AN INDEX TO COMMERCIAL SPOKEN WORD RECORDINGS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS by Read G:reyei- This index is intended to begin filling in some of the gaps in the infoJ"Tllation cu:M"ently available con­ cei-ning the existence of actual recoJ"dings of voices and events of doCUTllentaJOy/histoJ"ical value on COtlll'leJ-­ cial long-playing recoJ"ds. OJ"iginally conceived as an infoJ"lllal, in-house i-efe:rence aid, full indexing and annotation at fii-st was not stressed. Because of the limited time available when this pi-oject was fi~t undertaken, the pJ"imaJOy' emphasis was placed on only two items1 what existed and whe:re it could be located. As the index expanded, however, its value became quite aopa:rent, more so in fact than had been oJ"iginally estimated. I the:refo:re started to annotate the entries for each :recoJ"ding as fully as possible, and in order to make this p:resent edition of the index as compre­ hensive as possible, I have attempted to annotate as many entJ"ies as I could that p:reviously contained no explanatory notation. This was done not only with the aid of liner notes and whatever transcription notes we:re contained in each :reco:rd, but also by listening to each :reco:rd and jotting down notes. As inter- ested readers of this index will note, however, it was not 'DOssible to do this for all entries. Time and space limitations we:re both factors which inhibited the provision of mo:re detailed infoJ"Tllation for some of the 71 reco:rds included in this index. The:refo:re, for those :readers who have questions concei-ning any of the entries in the index, I will be T11o:re than happy to reply to inquiries directed to me he:re at the Li­ brary. Of course, not all coT11mercial reco:rds conceJ"l'led with documenta:ry/historical infol"Tl!ation a:re included in this o:resent index. Because the index was ol91.gi­ nally intended to deal specifically with the archival collections at the Libra:ry of Congress, the Library's holdings col"!Prlse the l"!ajority of the entries. With 34 the e:iqiansion of the index other reco:rds conceJ"l'.ling docut'lenta:ry sooken wo:rd reco:rdings have been included besides those in the Libra:ry's collections. Hopefully, interested users of this index will infoJ"rll rne of addi­ tional reco:rdings that should be included in this index. InfoJ"rllation conceJ"l'.ling such J"eco:rdings should contain the nat'le of the PUblisher and/or p:roducer of the reco:rd; the reco:rd nuMber; issue date of the reco:rd, if possible; coMplete contents of the reco:rd with the naMes of the speakers, the topics covered, and the duration and date of the speech, if such data is indicated. Those reco:rdinis and anthologies listed under the tem ''docut'lenta:ry historical" contain, for the Most part, the voices of thJ"ee or ~ore different persons, including various statest'lenp ooliticians, and leaders of countries, as well as notable figures in other fields such as art, spo:rwts, literatul"e, theater and religion. Reco:rdings conceJ"l'.ling faMous events, either the actual sounds of the event itself or a description of it, are also found arnong the entries. For the Most part these entries are only sho:rwt stateMents or brief exceJ-Dts f:rot'l speeches, inte:rviews, radio and tele­ vision bl"Oadcasts, and sound t:racks; for ve:ry rarely do the antholol?'ies contain coTl!plete J"ecordings of S'Oeeches or events. The t'lajori ty of the entries are listed as they are currently accepted and established in the Library and its Official Catalog. Those entries for which the Libra:ry has not established an official foJ"rll of ent:ry are listed as they appear on the reco:rd or on the iteM in hand. While eliminating the rnajori ty of known "faked'' reco:rdings, I did include a few, indicating the fact that the recording is either a draMatization or a reading. This was done in o:rd.er to point out that such recordings are not what they purport to be. For instance, the McKinley :reco:rdings a:re :read by actor Len. G. Spencer, but for yea:rs they were considered to be actual reco:rdings of McKinley's voice. To date there is no known :reco:rding of the President's voice. This also holds true for G:rover Cleveland. Of course, while I have attempted to list only actual voices and sounds (unless otherwise noted), there is always