the balmain THe Peninsula □ □ □ association Incorporated iiiiiiiii news sheet Vd35Nol Issue 263 Founded November 1965 February 2000 Conservation Crisis Ferry Wharf Closure L o y a l t y S q u a r e Peninsula is under threat from Imost 100 local residents gath A fantastic community response to ^ the development of existing single ered at Yurulbin Point to discuss the "Save Our Memorial" fund has made possible the restoration of dwelling sites. Until the Minister for the abrupt closure of the wharf due to damage and deterioration of the the Loyalty Square monument. The Planning, Mr Refshauge, approves fund was established by the Balmain- the Draft Town Plan, Council Is rela structure. Sandra Nori, MP, Mayor Rozelle RSL Sub-branch and The Vil tively powerless. We are concerned Maire Sheehan and ward councillors, that DCP 20 on Single Cottages Is not Jamie Parker and Paddy McGuinness lage Voice. operating as effectively as we had attended. Sydney Ferries deny any re A temporary construction fence has hoped. sponsibility for the repair claiming the appeared around the monument to fa Leichhardt Council is accountable. cilitate the remedial work. It is antici Recent sales of old houses are causes for concern. Residents are at a loss to Elliott Street Wharf is also out of ac pated that the work will be completed in tion after being rammed by a ferry. 4-6 weeks. explain why someone would spend up to $600 000 on an old house and then Residents are concemed by the can Further information can be obtained pull it down for redevelopment. Precinct cellation of services and Cove Street by contacting Vlnce Caccavo on 9367 2 recently carried a motion "That Wharf has been suggested as a possi 9007. Leichhardt Council draft, in plain Eng ble stopgap measure. lish, an attachment to Section 149 Cer Quotes for repairs have been ob tificate warning of Council's policy to tained ranging from $30 000 to $150 Balmain Cemetery 000. Sandra Nori is negotiating with the protect heritage houses from unsympa Tmagine the quandary of the family thetic development" Minister for Transport, Mr Skully, to ob -'-historian who, u^en obtaining a New candidates for demolition are tain funds. There is some doubt of an death certificate of an ancestor, dwellings atSl Louisa Road, a 1902 two agreement in the past between the would find under Place of Internment storey brick terrace, 37 Palmer Street a Council and Sydney Ferries to finance - the Balmain Cemetery. Where was the repairs to wharves.. single timber cottage cl880, and 14 this cemetery that accepted 10 608 Clifton Street, a sandstone dwelling The next meeting is at 5pm on Satur b u r i a l s f r o m 1 8 6 8 u n t i l i t s c l o s u r e i n cl845. day 5 February. 1912? it is regret that the historian is told the Wharf, cnr St Georges Terrace and Park sorry tale of neglect and vandalism of Heritage Festival Avenue. A 3 hour tour of the Naval His the headstones when. In 1941, the area Tn ^ril each year, the National Trust torical Collection. Buildings on the Is in Norton Street, Leichhardt became ^of Australia hosts the Heritage Fes land constructed to provide storage the Pioneer Memorial Park. tival to stress the importance of the facilities for explosives are dated from The Balmain Cemetery, Grave Con past and the need to conserve Austra 1865-1902. Cost $12. Cone. $10. In cerns Is an A4 size, fifty page account of lian heritage. Its 20'" year is devoted cluded morning tea. Numbers limited. locating sixteen memorials and finding to Our Sporting Heritage. This year Bookings 9555 7293. others and photographs of demolished will be the bicentenary of the Balmain Old Balmain Walk. Saturday 8 April. memorials. Price $10. The book is also land grant. Guided walking tours, an available with a set of six microfiche of Island visit, Wiotographic Exhibition Depart 1.30pm Watch House. Dr William Balmain received a land the Balmain Cemetery Burial Register and a book launch at the Watch for $35. Postage $2. House, are some of the events. grant in April 1800. The first land sales were in 1836 and much of Old Balmain Available from the Balmain Associa Saturday 1 &8 April. llam-4pm En 1840s sandstone buildings will be seen tion PO Box 57 Balmain 2041. try Free. Watch House. Photographic on this guided walk. Cost $12. Conces Te l / F a x 9 8 1 8 4 9 5 4 . Exihibltion of Old Balmain and sporting sion $10. Bookings 9818 4954. personalities. Balmain Bi-centenary Book Launch Sports Walk. Saturday 1 April. Depart