TCU Daily Skiff Friday, February 15, 1991 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 88th Year, No. 76 Wedding and education are put on hold as duty calls By MEREDITH FANE said. said. "But if I am called, I will replace vated. However, I'm scared about not TCU Daily Skiff He was training at the San Diego reservists in bases in the United States coming back because I have a lot going Military Corps Recruit Department's who have already been called to active for me here." The war in the Middle East has summer boot camp when Saddam Hus- duly. I won't be sent to the front lines King is engaged to be married in forced Bryan King, a private first class sein marched his troops across the Ku- of the Persian Gulf immediately." June of 1992 to Kelly Pratt, a sopho- in the Marine reserves and former se- wati border. In a combat situation, King would more social work major. nior and political science major, to put King felt he could not register in perform as a field artillery radar control "Bryan and I have been dealing with his college education on hold. classes at TCU this year because of operator, responsible for detecting and this since it started," Pratt said. "This is He packed his bags and is waiting the impending possibility of being tracking large artillery such as howitzers what he wants. 1 don't want him to go, for a call that may or may not come called to active duty, he said. and "big rockets," he said. but I support him. He has to do what — a call to active duty in the Marines. "Everyone that is on reserve status is "Being on call is kind of like being he has to do." King always has wanted a career in on call," King said. "They told our a fireman ... I'm waiting for the bell King and Pratt have not made any the military, but he wanted to earn a unit, the 14th Marines Reserve Unit, to ring," King said. "If there is a fire, plans to pre-empt or postpone their college degree before entering the ser- not to unpack our bags, and they gave there will be despair. It's belter if there wedding, King said. vice. Last summer, before Iraq's inva- us a list of things to have ready." is no fire, but you've still done your "I believe that Saddam Hussein sion of Kuwait on August 2, he en- "1 can't tell you if I will be called job." listed in the Marine Reserves, King because I really don't know," King "I want to go," he said. "I'm moti- See King, page 2 Bryan King Jackson's lecture is Pilots pound postponed Iraqi targets By AMY BULMER and pledged solidarity with Iraq. TCU Daily Skiff "I'm truly astonished at what has happened," he told reporters. "It has Jesse Jackson Jr.'s speech at TCU exceeded completely the mandate of was cancelled Thursday night be- the United Nations. It is a crime." cause of a flight delay in Champaign, But the U.S. Air Force suffered a III. loss as well Thursday. The two crew- Jackson's flight from Illinois was men of an EF-111 were killed when delayed by snow, and when he their plane went down in northern missed a connecting flight in St. By NEIL MacFARQUHAR Associated Press Saudi Arabia, apparently after being Louis, it was determined he would damaged in combat. not reach Dallas/Fort Worth Airport DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia — Two Iraqi Scud missiles fell on the until 8:22 p.m. From the Kuwait coast to central isolated town of Hafr cl-Balin, de- "We would've held die program at Iraq, U.S. and allied pilots pounded molishing an auto-repair shop and 9 p.m., but the audience would have away at fresh targets Thursday, un- house, and slightly injuring four had to sit two hours," said Jay War- impeded by the international furor Saudi civilians. Allied officers said ren, chairman of the Forums Commi- over the Baghdad bunker tragedy. the missiles apparcnUy broke up in tee, which was to have sponsored The U.S. command, in response to fiight. Jackson's speech. "Also, there were die death of hundreds of civilians in Body after body was pulled in about 100 middle school students Wednesday's Baghdad bombing, grisly procession from the rubble of who couldn't stay out that late." said it was looking for new ways to the underground structure bombed All tickets for Jackson's speech limit such casualties. by U.S. warplancs early Wednesday, will be refunded at the Student Cen- The air war appeared to have made while it was crowded with civilians ter Information Desk, Warren said. major progress. The command said seeking refuge from air alLacks. The Forums Commitce plans to re- one-third of Iraq's tanks and artillery The Iraqis said it was only a civi- schedule the speech, he said, and the in the battle zone have now