Lt. (Jg), Us:M 10 November 1945

Lt. (Jg), Us:M 10 November 1945

I NTH E I~ITERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIDUNAL TRIAL BRIEF CRDHNALITY 0;;' DAS KORPS DER.. FDLITISCHE' !EITER Dill HATIONAlSOZIAL- ISTISCrlliN DEUTSCHEN k1BEITERPARTEI I (LEADERSHIP CORPS OF THE K\ZI PARTY) FOR ROBERT H. JACKSON UNITED STATES CHIEF OF COUNSEl BY THOYtAS F. W.BERT, .ill, Lt. (jg), us:m 10 November 1945 OFFICE OF U.S. CHIEF OF CourSEL SECTIO~! 6 GEORGE E. SEAY LT. COL., A.C. CHIZF OF SECTION I..BGAL S'.".'lFF T1UAL O::CA:r:r:ZATJO!'T INDEX TOPICAT INDEX Page No. Section of Indictment. .. .. ... xii Count One, IV (H), Sentence 2 .. .. xii Appendix. B••..•••••••• xii legal Ref~rences •••••••.....•.•••• • xiii ChQrter of Intern~tion~l .:ilitQry Tribunal . • • ·. Article 6 (n), (b), & (c) .. ... .. ·. .. xiii J.rticle 9 xiv OP13l.I :G STATEf.'.E 'T . .. 1 1 :,iTj.Ti:L::JJT OF EVIDENCE . .. •• 2 - 72 I. Composition, Functions and Powers of the LCQdership Corps of the Nazi Party · . ·2 12 ~. Definition of the Loadership Corps • 2 B. Hierarchical Organization of the leadership Corps .••.......... 2 - 7 1. Th-.; :r.eichsl(;itl.:r (Reich !GC1.ders) • 2 - 4 2. The GC'uleiter (District I,e<.'.ders) 4 - 5 3. Th(; l~reisleiter (County lenders) •• · ... 5 4. The Ortsgruppenleiter (Local Chapter leaders) ••• 5 - 6 5. The Zellenleiter (Cell ~~~ders) 6 6. Tht; :310c ~leiter (Dlock J.eaders) .. .. 6 - 7 C. The "Hoheitstmger" ("Bearers of :;overeignty") • '1 - 8 D. Org~nization of l~~dership Corps under the ''It;Qdership Principle" 9 - 10 1. Provisions of P~rty !.{anu.:'..l . .. · . 9 2. Oath of ~olitic['J. Leaders to Hitler ·... 9 3. Appointm",nt of PoliticnJ.. LGnders · . 9 E. .....uthority of Hohcitstmg0r ("Bc;r,rl:lrs of Sover­ eignty") in l",n.dership Corps to c<Ql upon Party Formations .•••••...• 10 - 12 F. Statistics Rt;lating to leadership Corps of the Nazi Party .................. 12 TOPICAi', nmEX (CONT'D) Page No. ~.. " II..:Responsibility of the L(;;~dership Corps of ~' the Nazi Party for Participnti on in the ", Conunon Plan or ••••••••••• •• 12 - 27 Rdation of Progrcun of lITClZ i Pn.rt;y e.nd the I. Conspirncy •.•......•...... 12 - 14 B.: Hclc"1.tion of 1I1~o..d0rship Principlo" to Responsibility of I, Corps for the Conspiracy •••••••• . 14 - 15 C. Responsibility of the loadership Corps for . Muasur0s TC'.lwn to hcquire and 2stablish Tot~litari~n Control over G~rmHny .••• 15 D. Domination of th c GerI:lr'l.n st[l,te p.nd Government by the N[l,zi P~rty undor the Direction of the Leadership Corps •• .. 15 - 23 E. Responsibility of the le~dership Corps for l.nti-3emitic Leeislation m d .~eC'.sur~s of the N0.zi Governm~nt .•••••••• 23 - 27 III. Evidunce R.elating to tlb participation of the l~[l,dcrship Corps of th~ Nazi P,-:trty in Eensures [l,nd Activities Designed to Further the Conunon Plc.n or Conspiracy •• .. .. .. 