Calgary City 1994 Sept E

Calgary City 1994 Sept E

Dynatech Designs Ltd Dziuba B 686-4423 244 127WestoyerDrSW 686-060/ Dziuba 04031711 25AvSW 229-1708 Dyke—E DYNACUTS HAIR CUTTING Dynatrends Consultants Inc Dziuba D F 28HawkcliffCrtNW 239-8928 Dziuba Felicia 403 1234 l4AySW 244-6252 INC 510 20CfowfoolCrtW. ■ ■ ■■■239-7999 12 5400DalhousieDrNW ■_ 247-9940 Dyke Barry 43EdgeparkCrNW 239-0507 Dynawest Management Services ,/no Dziuba Francis 277-0524 Dyke C Dr Box92Site22RRl2 686-6792 Dynaflex Electronics Inc 3430 25StNE 250-5310 751StratliconaDtSW 249-M19 Dziuba Jerry 931-3798 Dyke C H 2239 7AvNW 270-1840 DYNAGRAPH DESIGN CORP Dynes A 124CastlebrookRdNE 285-3360 Dziuba Larry J 132 9AyNE 230-0224 Dyke D 6i™ntertK)mDrNE 730-0004 240 3700 78AvSE 279-0967 Dynes D 2036BroadyiewRcfNW 283-3856 Dziuba P 5610TrelleDrNE 275-7632 Dyke Guy jT. 275-6892 Dynalta Energy Corporation Dynetek Industries Ltd l 5915 35StSE 720-0262 Dziuba Taras 28HawkcliffCrtNW 239-8928 Dyke Henry K aSHverSprrngsOrNW 288-2091 635 8AvSW 262-9633 Fax Line 720-0263 Dziuda Hieronim 31VenturaLaneNE 250-2767 Dyke I C 348MkaakeBlvdSE 254-9429 Dynamark Distributors Box5243StnA ■ 248-2040 Dynique Specialty Advertising Ltd Dziver R 3126DoyerCrSE 272-0834 Dyke Lindsey John 731RundieskJeDrNE 285-4960 DYNAMEX THE FAST WORD IN 1721 27AyNE 250-9210 Dziver W A 3532 49StSW 246-5329 Dziwiszer E 303a4554ValianlDrNW 247-1990 Dyke Malcolm 233-8952 DELIVERY Dynka R 41StradwickPlaceSW 242-0394 Dyke Pamela 613 725 l2AvSW 228-4655 DYNO-TUNE & BRAKE SPECIALISTS Dzuba Jerry 568ShawiniganDrSW 256-6105 Dispatch 287-0090 Dzuong D D 293-6470 Dyke Steve 1404LynnridgeBaySE 279-2804 Dynamic Advertising Limited DALE ADAMS 4325 istSE . .287-2834 Dzurka G Si J 243ParksideCrSE 278-2355 Dyke Steve Taxidermist 1721 lOAvSW 245-5757 Dynovac Plus-Bill Gladstone Dzurka Gerald 271-8810 4543 26AvSW 249-4724 Fax 229-4448 800 333 SAvSW Dzurko K 286-2553 Dyke Tom il95Marc(xtib€CrNE 272-3538 Dynamic Appraisals Apprsr Dynys Helen 221 l2aStNE 266-3766 Dzurko M 251-0694 Dyke Tony 4ii 827GiennioreTrSW 255-9415 42ArbourCrSE 258-3868 Dyok Dwayne S Dzurman D 72McKerreliCloseSE 257-0556 Dyke V Bsnit4883RundtehoniDrNE 285-2238 Sales 219 7710 5StSE 258-3882 303 4555V3rsityLaneNW o'Tmi Dzurman Peter 99SctiillerCrNW 547-3512 Dyke W 2004 840 9StSW 269-2685 Dynamic Audio Installation & Dypolt D l4031DeerRidgeDrSE 278-1931 Dykeman Brian 62CarnbraiAvSW 240-4094 Services 230-7797 Dypvik Rolf 3208 27StSW 249-9925 Dzus Peter 72l2SiiverSpringsRdNW .. 