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The list comprises 41 species which are listed under European or global policy instruments such as the Habitats Directive (16 taxa), Bern Convention (18) and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (20 species), 6 species listed under the European Union Wildlife Trade Regulation and 2 species have been identifi ed as threatened with extinction and included in the European Red List of Vascular Plants. Introduction Intensifi ed livestock farming, recreational activities, tourism and urban development, wild plant collection, invasive alien species, natural system 155 modifi cations and pollution, as well as introduction of modern agricultural practices and lack of fi nancial support for appropriate active protection management, resulted in changes in fl oristic composition. The conservation status of plants is one of most widely used indicators for assessing the condition of ecosystems and their biodiversity. It also provides an important tool in establishing priorities for species conservation. The necessity of this study was to make a list of rare vascular plants of European Importance from the fl ora of Republic of Moldova [9, 10, 13] in order to provide key resources for decision-makers, policy-makers, resources managers, environmental planners and NGOs etc. Materials and methods The present account includes all the taxa that are listed under: the Annexes of the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and fl ora); Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) (1979) [4], the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) [3] and European Union Wildlife Trade Regulation, and under the European Red List of Vascular plants [1, 5, 6, 7]. All selected plant species are native to local fl ora and the taxonomy followed by the recent taxonomical literature [2, 9, 12, 14]. Results and discussions The fl ora of the Republic of Moldova comprises over 1820 species [9, 13] inhabiting one of the most fragmented landscape in Eastern Europe with only a tiny fraction of its land surface that can be considered as wilderness. The plants in the present list are given in alphabetical order, each with the indication of the list (or lists) which it is included as follows: the Annexes of the Habitats Directive; Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention); the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and European Union Wildlife Trade Regulation, and in the European Red List of Vascular plants [1]. The Bern Convention is a binding international agreement that aims to conserve wild fl ora and fauna and their natural habitats and to promote European co-operation towards that objective. The Bern Convention was the basis for designing the Habitats Directive, a strong legal instrument that needs to be transported into national law by the European Union member states. There are three annexes of direct relevance to plant species: 156 Annex II, which is by far the most important in terms of conservation impact, requires the designation of Special Areas of Conservation for the species listed in there; Annex IV lists species for which it is prohibited to pick, collect, cut, uproot or dectruct plants in their natural range in the wild (Article 13.1(a)) and to keep, transport, sell or exchange those plants (Article 13.1(b)). Annex IV covers all plant species listed in Annex II plus additional ones. Plants listed under Annex V may require management measures for its collection from the wild and exploitation. Under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive, member states are required to report on the status of the species and on the conservation measures taken. Annexes II, IV and V of the Habitats Directive list seventeen and the Bern Convention includes 19 taxa from the Republic of Moldova and there is an overlap of 11 species between two instruments. CITES regulates the international trade in endangered species. It provides a framework for countries to establish national legislation to implement the convention. The trade for all the species listed in Appendix II should be controlled in the form of export permits and re-export certifi cates being required [3]. For the Republic of Moldova there are 20 species listed under Appendix II. This includes all snowdrop species (genus Galanthus) with a total of three occurring in the republic, the Sternbergia colchicifl ora and Adonis vernalis. Furthermore, the whole Orchidaceae family is included under Appendix II totaling 15 native Moldavian species. The European Union Wildlife Trade Regulation (338/97) lists additional species to CITES that need management at European level. The European Red List of Vascular Plants represents a fi rst attempt of assessment the European vascular fl ora (a summary of results for three selected groups of vascular plants, totaling 1826 species native to Europe or naturalized before AD 1500. They belong to one or more of three groups: plants listed under European or global policy instruments; Crop wild relatives of priority crops and Aquatic plant species) which is a part of a wider project aimed at comprehensively assessing several taxonomic groups [1]. The European Red List of Vascular plants provides key resources for decision-makers, policy-makers, resources managers, environmental planners and NGOs. Under this listing only two species occurring in our native fl ora: Carlina onopordifolia and Genista tetragona have been identifi ed as threatened with extinction. In total, there are 41 species in this group which will be from now on referred to as the European and International “policy species”. Many of them are protected by the State [8, 11] and are listed in more than one international policy instrument (Table 1). 157 Table 1 Policy species of vascular plants of European Importance in the native fl ora of Republic of Moldova Habi- EU IUCN Bern Species Latin tats Trade Red List Family Con- CITES name Direc- Regu- Category vention tive lation (Europe) Alismataceae Caldesia II, IV I NT parnassifolia (Bassi) Parl. Amaryllidaceae Galanthus elwesii II + DD l. var. maximus (Velen.) G. Beck Amaryllidaceae Galanthus nivalis VII+NT L. Amaryllidaceae Galanthus plicatus II + LC Bieb. Amaryllidaceae Sternbergia II + LC colchicifl ora Waldst. et Kit. Apiaceae Angelica palustris II, IV I DD (Boiss.) Hoffm. Asteraceae Carlina II, IV I VU onopordifolia B2ab(iii) Bess. ex Szaf., Kulcz. et Pawl. Boraginaceae Echium russicum II, IV LC J.F.Gmel. Brassicaceae Crambe tataria II, IV I LC Sebeok Brassicaceae Schivereckia ILC podolica (Bess.) Andrz. ex DC. Campanulaceae Adenophora II, IV LC liliifolia (L.) A. DC. Cyperaceae Carex secalina IDD Willd. ex Wahlenb. Cyperaceae Eleocharis II, IV I LC carniolica Koch 158 Habi- EU IUCN Bern Species Latin tats Trade Red List Family Con- CITES name Direc- Regu- Category vention tive lation (Europe) Droseraceae Aldrovanda II, IV I DD vesiculosa L. Fabaceae Genista tetragona IVU Bess. B1ab(iii) Iridaceae Iris aphylla L. II, IV DD Liliaceae Fritillaria IDD montana Hoppe Marsileaceae Marsilea II, IV I NT quadrifolia L. Melanthiaceae Colchicum fominii II, IV I LC Bordz. Orchidaceae Cephalanthera II LC damasonium (Mill.) Druce Orchidaceae Cephalanthera II LC longifolia (L.) Fritsch Orchidaceae Cephalanthera II LC rubra (L.) Rich. Orchidaceae Cypripedium II, IV I II + NT calceolus L. Orchidaceae Dactylorhiza II LC majalis (Reichenb.) P.F.Hunt et Summerhayes Orchidaceae Epipactis II LC atrorubens (Hoffm. ex Bernh.) Bess. Orchidaceae Epipactis II LC helleborine (L.) Crantz Orchidaceae Epipactis palustris II LC (L.) Crantz Orchidaceae Epipactis II LC purpurata Smith Orchidaceae Gymnadenia II LC conopsea (L.) R.Br. Orchidaceae Neottia nidus-avis II LC (L.) Rich. 159 Habi- EU IUCN Bern Species Latin tats Trade Red List Family Con- CITES name Direc- Regu- Category vention tive lation (Europe) Orchidaceae Orchis militaris L. II LC Orchidaceae Orchis purpurea II LC Huds. Orchidaceae Orchis signifera II LC Vest Orchidaceae Platanthera bifolia II LC (L.) Rich. Orchidaceae Platanthera II LC chlorantha (Cust.) Reichenb. Ranunculaceae Adonis vernalis L. II + LC Ranunculaceae Pulsatilla grandis II, IV I LC Wend. Ranunculaceae Pulsatilla patens II, IV I DD (L.) Mill. Rosaceae Agrimonia pilosa II, IV LC Ledeb.
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