בס"ד ה' טבת תש"פ - 5780 - חדר מנחם ה' טבת -Book Fair שיחיו Dear Parents Cheder Menachem is once again generating excitement with our fantastic, educational, and inspiring Book Fair. We are particularly pleased that we have arranged a wide selection of seforim, books and more at remarkably low prices. ספר ) the Rebbe spoke -,ה' טבת ,ה'תשמ" ח On the first anniversary of Hey Teves, on . ספרים p.226), about the importance of purchasing and having new ב ,p.183 השיחות א Please take the opportunity to encourage your son to participate in the Rebbe’s Mivtza .to add to your family’s (and his personal) library ספרים and buy ,בית מלא ספרים of מידות are “Must Haves” which will promote the development of ספרים Many of these .חסידישע געפיל and impart a טובות by ספר Take advantage of this sale to foster appreciation for the precious value of a .הוראה ensuring that your son purchase at least one book as per the Rebbe's Please note that the talmidim will place their orders at the book fair and will IY”H receive their seforim within about 3-4 weeks (to allow processing and shipping from New York). Although we have made every effort to ascertain that books that talmidim order will be available, please be aware that there may be some books that we will not be able to get. In that case, a substitution or refund will be offered. Please note the following format of the attached Pricelist: The Pricelist is divided into sections: A ( NEW BOOKS THAT HAVE COME OUT THIS YEAR 1) Story books for the Young Reader (1.YR) 2) Story and Chassidisher story books for the older reader (most of these are also appropriate for parents to read to children of all ages) (2.OR) 3) English seforim and Translations (3.ES) 4) Hebrew and Yiddish seforim (4.HS) 5) Rabbi Burston’s Story and Music CD’s –This year Rabbi Burston is offering his entire collection of over 1,000 stories on MP# for sale price of $180. To order, please call rabbi Burston at 323-314-6172 We have included the shipping prices in the “Hey Teves Price”. As they come to the bookfair, all the talmidim have a chance to see the display of books. They are told to write down their choices and then take it home for parental approval etc. Each book is numbered. Children in the younger grades may have just written the number of the book on their order form. Please refer to the pricelists to see which book they are referring to. Please complete the order form for Sefarim/books and send it with your son by this Monday, Tes Teves. If you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Heidingsfeld at [email protected] 1 בס"ד ה' טבת תש"פ - 5780 - חדר מנחם BOOKFAIR ה' טבת Order Form Name:_____________________ Grade ____ Rebbi:_____________________ Number Name of Book Price TOTAL If you need more room, you may use another sheet or the back of this paper. Please return this form to Cheder with payment (cash or check - make checks payable to Cheder Menachem – or paypal to [email protected] – using “Friends and Family”) by Monday, 9 Teves 5780, January 6, 2020. Sale Price not guaranteed after Monday morning! 2 בס"ד ה' טבת תש"פ –5780 - חדר מנחם NEW BOOKS – ALL AGES – REFER TO CODE ON THE SIDE List Hei Teves price price (including Number Title shipping) Publisher Category 1 A Moment of Thanks $14.00 $11.00 BSD 01.YR 2 Bedtime Parsha - bereishis $32.00 $24.00 BSD 01.YR 3 Benny's Gift $14.00 $12.00 Hachai 01.YR 4 Feeling Better A-Z $15.00 $12.50 Hachai 01.YR 5 Guess Who - Rosh hashana - Yom Kippur $11.00 $9.00 Hachai 01.YR 6 Here Comes the Mitzvah team $14.00 $12.00 Hachai 01.YR $14.00 $12.00 Mosaica 7 I'm Waiting Press 01.YR 8 Magic Mirror $7.50 $6.00 BSD 01.YR 9 Oops I'm Sorry $12.00 $10.00 Hachai 01.YR 10 Special Bricks $7.50 $6.00 BSD 01.YR 11 We Can find a Way $14.00 $12.00 Hachai 01.YR 12 Yossi and Laibel Make a Friend $8.00 $6.50 Hachai 01.YR $14.00 $12.00 Tzivos 13 You Have Power Hashem 01.YR 14 Around the World of Shlichus $18.00 $14.50 BSD 02.OR 15 Chazal Comics $16.00 $13.00 BSD 02.OR 16 Comics -HaToldot - the Rebbe $18.00 $16.50 BSD 02.OR 17 Mezibuz $16.00 $12.00 BSD 02.OR 18 One By One $20.00 $16.00 Kehos 02.OR 19 Reb Binyomin Kletzker $16.00 $10.50 RSBA 02.OR 20 Rubashkin-Against All Odds (comic) $23.00 $18.00 BSD 02.OR 21 Tales for the Shabbos table - Bamidbar $19.00 $15.00 BSD 02.OR 22 Tales for the Shabbos table - Vayikra $19.00 $15.00 BSD 02.OR 23 The Partisan $19.00 $15.00 BSD 02.OR 24 Likutei Sichos in English - Bereishis $42.00 $29.00 SIE 03.ES 25 Positivity Bias $22.00 $15.00 Kehos 03.ES 26 Sefer HaSichos - English - 5703 $31.00 $20.00 SIE 03.ES Shulchon Oruch in English – Weiss Edition – $45.00 $32.00 27 Volume 7 SIE 03.ES 28 Touching a City's Soul $23.00 $16.00 SIE 03.ES 29 Chitas – newly reprinted $27.00 $17.50 Kehos 04.HS 3 בס"ד ה' טבת תש"פ- חדר מנחם STORY BOOKS FOR THE YOUNGER READER 30 A Baby of Our Own $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR 31 A Car that Goes Far $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR A Chanukah Story for Night Number $13.95 $12.00 hachai 1.YR 32 Three A Little Boy Named Avram $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 33 2-5) A Little Girl Named Miriam $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 34 2-5) 35 A Touch of Chanukah $10.00 $8.00 Kehos 1.YR 36 A Touch of Passover $10.00 $8.00 Kehos 1.YR 37 A Touch of Shabbat $10.00 $8.00 Kehos 1.YR 38 A Touch of the High Holidays $10.00 $8.00 Kehos 1.YR All About Us $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 39 2-5) 40 Around the Shabbos