288-4307 Dzwinczyk A J 705 7AyNE 230-3632 Dykeman Mike 710 505 4AvSW 265-4577 DYNAMIC CLOSURES LTD Dypvik-Galts I nof'fnfn Dykeman Robert Upstrs223 lOaStNW . 283-3699 E-JAY PETROLEUM SERVICES LTD 100 9805HortonRdSE .255-2424 Dyrgas J 253LagunaCirdeNE 285-6059 Dyker J 404 1802 92AvSW 258-0837 Dyrgas S 523 6400Co3chHiliRdSW 240-3089 242 62AySE 252-4409 Dykes B 115 634 2AvNE 233-8038 Dynamic Consolidated Resources Ltd Prkld'is 931-3969 Dyrgas T E SlSunhurstCrtSE 256-2522 Fax 252-4470 Dykes M A 104 3139BowwoodDrNW ... 286-1800 Dyrholm D 547-0604 E A Rush Messenger Dispatch Dykes P 226-1431 Dynamic Construction Dyrholm J E l32Hawkfie!dCrNW 239-0585 1815PinetreeCrNE 280-9423 2011 27AyNE 250-5453 Dyki C 2104 28AvSW 244-0884 Dyrkacz Marvin F E A S EMERGENCY ALERT Dyki J MnRr2632 33StSW 249-4874 DYNAMIC CONSULTING LTD llSLakeLucemeCloseSE 278-8596 Dykman E A 223HanipshirePlaceNW 241-8868 3935 17AvSW 240-1200 Dyrland Dale ^^ 959 SYSTEMS 245-8622 Dylman J 261-2722 If Busy Call 240-1300 Dyrnaes Michael 7 721 ilAvSW EAT Institute Box7Siiel7RR7 . 272-4100 Dykman Mikhail Dymaes Michael 7 721 i3AvSW 244-9454 E 8 A ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 516QueenAlexandraWaySE 278-6991 DYNAMIC CYCLE Dyronn G 640-0050 LTD 6111 36StsE 236-9700 Dykman Vladimir 8248 5StSW 252-6993 Dys John VV 207Silyer'creekDrNW 288-3404 Fax Line 236-7033 Dykmans Frank 4439 17AvNW 288-2059 2631 17AvSW 249-2225 Dyson B 434 l3StNW 283-0087 E B L Contracting Ltd Dyksterhuis Peter 5928Madig3nDrNE . 248-9037 Dynamic Dance Studio inc Dyson C 73HollandStNW 220-0291 220RancheroPlaceNW 239-5643 Dykstra A J 4611 48StNW 288-5287 4 lllOCanterburyDrSW 251-4049 Dyson C H 302 26AyeNE 277-2459 E B P Services 239-7634 Dykstra Bert 4812 70S1NW 247-1856 Dynamic Demos Ltd 608 5920 laStStN 253-8248 Dyson D G 797EastCtiestermereDr 272-8819 E C Contracting Inc Dykstra D 1903 62AvSE 720-0317 Fax Line 255-7479 Dyson Edward 73HollandStNW 282-5731 56DoyetmeadowCloseSE 248-5303 Dykstra Dave 286ShawnessyDrSW ■ . ■ ■ 254-8432 Dynamic Design & Mfg Ltd Dyson G Dr 79EdlortliCrNW 239-8434 E C D ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS Dykstra Dave Fax Line 900 840 7AvSW 264-7188 Dyson Gary 417 216DoyergienCrSE — 235-5003 DISTRIBUTORS INC 286ShawnessyOrSW 254-5085 Dynamic Drilling Fluids International Ltd Dyson George S 79EdforthCrNW 239-6549 106 3639 27StNE 291-9639 Dykstra G 2207 ill 146AvSE 256-2468 2447UxbridgeDrNW 289-7995 Dyson H 5611CentreStNW 275-8006 Dykstra J S 233-7986 Dynamic Drywall Interiors Ltd Dyson Harold 5611CentreStNW 295-7263 E C D GEOLOGICAL SPECIALISTS 405CliffeAySW 287-2490 Dykstra John 6611LongmoorWySW 246-6837 163MountVictoriaPlaceSE 257-1924 Dyson J 245-2916 Dykstra K 196FaimereWyNE 293-7756 Fax 257-1925 Dyson J Andrew ii827EibowDrSW . 