at the Watch House at 6.30pm. Watch House Visitor 1.30pm Balmain Post Office. A 2 hour Peter Reynolds* John Balmain 1810- Margaret Collett, one of five children guided walk will visit the venues of row 1884. A Presbyterian Schoolteacher born at the Watch House to Eliza and ing, swimming, sailing, tennis, cricket and Goidseeker In Balmain, California Sergeant Ira Gray, paid an enjoyable and football, Including the archive room visit to her former home in January with at the Dawn Fraser Pool. Cost $12. and Goondiwindi. This book has par Cone. $10. Bookings 9818 4954. ticular reference to the Protestant Or 10 of her extended family. The Grays phan School at Parramatta and schools had 14 children, two died in infancy and Spectacle Island Tour. Wednesday 5 at Old Junee, Peel and Boggabilla. All one in adulthood. Margaret was 8 years Aprii.Depart 9.45am sharp for boat Welcome-RSVP 9810 5185. old when her father died. The family was pick-up at Drummoyne Sailing Club relocated to Heme Bay. used ap (son of) which over the years and 'atte' which persists in the modem Searching the origin tended to become blended with the sur name Attwell. This section accounts for o f B a i m a i n ' s n a m e name, thus ap Rhys became Price. The some forty-three percent of all sur " 11 ^he origin of words, Including the Irish used Mac (son of) and O as in names and of these about a quarter are ^ names of places and people, hold O'Brien, was grandson of Brian. The village names. a certain fascination for many people Scots had Mc and the English method A student of English surnames would and in such words It is often possible was to add a suffix's' or -son as in John say that Balmain was classed as a nick to find something that may tell us, if son and Roberts. name and arose from a person's physi only in general terms, at least a little Office and Occupation—perpetuated cal characteristic. Throughout the ages of how and when they came Into use. through such names as Bailey, Bow there has been a tendency for hands, man, Spicer and Smith. Many surnames that have come legs and feet to attract comment: Qood down to us from the past, were derived Nicknames—Eric the Bald, Ralphe hand, Blanchmains and Littlehand are from words In ordinary, everyday use the Fat, Edlfu Thief, Alwyn the Rat, were examples. Bellemain, the 'main' corre and may reflect, through their mean bestowed freely at a time when people's sponding to the Saxon 'hand', refers to attractive hands as opposed to Males- ings, the nature of life, perhaps as far relationships and expectations were back as the Middle Ages. somewhat different from those of today. maynes—evil or deformed hands. One of the difficulties encountered in With regard to Balmain, the Sydney s u b u r b n a m e d f o r D r W i l l i a m B a l m a i n looking at the origin of names is that al **Piames, once they are in who was not English but a Scot born in ternative derivations may be offered by common use, quickly become scholars working in the field and it does, Rhynd, a small village close to mere sounds, their etymology Perthshire. As a Scottish name, Balmain of course, sometimes happen that a name is derived from a number of sepa being buried, like so many of f a l l s i n t o W i l l i a m C a m d e n ' s L o c a t i o n section, being of local or territorial origin rate sources. earth's marvels, beneath the from the lands of Balmain in the parish Sumames became necessary for pur dust of habit." of Fettercain, Kincardineshire. pose of identification due to an increase Salmon Rushdie, Fettercaln is an historic and pictur in population and were formed in the The Sataniu Verses, Ayesha 13th and 14th centuries and by the early esque village, 18km north west of Mon trose and with a number of associations 16th century virtually the whole popula including local families as the Ramsays, tion of England, even in rural areas, pos Location—this is the largest group Middletons and Gladstones. There were sessed hereditary sumames. and is interesting both philologically and 114 farms, crofts and homesteads In A late 16^ century antiquary William topographically. Those who lived close the parish at one time. Close by is Scot Camden, had quite a lot to say about to such natural features acquired single land's second oldest distillery producing surnames in his Remaines Concerning element names such as Hill, Wood, a delectable 10 years single malt whisky, Britaine.
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