the possibility that sot'le additional entries are in fact either reconstructions or :readings. Should a doubt 35 a:rise in the l'!ind of any inte:rested :reader conce~ing the authenticity of the voice or sound of a pa:rticular ent:ry, I hope he will not hesitate to so infoJ'"rl'I ?l'le so that I can research the ?l'latter further. This discography is aM"anged in th:ree pa:rtsa (1) by albu?l'l title, (2) by specific speaker or event, (3) by ?l'lanufactu:rer 0 s na?l'le. The first pa:rt contains all the·available infoJ'"rl'lation on the indexed :recordings. The l'!ajo:rity of the ent:ries are 33 1/3 rpl'I recordings, although serious consideration is being given to in­ cluding other COYl'll'!ercial issues, i.e., 78 and 45 M)Yl'l, cassettes, ca:rt:ridges, and :reel-to-:reel :recordings. The nUMbers in Index I :refer the user f:rom the specific speaker or event to the antholoicy- in which it is in­ cluded. For their kind and gene:rous assistance, I would l'lost gratefully like to thank rrry- colleagues he:re at the Librarya Donald Leavitt, Jim Sma:rt, and Gerald Gibson. Without their pe:rtinent co?l'll'lents and criti­ cisms, this index would have taken much longer in coMing to li~ht. I would also like to thank Patricia Lindahl for her assistance in preparing this irx:t.ex for publication. This irx:lex is the first in a series to be published annually. Read G:reyer is a me?l'lber of the Recorded Sound Section of the Music Division at the Library of Cong:ress. J6 An Index to r.o111111ercia1 Sooken Wor<;l Reco:rdings in the LibJ"a:ry of CongJ"ess 1. An Anthology 2! rhetoric. B & B DocumentaJOY Reco:rds B & B-41 B & B-6, Vol. II 2 So 12 in, 33 1/3 l"pmo "Outstanding speeches by famed oJ"atoJ'S of the past fifty yeaJ"SI" The selections include exce:r"pts fJ"Om Chu:rchill's famed wartiJ11e speeches and F.D.R,'s waJ" message to CongJ"ess in its entiJ"ety. Contents I V-I W,J, B:ryan, W, Wilson, W.H. Taft, H.C. Lodge, SJ",, H, HooveJ', W, Chu:rchill, F,D, Roosevelt. V-II B. Sunday, FatheJ' Coughlin, A. Einstein, M. Gandhi, A,S, McPheJ'Son, J.B. PJ"iestley, F.D. Roosevelt, D.D. EisenhoweJ', D. Mac.AJ"thuJ' • 2, ActoJ"s and actJ"esses. Rococo Reco:rds 4003, (1971) 2 s. 12 in. 33 1/3 J"P1'1• Famous voices of the past, Ex:ce1"pts fJ"OM vaJ'ious plays, pe:r"foJ"Aed by SiJ' Johnston FoJ'bes-Robertson, SaJ"ah Bemha:rdt, and otheJ'S, Reco:rded 1896-1930. BiogJ'aphical notes by J.B. McPheJ'son (14 pp.) inserted in slipcase. 3, AuthoJ's and actoJ's. Rococo 4002, (1972) 2 s. 12 in. 33 1/3 J"P1'1• Famous voices of the past, Tolstoy, Kipling, O, Hen:ry J'eading fJ'om theiJ' own woJ"ks. H, IJ"Ving, E, TeJ"J"y 1 B, TJ"ee, L. WalleJ', Sa:rdou, C, Aina, S. Bemha:rdt, T, Salvini, J, Kainz, A. Moissi, E, Booth, J, JeffeJ"son J'eading fJ"Om the woJ'ks of ShakespeaJ"e, Tennyson, Rostand, Racine, Goethe, SchilleJ", and W, IJ"Ving. PJ"ogJ'am notes by J,B, McPheJ'son (9 pp.) inserted in slipcase. 4. ~ ~ speakj' Heritage LP H-0074. (1953) 2 s. 10 in. 33 .1 3 J"P1'I "Originally J"eco:rded fJ"OM a short wave bJ"Oadcast deliveJ'ed in 1937•" Historical note by Robert Amold on slipcase. British Prime MinisteJ"S ~1964. CMS 113, (1972) 2 s. 12 in. 33 1/3 J"Pl'I• Political speeches taken fJ"Om J"adio bJ"Oadcasts. Includes soeeches by J,R, MacDonald, N, CharnbeJ'lain, W. Chu:rchill, C, Attlee, A, Eden, H, Macmillan, and A. Douglas-Home. Notes by Thomas BaJ"rnan on slipcase. 6. Cavalcade 2f United ~ PJ"esidents. RCA VictoJ' PA-100/3, 7, Conquest of ~· The voice and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Heritage HG 0050. (1953) 2 s. 10 in. 33 1/3 J"P1'1• "With Albert Einstein, JawahaJ'lal NehJ"U, and naJ"J'ation by ~ishna Menon," In English. "Music fJ"Om Ethnic Folkways Libn:ry." Notes on slipcase by MJos. FJ"anklin D. Roosevelt. 8, £r1m (voices and sounds of events that cJ'eated histoJOY, 1936 to the pJ"esent), Decca DXB 194 IL 9150-9151. (1966) Decca DXSB 7194 IL 79150-79151• (1966) SteJ"eophonic 37 4 s. 12 in. 33 1/3 l'pl'I• Contents1 1st ~ B:r:l.tish Royal Family, Joe Louis, Munich, Poland, F'l-ance in c:r:l.sis, Far East• 2nd Record Pearl Harbor, Corregidor, D-Day, Israel's a~ssion to the UN, General MacArthur, 1951 National League pennant, AJ'lllY""McCarthy c:r:l.sis 1 baseball's c:r:l.sis, Dag H~arskjold's c:r:l.sis, Cuba.
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