11 1115-DIGIT 02906 tA L6gssoc1A 1IO N 02906 Rhode -..ew1sh Reviews & Restaurants HERALD pp. 8& 9 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXXVIII, NUMBER 23 NISAN 27, 5752 / THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1992 35¢ PER COPY ASDS Holds Model Seders Jews To Leave Syria \1~ by Larry Yudelson The reports made their way to leave a family member be­ ,It~ NEW YORK UT A) - Syria to Israel from Brooklyn's large hind. J will soon permit its 4,500 Jews Syrian Jewish community. Until this announcement, to emigrate, according to Damascus Jews had tele­ Syri an Jews have been permit­ t \ recent reports. phoned relatives in Brooklyn ted to travel abroad, but only if Syrian Jews, long denied per­ with the news that senior they leave behind both a mission to emigrate, reportedly police officials have informed deposit of several thousand dol­ ' were given word on April 23 them that henceforth Jews lars and a family member who i-> that they are now free to leave. would have the same travel can serve in effect as a hostage Radio Damascus later re­ rights as all Syrian citizens. for their return. ported that their release was According to those who re­ In addition, the process of imminent. ceived the ca lls, the Damascus applyi ng for the required pass­ lsrael Radio reported Sun­ Jews sounded free of fear and port and visa can take years. day that three Jewish families in hibitions over the telephone, "At this point, the litmus . left Syria for the United States which in itself suggested that a test is seeing the people come . recently. major policy change is under out in numbers," said Alice There was no confirmation, way. Harary, president of the Coun­ .,_, and the radio admitted it was 'Test Is Seeing People Come­ ci l for Rescue of Syrian Jews, too earl y to say if that was the Out' "The Jewish community in start of an exodus, "We're hoping it's true," Brooklyn is ready for them," she said. Arkady Yerukhimovitz, Amy Peiser, The anticipation and exci te­ said Seymour Reich, chairman Observers in Israel said that fifth grade. fifth grade. ment in emigre circles here and of the Task Force on Syrian in lsrael is tinged with fear, as Jewry of the Conference of if Syria does indeed show that Syrian Jewry activists caution Presidents of Major American its Jews can leave, that could On April 16, two classes from the Alperin Schechter Day that onl y seeing is believing. Jewish Organizations, have a favorable effect on the School participated in model seders at the homes of two of Reich said the indication of a bilateral talks between Israel their classmates. The Fifth Grade went to the home of class­ real policy shift would be if and Syria, which resumed re­ mate Joshua Rubin and enjoyed a pre-Passover feast of whole families are permitted to cently in Washington. charoset, matzah maror, and candy. Many thought-provok­ Passing On leave, without being required ing questions were asked - and answered - and everyone (continued on page 5) used his or her own custom-made haggadah, which had been created during previous weeks. ATradition Class 3B went to the home of Ariel Wachtenheim and by Stephen Ben-Allen enjoyed a tremendous meal of gefilte fi sh, "four questions" While much of the Jewish fruit juice, "dayenu," brownies, ca ndy, ca rrots, celery and salt community has been fretting water. The meal concluded after the Afikomen was retrieved. about the dangers of intermar­ This was the first Passover for the children who recently riage, B'nai B'rith Women emigrated from the former Soviet Union, bringing new mean­ (BBW) has done something ing to the phrase, "Now we are free men ... " about it. After surveying their membership, BBW commis­ I ~ sioned author Sunie Levin to write a book enabling grand­ parents to discuss and pass on their religion to their grandchil­ a dren of interfaith marriages. If you've ever wondered how to talk about Judaism with your children or grandchildren, or how to instill them with Jewish c~. -~~t'_ values, the book Mingled Roots: A Guide to Int erfaith Gra11dpar­ enti11g has some wonderful ideas. To explain the concept of Mitzvah to a preschooler, au­ thor Sunie Levin suggests sim­ ply telling them it's "sharing Seated is teacher Steve Jablow'-. Clockwise'~ are: Peter,~< Sara, and doing good for others ... an Jennifer, Masha, Shayna, Olga, Anna, Rachel, Ariel, Rishona, important part of the Jewish re- Local author Judith Sternberg Newman of Richmond, RI Sam and Ladislav. signs copies of her book, In the Hell of Auschwitz. (continued on page 14) The Sixth Annual Herald Passover Contest Raphy Gallery, Providence, the by Kathy Cohen Temple Beth-El's religious lowed by Moses at the burning tached with velcro to card­ Herald displayed all the win­ Herald Associate Editor school, and, sneaking in just af­ bush, and the Plagues were not board, The use of sand to ners and several worthy