Sonari College Prospectus SONARI COLLEGE PO. Sonari . Dist Charaideo PIN - 785690 (Assam) Website: wvwv.sonaricollege.edu.in 1 [,ontentt Principal's Message/ 1 Sectionl: Sonari College/ 7 Introduction/ Vision/ Mission Aim/ Motto/ Emblem/ College Uniform Section ll : General Information / 9 Admissions Procedure Admission Boards Screening Test Rules and Regulations forAttendance Legal Guardian FinancialAids Students'Aids Library Facility General Rules for Using Library Hostel Facility Rules for Hostels Boarders Hostel's Seat Capacity HostelAdmission College Badge and ldentity Card Baisali Mohan Memorial Trust National Service Scheme ( N S S ) Code of Conduct Section lll : Courses and Programmes / 13 Courses of the Students Seats availabte in different Subjects Career-oriented Courses Fees Structure Section lV: Distance Courses (Open and Regular) / 16 Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University Section V : Course Structure of B. Sc & B. A. programmes/ 16 Section Vl : Academic Calendar under Semester System / 25 Sectio Vll : Notification Section Vlll : Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff / 54 2 E Section | : Sonari College Introduction The Sonari Collage, located at SonariTown, is a leading educational institution in the charaideo sub-division under charaideo District. lt has been imparting education in the Arts stream since its inception on the 5th efAugust, 1970. The introduction of science stream in 1984 has given an enormous impetus in its march towards fulfllling the long felt needs of the students of this vast locality. Besides Diploma course in computer operation, the college offers major course in all su bjects ofArts and science stream. lts effort to serve the growing needs of higher education of the 21st century with further incorporation of subjects is on. The achievement ofthe students ofthis college is not insignificant. lt may be mentioned with pride and pleasure grh that one student secured position in the higher secondary final examination and a good number of students have obtained distinction, first division and first class with higher percentages of marks in the unal examinalions underAssam Higher secondary Education council and Dibrugarh university. The distinguished facurty members are arways keen to guide and encourage their students with avowed zeal and honest dedication. Individual care is taken to each and every student so that they can pursue their studies without any diffjculty. Righfly speaking, the institution is committed to continue to render its faithful services to the changing society to which it is ever accountable. The College has secured B Grade in NAAC Reaccreditation. Vision To establish a centre of excelence in an environment of scientific and professional knowledge and capabilities with the basic human values focusing on quality and career competency. Mission > Focus on students. > Strengthen facully and stafi. > Engage stakeholders ofthe society and alumni. > Foster the pursuit for academic and intellectual excellence. > Focus on resource management. > Promoting education with human face. > Facilitating conducive environment for career competency. > Application of modern input devices. > Encouraging discipline, transparency and teamwork. 9onari College Prospectus, 2ots -to Aims Following are the aims of the College and all activities of the college are directed towards fulfillment of these goals and objectives. a To develop human resources. a To offer teaching and learning of good quality. a To enlighten and graduate student o To cultivate stong moral values and civic responsibilities. l To educate student to become leaders in their chosen profession. a To produce responsible citizen to contribute to the communiry and the nation. a To create an academic and healthy social environment a To promote all round personality development of student through a nice relationship between the teachers and taught a To facilitate the creative power of the student Motto ffiq ryEerTq"g I M+ Lnsrnus ; *- of both af ur ; gr*rrq- shrdy; srFg- may be. That is "May our and stud*nt} {teacher studier be lusF$us { or fruitful }.', Boys : - [i) white shirt & Black pant ( Boys can't wear jeans & sporting ) & use of Black colour sweater for winter season ( cann't wear facket / Blazer/coat). [ii) Girls : - Muga or Muga colour mekhela & white chador having Green border with Green blouse or white churidar kurta with Green dupatta (Laggings are not allowed )& use of Black colour Sweater for winter r.uron. [ii i) Students must were I.D. Card No studentwill be allowed to enter into the college campus without proper uniform. Sonari College Prospectus, 2oL8 -Lq r Section II : General Information Admission Procedure : As a step towards Digital India Sonari College started online admission from the session 2018- 19. The student desiring to get admission is advised to apply online through our website r.r"wrv.sonaricollege.edu.in . "Online admission portal" will be displayed in the right top corner ofthe home page ofthe website. Notice for admission is made immediately after announcement ofvarious results of final