EIR The special reports listed below, prepared by the EIR staff, are now available. 1. What is the Trilateral Commission? the demands being made by the International Mone­ The most complete analysis of the background, ori­ tary Fund for economic "reforms" in Mexico, and why gins, and goals of this much-talked-about organiza­ these demands are being resisted. Much information tion. Demonstrates the role of the Commission in the on Mexico's economic conditions and political fac­ Carter administration's Global 2000 and Global tions is included. $250. Futures reports on mass population reduction; in the Propaganda-2 Freemasonic scandal that collapsed 5. Who Controls Environmentalism? the Italian government in 1981; and in the Federal A history and detailed grid of the environmentalist Reserve's high interest-rate policy. Details the Com­ movement in the United States. Analyzes sources of mission's influence in the Reagan administration. In­ funding, political command structure, and future plans. cludes complete membership list. $100. $50. 2. The Global 2000 Report: Blueprint for Extinction 6. (J.S. Policy Toward Africa A scientific and political refutation of the Carter ad­ A case study of the "new" North-South policy of the ministration's Global 2000 Report. Includes a review of Reagan administration, showing how economic policy the report's contents, demonstrating that upwards of 2 toward Africa is being shaped according to the anti­ billion people will die if its recommendations are technology, zero-growth guidelines of the Carter ad­ followed; a detailed presentation of the organizations ministration's Global 2000 Report. Discusses in detail and individuals responsible for authorship of the the role being played by the AID and World Bank in im­ report; analysis of how the report's "population­ plementing this policy, under directions primarily from control" policies were applied in the Vietnam war and H�nry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and the Ford the destruction of Cambodia, EI Salvador, and Africa; Foundation. Includes profiles of the administration's analysis of environmentalist effort to "re-interpret" the top ten policy-makers for Africa. $250. Bible in line with the report. $100. 7. Kissinger's Drive to Take Over the Reagan Administration 3. The Club of Rome in the Middle East Full analysis of Henry Kissinger's attempt to consolidate A dossier on the role played by the Club of Rome in pro­ control overtheadministration for the Trilateral Commis­ moting "Islamic fundamentalism." Focusing on two or­ sion wing of the Republican Party; and the implications ganizations, the Arab Thought Forum and Islam and for U.S. foreign and domestic policy. Presents profiles of the West, both of which are intimately tied to the Club Kissinger's collaborators inside the administration, in­ of Rome, the report shows how the Club uses "Islamic cluding recent administration appointees. $250. fundamentalism" as a political tool to promote neo­ Malthusian, anti-development ideas throughout the 8. Outlook for (J.S.-Japan Economic Relations Middle East. $250. Detailed analysis of why U.S. .Japan economic frictions are likely to escalate in the coming months unless U.S. 4. Mexico After the Devaluation economic policy is changed. Features a strategic analy­ One of the most-discussed documents circulating in sis of the U.S. .Japan relationship; analysis of the five key Mexico, this report describes in detail the role played areas that friction will increase; evaluation of the by the U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and political intent behind "Hitachi spy case"; and inter­ the Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements in views on U.S.-Japan relations with leading Reagan ad­ organizing a credit cut-off against Mexico. Describes ministration officials. $250. r---------------------------------------------------� I EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW I I I would like to receive these EIR Special Reports: Name,__________________ _ I Order Number(s)'---_____________ Title,_ _______________� I D Bill me for $ D Enclosed is $____ _ Company_________________ , I Pleas� charge to my D VISA Master Charge -I D I Address,________________ Card No.________________ _ I Signature,__________ Exp. 