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' _ , *f!' ,. .,77.77.7 ,I~1t v Pt * s w ; a ( gf t & , v ~~', - ' t b --< - 777e<> 7777 77 7 5Ij,7?., 7.s,,sVE,Y.ALj7tZ,*-£j : o' , ,77777~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~et, s 7' 1377 > U-VEEITY OF CAI?VO3SIA PUBLIOATIONS DEPARTMENT OFL.,AANT POGW The folowing publications dealing with archaeological and t0noikoical subjects isaed, under the directio i of the Depar;tment of Anthropology "Aaret it exchange for the publi- cations of antbropological departments and museums, and for journals deVoted to g al puthroyo yo r to archaeology ad etho. They, are for-sale at the prfies stated. Exchages shoul4be directed to uTHEEXCEANGE MDEPA1TMENT, UNZVERS3IT BRAJY,p BEl EY; CAIrdersIA, U.S.A Od and remittances uld be addressed to the UNIVERSITY oF CA OlNIA PRESS. Pblication of the Univerity of alifornia Prese may -be obtained from THE AM.. BRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, FETTI2lLANE, LONDON, E:.C. 4, 'E:fNGAG D, to which-' orders originatng in Great B3itain aud Irland -should be sent, AMERICAN ARCHA1OGY ANDI ETHOLOGY.-A. L. Eroeber and Robert H. Lowie, EBditors. Pries, Volume 1, $4.26; Volumes 2 to 11, incluive, $3.50 each- Volumes 12 to 16, and 20, $5.00 each. volme l7 1 9 2 an 2 progre-s. C-- it as Univ. Calif. Pb Am Arch. Eth VoL 1. 1. Life and C:ulture of the upa,by Pln-y--ar1e Goddard P. 1-88, Plate 140. September, 19038 .1.5 2 Hupia Te, by Pliny BarJ G PP. 89-368. Mach, 1904 .__ - 8.00 - B¢Idex, pp. 38947*8.-- VoL2. 1. The Exploration otof Potter Creek Cave, by WIlliam J. na Pp. -. -27. , paZX 1904 ...............__.-* *.. gt,_...... .40 a. The Languages of the Oa f Ca o a South of San Francisco, by A. Kroeber. 9942940, withmap.a Jue,.190.- .60 -;oTyps of: Inan treWith.2,oi o , by...bLLA. L,. Kro*ber.b. P^8 - 0...- ;4. Baset Desis-of th'e fans of Northwestemn Ca ra, b:y" A. Pp. 105164 plate 1521. Jana, 1905 .70 5. The}oeber.Tous La ge O uth a Caorna by A. Io. Kroeber Pp. 10-77. January 1907 . 3M Inde, pp. 87949- o. -.-Tho Mrphology of the 3lips Lgage, :by Plinyar er QodC* 844 pp. -- June >19056 - -0 "Vol 1. The iietH ca Rela erbetween xio a d Japan, from Original -document preserved lz Spain and *a , by Zlia MuttallN PP. 1-47. April, 1906 .... .... 3. Contribution to th Physcal Athopologyof Cajiforna, bd on colIec- tioom in the Department ofAnthop f the. tTnivrsifty of alifota,- and bin he U. S. Nat u m, by Aes Pp. 49-64, ith, 6tables, plate,.10,anmap.- Jnne,10d.. 9........ .75 3. The ShoslzonenwDiaects ofaniforniao by A.L. rebe*r .03 1 e2bO. May, 1907. 1.75 5. The W.sho Language of t na Califona and Neva, by A. L roZob<er. Pp. 251-3118. , 1 . 6, The Religlon of the ndi of Clonia, by A. LKreber. Pp. 3195. Seeptmber, 1907 .... .0- Index, pp. 307474. VoL.6.-1.- The Phonology of the Hupa Uge; Part Th4e Individua 8O -by PnyE:arle- oddd -Pp. 1-20, pl ates 1.8. Mah, 1907 *......_.... 2. Navho: Myths, Prayer and ongs, With Texts aAd T byrWash -igon Mstth.ws, etedU by Pliny arle Goddatd. Pp. 2163. Septem. 3. Kato Texts, by PlinyEarle Godda. P.65-238,plate 9. December, 1909 250 4. The Material CtSirile f the K 'amathLake and Mo Iis of Nor.th-, eastern Califoniand Souther Oregon, by -. A. Barrett -:Pp.2992,- 5. The Cimario Indians ad ang by Roland B. DIxon. P 2093-8%0 iAugust,. 1910 -O 1.0 Index, pp. 381-34t VoL 6. .1. Th Ethno-Geography of, toe Pomo and Neighboring Indians 'by Samul -Alfred Barrett. Pp. 1-3, maps 1-2. February, ...1..-i.-_.18 . 3.25 Z. The Geography and Dialects of th6i Miwok Inia, -by Sauel Alfred - Barrett. Pp.t 3s68, map 3. s. On the Evidence of 'te Occupation of Certain Regiong by the Mlwok ndans, by A. L. Kroeber. Pp. 369-80. -Nos. 2 and 3 in one, cover. ebuary, 1908 ............. .50 Index, pp. 381400,- Vol.7. -1. The Eimeville ShelUmound, by 3$ax Uhle. Pp. 1-106, plates 1-12, with 38 text fre Jn, 1907 ....... ....... - 1.25 2. Recent Investigaton bearing upon the- Qu o of the Occurrence of Neocene Man. In the Auriferous Gveb oaifor by William J. -Inclalr. Pp. 107-130, plaeis 13- b y 01908 .......... - . WIYOT GRAMMAR AND TEXTS BY GLADYS A. REICHARD UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY. Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 1-215, plate 1 Issued June 26, 1925 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, ENGLAND WIYOT GRAMMAR AND TEXTS BY GLADYS A. REICHARD CONTENTS PAGE §1. Introduction.......................................... 4 §§2-6. Phonetics.......................................... 