What makes Günzburg County so unique? STAY A WHILEWas macht den Landkreis Günzburg so einzigartig? BROCHURE 3 of 5 Contact Contact What makes Günzburg County so appealing? Landratsamt Günzburg Regionalmarketing Günzburg GbR Wirtschaftsförderstelle An der Kapuzinermauer 1 An der Kapuzinermauer 1 D-89312 Günzburg D-89312 Günzburg Tel. +49 (0) 82 21 / 95-140 Tel. +49 (0) 82 21 / 95-154 Fax +49 (0) 82 21 / 95-145 Why is it worth it to pack your bags Fax +49 (0) 82 21 / 95-440 [email protected] and visit Günzburg County? [email protected] www.regionalmarketing-guenzburg.de www.landkreis-guenzburg.de About this puplication What makes Günzburg County so unique? Publisher: Landratsamt Günzburg and Regionalmarketing Günzburg GbR Design: vogeleundthomas Werbeagentur Why does Günzburg County enjoy such a high quality of life? Picture credits: - Pictures 6, 8, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 30 and 32: Landratsamt Günzburg (Georg Drexel) - Pictures 2, 4, 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 25-29, 31, 33 and 34: vogeleundthomas - Picture 1: www.photocase.de (micjan) - Picture 3: www.photocase.de (Boris Schrage, whoiscocoon) - Pictures 5 and 21: www.photocase.de (momosu) Why are so many people so enthusiastic about - Picture 7: www.photocase.de (lalax) Günzburg County? - Picture 12: www.photocase.de (kesmen) - Picture 14: www.photocase.de (beddie) - Pictures 9 and 10: MEV I. What advantages will you find in Günzburg County? > A powerful area of Bavaria 4 > Stability meets dynamism 4 > What excites both – entrepreneurs and companies 5 This brochure will tell you about the clusters, STAY A WHILE // networks, and synergies that make Günzburg II. What makes Günzburg County so unique? County ideal for living and doing business. > Food Town Günzburg 8 > LEGOLAND® Germany and the regional economy 9 > Ökoprofit (Ecoprofit) 12 > Invention and production of board games 13 > Swabian Commercial Vehicle Cluster 14 STAY A III. WhereWHILE should I locate my business? > Quality of life and economic strength 16 > Attractive business locations 17 > Burgau 17 > Günzburg 18 > Ichenhausen 18 > Jettingen-Scheppach 19 > Krumbach 19 > Leipheim 20 > Thannhausen 20 What advantages will you find in Günzburg County? A perfect place for families and kids county’s economy and culture. The diversity of The number of full-time jobs covered by so- Employment Agency District, to which Günz- A powerful area of Bavaria technology companies, skilled tradesmen, in- cial security have developed very dynamical- burg County belongs, but also for the entire dustry, retail and service creates tremendous ly over the last few years in both manufactu- state of Bavaria! As the old saying goes, the “jack of all trades” synergies while offering medium-sized com- ring and the promising service sector. tends to be a master of none. In the past few panies an ideal “economic habitat.” The strong partnership that has developed years, Günzburg County has established a STABILITYIn Swabia as a whole, manufacturing still between politicians and businessmen also strong reputation – both across Bavaria and A number of “hidden champions” have also outpaces other sectors both in terms of va- supports a high employment rate. The em- on the international stage – as an economic settled here and grown into larger compa- lue added and number of employees. But its ployment agency conducts regular training powerhouse and as a place that offers both nies. Those include AL-KO, Wanzl, Küchle, percentage of manufacturing jobs (43 %) is sessions to help applicants meet local busi- young and old a superb quality of life. petra electric, CREATON, Günzburger Steig- nearly identical to Günzburg County’s per- ness needs. For example, the agency offers technik, Hans Lingl, and Molkerei Zott. centage of service-sector jobs (41 %). part-time soldering classes to women along And there is also the carefully chosen claim to with internships at local companies where be the best family and kid-friendly region in they can further refine their skills. Germany. With the opening of LEGOLAND® Stability meets dynamism Tops in employment Germany in May 2002 and the expansion of The secret to Günzburg County’s success high-quality wellness and medical services, Günzburg County’s structural dynamic has What excites both the Günzburg-Krumbach region perfectly Sometimes, politics can work a lot like econo- generated a very high employment rate that entrepreneurs and companies meets the needs of families as well as dis- mics: stability is never just a given – it’s so- is impressive even in the context of Bava- cerning boomers. mething you have to build over a long period ria – an economic powerhouse. As of May A favorable wage structure, an ideal location of time. Today, Günzburg County’s political 2008, the county’s unemployment rate was in the heart of Europe, and a highly qualified The county’s extremely broad range of active and