Weather Man can U imagine it the iro, gaurhos, big (”Hats and tlare legs ec nlcian made a (omebat k. (fan't deal With that or bad breath. Breezy, (hange- able skies today With the \ high neardS Volume LXIX, Number 45 Friday, lanuar 22,1988 Raleigh, North Carolina Editorial, 7372411/Advertisin 737 029 Senate demand students receive U officials public apology By Meg Harrington plan post-game StaffWriter The Student Senate demanded an apology from the Athletics Department Wednesday night in a resolution that caused an hour-and-a-halfdebate. In the first meeting of the semester, the Senate victory party debated the correct allocation of funds from student tligkets sold during the NC. State-Kansas game on Dec. By Madelyn Rosenberg and some of the team members Executive News Editor Public Safety will try to control The resolution. authored by Senator Charles the action. Stafford said, and stu Rambeau and amended several times by the Senate. N.(‘. State offiCials are thinking dents without game tickets will be asked for“a public apology for actions that occured." optimistically about the outcome of allowed into the colisciim after the “The athletic administration owed an apology to the Sunday's basketball contest against game. student body and the general public for the actions that the UN(‘ Tar Heels by planning a "I am very pleased at (‘oach occurred on Dec. 19, I987,“ Rambeau said. post-game victory celebration on the Valvano‘s response to this idea," Senator Andrew Cook added that “we (the student floor of Reynolds ('oliscum. Stafford said. “We started working body) have been slapped in the face by the athletics “It should last about an hour." on this yesterday. and that‘s one of administration." said Student Body President Kevin the limitations. We put together the Senators tookissue with the correct allocation of the Howell. "Jim Valvano has agreed. best plan we can in the time that funds received by the athletics administration from the along with his players. to come we‘ve got. sale ofstudent seats. down and do some talking on the “Whether we wrn or lose. we have “Students fees did, in fact, pay for those seats." said Wink HUSTUSTAFF mike after his press conference.“ to make sure any celebration that Senator Darren Young. “therefore. only money they The pep band may play and the takes place is done in a reasonable made should go back to the students." Exiled South African Donald Woods explains how he came to grip wrth the cheerleaders will be on hand, said and appropriate fashion," The resolution, which was passed on the first roll call reality of apartheid Tuesday in Stewart Theater. Drew Smith. a member of the But. he added. “If we don't win. vote of the year, will be sent to all concerned parties, post-game celebration committee. there‘s no plan." including ABC sportscaster Dick Vitale But money “I think it‘s a positive step toward The plan cart only be implemented issues will be discussed again at the next meeting. reducing the problems we have had at home basketball games. “It's a In other business, the Senate passed two finance bills From racist to realist in the past with Hillsborough great way to wrap tip a really big allocatingover $3,000 to two campus organizations. Street," Howell said. “We hope to victory." Stafford said. The Senate is beginning the semester with $15,300 in deter a lot of the students from Howell said he thinks the post the bank, said Derek Tyson, student body treasurer. goingtthcrel." game celebration will attract stu The Senate allotted $836.60 to the North Carolina South African comes to grip with apartheid Vice Chancellor Thomas Staf dents. “But we have to win the game Student Legislature (NCSL). The Student organization. ford agreed. “I think this idea may first."hc said. which meets in the old capitol building in downtown offer a good alternative to the plans He said the celebration offers the Raleigh, debates and endorses bills that are considered By Hunter George II Woods. an author of :si\ books on South we‘ve tried to develop in the past to students a chance to "get rid of some by the state government. The money they receive will Staff Writer Africa. said he was raised to be “ycrt provide an opportunity for students of the screaming go toward “basics", such as traveling expenses. racist " He began to question these yicws to celebrate a basketball victory." he “A lot of people think we won't “We did not want to ask for any more than we Donald Woods. a white Soutlt African iti \yllllL‘ studying law at the l‘tiiyersity of said. “It will work because the win. btit we have to hate a game need,“ said Brooks Raiford, the senator who authored cxrlc. called for international diyesttncnt of ( tip. liowit. students will already be in