8 §2. Sounds.......................................... §3. Quantity.......................................... 10 §4. Accent.......................................... 11 Consonant§5. clusters.......................................... 12 Phonetic§6. laws.......................................... 13 Grammatical§7. Processes.......................................... 22 §§8-15. Ideas Expressed by Grammatical Categories.......................................... 23 Character§8. of stems.......................................... 23 Verbal§9. prefixes.......................................... 24 Nominal§10. suffixes .......................................... 25 §11.Verbal suffixes.......................................... 25 §12.Diminutive.......................................... 26 Pronominal§13. ideas.......................................... 26 Syntactic§14. relations.......................................... 27 §15.Character of the sentence.......................................... 27 §§16-35. Discussion of Grammar.......................................... 29 The§16.Diminutive.......................................... 29 §17. The Noun.......................................... 35 §§18-27. The Verb.......................................... 42 §18. Verb stems.......................................... 42 §§19-23. Verbal prefixes.......................................... 47 Prefixes§19. denoting manner.......................................... 47 Temporal§20. prefixes.......................................... 53 Adverbial§21. prefixes.......................................... 58 Pronominal§22. classifiers.......................................... 66 Descriptive§23. classifiers.......................................... 67 §§24-25. Verbal suffixes............................. 73 §24. Pronominal............................. 73 Nominalizing§25. suffixes............................. 82 2 University of California Publications in Am. Arch. and Ethn. [Vol. 22 PAGE §26. The Adjective............................. 83 The§27.numeral............................. 84 §28. Free particles and enclitics............................. 87 §29. Significant independent words ........ ..................... 88 §§30-32. The Pronoun . ........................... 88 §30.Independent ............................. 88 §31. Possessive............................. 89 §32. Other pronouns............................. 93 §33.The Adverb............................. 95 §34 Syntax. ............................. 96 Reduplication§35. ............................. 98 Analyzed§36. text............................. 100 §§37-42 Stems. .............................. 106 §§37-40. Radicals . ........................... 106 §37.Verb stems............................. 106 §38.Neutral stems............................. 127 §39. Irregular verbs............................. 129 Nominal§40. stems............................. 130 §41. Adverbs......... 138 §42. Colloquial expressions and exclamations ...140 Texts.141 Wiyot Tales Told by Jerry .143 1. Nettle medicine .143 2. Wolf's home.143 3. Spring maide .145 4. Curlew.147 5. North wind.147 6. Killer whale .149 7. Above-Old-Man.151 8. Southwest-Young-Man looks for salmon .153 9. The flute .155 10. Owl and Coyote smoke .157 11. The man who became a woman.157 12. Southwest-Young-Man marries his daughter-in-law .157 13. He-Who-Was-Dug-Up.163 14. The brother who became a dog .167 15. Slug .169 16. Panther and Coyote .171 17. Owl .171 18. Aldebaran .173 19. The Flood .175 20. Eagle's children turn to Porpoises .175 21. Coyote gets married .177 1925] Reichard: Wiyot Grammar and Texts 3 PAGE Northwest-Young-Man22. ...................................... 179 Twine-Eater23. ...................................... 181 24. Frog and Sand Cricket ...................................... 183 25. The sky falls...................................... 185 Coyote26. and Steelhead...................................... 185 Morning-Star27. ...................................... 187 Cormorant28. ...................................... 189 Wildcat29. gets caught....................................... 189 Southeast-Old-Man30. ....................................... 191 31.Sleepy-Head...................................... 191 TalesToldWiyot by Mrs. Searson ...................................... 195 Coyote32. and Panther....................................... 195 Coyote33. and the Bears ......................................
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