been lian bomb shelter. But U.S. officials rescheduled date will be announced destroyed. said they had indisputable evidence, when it is determined. Strategists are believed shooting from radio intercepts, reconnais- "We'll contact his agent tomorrow for 50-pcrcent destruction before or- sance photos and other sources, that and try to reschedule for sometime dering the ground assault. The com- the concrete facility was being used this month since it's Black History mander of British forces in the Per- as a military command-and-control Month," Warren said. "We will have sian Gulf, Lt. Gen. Sir Peter do la Bil- center. They said they were unaware to work hard to reserve the ballroom licre, told reporters Thursday there it harbored any civilians. again, and we might have to find a arc already "proposed dates" for the Outside specialists said they be- different location. We'll do what we offensive. lieved it might actually have been a can to get him here in Fcburary." A fourth U.S. aircraft carrier, the two-level, dual-use bunker. Action was taken to reschedule the USS America, has moved into the The death toll remained uncertain, event for tonight, but that was not Persian Gulf, joining the Ranger, the in part because workers still had not compatible with Jackson's schedule, Midway and the Theodore reached all areas of the shattered he said. Roosevelt, a Pentagon source con- structure. Because the cancellation was sud- firmed Thursday. The America had Civil defense officials estimated den, the university had little lime to been in the Red Sea. Planes from the more than 500 died, mostly women make an announcement, Warren TCU Daily Skiff/ Trip Meade warships are expected to fly cover ami children. A mortuary director said, so many from surrounding over allied troops in a ground assault. said 288 bodies had been removed, Reggie Smith tips in a rebound over Baylor's Anthony Lewis (34) at Wednesday's game. areas arrived at TCU ready for the Palestine Liberation Organization including 91 children, CNN's Peter speech. head Yasser Arafat visited the site Amett reported. Study abroad Inside TCJC prohibits pro-peace fliers distributing the fliers because violent By JAMIE MclLVAIN ministration will change their Enrollment rises despite war fears Frog fight TCU Daily Skiff policy." incidents have occured, said Milch Donald Jackson, a professor of po- McEwing, dean of student develop- rates, Oatman said. Frogs get ready to battle No. By MICHELLE KING 3 Razorbacks. Student members of the Texas litical science at TCU and an ACLU ment services at TCJC, south Special to the Skiff Many students who withdraw Page 6 Peace Coalition have been prohibited lawyer, has agreed to meet with campus. from the program can be assured of from distributing fliers at Tarrant TCJC officials if necessary, Wallers "Whenever incidents of disruption Despite die war in die Middle East full refunds, excluding processing County Junior College, south cam- said. have occurred, we do have to am- and the threat of terrorism, enroll- lees from departments. If the univer- Out of sight pus, said Chad Percy, a freshman Coalition members claim the di- tnend how we do things," McEwing ment in TCU's study abroad prog- sity cancels the entire program be- Columnist notes Reagan's radio-TV-communications major at rector of student activities at TCJC said. "I suggested to the .students that rams continues to rise. cause of the war, all students will re- abscence from the limelight. TCJC and a coalition member. had approved the distribution of the they organize a debate or something Mary Alice Outman, administra- ceive 100 percent refunds, she said. Page 3 The American Civil Liberties Un- fliers, but then a dean called mem- where a broad spectrum of ideas tive activities coordinator for Ex- Oatman said summer programs ion says it believes the students' bers into his office and told them it could be given and put into an arena tended Education, said there had rights arc being violated. was against TCJC policy. where lliose ideas could he appre- been "no drop from fear of war or ter- that might be affected by the war in- Jazz time "We definitely plan to pursue this "We had already discussed it with ciated and valued." rorism." Ii will be up to the dean to clude those at Oxford, die South Pa- cific, Germany, Europe and Mexico. German band stops at TCU. issue if the college administration the Student activities director, and he McEwing declined to relate exam- continue or cancel the program, she Page 4 doesn't back off," said Karen Wal- approved it," Percy said.
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