WAVA Query 28 March 2017 16:03:29

WAVA Query 28 March 2017 16:03:29

WAVA_Query 28 March 2017 16:03:29 Alan Elstone 183.38 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 61.38 West Coast Half 13.10 09/10/2016 61.08 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 60.92 Alex Tate 206.89 West Coast Half 13.10 09/10/2016 70.61 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 68.72 Great North West Half Marathon 13.10 19/02/2017 67.56 Alex Wiggins 38.33 Virgin London Marathon 26.20 24/04/2016 38.33 Als Everest 114.58 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 59.67 Windmill Half 13.10 17/07/2016 54.91 Andy Draper 231.51 English Half Marathon 10k (!) 6.21 18/09/2016 78.23 Catforth Canter 3.11 13/11/2016 77.30 Inskip Half 13.10 21/01/2017 75.98 Andy Unsworth 148.46 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 75.87 Windmill Half 13.10 17/07/2016 72.59 Barbara Holmes 251.02 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 85.52 Ribble Valley 6.21 27/12/2016 84.43 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 81.07 Bob Clough 163.87 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 59.87 ASICS Greater Manchester Marathon 26.20 10/04/2016 55.78 Blacksticks Blue 6.21 08/05/2016 48.22 Page 1 of 9 Catherine Carrdus 244.12 Arley Hall 10k 6.21 12/11/2016 83.26 Cheshire 10k 6.21 10/04/2016 80.66 Garstang 10k 6.21 08/01/2017 80.20 Chris McCarthy 236.97 Ribble Valley 6.21 27/12/2016 79.60 Wilmslow Half 13.10 19/03/2017 78.69 Central Lancs Half 13.10 08/01/2017 78.68 Claire England 221.55 Catforth Canter 3.11 13/08/2016 74.60 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 73.64 Bernard and Evelyn's 80th Birthday Bash 5.00 31/07/2016 73.31 Colin Laidlaw 215.94 Stanley Park 10k (Sunday) 6.21 26/02/2017 73.32 Ribble Valley 6.21 27/12/2016 72.04 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 70.58 Dave Dunn 137.97 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 69.43 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 68.54 Dawn Lock 181.13 Bernard and Evelyn's 80th Birthday Bash 5.00 31/07/2016 63.60 Best 5k (Run For Rory) 3.11 27/11/2016 59.97 Stanley Park 5 5.00 02/10/2016 57.56 Derek Caborn 61.89 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 61.89 Des Heron 113.66 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 57.93 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 55.73 Emily Hargreaves 74.03 Virgin London Marathon 26.20 24/04/2016 74.03 Page 2 of 9 Felicity Wolohan 217.99 Alder Hey Halewood 5k 3.11 04/02/2017 73.90 Runfest Wales 5k 3.11 25/06/2016 72.22 Ellesmere Port RC 3.11 17/08/2016 71.87 Fiona Geldard 119.74 Silverstone Half Marathon 13.10 12/03/2017 60.66 Great Newham 10k 6.21 17/07/2016 59.08 Gerard Browne 173.50 Fleetwood Half 13.10 21/08/2016 59.29 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 57.57 Windmill Half 13.10 17/07/2016 56.64 Graham Webster 248.90 Catforth Canter 3.11 13/08/2016 83.31 Exeter Half Marathon 13.10 16/10/2016 82.82 Silverstone Half Marathon 13.10 12/03/2017 82.77 Graham Young 51.63 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 51.63 Greg Oulton 169.08 Bernard and Evelyn's 80th Birthday Bash 5.00 31/07/2016 57.40 Catforth Canter 3.11 13/08/2016 56.74 Blackpool Airshow 10k 6.21 08/08/2016 54.94 Hannah McCandle 48.52 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 48.52 Ian Tate 186.13 