VOLUME 102 OBERLIN OHIO FRIDAY DECEMBER 14 1973 NUMBER 23 Seniors to be appointed Vssrr Z T WW V j 4 1 Diverse search committee elected By C S HEINBOCKEL move to expand the number of under straight balloting proce- With a light turnout students seniors to three at a meeting dures elected four women four blacks today Out of a student body of ap- two Hispanic Americans and one Seniors were excluded from run- proximately 2700 there were 916 Asian American along with three ning in Wednesdays election due valid ballots and 87 invalid ba- white males to ten the member to a mix- up between the students llotsand overflowing wastepaper student presidential com- search and the Trustees on the Trustee- baskets mittee in the weighted ballot elec- Student Conference Committee Committee members are Der- last Wednesday During meeting the speculation ek Longmire Carol Izumi Mike The newly elected committee from a Trustee indicating that Brooks Leslie Clapp Matt Weiss- met yesterday to determine seniors should not serve because man Cesar Roy Rich Hayden whether seniors should be added it was going to be a long drawn- Miriam Velez Marlene Gilles and to the committee and decided to out search going beyond com- two com- Ken Reisenfeld Review Photo by Leslie Seldon appoint seniors to the mencement was taken to be an mittee in February However official directive f The Oberlin Orchestra warmns up their kazoos in preparation for Derek Longmire search com- John Brown chairman of the a boffo endofthese- mester performance tonight at 830 in Finney mittee member said he would Trustee Search Committee later clarified the misunderstanding and emphasized the need for sen- EPPC ranks position priorities ior involvement because of their lengthier experience with the College Although the memo from the Spanish major given top billing Trustees setting up guidelines for the selection of the student search By MARTHA DAVIS ulty Council who can rearrange in this ranking would maintain committee expressed concern a- bout representing Conservatory Priority was given to the Ro the ranking before final authoriza- the facultys present size There V tions to in Jan- will be no students as well as minorities mance Languages Human De- hire are made more than four filled uary The past two years and it is possible none were elected i velopment and Psychology De- rank that fewer will ings have been followed by the be filled if the budget demands it Richard Hayden member of the t 4 K partments in Wednesdays rank- 1 CFC No i i g ing of college staff position re- The ranking procedure followed search committee explained t quests by the Educational Plans This does represent the Co- in this executive session of EPPC Conservatory students ran and and Policies Committee The high lleges best informed most care- which lasted until 100 am were oddly enough none of them got ranking given to Romance Lan- fully considered ranking of prior- worked out in the preceding weeks elected He did mention that the guages will probably prevent the ities among departments which and reworked until the commit- committee could appoint a Con- elimination of the Spanish major requested new staff according to tee was satisfied it had the fairest servatory senior in February but which was possible because of EPPC chairman Jim Powell ground rules possible that Con students would have to After it becomes which apply for search committee posi- two vacancies in the department Since there were four replace clear positions will be filled EPPC may tions before they could he con- 41 This ranking is not binding on ment positions up for eonsidcra advise departments on how the sidered the President or the College Fac tion filling the top four positions Review Photo by Leslie Seldon positions may be filled for ex- Commenting on the use of a ample making sure the Romance weighted ballot Hayden said Odd sights like this lamp Language slots were filled by The purpose was to ensure di- planted in Tappan Square have Last gala issue of the semester Spanish teachers The committee versity and it certainly is a di- been appearing throughout the may also give advice on how verse group He added But week as students do their final Ho IIo Ho Chesnuts roasting on an open lire Tinsel in those departments denied new the conjecture from those count projects for a course in guerrilla your hair The Review proudly presents its holiday and final staff should adjust their offerings ing was that the results would art Shades of light humor root- and arent you glad issue of this semester as the claque to compensate not have been much different ed in down to earth esthetics throws away the books bundles up and prepares for the festivities of the oncoming holiday season The Review bids you joyous tidings a nip here and there Dean Wilkenfeld tenders resignation