V" A > A O E FORTY WEDNESDAY, JU N E 10/ 1970 ilanrljpatifr Ettaninn il|fralii Most Manchester Stores Open Until 9 O ’clock About Town Average Daily Net Preee Ron On Sunday 14 people becanje Weiss To Pursue mamben of Omter Oon8:re- Q1 For The Week Ended gntlonal CSnirch. They are Mrs. K V ^ June 6, 1070 The Weather NelUe F, Allinaon, 114 Orcep Case Mt. Purchase Moatly fair, mild tosUght with ^I'ectors last night instructed Town 1 5 ,9 0 3 lows 60 to 60. Tomorrow partly Albert J. IMachene HI. 87 Sum- Kobeii; Weiss to meet with owners of Case sunny, humid; ohande o< thun- /} V-»V\ A mar St.; Peter Raymond Mo- ^loimtain and other interested agencies to decide wheth- lUancheoter— A City of Village Charm ■WnrtMwons fate In the day. High quln, 87 Foater St.; Mr. and er the town should apply for'a new federal oiien-spaces about 90. Mra. Kenneth R. Mnness, 262 grant to acquii"e the land. ------ — ------------ --- - VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 214 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—^TWO SECinONS) Kue Ridge Dr.; Mrs. Sara K. Last nights’ vote on a motion priority, the town’s share of the MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1970 Robinson. 181A Downey Dr.; by Director William FitzGerald r„st was estimated at $128,000. h (ClMstfled Adverttslng on Boge St) PRICE TEN CENTS Mrs. Alice Scagel, 170 Charter who strongly supported the ac- The federal government also Oak St.; Mrs. Harriet C. Sliney, qulsition. came after the direc- requires that there be an ” lndl- 851 Summit St.; Mr. and Mrs. tors concluded discussion of the cation of willingness to sell on Paul M. Spurgeon. 127B Main Conservation Commission’s the part of the owners." Weiss St., and Mr. and Mra. Robert C. recommendations. said, which, he added, the town Adminstration Ousts $6 Million Walker, 68SC Center St. in the public hearing held last baa. townspeople After the discussion. Wells Kent Killing will have a niiiiplBrlv hnainniKi proposal to ac- Dennison said that contrary to Commissioner Allen Arabs Threaten to Blow Up meetlns’ tonivhi nt 7 -<ia In F e / stressing the reports, the Case Mt. property ^ a preserve open land for has not been placed on the WASHINGTON (AP)— The Nixon administration Suit Filed lowshlp Hall o ^ e church. ^ture generations. public market for sale to de- tms unceremoniously sacked its most visible dissenter— Education Commissioner .Tames E. Allen Jr. CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) A midweek service of nraver Monday night, the Manchester evlopers. — The father of 19-year-oId and praise will be held tonight added their support to with a terse, three-sentence Allison Krause, one of four at 7*80 at Calvarv Churoh proposal, to “ set aside some owners welcome the statement, outgoing Secretary Kent State University stu­ land for the future generation to discuss the possible of Health, Education and Wel­ dents killed during a May 4 Where sale of the mountain to the SPECIALLY SELECTED ITEMS PRICED TO REALLY SAVE YOU MONEY Domestic Jehovah's Witnesses will have ‘®®‘®®d of just passing some fare Robert H. Pinch Wednes- confrontation with National day put an end to Allen’s unhap­ group discussions of a Bible aid them," Jaycee presi- Guardsmen, has filed a $6 tmilght at 7:80 at 18 Chambers dent Carl Zinsser stated. Dr. Frederick W. Spaulding, py, 13-month role as a liberal, million wrongful death suit SAVINGS UP TO 40% OFF REGULAR PRICES Spending St,, 726 N. Main St., 281 Wood- Before voting last night, the ®bairman of the Conservation antiwar member of a basically against Ohio officials. conservative administration Arthur Krause of Pitts­ Jordan Strife bridge St.. 144 Griffin Rd. in directors also questioned the caught up In a war In Indochina. South Windsor, and French Rd., town manager about' the costs burgh, Pa., filed the suit In Guerrillas Head Picked Pinch, who himself was asked Bolton. and means_____ Zt of tifinancing 1 ...the pur- servancy would play if the open- s h o w e r U.S. District Court here ® space application is filed. men s by President Nixon to leave Wednesday. He named as de­ Seen Heavy ----- chase If an open-space appllca- Spaulding explained that WASHINGTON (AP) — c u r t a i n s , Gennrn P RhnUv b®®®*"® a presldenUal fendants Gov. James A. Hold Captives •me ^nday School staff of tion is submitted and accepted, the org^izatlon could le n d ^ e George P. ShulU, who speaks In counselor, said simply he had B y THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bermiida m a t c h i n g Rhodes; the Ohio National a o n B v ^ l l c ^ Indicated that the fed- town money "at a fairly high soft tones of the nation’s hard "asked for and receded" Al Guard commander, Gen. Syl­ Editor's Note—’The writer ot Oiuroh ^11 meet tonight at 7:30 eral HUD agency must be as- interest rate-perhaps nine per Reports of renewed and d r a p e s economic p ^ le m s . has been len’s reslgnaUon. effecUve vester T. Del Corso, and heavy fighting in Amman the dispatch has been held hostp at the church. sured that funds have been set cent," if it meant the difference shorts named by President Nixon to Immediately The annimnce Brig. Gen. Robert H. Canter­ age In an Ammon hotel for the — aside by the town before an ap- of "getting or losing the prop- • group x im ^ ^ e the federal govern- went came less than an hour reached Beirut today, con­ last 24 hours. He was able to get 1 . 