English Half Marathon 13.10 18/09/2016 62.87 Birchwood 10k 6.21 21/08/2016 62.09 Valiants Half Marathon 13.10 17/04/2016 61.17 Jeremy McCandle 58.09 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 58.09 Page 3 of 9 Jim Whitworth 194.33 Stanley Park 5 5.00 02/10/2016 65.53 Bernard and Evelyn's 80th Birthday Bash 5.00 31/07/2016 64.89 Great Eccleston Scout Fast Four 4.00 28/08/2016 63.91 Jo Goorney 250.66 Bernard and Evelyn's 80th Birthday Bash 5.00 31/07/2016 83.81 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 83.50 Freckleton Half Marathon 13.10 19/06/2016 83.35 Joe Greenwood 227.87 Catforth Canter 3.11 13/11/2016 76.12 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 76.11 Inskip Half 13.10 21/01/2017 75.64 John Bertenshaw 240.00 Cheshire 10k 6.21 10/04/2016 81.81 Arley Hall 10k 6.21 12/11/2016 79.52 Garstang 10k 6.21 08/01/2017 78.67 John Wild 50.55 Chester Marathon 26.20 02/10/2016 50.55 Julia Rolfe 213.65 Lancaster 5k 3.11 30/07/2016 73.69 Catforth Canter 3.11 13/11/2016 70.62 Stanley Park 10k (Saturday) 6.21 25/02/2017 69.34 Justin Allitt 224.67 Wesham 10k 6.21 26/11/2016 75.91 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 74.88 Freckleton Half Marathon 13.10 19/06/2016 73.88 Kathy Gaunt 218.99 Stanley Park 10k (Sunday) 6.21 26/02/2017 73.64 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 72.68 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 72.67 Page 4 of 9 Kirsten Burnett 189.82 Stanley Park 10k (Saturday) 6.21 25/02/2017 64.62 Inskip Half 13.10 21/01/2017 62.71 Wesham 10k 6.21 26/11/2016 62.49 Laura Byrne 150.81 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 51.82 Great North West Half Marathon 13.10 19/02/2017 51.78 Wesham 10k 6.21 26/11/2016 47.21 Lorna Cragg 127.64 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 45.32 Stanley Park 10k (Saturday) 6.21 25/02/2017 42.14 Garstang 10k 6.21 08/01/2017 40.18 Louisa Denye 57.61 Preston Harriers' Ten Miler 10.00 20/11/2016 57.61 Louise De-Gier Flo 123.56 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 62.52 Great North West Half Marathon 13.10 19/02/2017 61.04 Maria Tierney 57.06 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 57.06 Mark Selby 123.99 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 67.25 Edinburgh Festival Marathon 26.20 29/05/2016 56.74 Mel Koth 223.30 Inskip Half 13.10 21/01/2017 75.21 Central Lancs Half 13.10 08/01/2017 74.74 Worden Park Boxing Day 10k 6.21 26/12/2016 73.35 Michelle Hook 212.69 Catforth Canter 3.11 13/11/2016 72.73 Stanley Park 10k (Sunday) 6.21 26/02/2017 70.71 Garstang 10k 6.21 08/01/2017 69.25 Page 5 of 9 Michelle Sheridan 99.25 Stanley Park 10k (Sunday) 6.21 26/02/2017 50.71 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 48.54 Nalie Toft 50.71 Great North West Half Marathon 13.10 19/02/2017 50.71 Neil Baynton-Rob 75.64 Wesham 10k 6.21 26/11/2016 75.64 Neil Tate 217.74 Ribble Valley 6.21 27/12/2016 74.07 Fairclough Five 5.00 23/10/2016 71.84 Virgin London Marathon 26.20 24/04/2016 71.83 Nigel Simpkin 64.89 Plusnet Yorkshire Half Marathon 13.10 10/04/2016 64.89 Olivia Johnson-All 158.40 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 53.04 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 52.83 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 52.53 Pam Binns 236.87 Manchester Half Marathon 13.10 16/10/2016 80.03 Bernard and Evelyn's 80th