Liberal Arts Blisters —centerfold 'Igrew up in the streets and playgrounds of the Bronx, The Inauguration and I left them 36 years ago on a journey... I recognize Of A President y the 31st president of the University on Keating the obvious changes that For the second tirfte in its 148-year Terrace on Sunday afternoon. New York City have taken place in the history, Fordham welcomed its new president Mayor Edward Koch, New York Archbishop 9 9 with styic. John J. O'Connor, and representatives from borough.' —Father O Hare Over 2,500 people attended the in- over 20G colleges and universities were among stallation of Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J., as those in attendance. It was the first inauguration since that of Rev. Aloysius J. Hogan, S.J., in 1930. As the sun shone radiantly on Edwards Parade, the academic procession headed for Gunman Sentenced the steps of Keating Hall. The column of dignitaries, faculty, and administration were Inside: by Mark Dillon friend on the rooftop of the building where led by the New York City Police Department A Bronx man who randomly fired several Bojaj resided, 2505 Hoffman Avenue. Emerald Society Pipe and Drum Band, chosen shots from an off-campus rooftop last year was The shooting occurred on the last day of in honor of O'Hare's father and grandfather, sentenced to fourand a half years in state prison undergraduate classes, which was also Mullins' both New York City policemen. Tuesday for shooting a senior in her Walsh Hall 21st birthday. As friends were preparing for her "Igrew up in the streets and playgrounds apartment. birthday party, Mullins was combing her hair of the Bronx, and I left them 36 years ago on a Thomas Bojaj, 26, an itinerant worker, alone in her bedroom in suite904. Bojaj'sbullet journey," O'Hare said in his inaugural ad- was given the minimum state sentence for entered the bridge of her nose and exited dress. "Now that I have returned to the Bronx, second degree assault and illegal possession of a through her right eye. She was fitted with a glass 1 recognize the obvious changes that have deadly weapon, making him eligible for parole eye following surgery at Jacobi Hospital. taken place in the borough." in 18 months. Police had theorized that Bojaj had fired O'Hare stressed that the University is page 11 Bojaj had pleaded guilty on September 7 three shots, the last one striking Mullins after "ready to cooperate in any effort" to support to firing a shot from a .38 caliber revolver on piercing a closed window and blinds in her the families and neighborhoods of the Bronx, December 8 that struck Holly Mullins, CBA '84 bedroom. and criticized "the exaggerated stereotypes in the face, resulting in the loss of her right eye. Initially, police thought that the bullet that that have made the Bronx a metaphor for ur- John Ryan, assistant Bronx district attor- hit Mullins came from a rifle. But after they ban decay and urban terror." ney, said he asked State Supreme Court Justice found the shell on the floor of her room they The new president referred to Fordham Archie Gorfinkel to give Bojaj the maximum said it had been fired from a revolver. The gun as "the Jesuit university of New York City," sentence, seven years in state prison. However, used in the incident was never recovered. where the "Catholic idea of relating faith and he said Gorfinkel took into account that this Bojaj had voluntarily gone to the 48th reason" will not disappear. was Bojaj's first offense and opted for the more precinct headquarters for questioning in early After making his speech, O'Hare con- lenient penally. January and had persistently denied any in- Con tinued on page 5 "We indicated t hat t his was a senseless and volvement in the shooting, said Ryan. He was tragic act," Ryan said. "The victim had to un- arrested on January 12 and arraigned the dergo a series ol'operat ions.'' following day. Next Week: Mullins could not be reached at her home Robert Rao, Bojaj's attorney, said he in Trumbull, Connecticut. However, her asked Gorfinkel to take into account that the mother, who did not give her first name, said A Very Special shots were random. she was dismayed at the leniency given to Bojaj. Ryan said Bojaj had been testing a gun he "1 think it's outrageous and unjust in view Pullout purchased the previous day with an unnamed of what's happened," she said. 2/1 "Ht RAM/THURSDAY,OCTOBER 4,1984 THE CAB CALENBAB Friday, October 5,1984 Kappa Alpha Psi m ixer 9p.m. 234-235 MGC HOMECOMING WEEKEND Saturday, October 6,1984 Rams Football vs. Georgetown at 1:30 p.m. Soccer vs. Holy Cross at 11:00 a.m. Young Alum and Class of '85 mixer8:30 p.m. Cafeteria Sunday, October 7,1984 Circle K:One to One Festival 9:00 a.m. Everett Hoag, a mime, will perform on Edwards Parade on Sunday from 12-3 p.m. Edward's