), pending which I yield my- and gallows were built a stone’s throw that this proceeding can go forward. self such time as I may consume. Dur- from the Capitol steps. Capitol police With that, Mr. Speaker, I want to ing consideration of this resolution, all officers were beaten and sprayed with thank the gentleman from Massachu- time yielded is for the purpose of de- pepper spray. Attackers hunted down setts, my very good friend, the distin- bate only. lawmakers to hold them hostage or guished chairman of the Rules Com- GENERAL LEAVE worse. Staff barricaded doors. People mittee, Mr. MCGOVERN, for yielding me Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I ask sent text messages to their families to the customary 30 minutes. unanimous consent that all Members tell them they loved them. They Mr. Speaker, today is a sad day for be given 5 legislative days to revise and thought they were saying good-bye, all of us, for me personally, for the extend their remarks. Mr. Speaker. Rules Committee, for the entire House The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there This was not a protest. This was an of Representatives, and most certainly objection to the request of the gen- insurrection. This was a well-organized for the American people. tleman from Massachusetts? attack on our country that was incited For the second time in 13 months, we There was no objection. by Donald Trump. are meeting to discuss the impeach- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, yes- Domestic terrorists broke into the ment of the President of the United terday, the Rules Committee met and United States Capitol that day and it States. Our meeting today does not reported a closed rule, House Resolu- is a miracle more people didn’t die. As arise in a vacuum and comes at what I tion 41, providing for consideration of my colleagues and I were being evacu- hope and pray is the end of a tumul- H. Res. 24, impeaching Donald John ated to safety, I never ever will forget tuous period for our country. Less than 1 week ago, Congress met Trump, President of the United States, what I saw when I looked into the eyes to certify the results of the 2020 Presi- for high crimes and misdemeanors. of those attackers right in the Speak- dential election. What started out as The rule provides 2 hours of debate er’s lobby there. I saw evil, Mr. Speak- peaceful protests, turned into a riot as equally divided and controlled by the er. Our country came under attack not an untold number of individuals chair and ranking member of the Com- from a foreign nation, but from within. stormed the Capitol Building. Six peo- mittee on the Judiciary. The rule also These were not protesters. These ple died as a result of this mob. It is provides that upon adoption of H. Res. were not patriots. These were traitors. only by the grace of God and the brave 24, H. Res. 40 is hereby adopted. These were domestic terrorists, Mr. acts of the U.S. Capitol Police; the Finally, the rule extends recess in- Speaker, and they were acting under Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police; structions, suspension authority, and the orders of Donald Trump. the FBI; the ATF; and other respond- same-day authority through February Some of my colleagues on the other ing agencies that there was not more 11, 2021.
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