1194 WIDNES. LANCASHIRE. [KELLY'S •Harrison Henry, saddler,.'28 Farnworth st| 'alton William, head master, Widne's,; Hewitt William, grocer & dairyman, 38- Hewitt Peter, coal merChant,Farnworth stn-i Technical school, 15 Victoria avenue •Birohfleld road (Hill Peter, wheelwright, 124 Derby road 'arbnrton James, farmer, South lane, Bold Heyes Brothers, wire drawers, Appleton vil! Holding iJoh'nt team owuer,64Farnworth s't1 'atkins Philip, bookkeeper, 19 Derby rd Horabin John, tool maker, Appleton village- Houghton Jn. grngrcr. 62 Lunts Heath rd 'ebster Arthur, grocer, 9a, Farnworth st Houston : William John, Angel & Elephant: Houghton Walter, grocer. & farmer, 6 ..'ebster Harry, manager, 192 Birchfleld rd P;H. 27 Appletou Village Louts Heath road Whiteside Frederick James, tax collector, Hunt Emma .(Miss), confectioner, 23.'. Hoyle Samuel, householder, 43 Derby road 186 Derby road Appleion village Hughes John, ins. agent, 19 Farnworth st ..hitley Wm. householder, 7 Victoria aven Hunt Joseph, ironmonger, 41-BirohfliI. rd Hughes Peter, beer retailer,19 Farnworth st Whitfield James; farmer, Eose farm, 190 Hurst Bobert Topping, householder, 65. Hughes Thomas, assistant borough sur- Derby road Highfield road 1 veyor) 11 Victoria avenue Wilson Charles John, inspector'of -water Ireland Wm. confctnr. 16 Birohfield road Hunter James, joiner & bldr. 156 Derby rd "works, 14S'"Peelhouse lane Johnson Jn. markt.grdnr. 105 Birohfleld rdl Ingham John, farmer, Lauesend farm, Wilson Henry B. engineer, 45 Derby road Kean Peter, newsagent, 47 Appleton village- Birchfield road Vilson James, coal merchant, Farnworth stn Kelly William, farmer, • Widnes house Jems'Alfred. E. householder, 37 Derby rd Wilson Parthenah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 90 Kiddie James, householder, Caen villa,. Jones James, draper & hosier, 46 Farn- Farnworth street Highfield road worth street Wood Edwin, brick manfr.. Birchfleld rd MaoLennan Donald Urquhart M.D. physi- Woods Hannah (Mrs.), shpkpr.!62Derby rd cian & surgeon, Highfleld house Jones William, grocer, & post office, 33a, Maddison Elizabeth (Mrs.), householder, 32; Farnworth street OUEEDLEY. Jones Alice (Hiss), baker, 61 Derby road Birchfield road Lea D. & Son, plumbers & decorators, 98 backhouse John, farmer, Marsh end Martanscroft Peter, boot ma. Birchfleld rd Farnworth street Sennett Walter, farmer, Moss Bank road tfewburn John, householder, 82 Bircb- Lea Fredk. househldr. 4 Beacqnsfield rd Jradshaw Charles, farmer, Farnworth road field road Lea John Eussell, painter, see LeaD.& Son Sdfterley Jonathan, farmer, Wood end Toms Walter, traveller, 80 Birchfleld rd> Lee Jas. Hampton, househldr. 182 Derby rd lardstaffi Henry, water insp. Valve house Price Mary (Mrs.), householder, 88 Biroh- Littler John,; Eing-o'-Bells P.H. 73 Farn- larrison Aaron, farmer, Cuerdley Hall fm fleld road ;.' worth street losker John, blacksmith,. Warrington rd Eandle Margaret (Miss) L.V.O.M. <fc Humphreys Sarah A. (Mrs.),Cuerdley Cross L.I.U.M. teacher of music, 4 Appleto Longton James, farmer, Knowlands house P.H. & farmer village Mannington Herbert Turner, manager, Humphreys. Thomas, farmer, Lower road Batclifie William George, relieving officer -Beaoonsfleld road Johnson John, farmer, Primrose valley, for Widnes district; res. 57 Eighfleld rd1. Mansergh Ann (Mrs.), fannr.School brow Port Widnes • Eeay Janet (Miss) A.L.O.M. teacher of Mercer:Eva.