examinations. Candidates have to submit the duly filled up forms online along with all the documents such as pass certificates, mark sheet, age certificate, photo etc. Candidates must subrnit a hard copy of admission form in the college. Dates will be fixed for admission into a particular class. Admission is generally made on merit basis. A list is prepared for eligible candidates for admission and they will have to appear before an interview board on a fixed date. Candidates are finally selected for admission in the interview. Candidates thus selected can get their admission online after payment ofrequired amount of fees. All the candidates seeking admission are to produce their original documents at the time of interview. There will be no change in Subject after getting Registration Admission Board : There is an Admission Board; all maters relating to admission will be taken by this Board. Board members are consisting ofPrincipal as Chairperson, Vice Principals are as Vice Chairperson and all the HoD are member of the Board. Screening Test : Candidates selected for major courses are to appear for a screening test / Viva held in the beginning of the class. Only those who could secure the requir.d p.r..ntage of marks in their particular subjects are allowed to continue maior course. Rules and Regulations for Attendance : Attendance in the class is compulsory for all students. Those students who fail to attend a minimum of 80% of the lectures delivered will not be allowed to appear in the University & Council examination & those students will be declared as non-collegiate provided whose attendance in the class fall 80% such students can appear in examination, after payment of Non-collegiate fees Rs 500/-. if their attenclance fatt within 70 to S0%. There will be no compromise in csse of non-collegiate stuients whose attendance take below 70% will be declured us discollegiate stuclents, wilt not be allowed to sppear in examination. The in-semester exam is compulsory for all degree course. The students must appear in these examinations. The mark ofwhich will be carried over for internal assessment. Sonari College Prospectus, 2oL8 -Lq Legal Guardian : A legal guardian means the father of the candidate or the mother of the candidate ifthe father is not alive or away from home or any other senior member of the family if both father and mother are not alive. Financial Aids to Students : Poor but meritorious students are provided with financial aid from the Students'Poor Fund. Students have to apply to receive this aid. Baisali Mohan Memorial Trust Fundis another student's beneficiary scheme that is introduced for organizing seminars, workshops and purchasing books and journals. Terms and conditions for these trusts would be inforrned to the students in due time. Teachers'Aid Fund : The teachers' unit of the College assists financially to some economically disadvantaged student through its Teachers'Aid Fund. Poor and economically weaker students can apply for financial help from Teachers'Aid Fund. TheAids Fund Committee after taking into consideration of all aspects determines to offer financial help. Library Facility : The College Library in the institution which was constructed and developed through financial assistance of U.G.C. is equipped with over 19,000 books and can accommodate at least 105 students in its reading room. The students can also avail the benefits ofvarious rare books and reputedjournals, magazines, encyclopedia etc. It has recently made availability to facilitate library documentation by adopting computerized system. General Rules for Using Library : Students are to collect library cards at the time of admission. Students of H.S. class can borrow two books and students of degree course can borrow 3 for majot and2 for non major at a time which they must return within a period of 15 days, otherwise they shall have to pay alate fine of Rs. 5/- (five) per day, per book. Students must get library clearance certificate from the librarian before issue of Adrnit Card for various exarninations. A borrower will have to pay the price of any book that lost or darnaged in his/her custody or must replace the book. Hostel Facility: There is one girls'hostel in the institution. At present the hostel can accommodate 80 (eighty) borders. Sufficient number of bathrooms, latrines, electricity facility and water supply are made for the students. There is also a newly constructed boys' hostel where 38 boys could be accommodated. These two hostels are managed by the warden appointed by the college authority. In case ofallotment of seat in the girls' hostel, preference is given according to the merit ofthe boarders & distance oftheir homes from the collese. Sonari College Prospectus, zOL8 -Lq There is also a newly constructed boys' hostel where 3 8 boys could be accommodated. These two hostels are managed by the warden appointed by the college authority. In case of allotment of seat in the girls' hostel, preference is given according to the merit of the boarders & distance of their homes from the college.
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