
ZANTICJ THE ICONOCLAST ERA (ca 680-850): THE SOURCES B-11RMINGHAM BYZANTINE AND OTTOMAN MONOGRAPHS Volume 7 General Editors Anthony Bryer John Haldon Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modem Greek Studies University of Birmingham BYZANTIUM IN THE ICONOCLAST ERA (ca 680-850): THE SOURCES An annotated survey Leslie Brubaker John Haldon With a section on The Architecture ofIconoclasm: the Buildings by Robert Ousterhout Ashgate Aldershot • Burlington USA • Singapore • Sydney This edition © Leslie Brubaker & John Haldon, 2001 All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission ofthe publisher. The authors have asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the authors ofthis work. Ashgate Publishing Limited Ashgate Publishing Company Gower House, Croft Road 131 Main Street Aldershot, Hants GUll 3HR Burlington VT 05401-5600 England USA Ashgate website: http://www.ashgate.com ISBN 0 7546 0418 7 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication data Brubaker, Leslie Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (ca 680-850): The Sources: An Annotated Survey. - (Binningham Byzantine and Ottoman monographs) I. Byzantine Empire-527-l 081. I. Title. 11. Haldon, John F. Ill. Ousterhout, Robert. IV. University ofBirmingham. Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies. 949.5'02 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data The Library ofCongress control number is pre-assigned as: 00-111834 Typeset in Times by N2productions and printed on acid-free paper. Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs Volume 7 Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall Contents Acknowledgements Abbreviations andFrequently Cited Works Illustrations Introduction PART I MATERIAL CULTURE The Architecture of Iconoclasm 3 Buildings Mosaics and Frescoes Beyond the Empire: The Christian Monuments of Syria and Palestine 2 Manuscripts 37 Dated Greek Manuscripts, 700-850 Undated Greek Manuscripts with Decoration Documentary Evidence: Polemical Pamphlets? 3 Icons 55 The Evidence from Mount Sinai The Icons Icons of Questionable Association with Iconoclasm The Evidence from Texts Conclusions 4 Sculpture (Non-Architectural) 75 Sculpture in the Round: Textual Evidence Ivories 5 Textiles 80 Introduction Silks Known from Written Evidence Preserved Representational Byzantine Silks Conclusions 6 Metalwork 109 7 Coins and Numismatics 116 Coins and the Economy Coins: The Material Evidence Vi CONTENTS 8 Sigillography 129 Seals and their Value Seals: The Material Evidence 9 Epigraphy 141 10 Archaeology 146 11Historical Geography 159 PART II THE WRITTEN SOURCES 12 Historiography and Chronography 165 Introduction Byzantine Texts Historical and Chronicle Literature in Other Languages 13 Hagiography and Related Writing 199 Hagiography: Sources and Genre Individual Lives 14 Acts of Ecclesiastical Councils 233 15 Theological and Polemical Writings: Letters, Treatises, Homiletic Literature, Hymnography 243 Individual Texts and Authors Other Individual Writers Anonymous Works Anti-Jewish and Anti-Heretical Writings Apocalyptic Writing 16 Letters 276 17 Legal Texts and Literature 286 18 Records, Official and Unofficial Documents, Works of Reference 294 State Documents Military Treatises Notitiae Episcopatuum Itineraries and `Geographical' Literature Lexicographical and Bibliographical Literature 19 Non-Liturgical Verse and Epigrammatic Literature 305 Index 309 Acknowledgements Many colleagues have helped us, directly or indirectly, in thewriting of this volume, but we should particularly like to thank David Buckton,Averil Cameron, Kathleen Corrigan, Mary Cunningham, Anthony Cutler, Archie Dunn, Mary Frame, Mary Harlow, David Jacoby, Hugh Kennedy, Nancy Patterson Sevicenko,Brigitte Pitarakis and Chris Wickham, for advice and guidance in those areas touching on their own specialist knowledge and expertise. Leslie Brubaker would, inaddition, like to thank the Getty Foundation, for a Senior Research Fellowship whenmuch of this material was first collected; Yitzhak Hen, for hospitality in Jerusalem andfor help in obtaining publications on sites in the Middle East that are notwidely available in the United Kingdom; Graham Norrie, for his help with the photographs; and Susan Young, for facilitating travel on Naxos. Finally, she would like tothank her mother for helping her understand the intricacies of weaving. Last, but by no means least, the authors would also like to thank John Smedleyand Ruth Peters, our editors at Variorum-Ashgate, for their support and encouragement. Abbreviations and FrequentlyCited Works Since the present volume represents a bibliography in itself, full referencesto all sources and relevant secondary literature are given in the text and notes. This bibliography presents abbreviations and the most commonly cited works only. AB Analecta Bollandiana (Brussels 1882ff.) ACO Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum ADAJ Annual of the Department ofAntiquities of Jordan Alexander, P. Alexander, The Patriarch Nicephorus of Constan- Nicephorus tinople. Ecclesiastical Policy and Image Worship in the Byzantine Empire (Oxford 1958) Anrich, Hagios G. Anrich, Hagios Nikolaos: der heilige Nikolaos in der Nikolaos griechischen Kirche, 2 vols (Leipzig-Berlin 1913, 1917) AS Acta Sanctorum (Antwerp 1643ff.) Auzepy, `L'analyse M.