(MisS), drssma:67 Farnworth.st Kilshaw Charles' Edward, farmer, Cross music, 24 Birchfield road Most Kate.(Mrs.), bousehldr.178Birchfld.rd Lane farm ' ' Bowland John, clerk, 45 Highfield road Norris-Jones Wltr. hsehldr.lSOBirohfield rfl Knowles William, farmer, Clock farm Sadler John, engineer, '78 Birohfleld road' Orme Harold, househ'.dr. 186 Birchfield re Tuson George, farmer & market gardener Sayce George Edward, quarry Palmer John,.parish clerk & seSrton, Oroff Wright Jas. frmr.& drymn. '& asst. ovrsr owner & contractor, Appleton quarry cottage,-Marsh Hall Padd Showan Thomas, head, master Simms Oioss- Batten Walter, registrar Cemetery, Birch- APPLETON.' • ' school, 6 Birchfleld road field road Smith John H. householder,86 Birohfleld rd.' Platt John, team owner, 66 Farnworth st PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Smith Joseph, householder, St. John's villa,. iPlatt Carey L. (Mrs.), laundry, 66 Farn Farrant William; 74 Birohfield' rdad Biighfield road ' " worth street, .. , . Finegan 'The Very Kev. Dean Thomas streets. Wm. househldr.' 34 .Birohfleld toadi K^vu^M-.tvuik"".*', farmerJ.aiJJiet,, .Orontov^uu^unu iviwalane (Pritcfiard .F. (MrsO.-householder, 1 Spring (Catholic), The Presbytery Swinton Thomas, clerk, .55'Highfield road' . field yi)las, Peelhouse l^ne Heyes Mrs. 12 Appleton village • Walker Eiohd. hsehldr. 67 Highfield road! Pritdhard Joseph ,\v...householder, Spring Lewis David, Ingle Nook, Bircbfield road Whitfiel! d Charles.estate. agt,43 Highfleld rd1 -.. field.. Peelhouse lane , . MacLennan -Donald Urquhart M.D. High- Wh tfield John, coal agent, 47 Highfield rd Eatclifie !,.John-, .James, .householder, 18i field house Williams William Thomas, householder,, 41 :. Birehfield road. • ... Morrissey Eev. Tim'othy- (Catholic), 'The Highfield road ^ ' , ' (Eawlinson Jonathan, traffic inspector, 10 (Presbytery - • • • • '•.''. Wilson Percy Perrin, draughtsman, 18* •••Derby Toad, •. Pedlar Eev. Joshua (Cong.),4Birohfield rd Birohfield road Swale Thomas • S.' Hillside, Highfleld road Woods John, confectioner, & post office, 49- Bobinson Jn. Glover, householder, Sunny Appleton village ,' - side,'Derby road COMMBKCIAI,. Eogerson Eiohard, greengrocerj 30 Farn Ashley Annie .(Mrs.), Crown inn, 72 Birch- Woolley Frederick, plumber '& painter, 10$ - worth street field road Birchfleld road . 1 Euncorn Co-operative Industrial &-Provi Brobme Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 57 Young Mark, beer ret. 12 Birchfield 'road ., ,.dent'Society-Lim. grcrs: 69 Farnworth s Birohfield road St. Helens & Widnes Brick Co. Lim Burgess William, grocer & butcher, 59 UPTON. : Derby- road Birohfleld road . .. COMMERCIAL. Shores. Henry Benj. househldr. 39 Derby rd Ohsdwick Isaiah,' manager, Hillsidei High1 Baker-Henry, farmer ,, • . Shuttleworth -Thomas, farmer, Fair View field road ' , Baldwin Edward & Evan, market gardenrs- . house, Wilmere lane Crawford John Charles, National school Baldwin Edward, beer retailer & market Shuttleworth Thos. householder, Wilmere la . master, 7-6 Birchfield road gardener, XJpton lane Sinclair John S. surveyor borough of Curtis'Harry,'head gardener Victoria. Park Berry John, tool maker r ' • . Widnes, 65 Derby road . 