28 - fl2 A. systc::nw.tic Jnplo;ym"mt of '\h e lendership Corps in Furthering the Cornmon Plc.n or Conspiracy •• 28 - 44 B. Rtlsponsibility of tht Le0..dership Corps of thE;; Nc.zi P.:1.rt3T f or Furthering the Conspiracy by Evidence of its Joining in: (1) The Pers~cution of tht Christirn Churches, (2) ThE; Destruction of th e Independent Tr~dE; Unions, ~nd (3) The Plundering and looting of Public mld Private Prop0rty Throueh the 1'.gency of the "Einsntzstnb Rosenberg" ••• 44 - 72 1. Pi\rticipation of the lendership Corps in tho Subversion of the ChFlstian Church' and Persecution of the Cl~rgy •.•• 44 - 58 a. Promotion of Beliofs and Practicos Incompatib16 with Christianity 44 - 48 b. syst0mntic P~rsocution of C10rgy • .. 48 - 51 c. Confisc~tion of Church and ~eligious Property •••.••••.•.•• •• 51 - 54 d. Supprossion of ~eligious Public~tions and Interference with Rvligicus 2duct~.tion •••••.••••• 54 - 58 2. Participation of Leadership Corps in the Destruction of the Independent Trade Unions and the Dnposition of Conspiratorial Control over the German Labor Force •• •• 59 - 66 TOPICAL INDEX (CONTID) a. Participation of Prominent Eembers of the !..eadership Corps in the Destrl1ction of the Independent Unions •••• .' •••.••• J ••• b. Imposition of the "1,eadership ?rinciple" upon the Gennan Industrial System •• •• 63 c. Replacement of th e Independent Unions by the Gennan !-abor Front (DAF), an Affiliated rSDAP Organization ••.• •. 63 - Responsibility of teadership Corps of the r,:azi Party for the Illegal Activities of the "Einsatzstab Rosenberg" in Plundering and Looting Property in Gennan-Occupied Areas •.•...... .. .. 67 _ 72 i a. Form?-tion, Objectives and '?owers of the "Einsatzstab Rosenberg" •• •••• 67 - 68' b. Scope of Activities • 68 c. Cooperating Agencies . ... .. d. Method cf Operation '. .. 71 e. r-:ature, :!.:Xtent and Value of Property Seized •• ~ . 71 - 72 l'.RGUMENT AND CONCLUSION . .. 73 - 75 , DOCUMENTS, CITED IN TRIAL BRIEF ON CRIMINAII1Y OF DAS KORPS DER P01ITISCHE~; .LEITI+R DER NATIONAISOZIALISTISCHEN DEUTSCHEN ARBEITER-= PARTEI. (I,EADERSHIP a:mps CF THE NAZI ~ARTY) I. NUlmRICAL I,lST Doc. No. Page No. Description of Docu~ent 1. D-75 45 SD Inspe cto r Bierkamp' s letter to HSHA enclosing copy of secret decree signed by Bonnann condemning Christian Churches - 12 December 1941. 2. 1-172 30 Lecture by Chief of Gene ral st'aff of Armed Forces, 7 November 1943, to ~eich and Gauleit er, l~unich. 3. 1-179 39 Copy of letter from ~HA to police officials, 5 November 1942. 4. L-221 44 ' Copy of menorandum by ;1eichsl.eiter Bor­ mann of meetir.g called by Hitler, 16 July 1941, attended by Rosenberg, Lammers, Keitel, and Goering. 5. 004-PS Report on the Political Preparation of the Norw~ Action, dated 15 June 1940, Be rlin, subrnit t ed by :los enbe rg to the Deputy of the Fuehrer. 6. 057-Ps '31 Circular letter from Bormann to Political Leaders, dated 30 Hay 1944. 7. 064':'PS 55 Bormann l s letter to Rosenberg dated 27 September 1940, enelosing letter from C..c,uleiter F1Qrian criticizing churches and publications for soldiers. 8. 070-PS 45 Bormann's office re ports by letter to Rosenberg progressive cancellation of morning prayers in school and substitu­ tion of NS mottos, etc. 25 ,\priJ. 1941. 9. 071-PS 70 Copy of :tos enberg letter to Bormann, 18 June 1940. 10. 072-PS 52 Letter from Bormann to ~os enbe rg re seizure of archives of churches and monasteries dated 10 April 1941. 