get high and the magic and wonder of Santa We ask you to read this holiday issue with eagerness though we will publish once a week during Winter Term and in third gear second semester the promise of our satisfying as Colleges first feminist administrator your is as chimerical as a Hollywood marriage desires and By EILEEN YACKNIN she was charged with helping Colleges support of the new role the anticipation of excitement on par with a widow ex- Finding no time as an admin build the womens studies pro- of feminist dean because it af- plaining her newly acquired inheritance gram firms the Colleges legitimate Oh we forgot Merry Holidays istrator for her own personal almost and Happy New The swamp and important concern with wo- Year growth the Colleges first fern inist academic dean will follow As a member of the Committee men Wilkenfeld nonetheless the example of her boss and on the Status of Women and lamented the increasingly strain- leave her year and a half job next authoring part of the report the ed administrationfaculty rela- Student Finance Committee March to explore and discover Womens Studies Committee and tions Im frustrated with the Zara Wilkenfeld while noting the Academic Standing Commit- way in which administrators are Oberlin antagon- she has no regrets about taking tee Wilkenfeld worked to clean viewed at This distributes activity monies the job admitted that the work ism between faculty and admin 1 istration takes its toll on people By PAM HOOPES liance asked for 5400 and Hi O isnt stimulating to me anymore after working in the Womens J Prone After reopening requests for Hi which got 5000 asked for Movement since 1969 not a few weeks ago the Stu- 5500 Im In a sense she added the funds finding political organizing satis- Finance Committee has an- WOBC came away with an ad administration is in a feminine dent fying for myself at this time of nounced its new allocations to ditional 6500 In order to cover role vis a vis the faculty Just my life campus organizations the costs of such a large alloca- as women are expected to wield tion the Finance Committee is Fuller precipitate their influence behind the scenes the Most organizations received borrowing 5000 from the College Wilkenfeld acknowledged that so are the administrators of money they requested amount the rest of the funds come out Fullers decision precipitated her Before departing to California Summergrad according to Eric of the student activities fee own although she had been think- Wilkenfeld hopes to complete The groups assistant treasurer New requests for money came ing about it for a long while some of the projects shes been that asked for and received the from the United Farm Workers Fullers resigning says his needs involved with including the year were draft same amount as last which got 250 and requested are out of phase with the aca- of a proposal for a Womens Folk Music Club with 450 the 280 the Friends with 70 the demic year hes putting his own Studies program a conference on 400 the Undergraduate Pseuky Student Trustee Conference Com- education first It makes you ask womans self image and the cur- of Philosophy 100 Mum- Journal mittee with 50 and the Political the question of whether what riculum scheduled for Febru- 495 Interabang 550 mers and Caucus with 790 youre doing is really fulfilling ary and working with Dean Organizations that were Strang Funds for dorms came to 4500 your own needs Reich on the elimination of sal- led by the Student Life Commi- Barrows and North were the only Originally brought here to iiiirtu ii nn t n r nni iimi m J ary inequities ttees initial allocation of last two that did not ask for funds broaden the concept of student Zara Wilkenfeld Wilkenfeld expressed an inter- years amount of money got a Other Finance Committee monies advising in view of the Colleges est in aiding the search for her better deal this time around were spent on honorariums for new curricular flexibility Wi- up the clogged situation I found replacement explaining that with Amnesty International received the treasurer Pat Rennet and lkenfeld immediately set out to when I got here with respect the budgetary crunch it is im- 280 Film Series 1000 Native assistant treasurer Summergrad redefine the structure and re- to her two fold feministacademic portant for the new dean to be American 1500 and the Asian of 1100 The Committee also sponsibilities of associate dean- advisor duties I tried to lay the concerned with the status of wo American Alliance received 5000 spent 250 for an operating ac- ship Last April unreluctantly re- foundations over the swamp she men in the College and have the The Alliance and Hi O Hi were count for the treasurer 1300 for linquishing her academic advis- said but I dont have the energy
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