^ "-V r - - a , ■•;/^V'-'\iv!?'A«£<?/rt^ *'• - ', ,:r-: : ’■•? .'•'•• • v .- NET PRESS RUN THE WEAXl^l^ AVERAGE DAILY GOICULATION FoncMt Inr V, 8. WqBtlw^‘-2(4]Mp. for the month of June, 1028 Vew HiiTeii I^iU^dershowMB ^thlfl q|ttenio<« 5 , 1 4 1 ThiuMcUyYak «in4 oo<d- Member of the Audit Bureau of \ ClrculatloiiB ." state L it jr a r y ^ • '1 VOL. X U L , NO. 241 (Classlfled Advertising ou Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1928. (FOURTEEN PA€}ES) ' PRICE THREE CENTS G. 0. P. MOVES Boston Greets Its Own “Lady Lindy” NAMERASKOB TOCAPHIRE AS CHAIRMAN OFITALU WOMAN VOTE OFDaPARTY BY RUSSIAN FLYER SGI Women, Especially in the Head of Finance Committee HOOVER EASY Arrested As A Drunk, Reports Them Floating Help­ East, Are to Be Organized; of the General Motors Confesses To Murders lessly on Ice Floe— This Hoover Approves of the Corporation Elected at TO BEAT, SAYS Is Group" Given Up as Preliminary Plans. New York Meeting Today. SENATOR REED New York, July 11.— Arrested on^ death for alleged attentions to Mrs. Dead, Weeks Ago— Fogs a charge of Intoxication. John T Crosslin. Fled to Witchiia Falls, . Washington, July 11.— Herbert Texas. New York, July 11.— Governor Crosslin, 28, of Brooklyn, is alleged Hoover’s campaign for the presi­ In 1925, stabbed brother-in-law, Prevent Plane Landing; Alfred E. Smith assumed control cf to have confessed to two murders, George Hogan, to death for break­ dency will Include a specially or­ Missourian Delivers Himself the Democratic Party today. passing worthless checks and other ing a window In the Crosslin home. ganized and nationally conducted Other Group Marooned on He selected John J., Raskob, activities In the underworld, in­ Fled to Richmond, V a . Passed drive to capture the votes of the of Tirade Against G. 0. P. cluding that of being a worker for worthless checks in Virginia during chairman of the finance committee 18,000,000 American women eligi­ "Scarface Al” Capone of Chicago. 1925 and 1926. Ice May Be Dead as Radio ble for suffrage in, November, it of the gigantic General Motors Cor­ Nominee in a Newspaper Crosslin was found on his knees In 1927 moved Jo Chicago, be­ was learned here today at Repub­ poration, to conduct his campaign in his cell praying for forgiveness! came member of Capone’s gang, for the presidency. The Democratic for his crimes, according to police. I and after activities there double- Signals Have Ceased. lican headquarters. National Committee placidly rati­ Interview. During a questioning that followed | crossed Capone. EL'orts to swing the feminist fied his choice a few hours later by he is alleged by police to have con­ Later moved to Boston and then vote into the Republican party will electing Raskob chairman o-f the fessed numerous crimes. The crimes to Hartford, Conn., leaving a trail Moscov/, July 11. — Three mem­ include use of state Republican or- Democratic National Committee. he is alleged to” have admitted of worthless checks. Came to Along with Raskob’s selection, New York, July 11.— Declaring ber's of the crew of the wrecked .ganizations, special women’s clubs were: Brooklyn and has been constantly Herbert ri. Lehmann, another per­ that Herbert Hoover is the easiest In 1924, in W'aco, Texas, stabbed “ on the dodge” to avoid gang dirigible Italia missing since they and independent societies. Hoover sonal friend of the nominee, be­ man the Republicans could have his half-brother, Guy Castellano, to vengeance. set out alone on foot to seek land, \ himself has approved the prelimi­ came director of finance, succeed­ selected for the Democrats to beat, have been located by a Russian ing Jesse H. Jones, of Texas. nary plans for creating special cam- Senator “ Jim” Reed of Missouri de­ aviator, according to a radio mes­ • palgn clubs among women inter­ Five vice chairmen of the nation­ al committee were named. They livered a tirade against the G. O. sage today from the Russian ice­ ested in public affairs. are: Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross, form­ P. nominee in an interview with GRANDDAUGHTER OF KING breaker Krassin. The First Move er governor of Wyoming; Frank newspapermen here this afternoon. Aviator Chuchnovsky, who hop­ A regal homecoming full of color and pageantry was accorded Miss Hague, mayor of Jersey City, N. J.; I The first move to corral the Reed was in New York attending woman vote, it was announced, will Amelia Earhart when she and her companions of the Friendship flight Gov^ Harry F. Byrd, of Virginia, ped off near the Krassin in a sea­ be a conference of Republican na- arrived in Boston by air. The picture above shows part of the crowd brother of Commander Richard