Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-18-2000 The BG News April 18, 2000 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 18, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6646. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6646 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. WEATHER TUESDAY Partly April 18, 2000 Cloudy WORLD NEWS 2_ OPINION 4 High, 59 ■» CAMPUS 6 Low, 39 The BG News SPORTS T www.bgnewi.com Volume 88. Issue 64 A daily mdependem srudenr pness Demolition causes parking problems JEFF HINDENACH lots According lo her, they were MANAGING fciiiioR worried about being held liable for any damage done to the parked cars. You're late. You jump into your so they though it would be safer to car and speed off to campus. You go close down the lots. screeching into Loi 4 by the smoke- According to McArthur. soon the stack where you always park only to slack will be at a height where the find it's closed Instead, you have to contractors will be-able to knock the park on the other side of campus, rest down with a wrecking ball. walk to class and are extremely late. When that happens, both lots will be More and more students and dosed, bin the wrecking should not teachers arc experiencing this sce- last long. nario due to the sporadic closing of 'The contractors are pretty much Lots 4 and E by the smoke stack, on schedule." he said. "When the which is currentl) being taken scaffolding comes down, the wreck- down. But. according to Stacie ing ball should come in." Enriquez. administrative assistant of Additionally, after the stack parking and traffic, there is not comes down, both lots will also be much they can do to warn students reconstructed. But McArthur said ami faculty about the closings. that this will be done after spring "We are at the mercy of the con semester is over and before the sum- tractor." she said. "We usually get mer classes stan. notified the morning ol the closing Enriquez reminds students that It all depends on the weather condi- even though the closings are an tions, and we can't predict the inconvenience, the construction will weather." be over soon, and the new parking James McArthut. interim direct.a lots will be an added bonus. ol the design and construction "We know it is an inconvenience department, s.ud thai almost .m> and we do sympathize." she said kind of bad weather can affect the "Bui jusl keep in mind thai this is a work. Even though the) cm watch tempoiary job and thai u will be the weather reports the day before, over soon " any condition may pop up in the Enriquez also reminds students early morning. that Lot 4 is not the only commuter "Any negative weather condi- lot on campus tions can hinder the construction, "The red commuter tag means MIKE LEHMKUHLE/ The BG News including temperature and wind pat that you can park in any commuter SMOKE STACK — Even though the smoke stack will be coming down in the next few weeks, the construction is resulting in the terns." he said lot on campus." she laid. Also, stu- sporadic closing of Lot 4 and E. This upsets many students and faculty who go to park there and find it closed without warning. Enriquez said that the closing of dents can take advantage of the shut- the lots was not a University deci- lie buses so they won't be late to sion, but one made b\ the contrac- their classes." Inauguration Crfiv>e spree invade* BowUn^ Green welcomes Tire slashing Undercover officer makes drug arrest STEFANIE SIZEMORK. party when he tried to sell an under- keep an eye on all the establish USG members STAFF WRITER cover policeman two hits of the ments around town." he SARA GRAZIANO vandal caught drug Ecstasy, also known as X. SUM WRITER "We have I STEFANIE SIZEMORE a parking lot on Scott Hamilton A 22-year old Findlay man was The BGPD has been placing undercover officers at all the bars getting a lo STAFF WRTTEJt Avenue. arrested for drug trafficking and The new Undergraduate Sludeni drug abuse Saturday night at Star- around Bowling Green, according complaints Police questioned Franz on from studc Government members for next year dust. to lieutenant Brad Connor, police Last Thursday, police arrested why he slashed the tire. and lc were sworn in al last night's USG information officer for the Bowling and charged a male for criminal "I was just drunk and when I Angelas Kostandinos. a wrestler about Slardu meeting damaging and named him an offi- drink I do stupid things," Franz from the University of Findlay. was Green Police Department. so we are defit Marcos Popovich and Rebecca cial suspect in the recent spree of said to police. arrested at Stardust's after-hours "We use undercover officers (o focusing NietO were sworn in as USG's new tire slashings. Franz denied ever doing any- them." president and vice president. Twenty-seven-year-old Joseph thing like this before. "We use undercover officers to keep an eye Connor "We've been waning for this, and M. Franz of Cygnet was arrested "1 had no involvement in the on all the establishments around town. We said polic I'm excited." Popovich said. after he was seen slashing the other tire slashings." he said. have been "Tonight's the nighl. I'm president tires of a car on Scott Hamilton Although Franz denied having have been getting a lot of complaints from getting now We have a lot of dedicated peo- Avenue. any involvement in the other tire students and locals about Stardust, so we com- ple here willing to go out of their According to Lieutenant Brad slashing incidents, police believe plaints way for this campus." Connor, police information offi- he might be responsible. are definitely focusing on them." about NietO vvas also excited about cer for the Bowling Green Police "Because of the similarity of Brad Connor drugs being sworn in at USG. "It's going to be a great year." Department, Franz is the only the crimes and the location, he is BdPD Lieutenant suspect. definitely our main suspect," i See ARREST, page 6. Nieto said. "I believe in our new- "We believe he might have Connor said. members, and we'ie going to be building on what the previous presi- been involved in the other Police will have to wait a few dent and vice president and the rest crimes," Connor said. weeks to get evidence back from of the members have done this An eye witness reported seeing a lab to be able to confirm 2 gunmen assault student VC.Il " Franz exit a white minivan, walk whether or not Franz is connected short to medium length hair. about the sexual assault and, STEFANIE SIZEMORE Popovich and Nieto's chief of up to a car and slash its tires with to the other crimes. STAFF WRITER believes as long as people ate, The other suspeel was described Staff, Rebecca Filch, was also sworn "We have submitted several a knife. as approximately 6' 1-2" tall with smart the) will he sale in lasl night. Fitch was formerly items as evidence and a lab will Police were contacted, and Last Thursday night, a 23-year- dirty blonde, short, straight hair "I can not believe some-, USG's coordinator for Dance Thursday a warrant was put out be evaluating those,"- Connor old male BGSU student was and a short stubby beard. Ihing like ihis happened in Marathon. said. "We should know something for Franz's arrest. Police picked abducted and sexually assaulted. Dick Gullufsen. police informa- Bowling Green." she said | "I'm very excited about being up Franz later that day while he in the next few weeks." The student was walking down tion officer, said the University "This does not really scare ! selected." Filch said. "We're all was walking around downtown Franz has only been charged East Merry Street across from the police are taking this seriously. me. though, because I think I going to do a great job next year." Bowling Grjen. with the one incident, but if found Oak Grove Cemetery when a late "A crime that involves a gun as long as people walk ml The new USG representatives Franz initially denied slashing to be connected to the rest of the model dark-green Jeep Grand and abduction and a sexual assault groups in well lit areas ihcv f were also sworn in last night. Newly any tires, but after police advised tire slashing, the charges will is very serious, and we are limited will be sale Cherokee pulled up beside him. 1 elected off-campus and at-large rep- him that there was an eye witness, change. Two white males, ages 30-35. on the information we can give Campola believes overall resentatives were sworn in. as well he changed his story. Craig Warner, senior TCOM pulled out a silver, revolver-type out." he said. that the University is a safe' as organizational representatives Franz stated that he got off major, hopes that police charge handgun and ordered the male to Police are advising that students campus.
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