6 Appleton village Boardman Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner,. $mith .Emma (Mrs.), Griffin inn,. 2 Farn- Dennett Thos. market gardnr. Highfleld r< 6 Hock lane worth street Devlin J,ob,n, ,househldr. 2 Birchfleld roat Bowerman William, market gardener Springe^. James, joiner, Peelhouse lane Devonald Bobert, head master Warringtoi Clark Alfred, farmer, 28 Book lane Squires Alfred James P.C.S. analytical road .school • Coofcson & Sons, tool makers, Upton lane- chemist, Coroner's- lane Diverrybouse'Wm. hs'ehldr. 61 Highfield re Oooksou .Nehemiah,: tool maker, Upton I»> Swift James, farmer, .Hanging Birch .farm Farrell, Edward,, slater & plasterer, Apple Mulroy Edwd.farmer & cattle -dlr-lSEook la- Taylor ,-Bobt. butcher, 26 Farnworth street ton village Stott Ellen (Mr«.), laundry I-ay.Jor Wm.rHy. farmer, 16,8 Derby road Georgeson Eiohd. constable, 4 Bradshaw s Verity Miles, farmer, Book house •: Teasdale Wm, news agent, 16. Derby road Harper James, clerk, .69 Highfleld road Watkin William, farmer, Book farm,. Thomas William, hsehldr. 184 Derby road Hartles John, househldr. 63 Highfield roac .• .Upton rocks. ...--, Thorpe Alexander, hsehldr.188 Birchfield rd Hewitt Elizabeth (Mrs,), shopkeeper, 3 Wilde John, laundry, Upton lane Twigg'.J.phn, Hor,ns.. inn, 60, Derby road • Appleton .village Wilkinson,Thos. tool .maker,. 12 Upton Ian* Wit.aA:,N1' WI&AN is an ancient parliamentary, municipal and county '• north bank, th'e later 'portion the south. The'Douglas Navigations, borough,- union and market town,' 38 miles south from Lancaster, passing the town pn the south, -was bfiught by the Leedsano, 16 south from Preston, 12 north .from W.arrington,-.18 'north-west Liverpool Canal flompanyj -who iriade" att artiflcial' course'ana the from Manchester, 19 north-east from Liverpool, 91 west by south river'has stone been disused. , , \,., from Bolton, 20$ south-west from Eoohdale, 16.J west from Bury, The-borough, returned members "to Parliament In'the tune^f 196i from London by railway and 199 by .road, and. is the head Edward.I. but, not again; until the Itwenty-saventh.'yeat:"of 'the- of a county court district and petty sessional division, township reign of Elizabeth; it formerly returned two members, out of- and-parish; the borough is in the.Inoe division of the county, tte ',' Eedistribntion of Seats Aot, 1885," the representatioo waa- hundreds of West Derby and Salford, rural deanery of Wigan, • reduced to one. • ' ' ' and archdeaconry and diocese pf Liverpool. The stations of the Wigan was first incorporated by Henry III. in 1245, eubse-- London and ,North Western railway and the Lancashire .and' quently receiving charters"from Edward II.,' Henry IV.'/.'Queen< Yorkshire railway are in, Wallgate, the former being carried over ; Elizabeth, Charles IIt, James II. and William' IV. ' ' .... the street,on>.oast-iron bridge supported by-fluted colnmns.and Under the Municipal-Corporations'Act of 1885 (5 and 8 Wm. the latter passing under the street In a deep cutting. The 1 Wigan. Junction railway, which runs .through
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