An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper FRIDAY September 26, 1997 Volume 124 • THE • Number 7 _ on-Profit Org_ U_S. Postage Paid ewark, DE 83 Permit o. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Bomb threat rocks Hullihen, but fizzles Roselle hopes suspect will come forward for psychiatric treatment BY CHARLES DOUGIELLO The employees who work in the call to The Re\ iew was St,lff Rtpoua Hullihen Hall were informed of the probably a up regarding the earlier An anon} mous suspect sent a threat upo n arriving at work e-mai I threat. bomb threat to Pres. David P. Tuesday morning. Ro selle said in a press release Roselle via e-mail at approximate!) Later on Tuesday. at Wednesday th.lt Umvcrsity Police 9 p.m. Monday >tating a bomb approximately I: 15 p.m .. an h:1ve taken every safety precaution. 1-\0ttld explode 111 Hullihen Hall unknown person placed a call to Rose lle also satd he was Wedncsda) night. University The Revic\v restating the bomb concerned for the person or per ons Police said. threat. who made the threat. Un11 ersit) Pol~t.:c. along 1-\ ith a Jen Gartner. office manager for '"We feel sorry that the person in homb tcchntctan. reporte<.JI) The Re1 ie\\. recci\ed the call and que<,tion is in such a confused state searched the building thorough!) said a female asked to speak to the of mind ... he satd ...That indtvtdual late Monday night and found no editor in regard to a bomb placed tn is clearly 111 need of help. b<.mh. the administration building. ··we hope that he or she will be Capt. Joel 1\ or} of the GartnLr and her co-workers able to muster the courage to come Uni\ ·rsit~ Police satd the e-mail decided to report the cal l to forward and allow themselve to be transm1sswn \\a-. traLed back to a Universi ty Police. helped ... spcciftc terminal sttc and user The police tool.. statements from Flatley declined to comment on After further in1 estigatton. Review emp loyees but later other aspects of the case 1-\ hilc it i THE REVIEW I Roh \\ell! howe\cr. Uni\cr,it) Police decided not to C\ acuatc Hull ihcn ,till under investigation. The Universit) of Delaware Checrleading Squad stir' up some sptrit at a recent game. dctenmned that that user's account Hall or inform anyone in the had been accessed \\ ithout the buiiJing about the phone call. student's knowkdgc Capt. Jim Flatley said he thought Party time over Code approved despite protest B\ JE'i~IC \ c;R.\T7 with mspe~uon' .t.ccndtng to Ctt) thtngs that would be dangerous to charged with a crime instead. for Astra Plaza ·~ Council. 'tudents ... The violations by land lords and In .t unamm<>us \ole. Newark Cit~ Ctt) \ 1an.tg..:r Car1 Lult sa1d the btll Ralph Johnson. a Newark bui lding tenallts arc constdered criminal alld the BY RACHELLE Kt.:CHl.\ Plaz.t anJ the i\c\o\ c~rk Dmer, _,aJJ. Counet, paS'>cd an nrdinancc Monda} stmpliltc, ,llld strengthen> the mspector_ satd the property lines call range from $500 to $1.000. A Stllf/ Rt/JIIf1t, '"Anvone 1-\h<> \\'.tnts to ho.~vc ·p~uttes' night \\hich \\ill terminate the gra.:e urdtn<mcc. alkn1 ing the cit) to mspcct" millntcn<mce c<xlc requires them to looJ.. lalldlord caJt also face imprisonment for Student residents and owners of a ha'> to lind somewhere else ftolive].'' pcrind pre\ iousl~ gi\ en to landlorJs H1 rrL>pcny 1111tncdtatcl) withl>Ut wanting ft>r bad \\ires. leaky roofs. unstable fJO day> if the) fail to pay the fine . new Matn Street commcr..:ial and Sc\·cral residents \\ere upset about vtOiatton of their rental p ·nnit, or 111 the lanJiord hcll'rehand. noors and work.ing smoke detectors. Gallo added that accordi ng to the apartment building have hccn the nC\\ poliq. \lhtch v.,\s n,H fXl~\CS'>!Oil ( f Ullia'.\ fuJ JcJ.,..;'> ·rt ts an administrattve The council encouraged students landlord wde property owners has tnvolved in '"a givc-anJ-take mcntllmcJ tn thctr lea-,c. The nrJinancc '"" P'"'cd de ,pttc rcc >11111 cndatton from Cl,uncil s1aff to v. he) were su,.,picious of in-,pcctors 'c' en days to give warnmgs to their situation'" :.ince the bcgir.ning of thts '"How could we nnt haw ponte'>.,.. mo anJ-a-i•o~l hour'> ol hca1cd prote'>l'> pre\ cnt writing a ktter .. he saJd. '·It ts usmg unprofessional tactics to call the tcnallts. but arc not given aJty warnings 1 semester. saJd Georgia Hc~lako>. part rc,tdent Jeff ~kCn) asked .. You JUst Irom ahout '0 landlord\ anJ \tudcnts mcallt totmpmvc tht.: \ay \VC operate:· police of 1 iolations themselves. owner of the building. c.m't tell someone that the) .:o.~n't Unlet\\fUI 0\Crcro'.