FIT VtUi-Shop The Adi stride All The Activities Tb« Largwt And B«t Shop* And ;XiX-NO. 22 CARTERET, N. J, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER tt 1950 PRIC1 ITVB CENTS Derby Winners, Trophies and Race Officials See Maintenance Registration Deadline Nearing New Playground weetness Of. Rent Control Acting Borough Clerk Advim To be Dedicated. ' AND CARTERFT--Acting. Soroush is reached. Mrs. Tappen In the Borough Clerk Frances Tappen reminded Voters who chance their resi- voters today that only four weeks dence 40 days before election Here Tomorrow remain to register for the No- will RO to their old polling pines Light Rent ilurh Solely Council vember elMtlonn, Voters may on election day and vote niter Irani Avenue Playfield Concern; Resolution is register nt the Boroug1 h Hall dur- J taking an affidavit that they IIA,,,,KS E. GREGORY Intt office hours. The clerk's of- 1 havt moved. Largest of 6, to Have Needed for Retention flee will also be open evenings Voters who have changed Ceremony at 11 A. M. from 7 to 9, September- 25, 26, ,„, liope of salvag- their residence since the last CARTERET — Borough offlclah 27 and 28. CARTERET—Councilman James nicrnational Uni<?n electon end fail to transfer By Mill and Smelter Indicntwl today that the Federal Despite the Importance of the . Lukach, chairman of the recrea- rent control law will be continued forthcoming election, there have September 28 will be barred on committee, announced today because it isn't in the borough until the end of been few new registrations. from voting In November. .hat the borough's newest and riTort it would take June, 1951, find that » resolution Voters have until September Carteret will elect a mayor and urgent playground will have Its l-.louse it of the cove; ing it will be introduced soon. 28 to register or transfer for the two councilman Also to be Dfnclal opening tomorrow mom- sis who run it. There have been a number of forthcoming election. There will e>cted are three freeholders, a ng. be no possibility of registration sheriff, two coroners »nd con- iiueries frbm rent payers as to The dedication ceremony it notion In this respect. once the September 28 deadline gressmen In Middlesex County. | t Lerner is a pet slated for 11 A. M. Most of the f )rl Continuation ^of Federal rent borough officials and representa- , ,,[ these Communists onirol in Carteret after Decem- tives ol the American Oil Com- L n,, better than they ber 31 depends solely on the Bor- pany will be present. According to ough Council, unless it wants to Coacciolis Return Home After ;.'ul,l maybe worse be- oseph Comba, the committee has >; , . at least admit nit the question to a referendum. secured frankfurters, 500 rolls and h( y That was in effect the opinion they are. It's the likes (X) bottles o( soda for refresh- of the area rent director In a Three Months Tour of Italy ments. n ;,|Ui them which have statement today ouUlnlnn the pro- CARTBRET—Italy Is makliu tives nnd friends and there were many rounds of parlies, 1 r,'(j ooo men out of the cedure required to keep rent con- a remarkable post-war prosross The new playground, located In 11 in less than four trol under the latest Federal meas- due to aid from the United "Th« Italian people are alwnys Orant Avenue. Is the sixth of the icciuise vigilant Ameri- ure covering the situation. States, employment Is near peak Klad to greet the Americans ployflelds operating here. Al and people are generally happy, when they comt there," Mr, Brechka, recreation director, said i industry got sick at All the governing body of any Coaceloll said. In addition to according to Mr. and Mrs. Enrico all the playgrounds will be kept stomach every time (ARTKRET—As the I.lnns l»50 Soap Hnx Derby Benjamin Katlir, William Sitar sitiil J. Robert municipality In the area need do visiting their home town, Mr. open as long as weather permits. Coaccloll, 84 Roosevelt Avenue, r/ht of being hooked came (o »n enii: Picture shows winner ;ind rom- lariss; rnrs- iviru ITS, left to rieht. Brentii Misdom, to mnlntain the rent freeze, the aid Mrs. Coaccloli spent several 1(m mlttce members of Die race. Khmvn from left to Joseph Kaslia, Willliim Sitar Jr., tawrll Klbertson director said, is to declare by reso- who returned this week from a The playground property has Hi these stooges of weeks in Rome, where the Holy been leased from the American right are: Adults, Joseph Comb:\, Thomas .liikcwuy. anil l{:in:ilil Wimisdnrffrr. lution that a shortage of rental three months trip to their native Year pilgrimage is attracting Hi,- IMMSW is shot housing exists and It requires the country. Oil Company at $1 a year. The thousands form all parts of the ntlre site has been fenced In and .,H right, and its place continuance of rent control. "We had a marvelous trip." world. There is no^requirement as to some $2,000 has been spent on b;.rn taken by unions Lions Oub Derby j Radng Staf wHh peny Tfophy the Coacciolis sad. They visited It was the second trip to Italy equipment which Includes two sec- not only loyal to a public hearing, legal notice or Rome, Milan, Florence. Venice, for the couple. In 1|)31. the Co.