Table $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 41 Avis choice $15.00 $10.25 Kehos 1.YR 42 Benny's Mitzvah Notes $13.95 $12.00 hachai 1.YR Big Like Me $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 43 2-5) 44 Big, Small or Just One Wall $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR 45 Bracha do you know $10.95 $9.00 HaChai 1.YR 46 Building $14.00 $12.00 hachai 1.YR 47 Dollars and Sense $13.95 $12.00 hachai 1.YR 48 Dollmakers Gift $14.95 $9.00 Kehos 1.YR Dovid the Little Shepherd $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 49 2-5) 50 Fit for a Princess $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 51 Five Alive $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR 52 Glad To Be Me $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR 53 Good Night my Friend Alef $14.99 $13.00 HaChai 1.YR 54 Guess Who - Purim $10.95 $9.00 HaChai 1.YR 55 Guesss Who Chanukah $10.95 $9.00 HaChai 1.YR 56 Happy Birthday To Me - boys $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR 57 Happy Birthday To Me-girls $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR 58 Hashem is Truly Everywhere $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR 59 Hear The Megilah - Board Book $8.00 $6.50 hachai 1.YR 60 Heartfelt Tefilla $12.00 $6.50 BSD 1.YR 61 Hot on the Trail 11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR I Go to a Wedding $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 62 2-5) 63 I Go to Eretz Yisroel $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR I Go to school $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 64 2-5) 65 I Go To Sleep $12.00 $10.00 hachai 1.YR I Go to the Dentist $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 66 2-5) I Go to the Doctor $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 67 2-5) 4 בס"ד ה' טבת תש"פ- חדר מנחם STORY BOOKS FOR THE YOUNGER READER 68 I Go to the Ohel $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR I go Visiting $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 69 2-5) 70 I Keep Kosher $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 71 if I went to the moon $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR 72 Is it Shabbos yet? $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 73 It is Called Kibbud Av Vaeim $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 74 It only takes a minute $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR 75 Iz Es Shoin Shabbos - Yiddish $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR Kind Little Rivka $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 76 2-5) 77 Labels for Laibel $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 78 Let’s go shopping $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR Let’s go to Shul $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 79 2-5) 80 Let’s go to the Farm $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR 81 Let's Go to the Park $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR 82 Let's Meet Community Helpers $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR 83 Light The Menorah - Board Book $8.00 $6.50 hachai 1.YR 84 Mendy of Siberia $16.00 $14.00 mis 1.YR 85 Messes of Dresses $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 86 Moshe of Japan $16.00 $14.00 mis 1.YR 87 Motti of Paraguay $16.00 $14.00 mis 1.YR Muchnik - Double Decker Purple Shul $9.95 $7.00 Kehos 1.YR 88 Bus 89 Muchnik - Dovid Comes Home $9.95 $7.00 Kehos 1.YR 90 Muchnik - Hershel's Houseboat $9.95 $7.00 Kehos 1.YR 91 Muchnik - Leah and Leibel's Lighthouse $9.95 $7.00 Kehos 1.YR Muchnik - The Scribe who Lived in a $9.95 $7.00 Kehos 1.YR 92 Tree Muchnik - Tuvia's Train That Had No $9.95 $7.00 Kehos 1.YR 93 End Muchnik Classics - 6 Volumes Slipcased $54.95 $39.00 Kehos 1.YR 94 set My Jewish ABC’s $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 95 2-5) 96 My Jewish Days of the Week $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR My Shabbos 123’s $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 97 2-5) 98 My Sometimes Feelings $14.00 $12.00 hachai 1.YR My Upsheren Book $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 99 2-5) 100 My Very First Rebbe Book $5.95 $5.00 BSD 1.YR 101 My very Own Letter $11.95 $10.00 hachai 1.YR 102 Nine Spoons $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR 103 On This Night $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 104 Once Upon a Time $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR Peanut Butter and Jelly for Shabbos $11.95 $10.00 HaChai (ages 1.YR 105 3-6) 5 בס"ד ה' טבת תש"פ- חדר מנחם STORY BOOKS FOR THE YOUNGER READER 106 Quarters, Dimes, Nickels and Pennies $12.95 $8.80 Kehos 1.YR 107 Red is My Rimon $13.95 $12.00 HaChai 1.YR 108 Right Left Right $12.00 $10.00 mis 1.YR 109 Rina’s rainy day $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 110 Sara Finds a Mitzvah $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 111 Schneur of Chevron $16.00 $14.00 mis 1.YR 112 Secret of Success $12.00 $8.20 Kehos 1.YR 113 Shabbos Shabbos I Love You $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR 114 Shavuos Guess Who $11.00 $9.00 hachai 1.YR 115 Shimmy the Youngest $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR 116 Ten Tzedaka Pennies $11.95 $10.00 HaChai 1.YR 117 Thank You for Everything $11.95 $10.00 hachai 1.YR 118 The Alef Bais Trip $11.95 $10.00 Hachai 1.YR 119 The Creation Book $15.00
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