Parade Fine Arts: Everett Hoag mime 12-3 p.m, Edward's Parade Coffeehouse presents comedian J J. walI at Wednesday, 8:30p.m. in the Ramskellar. October 10,1984 Cultural Affairs:Tickets on sale for pro Monday, football game at 11:00 a.m. Cinevents presents "Ve/t/go"at8:00 p.m. Marketing Society: Meeting at 10:30 a.m. in KTCIst. October 8,1984 Faculty Memorial Hall room 216 New Cultural Affairs: Bus leaves for the Volleyball vs. Baruch 8:00 p.m. Members Welcome. Symphony. Jewish Student Union: Meeting FMH 440 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, Karate Club: open for new members. Thursday, Meetings during activity period in the Lom- October 9,1984 bardi Center Fieldhouse. October 11,1984 Fordham Debate Society: Ninth annual Women's Tennis vs. Southern Connecticut Cinevents presents "Splash" at8 & 10:30 p.m Fordham Debate tournament, Final Round. 3:45 p.m. KTCIst. Undergraduate English Association: Tickets University President Joseph O'Hare will be for "Mr. Joyce Is Leaving Paris"on sale at Speakerof the House. October 13, KTG. 1st, 4 p.m. 12:30p.m. Use this form to list events In the CAB Calendar Sponsoring Croup. Address Description of Event Date; .Place '.'••• T iine . Admission Requirements Of interest To: n College D CBA • Cener.al Public DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT 4PM ' ""' ,<,•'• >">< Upon completion ol this form, please return to: U Grad Students Other Calendar Committee D Members of Fordham University Only Campus Center Director's Office THE RAM/THURSDAY,OCTOBER 4,1984/3 McGowan Addresses Hooks SAC Speaks by Susan O'Donnell by Tina Marie Palmer "SAC is definitely going to change, I can Benjamin Hooks, the executive director assurcyouthat." of the National Association for the Advan- This view was expressed by Student Ac- cement of Colored People (NAACP), ad- liviiies Council Chairman Bill Kelly, FC '85, dressed the topic of Reversal of shortly after Vice President for Student Af- Discrimination, as part of the American Age fairs Joseph McGowan called for a restruc- Lecture Series Tuesday afternoon. turing of SAC when he addressed the group on Exhibiting the eloquence of a seasoned Tuesday. speaker and the energy of a Baptist minister, McGowan called for an increase in the Dr. Joseph McGowan Hooks used anecdotes, quotes and history to size of the Budget Committee with more nment President John Dennis, CBA '85. cover a wide range of subjects including voting student representatives. He also suggested McGowan also spoke of the need to rights and responsibilities. that the main body of SAC meet less often. balance clubs between recreation and service. "Reverse discrimination," said Hooks, According to McGowan's suggestions, "The primary goal should be to keep people "does not exist in my judgement." Hooks said the Budget Committee should become a more happy and entertained, while at the same time reversal of discriminatory practices does not auioiiomous body that would follow activities educatinglhem." form the basis for reverse discrimination. He on n day-to-day basis, while the major SAC The next meeting, during which students stressed the need for organizations like the body would be responsible for major policy will be able SAC, will be held in the McGinley NAACP gaining certain legal commitments reviews several times each semester. Center Ballroom on Tuesday, October 9, that outlaw discriminatory practices. United Student Government President, during the activity period starting at 12:30 The NAACP, to which Hooks was John Dennis, CBA '85, agreed with the p.m. unanimously elected executive director in Benjamin Hooks suggestion. "I think SAC is a little too 1977, is a civil rights organization founded in autonomous," he said. "There should be 1909. According to Hooks, in its 75 years of more accountability for the money that is service, the organization has "picketed, mar- allotted." ched, lobbied and been in the courts" to at- Kelly criticized McGowan's call for a tempt to achieve a safer and more equitable larger Budged Committee. "More people United States for all minorities. means that decisions would be made more ar- Club Network The need for student involvement in bitrarily," he said. social and political issues was another subject SAC will be addressed by Executive Vice that Hooks discussed. President Paul Reiss, Acting Financial Vice by John Cairns "what better reason than an inappropriate "The service we render," said Hooks on President Joseph Catnmarosano, Fordham A Club Community Network (CCN) has constitution." student apathy "is a rent we pay for the space College Dean Edward Dowling, S.J., and recently been established by United Student Since many clubs must share offices, they we occupy on God's green earth.
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