economic arenas are first-rate – and you extremely low at only 2.6 %. This is the best workforce – Günzburg County has much to industries is the second pillar that supports the can see that in almost everything we do. recorded figure not only for the Memmingen offer at many different levels when it comes 4 DYNAMISM5 to making entrepreneurs and companies People make the difference tive efforts. We’ll show you what close, enthusiastic about the Günzburg-Krum- mutual cooperation can accomplish and bach region. When it comes to the county’s success, the why Henry Ford’s words still ring true to- most important factor of all is the commu- day: Our extremely attractive investment incen- nity of people who support our companies, ATTRACTIVEtives include labor costs that are 9 % under and live here with their partners and families. “Coming together is a beginning, staying the Bavarian average, and real estate tax Regional employers give our workforce very together is progress, and working together rates that are significantly lower than in high marks. The people of Günzburg County is success.” neighboring or economically comparable re- have a very good work ethic, show a great deal Henry Ford gions. Rates in Günzburg and Leipheim, for of initiative, and have a tremendous sense of example, are about 320 %; in Burgau, Thann- social responsibility. This adds up to an excel- hausen and Krumbach, just 335 %; and in lent workplace environment and outstanding Gundremmingen, 240 %. level of quality. Given our common goals and economic successes, strikes or lockouts are The bottom line is that the county’s business unheard of. This is precisely why Günzburg tax rates, averaging only 311.32 %, are much County and its environs can point to many lower than in Ulm, Augsburg, Stuttgart or examples of successful networks and part- Munich. Another important consideration nerships among companies with significant for entrepreneurs is that for many years, differences in products and areas of focus. both business tax rates and real estate tax rates have remained very stable, offering a On the following pages, we will tell you high degree of security for planning. much more about our exciting coopera- 6 SUCESSFULLY7 What makes Günzburg County so unique? Food Town Günzburg In 1979, Esca Food Solutions opened a pro- Logistik + Service supplies all of the goods LEGOLAND® Germany – in fact, many medi- Just in time duction plant in Günzburg to make meat pro- to the McDonald’s restaurants in Germany um-size companies from the region are also ducts exclusively for McDonald’s. Then two and Luxembourg. integral to LEGOLAND®’s success. How does the legendary Big Mac make its additional McDonald’s service companies way onto our trays and tables? What about came to Günzburg. In 1993, it was Kamps the McRib? Or, McDonald’s hamburgers and Brot- und Backwaren GmbH. In 1996, WLS LEGOLAND® Germany Gerstlauer Amusement Rides develops and cheeseburgers? In some ways, it’s obvious – GmbH Warenhandel + Logistik + Service arri- Synergy effects for the local economy builds a kid-sized roller coaster. Gerstlauer we get them cooked up fresh by ordering at ved. The three partners joined forces to create Amusement Rides GmbH created a pint-sized a McDonald’s or swinging along the drive- Food Town Günzburg. While a single LEGO® block isn’t likely to fill roller coaster guaranteed to give its young PEOPLEthrough at any of the roughly 350 McDonald’s children and adults with a sense of won- riders a thrilling sense of racing through the in Southern Germany and Luxembourg. But The benefits of the Food Town concept are der, we guarantee that a to-scale, LEGO®- air. The company, headquartered in Mün- the questions remain: What happens before clear. Production and distribution are at the built reproduction of the Allianz Arena in sterhausen in Günzburg County, focuses that? How do the individual ingredients same location, making doing business much Munich will. With more than 30,000 LEGO® not only on strictly adhering to the world’s combine to make a burger? more efficient. Also, goods can be transfer- figures and millions of individual LEGO® toughest safety standards for amusement red directly to the storage freezers of the blocks, the reproduction will not only get rides (DIN 4112, DIN EN 13814 and TÜV-Ba- The answer is simple. Ordering a burger – Food Town-based distributor, WLS. FC Bayern or 1860 fans excited, but im- varia), but on reducing noise levels, using whether you’re in Konstanz or Stuttgart, Mu- press people who don’t even care that kid-friendly G forces, and incorporating cu- nich or Mannheim – means you’re ordering Esca Food Solutions produces beef and pork much about soccer. stomer-specific design elements. something made in Günzburg. Or, to be more products for McDonald’s such as hambur- precise, “Food Town Günzburg.” It’s the point gers and Big Macs.
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