E. the meeting of chieftains of the CALLED MODERN CIRCE plane, reported that the group were of 250,000 that lined the streets as the procession speeded toward the ' tlonal commltteewomen from the Byrd, the trans-Atlantic and North Democratic Party. floating helplessly on an ice floe on northeastern states. Mrs. Alvin T. scene of the ofllcial reception. Inset is Miss Earhart and her mother, Pole flyer; Scott Ferris, national who greeted her flying daughter as she stepped from the plane at East Speaking of the Democratic con­ 80.42 Latitude and 25.45 West Hert of Kentucky, vice-chairman committeeman from Oklahoma and HOOVER’S HOME TOWN Boston airport. ference today, . Reed said: “ We’re Longitude. The floe was surrounded of the Republican national com­ Mrs. Florence Farley of Kansas. off to a good start. There isn’t any Sensational DetaHs of Life SOLIDLY BEHIND HIM mittee, will call, the conference and James W. Gerard of New York, reason why we shouldn’t win in by masses o f crushed ice. preside. Her purpose will be to former ambassador to Germany, November.” West Branch, Iowa, July 11 Circled Ovpr Party ; initiate the drive for feminist votes was re-elected treasurer and Reed was obviously in a happy Revealed in German — J. W. Wertzbacher, 93, thj Chuchno’ sky circled over the par­ in the moist Atlantic seaboard Charles A. Greathouse of Indiana, frame of mind following his confer­ only man in Herbert Hoover’s states, where many Hoover leaders WOMAN REPORTED TELLS ty five times making observations. was re-elected secretary. ence with Gov. A1 Smith, the Demo­ home town who has held.out! believe the campaign will be decid­ Big Financier Court— Her Love Fatal to against voting for him, has Tv/o members of the. party waved ed. cratic nominee. flags, but the^ third was lying dowa The selection of Raskob as na­ He was caustic, however, in his finally stepped into line. If the , Similar conferences of women tional chairman brings to the population keeps its promise upon the ice motionless and ap­ committeemen will be called later ABOUT NIGHT CLUB LIFE leadership of the Smith campaign references to Hoover, saying: Nearly a Dozen Men. parently dead. Hoover is the easiest man for us next November there, will not ' In other sections of the country, un­ one of the most influential business be a single vote cast for Smith , Heavy mists developed, compell­ til the women of every region are and industrial leaders in the coun­ to beat. He's not an American— ' he’s an Englishman. If we want and Robinson. ing the aviator to land upon North thoroughly organized. Special ef­ try. Berlin, July 11.— A modern East Land. TALKS TO WIFE to elect an Englishman president of Wertzbacher is the oldest forts will be made in each section Inside Story of Hostess and It is accounted a shrewd move to Circe-—the grandciaughtjej, of a Civil War Veteran in Iowa. l The commander of the Krassin • to get the Independent and seldom- impress the great business interests the United States why not get the FROM JUNGLES Prince of Wales and not someone King— whose love has b^n fatal to reported . that he is attempting to ' voting class of women out to the of the country that they have noth­ rescue the group, but that the pas­ polls next November and to get Girls in New York's Speak- ing to fear from a change of ad­ who was sent to this country from all men on whom she cast her eyes, Missionary in Africa Converses England to break down the price of sage to the floe is blocked by huge them pledged to the support of ministration, and to destroy the ef­ was revealed In a Berlin court ice bergs. Hoover, With Spouse in Massachu­ fects of such statements as Secre­ w*--Tit during the war?” easies— One Girl Explains when Frau Irmgard Bruns was SOLDIERS TO INVITE On Another Quest Straw Vote setts Home. tary of the Treasury Mellon made a Reed scathingly referred to few days ago that “ business will Hoover as “ an organized political tried for fraud and failure to pay The Hoover lieutenants, who — .1 operating t sponsored this drive, were cheered How She Works East Northfield, Mass..,. Yuly. again support the Republican appetite.” ______ her hotel bills atfd wSs sentenced to ■ among-Hne ice floes in the vic^iity 'Opket.” * “ It is a question,” Reed contin­ ALL TO VISIT CAMP by news from North Carolina that 11.— “ It’s a real thriller, nine months Ih'Jhll. ^ < of North Bast Lanff in an effort to Hoover received 750 out of a pos­ The selection of Raskob was en­ ued, “ if the thoughtful minds of rescue the group of survivors head- EDITOR’S NOTE: Interna- ma’am,” Trader Horn might tirely a personal one with Gov.
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