2 9 e a . f®«- l 9s bury, head of Ohio’s Army tradicting claims by the TWnlty Covenant Church will plication will be formally proc- erty." The Conservancy, he not- ^ ‘ ®'‘ broke the news to National Guard units. out this material through Irreg­ have a Kble study essed. The manager added, ed, was interested In preserving ^ • group 2 2 . 1 9 e a . reg. 2.98 domdst^ spending programs. Allen, who also served as asslst- Krause charged that the Jordanian government ular channels. 7^0 at the church. Hie church however, that he felt the town open spaces not In taking over Shulti* ^ t c h from Secretary ant HEW secretary for educa- defendants ordered the Na­ that the bloody civil strife choir will alao meet at 7:30. ’’could get an IniUal reacOon” the land. > By DENNIS NEEU) 2.88 • group 3 2 . 8 9 e a . k k - 3.9b of Labor to director of the new tlon. tional Guard to the campus in the capital had all but ----- from HUD before a referendum s ended. Associated Press Writer H ie North Manchester Al- was held to approve a bond is- -------------------------- ^----------------- ^ d '/ e t ™® Statement did and In so doing “ intentional­ • group 4 3 , 7 9 e a . ret. 4.98 ly and maliciously disre­ AMMAN, Jordan (AP) Anon family group will meet to- sue to finance the acquisition. :: Permanent preai fabrics never need j Palestinian guerrilla sources $60 000 to $42,500 a yew. but re- that usually accompany the de- garded the lives and safety — Leftist Arab truerrillas night at 8 at the Second Con- Weiss added that the exact ironing. Belt' loop,. Big choice of Sturdy vinyl plastic. Choice of In Beirut said heavy fighting portedly Is a big jump In power parture of high government offl- threatened today to blow gregatlonal Church parish cost to the town, which is a •olid colon. Wolit size, 29 to 42. matching lolid colon, print,, ,tripe,. of students, spectators and broke out today, with Jordanian G O IN G FOR and authority In the Nlxoh hler- dais, nor was there any expla- passersby, including Allison army tanks moving against ref­ up two hotels in which 58 house. Hie Hiursday group will quarter of the total price, is Krause." meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the not known at this time. The V A CA TIO N ? archy. nation of the sudden move, ugee camps, shelling neighbor­ foreigners are being held Pathfinders dub, 102 Norman state matches the town’s share Have your shoes re­ to referred gut Pinch told newsmen as he His suit also contended ing streets and the camps them­ hostage if Jordanian that the three leaders knew selves. 8t. Both groups meet weekly and the government pays the paired at Manchester's MEN’S REGULAR $5 45-piece U n lta d T it . ° « ‘®® Wednesday "there troops continued shellirtg and are < ^ n to friends and re- remaining SO per cent under the oldest shoe repair shop! there was not enough cause The source said the main tar­ Palestinian refugee camps. latlves- of a person with a open-spaces program, Shoes made longer ^ m e n t Informant after the Ume about his (Allen’s) role. to send the troops to the get appeared to be the teeming TTie threat by the Popular and wider . severe drinking problem. Later the manager noted that golf ^Mue willow” WWte House announced the ap- "Por some Ume he had Indl- campus and that the troops Wahdat camp, where many Front for the Liberation of were not properly trained In guerrlUa oiganizations have ----- if the cost is $128,000 to $180,- polntment Wednesday cated dlBsatlsfaction with things Palestine Involves one hotel In SAM YULYES “ It’s the most Important job In general," Pinch went m i, add- using loaded weapons In the their headquarters. which 36 people are being held 8t. Bridget School library vol- OOO, the town could finance it as OAK STREET dinnerware unteers are reminded that inven- without a bond issue with on ad- jockefs that’s been created In years; tag there also had been "some presence of civilians who Western diplomatic sources in and another In which 22 are un­ (a tew steps from were not similarly armed.
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