Birthday Bash 5.00 31/07/2016 78.45 Rock 'N' Roll Liverpool Marathon 26.20 29/05/2016 78.39 Pam Hardman 216.44 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 72.93 Fairclough Five 5.00 23/10/2016 71.77 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 71.74 Pat Bullen 62.28 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 62.28 Paul Veevers 145.95 Ribble Valley 6.21 27/12/2016 74.24 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 71.71 Page 6 of 9 Peter Reid 111.43 Stanley Park 10k (Sunday) 6.21 26/02/2017 56.34 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 55.09 Rachael Crowe 74.64 Southport Half Marathon 13.10 03/07/2016 74.64 Rachael Wignall 173.10 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 50.45 Virgin London Marathon 26.20 24/04/2016 43.15 Windmill Half 13.10 17/07/2016 40.60 Great North West Half Marathon 13.10 19/02/2017 38.90 Richard Storey 199.72 City of Salford 10k 6.21 04/09/2016 67.42 Catforth Canter 3.11 13/08/2016 66.30 West Coast Half 13.10 09/10/2016 66.00 Robert Parker 102.06 Great North West Half Marathon 13.10 19/02/2017 52.36 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 49.70 Ross McKelvie 212.05 Illuminations 5k 3.11 27/08/2016 73.29 Quiaing 10k, Isle of Skye 6.21 20/08/2016 69.96 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 68.80 Roy Stevens 217.67 Rochdale Half Marathon 13.10 25/09/2016 74.23 Wesham 10k 6.21 26/11/2016 72.48 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 70.96 Russ Chew 250.03 Arley Hall 10k 6.21 26/03/2017 63.50 Trafford 10k 6.21 05/03/2017 63.14 Rock 'N' Roll Liverpool 5k 3.11 28/05/2016 62.88 Heaton Park 5k 3.11 12/03/2017 60.51 Page 7 of 9 Ruth Bye 98.22 Stanley Park 10k (Saturday) 6.21 25/02/2017 50.13 Wesham 10k 6.21 26/11/2016 48.09 Ruth Wheatley 184.37 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 62.64 Barcelona Half Marathon 13.10 05/02/2017 61.80 Conwy Half 13.10 20/11/2016 59.93 Sarah Bagshaw 148.62 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 50.48 Wesham 10k 6.21 26/11/2016 49.14 Stanley Park 10k (Saturday) 6.21 25/02/2017 49.00 Sarah Bradshaw 169.03 Stanley Park 10k (Saturday) 6.21 25/02/2017 57.44 Wesham 10k 6.21 26/11/2016 56.18 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 55.41 Simon Denye 219.04 Preston Harriers' Ten Miler 10.00 20/11/2016 76.76 Wilmslow Half Marathon 13.10 03/04/2016 71.75 Valiants Half Marathon 13.10 17/04/2016 70.53 Steve Ashton 61.27 Blacksticks Blue 6.21 08/05/2016 61.27 Steve Hargreaves 78.82 Virgin London Marathon 26.20 24/04/2016 78.82 Steve Quarmby 65.22 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 65.22 Steve Tate 63.96 St Annes Carnival 5k 3.11 10/07/2016 63.96 Stuart Henderson 56.31 Great North West Half Marathon 13.10 19/02/2017 56.31 Page 8 of 9 Sue Hawitt 213.41 Windmill 10k 6.21 13/11/2016 71.51 Best 5k (Run For Rory) 3.11 27/11/2016 71.36 Bernard and Evelyn's 80th Birthday Bash 5.00 31/07/2016 70.54 Sylvia Gittins 243.01 Inskip Half 13.10 21/01/2017 83.46 St Annes 10 Miler 10.00 29/01/2017 80.54 Guy's Court 10 10.00 04/12/2016 79.01 Terry Hellings 153.87 Lytham Interclub 5.00 09/06/2016 77.88 Great Newham 10k 6.21 17/07/2016 75.99 Tom Howarth 220.85 Cheshire 10k 6.21 10/04/2016 74.97 Valiants Half Marathon 13.10 17/04/2016 73.00 Arley Hall 10k 6.21 12/11/2016 72.88 Page 9 of 9.

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