The Butler Collegian ■Voi. 102, No. 11_________________________________________ Indianapolis, Indiana _________________________ November 7,1988 Colleoian opinion poll Student voter Bush/Quayle favored 3-1 w Butler University students support the greater margin than do voters statewide. The c preferences George Bush/Dan Quayle ticket by a 3*1 mar­ most recent Indianapolis Star poll found that © gin, a Collegial opinion poll has found. 54 percent of Hoosier voters plan to support the The Collegian contacted 100 students a Bush/Quayle ticket, while 33 percent plan to (0 random over the weekend and asked which vote for Dukakis and Bentsen. ’S 50 presidential ticket they planned to vote for The Star poll, a survey of808 Hoosier voters © Tuesday. Sixty-six students said they supported taken O ct 23-27, also revealed that 53 percent George Bush and Dai Quayle, while 20 said of Indiana voters favor Democratic gubernato­ they planned to vote for Michael Dukakis and rial candidate Evan Bayh, while 38 percent Lloyd Bentsen. Eight of the students polled said said they would vote for Lieutenant Gov. John 20 they were non-voters, and six were undecided M utz. as to how they would vote. Incumbent U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar is fa­ Hie unscientific poll took into account full­ vored by 72 percent of Indiana voters, the Star 8 time and part-time, graduate and undergradu­ poll found. His Democratic opponent, Indian­ ate, and on-campus and commuter students. apolis attorney Jack Wickes, had the support of The results of the poll reveal that Butler approximately 19 percent erf Hoosier voters at Bush DukakisI Undecided Not voting students support the Republican ticket by a the time the poll was taken. Democrats, GOP predict success in governor's race By Margie Wray apolis,” he said “And when you Nation said the Democrats are the work to several commis toners. Mutz reports that more than 800 Asst. News Editor have endorsements you get a much simply addressing the issues and Although Mutz is proposing companies have been assisted dur­ more positive image.” avoiding negative campaigning.— - increased .funding to improve his ing his administration, and funds A clear leader has yet to em erge Crane attributes much of the “We’re not trying to scare the programs, he claims taxes will not totaling mere than $50 million in die 1988 race for governor of campaign’s success to a strong voters into choosing our candi­ increase. have been used for this purpose. Indiana as both the Republican and volunteer organization. Without dates,” Nation said. Likewise, Bayh has acquired the Mutz plans to continue the assis­ Democratic parties forsee success volunteers, who have devoted Bayh and Mutz have addressed title of the taxpayer’s “watchdog” tance in order to create and retain for their candidates on election months of work at the Mutz head­ education, economic development as secretary of state and would more jobs for Hoosiers. day. quarters, Crane said the campaign and governmental integrity in their continue to combat mismanage­ Mutz and Bayh are both natives Lieutenant Governor John Mutz would have failed. issue papers and hold similar posi­ ment of state funds. of Indiana. Mutz graduated from is paired with Marion County ‘The volunteers have been de­ tions in these areas. Bayh and O’Bannon have devel­ Broad Ripple High School and prosecutor Stephen Goldsmith on voting entire days to the campaign. Both candidates also see a need oped a plan, “Indiana Focus,” to went on to Northwestern Univer­ the Republican ticket. Evan Bayh, I think that says a lot about John to increase funding for educational restore Indiana’s long-term eco­ sity to earn a bachelor of science who has served as secretary of state Mutz—that they want to work so programs on drug abuse. Bayh nomic health. Under this {dan, and a master’s degree. He has since 1986, and Frank O’Bannon hard for him,” he said. plans to enact a “three-front war” Bayh plans to help existing Indiana served as a member of the Indiana represent the Democrats for gover­ According to Crane, the Repub­ on drug abuse with education, businesses expand and concrete General Assembly and House of nor and lieutenant governor. Sup­ licans have an outstanding organi­ treatment and law enforcement as nationally. He also {dans to in­ Representatives and was a state porters at both headquarters are zation, which has received support his main objectives in drug preven­ crease the number of Indiana- senator nine years. predicting success on Nov. 8. from Senator Richard Lugar and tion. based com panies. Bayh, who was bom in Terre David Crane, administrative Congressman Dan Burton. M utz s a d if he is elected he w ill Bayh alleges that Indiana’s share Haute, graduated from Indiana assistant for the Mutz campaign, The