run­ ter deadline, was Providence too far behind, We saw Moses portray the desert was proba­ Each year the Rhode Island ners-up, for everyone to see. Hebrew Day School. Individual sporting cotton for beard and bly the most practical. Jewish Hera ld dreams up a dif­ Student artists came, enj oyed drawings ca me in many forms the ever popular sparkles left The Herald staff agreed that ferent Passover contest theme juice and cookies, had their from large manila or small their mark (all over our office) the drawings of the youngest (l ast year it was the four qu es­ photographs taken, socialized white legal envelopes to ex­ as the predominant favorite age group were the cutest and tions) and this year we left it up for a while and a had good to the children to choose any press mail and some were even decoration (next year we may most difficult to judge. And have a no-sparkles-allowed with the exception of the win­ time, Turn to page 13 to see the theme from the Book of Exo­ dropped off by parents. children and their master­ The youngsters came up with contest and th en we'll see just ners, we found that the major­ dus. pieces, Drawings ca me in from all so many creative ways to ex­ how creative the children can ity of the oldest students' work over Rhode Island and South­ press themselves. The most be). Also, it was interesting to seemed half-hearted. ern Massachusetts. Alperin popular Exodus stories were see clear plasti c wrapping pa­ Last Sunday, between one Schechter participated, as did th e splitting of the Red Sea, fol - per, representing water, at- and three in the afternoon, at .. 2 THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1992 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Comments Sought On Court Volunteer Are You A Starver, Recruitment Stuffer Or Skipper? Practices & Procedures The Samaritans, Rhode Island's suicide prevention The United States District the history of our country that center, is looking for volun­ C. Wayne Calloway, M.D., Court for the District of Rhode citizens are being asked to author of The Calloway Diet: teers who are caring, non­ Island is soliciting comments review our federal court judgmental listeners to answer Successful Permanent Weight from interested Rhode Island­ system and invited to com­ Control for Staruers, Stuffersand the 24-hour crisis line in the ers regarding ways to improve ment on ways the judicial center's office at 2 Magee Skippers, will be the featured federal court practices and pro­ process can be improved." speaker at the American Heart Street, Providence. cedures. In particular, the A new training session for Association, RI Affiliate's 16th Court is seeking comments on Mr. Curran requests that Annual Nutrition Conference crisis line volunteers is sched­ ways that delays or costs of comments from the general uled to begin May 11. Training on May 6 at the Johnson & civil litigation might be re­ public be submitted in writing WalesAirportHotel, Warwick. classes are held at The Samari­ duced. to: tan Center at 2 Magee Street, Dr. Calloway, Associate William A. Curran of the Berry B. Mitchell, Ph.D. Clinical ProfessorofMedicine Providence. There are seven Providence law firm of Han­ Project Manager/CJRA session~: Monday, May 11; at George Washington Uni­ son, Curran, Parks & Whit­ Analyst versity, Washington, D.C., is Monday, May 18; Wednesday, man, Chairman of the CIRA United States District Court May 27; Monday, June I; Mon­ a specialist in weight control Advisory Group, said, " the I 13-D Federal Building & and nutrition. "A lot of my day, June 8; Monday, June 15 Committee seeks to reach its Courthouse and Monday, June 22, from patientscometomefrom 'quick objectives through signifi cant One Exchange Terrace fi x' diet p rograms where Conference objectives in­ 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. covering input by the Court, litigants, Providence, R.I. 02903-1720 befri ending, depression, grief they've been starving them­ clude identifying the charac­ litigants' attorneys, and by the Only written comments will and loss, confidentiality and selvesand losing weight a tan te ris tics o f the 's tarver,' community at large." Curran be considered by the Advisory other issues involving suicide unhealthy s p eed ," says 'stuffer' or 'skipper' dieter, the added that "it is cri tical that Group. The Court requests that prevention. Volunteers are Calloway. "Not onlyare these risks of yo-yo dieting, discuss­ the general public be given the no calls be placed to the Court ing the metabolic risks of a asked to call the office at 272- programs unhealthy, they opportunity to comment and instead of written comments 45 I 6 to arrange fo r an inter­ very low-ca lorie d iet, and also don't work to keep the participate in a meaningfu l and they must be received by the view prior to training.
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