251-0321 E C E GROUP CONSULTING ENGINEERS Dykstra Lester A623 68AvSW 253-7886 Dynamic Duo Painting Services Dyson J Andrew ii827ElbowDrSW . .. 251-0349 THE 12360LaketyioraineRiseSE . .271-0825 Dykstra 0 246-3732 60BedlordDrNE 274-6994 Dyson James 6775kteiyernRdNE 273-0715 E 8i C (H K) Bridal Fashions Manufacturers Ltd Dykstra Peter A 5315WaverteyOrSW . 249-8873 Dynamic Framing & Gallery Dyson James F 5988MadiganDrNE — 248-1466 Bayl0c2821 3AyNE 235-2650 Dykstra Robert L 5908DalkeitltHIUNW . 288-7560 2213 I4stsw 229-0196 Dyson Jan 4SceptreCloseNW 239-5638 E C I ENERGY CONTROL Dykstra Sid 2836 49SISW 246-6297 Dynamic Geophysical Inc Dyson Jason 6775MaiyernRdNE 273-3^6 2711 39AvNE 291-5008 Dykxhoom J l33SignalHillCirdeSW 240-2337 620 304 8AvSW 266-0009 Dyson John E 1434 4StNW 276-6177 E C & M ELECTRIC LTD Dykxhoom J i33SignalHi«:irdeSW 242-0428 DYNAMIC GRAPHICS INC Dyson John William 34SpokaneStSW . 255-7020 Dyson June Antiques 614 l7AySW . 228-4666 4015 8stSE 243-2202 Dyler E 251-1589 500 125 9AvSE 261-4644 Fax Line 287-9310 Dyler Glenn Dave 48FaitonDrNE 280-7669 Dyson K 797EastCliesiermereDr 273-9042 Dynamic Images 291-3656 E C M HOMES LTD Dyter W D 468MaidstoneDrNE 272-5983 Dynamic Licensing Services Ltd Dyson L 432QueenCtiarlotteDrSE 271-8376 Dyler William 7603FaifmountDrSE 253-4913 206 2723 37AvNE 250-8313 Dyson M E 301 1518 8AyNW 284-2230 33EdgeyiewRdNW 241-3212 Dyler William i07MilisideC)rSW 254-9386 DYNAMIC OIL TOOLS INC Dyson R L 3536 49StSW 242-0427 ECS Electrical Cable Supply Ltd . 238-5981 Dyson S 872AbbotsfordDrNE 248-9755 ECS Engineered Control Systems Dylex Limited 248RiyerbendDrSE 236-3866 National Distribution Services Dyson S A 720 728 llAvSW 244-7990 1510 6707ElbowDrSW 259-8503 Dynamic Optical Trading Co Ltd . 230-7491 Dyson W H 524 4515VarsityDrNW 286-2942 7510b5StSE 252-6360 DYNAMIC SOFTWARE DESIGN E & D PIPE & PROCESS EQUIPMENT Dyike C B 3450 32aAveSE 272-7583 Dysons Coin Laundry & Dry Cleaners LTD 2BldgB624BeaverdamRdNE . .274-6106 Dyike J 1317 22StNW 289-8107 INC 286-9644 1814 14AyNE 277-4147 Fax Line 274-6149 DyIke S 705 124 15Ay$E 261-3946 If Busy Call 286-3810 Dystra Chuck 23Fa(iswaterCrNE 280-6116 E D Smith & Sons Limited Dylong R J 274-7692 Dynamic Solutions Ltd 9Fir633 6AySW 266-4413 Dyte C 2632LougtwedDrSW 242-3355 105 3016 19StNE 299-0020 Dyment A 116WestmlnsterOrSW 686-2207 Fax Line 233-8490 Dyte D R 220BlackthomRdNW 274-6178 E D C 1030 510 5StSW . 