- tlons of large swings, a section of 'orkns but loyal to the other procedural matter if a local Naples and Oeno. Their chief in- acclolls were Joined by their two small swings, two slides, a- merry- i states as well. Draws Big trowd Kov<rnint> body wants to take ac- terest was in Terni, a small children, Catherine and Julius. go-round, a «ee-saw, a ball field tion for continuing control In its Italian town from where the The trip was made aboard the and large Jungle gym. Ideal Weather Helps community. couple halls. They visited rela- Nee Hellas of the Greek Line. c strcl Workers of the "Such resolution does not re- When school is In session, pu- Affair; Thousands Are quire approval of the Governor pils of the Nathan Hale School have supplanted the will utilise the playground and 3W in many Instances, but the housing expediter, should Thrilled by RacerH be notified promptly in writing of Van Deventer Rites Plan Full Probe equipment dunlng recess periods. with the steel workers the iictinn." the director explained. "It will be one of the finest rec- CARTERET—Several thousand members never had it "Without nction to continue con- reation spota for children," Coun- They not only have persons witnessed the 1950 soap trol, Federal rent control ends in Here Tomorrow Of Town Affairs cilman Lukach said. better contracts, but box drrby race here Saturday, held the boroufih December 31." A variety of games are scheduled re won them without under the auspices of the Carteret High Mass in St. Joseph'* Grand Jury Extended to begin at 11 A. M. sharp. The have Lions Club. program: Three-legged race for Lerner a year ago Chureh for Long-time 2 Months in Probe of boys 10 to 12 and 12 to 14; sack he most miserable flop Louis "Teddy" Kasha, who has Details Announced races, piggy-back relay, three- wr history for keeping participated in several previous Employe of U.S.M.R. Woodhridge Townshi legged races and sack races for races here, finally managed to win girls from 10 to 13 and from 12 ncn out on strike for For Ukrainian Day CARTERET — The funeral of WOODBRIDQE — A full-dre the A and B class and top all to 14. months and then get- Elwood Van . Deventer, 63, 44 investigation of every aspect others. The class B winner was Woodbridge Townships govern There will be a doll contest. En- them exactly nothing— (!oinl>itK'<l Societies of Chrome Avenue, will be held at The workers at U. S. Joseph Kasha, cousin of the new ment will be undertaken by tries must be'made between 10 champ. v St. Demetrius'1 Church 8:45 A. M. tomorrow Irom his late hold-over Grand Jury, Prosecutt A.M. and HAM, j returned to their jobs home. A high mass of requiem will going hungry to please Brenda Misdom was tho winner Mattehew P. Melko announced la It was announced that effective To Hold Fete Sunday | be offered in St. Joseph's Church Wednesday. today all games at playgrounds :r, to get precisely what In the C class lor girls, who had as her opponent Terry Przygoda at 9:30 o'clock. Interment will be Prosecutor Melko stated a re- will start at 5:45 P. M. Teams will could have received CAKTKRE1T The fifth Ukrain- be allowed fifteen minutes of grace of Sayrevllle. There were two win- ian Orthodox Day will be held in New Calvary Cemetery, Parlin. quest by the current Orand Jury, mt striking. He deceived ners In the out-of-town class, which ordinarily would go out of to get teams on the field. under the sponsorship of the- board Born In SayrevlUe, son of the misled them and then namely Michael Strako of Fords ol trustees and combined societies existence Tuesday, to be permitted 'd away to pick up his and Lowell Etbertson of PtTth Am- of the St. Demetrius Ukrainian late Alexander and Alralre Thomp- to conduct an exhaustive Inquiry boy. with Ronald Wamsdorfer of Chinch Sunday. September 3. at son Van Deventer, he had been a Into al! phases of municipal gov- lush check merely for ernment here was granted by Plan Reopening Mllltown as second-place winner.
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