Democrats are expecting continue to utilize the drug en­ of the national population and the University in 1978. After receiving said the Republicans have received success for Evan Bayh, who was forcement task forces developed in national personal income has de­ a law degree in 1981 from the positive feedback throughout the reportedly leading the gubernato­ the past year. He said he would also clined under the Orr-Mutz admini­ University of Virginia, he served as state. rial race in the latest Indianapolis would appoint Goldsmith as chair­ stration. By developing an “Indi­ a law clerk for die United States ‘We’ve received endorsements Star poll. Campaign volunteer Tim man of a commission for a drug- ana Fund” to provide grants to D istrict C ourt fo r Indiana’s south­ from every major newspaper in the Nation said the governors of Vir­ free Indiana. All drug prevention Indiana companies, Bayh will ern district He also worked with an state, including papers in South ginia, New York and Michigan are efforts would be coordinated by place more emphasis on state rather Indianapolis-based law firm before R e n d . Gary, Evansville and Indian­ supporting Bayh. Goldsmith, rather than delegating than national programs. being elected secretary of state. Wickes challenges second-term Senator Richard Lugar By Alison Peck tee and to the Child and Human thing really unusual,” said Kip Production Assistant Development Subcommittee of the Tew, political director for the Jack Senate Labor and Human Re­ Wickes campaign committee. Democrat Jack Wickes will chal­ sources Committee. “W e’ve had volunteers for the last lenge incumbent Republican Sena­ Lugar, a second-term U.S. sena­ couple of weeks on phone banks; tor Richard Lugar in the voting tor, graduated from Denison Uni­ Jack has been criss-crossing the polls Tuesday for a seat in the U.S. versity in Ohio in 1954. He served state doing press conferences and Senate. in the Navy intelligence from going to plant gates in the mornings Wickes, a partner in the law firm 1957-60. From 1964-67, the busi­ during shift changes to meet the of Scopelitis, Garvin and Wickes, nessman and farmer was a member voters.” graduated from Indiana of the Indianapolis Public School According to Marsha Carring­ University-Bloomington in 1969. Board. He served as mayor of ton, political director for Friends of He served a tour of duty in Vietnam Indianapolis from 1968-75 and Dick Lugar, campaign efforts for in the 101st Airborne Division. was elected to his first term in the Lugar include money-raising Wickes then worked for the Marion Senate in 1976. events and volunteers passing out County Welfare Department as a Spokesmen for campaign head­ information door-to-door or tele­ caseworker before earning a law quarters o f both W ickes and Lugar phoning voters to encourage them degree from Indiana Uni- said they will continue general to support Lugar. versity-Indianapolis law school campaign efforts through election “We’re pretty much continuing He has served as counsel to the U.S. day. what we’ve done for the last two to Senate Veterans Affairs Commit­ “We haven’t been doing any­ three years,” Carrington said. 2 The Butler Collegian November 7,1988 "Our values make America great"- social theories. We don’t want to The first step is recognizing the By George Bush slide back mto the failed policies of problem. That problem is a liberal the p a s t ideology that says: “Everything’s As we move closer to the 1988 Consider, for example, the fight okay, it’s all relative.” I don’t agree Presidential campaign, one thing is against crime. It is true that reha­ with this liberal view of the world. I becoming increasingly clear—this bilitation is important, but more im­ believe that certain things are right election will determine the values portant is keeping hardened crimi­ and certain things are wrong. that will guide our country into the nals behind bars so they can’t hurt I believe that a good education is 21st century, innocent people again. essential to give our children a The values that have driven the I am opposed to prison furlough sense of self-worth and achieve­ Reagan/Bush Administration for programs like the one Gov. Dukakis ment. I will continue to encourage the past eight years are the tradi­ has supported in Massachusetts that federal programs that are designed tional, proven ones that have allowed first-degree murderers not to get federal bureaucrats out of worked to make America the great­ eligible for parole out into society micromanagementof local schools. est country on earth. I believe dim for a weekend “recreation.” That I want to put parents back in charge most Americans continue to share liberal Massachusetts program re­ of their children’s education.
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