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D. et al., Utilization of electrically reduced neutral red by Actinobacillus succinogenes: physiological functio of neutral red in * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Apr. 19, 2011 Sheet 1 of 4 US 7927,859 B2 Glucose PEP PTSG Pyruvate Glucose-6-P - ATP ADP Fructose 1,6-diF w Glyceraldehyde-3-P --- Dihydroxyacetone-P Succinate P+NAD+ NADH Glycerate-1,3-diP 2NAD- v ADP NADH Co, - ATP ls1. y:-ADP OAA NN -r LDH Lactate PYC Pyruvate NADH NAD PFL Formate Acetyl-CoA - -- Acetyl-P PTA CO 2 --" ALDH ACK ADP ADH 2NADH ATP H2 2NAD Acetate Ethanol FIG. I. U.S. Patent Apr. 19, 2011 Sheet 2 of 4 US 7927,859 B2 Succinate Yield O 100 Fomate Conc. (mM) SBS110 (pDHC30+pHL413) is SBS110 (pASF2+pHL413) B C D Lactate Yield Acetate Yield as2 1.0 m -os----------------...s.n.m.- : 10 a.m...a...a.................... a2 0.25 0.8 is 0.20 -- S 0.6 a 0.15 3 3 g 0.4 3 0.10 02 0.05 g D 0.0 000 O 10 Fomate Conc. (mM) Formate Conc (mM) Formate Conc. (mM) SBS11 O(pDHC30-pHL413) SBS11 OcpASF2-phLA13) FIG 2 U.S. Patent Apr. 19, 2011 Sheet 3 of 4 US 7927,859 B2 Ghucose Consumed 40 120 100 Formate Acetate 11 ESBS110MG(pTRC99A) SBS110MG(pHLA 13) OSBS220MG(pHLA 13) Succinate Formate Acetate FIG. 3 U.S. Patent Apr. 19, 2011 Sheet 4 of 4 US 7927,859 B2 A B Ghucose Consumed 140 140 a loo120 S.gol 120 E 80 2 80 - - 60 9 60 2 40 5 40 Od 20 O 20 0 O 48 96 168 48 96 168 C 100 to 80 e a 60 5 40 2 3 20 O O 48 96 168 Time (hrs) Time (hrs) E OSBS110MG(pHLA 13) an SBS880MGK(pHLA 13) s .32 > Time (hrs) FIG.
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