-F.Auzepy,`L'analyselitteraireet1'historien: litteraire' 1'exemple des vies de saints iconoclastes', BS 53 (1992) 57-67 B Byzantion (Brussels 1924ff.) Baumstark, A. Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur mit Geschichte Ausschluss der christlich palastinensischen Texte (Bonn 1922/Berlin 1968) BBA Berliner byzantinistische Arbeiten (Berlin 1955ff.) BBS Berliner byzantinistische Studien (Berlin 1994ff.) BCH Bulletin de correspondance hellenique (Paris 1877ff.) Beck, Kirche H.-G. Beck, Kirche and theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich (Handbuch der Alterturnswissen- schaft xii, 2.1 = Byzantinisches Handbuch 2.1. Munich 1959) ABBREVIATIONS ix Beck, Volksliteratur H.-G. Beck, Geschichte der byzantinischen Volksliteratur (Handbuch d. Altertumswiss. xii, 2.3 = Byzantinisches Handbuch 2, 3. Munich 1971) BBOM Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs BF Byzantinische Forschungen (Amsterdam 1966ff.) BGA M.-J. De Goeje, ed. 1870ff./ 1938ff. (R. Blachere,ed.). Bibliotheca Geographorum Araborum. Leiden BHG F. Halkin, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca(Subsidia hagiographica 8a. 3rd edn Brussels 1957) BHG, Auct. F.Halkin, Novum Auctarium Bibliothecae Hagio- graphicae Graecae (Subsidia hagiographica 65. Brussels 1959) BMGS Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies (Oxford1975-83 Birmingham 1984ff.) Brandes and W. Brandes and F. Winkelmann, eds, Quellen zur Winkelmann Geschichte des friihen Byzanz (4.-9.Jahrhundert). Bestand undprobleme (BBA 55. Berlin 1990) Brubaker, ed., L. Brubaker, ed., Byzantium in the ninth century:Dead or Byzantium in the alive? Papers from the Thirtieth Spring Symposiumof ninth century Byzantine Studies (Society for the Promotion ofByzantine Studies 5. Aldershot 1998) Brubaker, Vision and L.Brubaker,Vision and meaning inninth-century meaning Byzantium. Image as exegesis in the Homilies ofGregory of Nazianzus (Cambridge Studies in Palaeographyand Codicology 6. Cambridge 1999) Bryer and Herrin, eds, A.A.M. Bryer and J. Herrin, eds, Iconoclasm:Papers Iconoclasm given at the Ninth Spring Symposium of ByzantineStudies (University of Birmingham, March 1975. Birmingham 1977) BS Byzantinoslavica (Prague 1929ff.) Byzance Byzance. L'art byzantin dans les collectionspubliques francaises (Paris 1992) BZ ByzantinischeZeitschrift(Leipzig-Munich-Cologne 1892ff.) Cedrenus 1. Bekker, ed., Cedrenus, Compendium historiarum,2 vols (CSHB, Bonn 1838-39) x ABBREVIATIONS CJC Corpus Juris Civilis,I:Institutiones, ed.P. Kriiger; Digesta, ed. Th. Mommsen; II: Codex Justinianus, ed. P. Kriiger; III: Novellae, ed. R. Scholl and W. Kroll (Berlin, 1892-95, repr. 1945-63) Const. Porph., Three ConstantinePorphyrogenitus,ThreeTreatiseson treatises imperial military expeditions, ed., trans., andcomm. IF. Haldon (CFHB 28. Vienna 1990) Cormack and R. Cormack and E.J.W. Hawkins, `The mosaics of St Hawkins, `Mosaics' Sophia at Istanbul: the rooms above the southwest vestibule and ramp', DOP 31 (1977) 177-251 Costa-Louillet, `Saints G. Da Costa-Louillet, `Saints de Constantinopleaux de Constantinople', VIIIe, IXe et Xe siecles',i, B 24 (1954) 179-263, i, ii 453-5 11; ii, B 25-7 (1957), 783-852 CPG M. Geerard, Clavis Patrum Graecorum, I-IV (Turnhout 1983, 1974, 1979, 1980); M. Geerard and F. Glorie, V (Turnhout 1987) CPG, Suppl. M. Geerard and J. Noret, Clavis Patrum Graecorum, Supplementum (Turnhout 1998) CFHB Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae (Series Washing- toniensis, Washington DC 1967ff.); (Series Berolinensis, Berlin, New York1967ff.);(Series Vindobonensis, Vienna 1975); (Series Italica, Rome 1975ff.); (Series Bruxellensis, Brussels 1975ff.) CSCO Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalizmz (Paris 1903ff.) CSHB CorpusScriptorumHistsoriaeByzantinae(Bonn 1828-97) Cunningham and M.B. Cunningham and P. Allen, eds, Preacher and Audi- Allen, eds, ence: Studies in early Christian and Byzantine homiletics Preacher and (Leiden 1998) audience DMA Dictionary of the Middle Ages, 13 vols (New York 1982-89) DOC Ph. Grierson, Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection, II: Phocas to Theodosius III, 602-717, 2
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