292-6898 Dyment Alan R ll6WestminsterOrSW . 242-0231 Dynamic Tool And Supply 650-8937 Dyte Harley 233-0076 E D I International Ltd 370 140 4AySW 232-8488 Dyment Bill 315WoodparkPiaceSW 281-9557 Fax Line 276-6300 Dyte K D 38ScenicParkCrNW 241-1505 EDM Interiors Ltd 7947HuntlngtonStNE 295-1871 Dyment F J 686-6738 Dynamite Ventures Inc 249-3231 DYTEX RESOURCE INVESTMENTS EDM Management Systems Inc Dyment Wayne F Dynamo Decor & Drapery Designs . 254-2025 LTD 269-1669 1500 250 6AySW 265-2561 10228Maple9rovePtaceSE 271-2827 Dynasound Communications Inc Dytex Resources Investments Ltd EDS TECHNICAL PRODUCTS DIVISION Dymianiw J 31WoodfemRtseSW 251-0176 100 9805HortonRdSW 253-3364 1400 10655SoothportRdSW 271-2828 830 333 SAvSW 266-184q Dymock Donald 360RundieridgeOrNE . 293-7040 Fax Line 236-1874 Dytham Paul 273-7306 If Busy Call 265-4115 Dymond - See Also Diamond & Dimond DYNASTAR DRILLING LTD Dytham Paul 6932 4AyNE 569-0736 Dytnerski K SVCastleburyWyNE 280-9786 Fax Line 262-2288 Dymond Garth A 212l^eMorainePlaceSE278-0317 Bay6 5815 40SISE 279-0577 E E C L Resources Ltd 800 815 8AySW234-01i6 Fax Line 279-0269 Dyvig Oscar 265-6830 DYMOND GARTH A Lawyr DYWIDAG SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL Fax Line 269-145^ 1400 550 6AvSW 265-7070 E F CONTRACTING LTD Res 212LakeMorainePtaceSE 278-0317 DYNASTY AUTO GLASS CANADA LTD 2816 2istNE . .291-4414 11023SouthdaleRdSW 255-0262 Dymond Matt 224CapriAyNW 284-4363 Fax 250-5221 EdmontonTr&38AyNE 250-5000 Dzafic Senad 303 1021 llAvSW 228-4181 E F Mills & Associates Boxl338StnM . 541-1655 Dymond N C 427 46AySW 287-0461 Bay 6 411 38 Av NE 277-5261 E F A SOFTWARE SERVICES LTD Dymond P 247-9400 Dzaman Tim 304 234 5AvNE 277-6735 Dzamka J S 1104 l45PointDrNW 283-5789 1100 407 2stsw 265-6131 Dymond R C 30MeadowlarkCrSW 255-5413 DYNASTY BRIDAL BOUTIQUE E F C Systems Ltd 206 2725 l2StNE . 291-202q Dymond Robin 830 22AySE 290-0999 lOlOMacleodTrSE 269-5883 Dzatko Joseph 3620 3StSW 287-9796 Dzeik Alex 119 78AvSE 258-1920 Fax Line 291-3863 Dymsky Leonid SdHafcrookPtaceSW . 259-4634 Dynasty Chip Repair 250-2964 Dzeryk G 1107 1310 i4AySW 229-0485 E G Roofing 280-2023 Dyna Balance Pumping Systems Ltd Dynasty Components Dziadyk Joe 108 819 4aStNE 276-5757 EGA Consultants 2Fir550 llAvSW .

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