11. 089-PS 56 !..etter from Bormann to' Ylosenberg, dated 8 March 1940, instructing I.mann n'ot' to issue further nev:sprint to cOJ:1.fessional newspapers. 12. 090-PS 70,72 Letter Ros enberg to Cchwarz dated 28 January 1941, copy initialled lI,sch. 1I 13. 09B-PS 46 Bormann's letter to 20senberg dated 22 February 1940 urging creation of ns Catechism, etc. to provide moral founda­ tion for NS religi on. 14. 100-PS 47 Bormann's letter to Rosenberg dated 18 January 1940 urging preparation of NS rea1ing material to replace Christian literature for soldiers. , Doc: No. Page No. 15. 101-PS 56 Bormann's letter to Rosenberg re : undeGirability of religious literature in ~:ehnnacht - 17, January' f~46:"" ~"~".~", 16. 107...PS 47 Circular letter to all ~eich and Gau­ leiter dated 17 June re non-parlicipa-..', ,I tion of,~eichsarbeitsdienstin religious celebrations. 17. 116-ps 57 i Bormann IS letter to Ros enberg, enclosing. copy of letter to Rust requesting re­ striction'/ 'Umination of theological facu1ti<.:., /" January 1939. lS. 122-PS Bormann I 5 letter to Ros enberg enclosing copy of Rust's letter on'elimination of theological faculties in various univer­ sities. 17 April 1939. 19. 136-PS 67 Certified copy of Hitler, order, dated 29 January 1940. 20. 137-PS 69 Certified co py of Kei tel order, dated 5 Ju]y 1940. 21. 141-PS 67,70 Certified copy of Goeri~ order, dated 5 November 1940. 22~ 144-PS 71 Photostatic copy of CcEiring ord~r, ,dated 1 May 1941, Goering I s signa.ture. 23. 145-PS 70 Photostatic copy of order from Ros~.nberg; :," , Ros onberg' s signature, dated 20 I~UghSt ' , . 1941. ,24,. 149-PS 68 Certified copy of Hitler order, dated 1 Harch 1942. 25. 154-PS Photostatic cO,ny of Hitler order, ,dated 5 ,July 1942, J,ammcrs I signature. 26. 315-PS 36 t!otc of a meeti~ held in the :lei~h , ::inistry for ;::nJ.ibhtenment an'd propn.ganda, 10 March 1943,.relating to -treatment, of foreign workers employed in th e ~eich ~ .' ~nberg 27. 327-PS 30 Lette::' of R,O""; to ::loi:mann, 17 ' I October 1944, concerning liquidation of property in the 'Eastern Occupied Terri­ tories. 2S. 347-PS 32 Copy of letter, lS A;.n'il 1944, from I"ohse to :le,ich Youth Iceader f..:,·.':-:l.a.nn. 29. 374-P3 42,43 Cl):J j' of teletyp:; message from Heydrich to .3tut'" Polic~ offices, relating to measure s aga:inst Jews. 30. 392-PS 11,60,61, The Social life of NCv-I Germany with Special' 62' Consideration of the German 1.<.1001" Front (B",r'1in, 193(3), ,by Prof. ·,;ilJ.y !,lueller, pp. 51-54. Contains two NSDAP orders by Ley on taking over unions, one dated 21 April 1933, the other dated 24 June 1933~ 'Doc. No. 'Fage No. DeGcription of DCC~!:~~~ 31. 405-PS 61 Law COI"ccrl:ing T~u",t~es of Labor, 1933 RGE1, I, 2135. 3.'2;:. 407-P's 33 VI, lcttui' from Gr~l.lleiter Gauckel to Hitler, dat.ed 15 April 1943.. 33. 630-PS 35 Memorandum of Eitler, 1 ,scnteii,ber 1939, relating to authorization of mercy killings. 34. 654-PS 37 Note of a dis cussion on 18 SC;'lte:nber 1942 with Hinunler relating to "s:1cci.ll treat­ ment"by police in cases where judicial sentenc es are deemed inadeouate.

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