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Christopher White Special Services: Peter Ennis From the Managing Editor INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Africa: Douglas DeGroot Agriculture: Susan Brady Asia: Dalliel Sneider Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg Economics: Dm'id Goldman European Economics: Laurent Murawiec Energy: William Engdahl Europe: Vivian Freyre Zoakos lhero-America: Robyn Quijano, Dennis Small Law: Edward Spannaus Middle East: Thierry Lalevee Military Strategy: Steven Bardwell Science and Technology: Marsha Freeman Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas United States: Graham Lowry INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bogota: Carlos COla Meza Bonn: George GreRory. Rainer Apel his week we make life uncomfortable for many of the individuals Chicago: Paul Greenberg Copenhagen: Leni Thomsen whoT generated political chaos and economic devastation, over the Houston: Harley Schlanger, past decades. Our Special Report features a section of a dossier, Nicholas F. Benton Los Angeles: Theodore Andromidas prepared by our European counterintelligence chief, Paul Goldstein, Mexico City: Josejina Menendez on Fran�ois Genoud, the Swiss banker who runs what the Klaus Milan: Marco Fallini. Stefania Sacchi Monterrey: M. Luisa de Castro Barbie case recently brought to world attention as the still-flourishing New Delhi: Paul ZykofskY Nazi International. Genoud's business connections on the one hand, Paris: Katherine Kanter. Sophie Tanapura and his sponsorship of "Islamic fundamentalist" terrorists like Ahmed Rome: Leonardo Servadio Ben Bella on the other, come together in a cross-section of the drug, Stockholm: Clifford Gaddy weapons, and coup apparatus which will have to be dismantled if United Nations: Peter Ennis Washington, D.C.: Richard Cohen. nation-states are to survive. Laura Chasen. Susan Kokinda In our Economics section, we make life uncomfortable for Sec­ Wiesbaden: Philip Golub. Mary Lalevee. Barbara Spahn retary of State Shultz and others who have wittingly lied that lower Executive Intelligence Review oil prices will rescue the world economy, and who have insisted that (ISSN0273-63J4) ispublishedweekly 150isslles) except/orthesecolld the less-developed countries must obediently accept credit cutoffs week of andfirst week of br Juiv Jalluan New l da International Pre.\s Service and murderous austerity. See our LaRouche-Riemann model study 304 W.So 58thi nrr .�treet. New York. N.Y. /00/9 on the effect of downward oil prices, and our report on this month's In Europe: Exel.:utivt' Intelligence Review Nal:hrichtenagenturGmbH. Postfach 2308. conference of the Group of?? Third World nations, dispatched from Dotzheimer�tta:-.�e 164.62 Wle..,baden. Tel. (06J21144·�O·31 Buenos Aires by correspondents Peter Ennis and Dennis Small. Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich. Michael Liebig In our National section, we raise the question as to why the In Mexico: EIR. francisco �fas Clnarrubias 5.t A-3 CoJonia San Rafael. Mexico Dr. Tel: 542·0424. Democratic Party leadership's arguments against the President's Japansubscriph'on sale.f: beam-weapons programsound so much like those ofYuri Andropov. Research Corporation. Takeuchi Bldg .. OTO.J·34-12 160. Takatanobaba. Shinjuku·Ku.. Tokyo (The answer has to do with old AvereH Harriman.) Tel: (03) 208· 7811 sublcription sales: Coming up are a Special Report on the precarious situation around BrazilInternational Kn wledge Infonnation Sy�tem Imp. o Rua de Freitas 125.04006 Sao Paulo Lt a. the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem, the target of "Temple Afonso d Tel: (all) 289·18.13 Mount" Christian fundamentalists and the crazed factions in Israel, Copyright 19!Q New (0 Solidanty International Press Service and a thoroughgoing overview of the global debt time bomb. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole r o in part without permis.l.inn strictly prohibited. Second-class postage paid at New Yor"'. New York and at additional mailing offices. 3 months-$125. 6 months-$225. year-$396. Single issue-$I 0 I Academic library rate: $245 per year TIrnContents Interviews Economics 41 Samak Sundaravej 4 Debate over debt strategy The head of Thailand's Citizens breaks out in the G-77 Party talks about domestic politics, Documentation: The text of the and ridicules ecologists. call for a unifieddebtors' strategy by the secretary-general of the Latin 44 Demetrio Vergara American Economic System Stanziola (SELA), Carlos Alzarnora. The author of a technologically unique plan for a second Panama 7 Ibero-America receives Canal at sea level explains threats from creditors the proposal. But Mexico is offering support for Ecuador's "debtors' 48 Fernando Manfredo cartel" initiative. The deputy canal commissioner discusses labor questions 9 Why cheaper oil and canal capacity. cannot buy aU.S. economic recovery The LaRouche-Riemann Departments econometric model's
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