that plan." Howell said. thebtll. ‘ holdings in lug native country during a “liarly Roman law is an c\ainplc of the location. It also has potential if the Wolfpack wins_ Howell said The Animal Setence Club, represented by past speechTuesdaynightinStcwart Theater. lts‘dltlt Hf Ik‘lls‘cl ilisltt'v." Woods said. because it provides an opportunity pre5ident Teena Wootgn. received $2500 to attend a “You know, divestment used to be an “lhis stiiiarcdin noway with apartheid." for students to hear from the coach See I)[-IPARTMENT, page N convention In Texas' It is a part Of our heritage at obscene word." he said. “Now hundreds of hi the l‘loll‘s. Woods set‘ycd as edt NCSU that should be upheld,” said Haley Haynes. a campuses are doing it." tor iticlticf of a small newspaper tit South supportingsenator. Speaking to a mostly white audience of Africa. It was during liis tenure there that Rambeau supported another resolution calling for a about 400, Woods first cyplaincd the he met a young black leader nanied Steyc Ethics in workplace senior ticket line for the State-Louisville 'basketball history of how whites gained control of lhko. lltai is when Woods made his final gantt‘e. l h . South Africa. step iii reversing liis racial bclicls. forI.un9358631,ere assmen.the resolution would leave on yt ree lines in "Thethe Dutch1600's,“firstWoodssettledsaid.in South“The”Africathe know"ll whatWU 11Wit isi1to“llllsfibe a black.“H b ”"0““!thWoods said.“l in ‘serious’ trouble Seniors would obtain these tickets by presenting a British stole it from the Dutch. So about “But if you meet someone like Steve Biko. senior red card and AllCampus card. 4.000 young Brits moved to South Africa to you can get a pretty good idea. 1 think he By Meg Sullivan the importance of the symposium." Rambeau agreed that it might cause a problem for obtain sonte cheap property. 1 hat was the was sort of a South African \ltit‘tin luthet News Editor he said. line monitors and Senator Fulvio Brooks argued that beginning of white settlements and the King Jr " Business ethics courses are “it’s going to be more of a headache and chaos than a apartheid "code of laws‘.“ Woods was prosecuted by the govern More than 500 students packed in becoming the “new fad“ at colleges gift." Woods has testified before US. congrcs incnt seven times Wlttlt‘ lie was with the to the Student (‘enter Ballroom and universities. he said. The proposal was tabled until the next meeting when siottal and senate committees that driest newspaper. The charges varied front letting Thursday to hear the first of three Reasons for the “crisis stage" stem the athletics committee obtains more information on meat is a means of bringing economic blacks and whites work together to violating seminars on Ethics in the Pro- front professionalization of tracks procedures. prCSsurc on the South African government the strict publication laws restricting criti fessions and the Workplace. not normally considered as pro Senator Susan Braxton presented a resolution to that could help bring an end to apartheid cisnt of guy crnnicntttl policy Dennis Campbell, dean of the fessions, he said. There are now eliminate racist and sexist language from Senate “Apartheid will not be citishcl by on" idc "Specia' agent~ Would come by to inspect Duke University Divinity School. “professional cxtcrrninaiors" and operations, but it was defeated, 38-5. influence alone." Woods said. " int if the paper. and they would be shocked to gave, a keynote address on the people who are involved in “l just want to stimulate thought concerning this Congress would approve harsher sanctions. ltttd that black and white tcpoitci's worked general concerns of ethics iii society “mortuary science.“ ('anipbcll problem,“ Braxton said. “Language can be sexist or as applied to higher education. explained. racist when it omits a group, demeans a group or it would surely at least shorten the life ol entertainment. religion, and the need The institutionali/ation of pro stereotypes." apartheid.“ See WOODS, page it forethicsseminars. fessions is also a factor, he said. The professional workplace. The law profession no longer (‘arnpbell said. is in set'iOUs trouble. caters to individuals, Most lawyers “We are in a real crisis stage in the today either work for a large law professions." he said. He cited the firm or represent corporations. he recent case of David Bloom, a said. former Duke student who obtained The second phase of the syni it'll) million frortt friends to invest in posium will be held February 3 in the stock market and kept the Stewart Theatre. A panel discussion money for his own extravar'tnt between representatives from eight lifestyleasanexample.
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