\UIItg \\as the Stu<Jenh voiced thetr concern over MJ) le employs one pan-time and Andrew Taylor. a lawyer A'>tm Pla.ta t\1ain Street. which i, h'l\ c people over:· l't.llll l'iSUC dt\LUS'>CU h\ 'tuJcnt;,. Yl.lll\ the pmccdurcs u<;cd by inspectors when tlliO ·full-time m'>pcctors \\ ho work 15 representing the NLA. said the city is located on the corner of Main ;md The notice abo ;tatcJ that a wondcrcJ tf thctr pm,;c) W<L'> going t~> tnwsttgaung a rental property. hour'> per wccJ.. on nearly 1.000 rental giving serious penalties without a Nonh Chapel Streets. houses nearly sc.:urit) officer 1\ til patwl the 'trect be dis urhcd b) rental in'>pcctors "\\'e.\e had trange men, who we properties in Newark. In addition to notice and treattng landlords as 50 students on its second kvel \~hilc level of the building and pw-kmg lot to tmcsttgating their lll.:Cllpallcy number. a. sume :.~re butldmg mspcctors. ·talk tnvesugating an) suspicions or repons crimmals. commercial busines'>CS arc in the cn'>ure the P'll1Y rules arc enforced. since a waming before inspection ts not our house at 6:30 a.m. ~md wntc down of housing violati ons. they :.~lso perfotm If residents abide by the law there is process of con-.tmction on street lev<.: I. The officer wtll not .. watch .. the malldatof). our license plate numbers.'" said a required annual maintenance no prohlem, the counci l officials added. On Sept. 20. Angela Matulas. \tudents and 1-\ iII only patrol the Junic L. Mayle. director of buildings student \\hO \\'tshcd to remai n inspections. But the procedure specifics th at an landlord and another pan owner of propcrt} during weekend nights in for the City of Newar~. had no a11onymous. Landlords in attendance disputed inspector can come to the door only the famii) -O \\Iled building. stated in a order to protect the residents· cars alld response to students· questions as to '"It s not hke we're packing rats in the bill's use as a cost-saving tactic. when there is probable cause for a notice tssued to the residents of the 12 regulate potcnttal loiterer'>. Halakos \1 hether drawers would be ransacked our house: we hvc 1·ery comfonably. Dominic Gallo, spokesman for the violation. apartment that .. there will be no said. alld toothhrushcs counted in an attempt This town should have better things to Newark Lalldlord Association, said the A probable cause is the amount of more parties allowed -effective Matulas said she had the Intent to to uncover ovcrcnm dmg. do than sp~ on college students who ord inance denies landlords the evidence :.1 legal officer can show a immediately ... hire a -,ccurity officer before the Bill 97-29. under Amendment I. don't cause trouble." opportum ty to make corrections and judge that would provide him with :.1 The notification is the result of panic-, began. If necessary. however. section 17--l of th e Hnu'>ing and Cit} Councilwomall alley Tumcr repairs to the problems. He said before search wrur.utt. Turner said. conflicts associated with 101tcnn2:. the patrol will regulate unncccssaf) Propert} l\1aintcnancc Code. was said. '"!The inspector:.'] main intent is the hi II lanJ lords had ample time to 1l1c inspector can gai n evidence by parties. parking and trash on tl~e rowdiness. pa5scd to budget money and sa\ c time not a witch hunt. They arc looking for recttf) the problem. but now they arc see CODE page A5 propeny. Halakos said. Matul<b said although she docsn't The situation wa'> further mind if her residents have small intensified by a Frida) night gatherings of friends. having .. herds encounter between Gus Tsionas. one of people:· which she considers to be Woman of four owners. and unidcnti ficd 50 or 60. msidc the apanmcnts is not Wilmington's Little Italy may get facelift intoxicated students during a breakup allowed. assaulted on of a pany in the buildi ng. Alt!tough rcsiJcnts said they enjoy BY JOH~ CHABALKO to bcnelit tremendously. if cit) dollars come here ... The 65-ycar-old Tsionas said he the environment of a brand nev. Phtlftl Edttor come through. DiNardo said. Parking is another matter. For an requested that police :.~ccompaJt) him building and its convenient location WILMl GTO - A plan has Jackie Brocek. the self proc laimed area that wi ll be advcnised as '·park Barksdale to the second noor ·just to he safe ... on Main Street. one resident been propo~ed to tran~form '·Queen of Union Street:· ha<> li ved in and walk : · there is a sma ll amount of Many residents fdt violated b) BY ROBERT KALESSE commented.
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