TURKISH INVOLVEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN KAZAKHSTAN: THE CASE OF INTERNATIONAL HOCA AHMET YESEVI TURK-KAZAKH UNIVERSITY A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ÖZCAN TÜRKO ĞLU IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE GRADUATE PROGRAM OF EURASIAN STUDIES JULY 2005 i Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc. Prof. Ceylan Tokluo ğlu Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Dr. Mustafa Şen Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Bahattin Ak şit (METU, SOC) Dr. Mustafa Şen (METU, SOC) Assist. Prof. Cennet Engin Demir (METU, EDS) ii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: Özcan Türko ğlu Signature : iii ABSTRACT TURKISH INVOLVEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN KAZAKHSTAN: THE CASE OF INTERNATIONAL HOCA AHMET YESEVI TURK-KAZAKH UNIVERSITY Özcan Türko ğlu M.Sc., Eurasian Studies Supervisor: Dr. Mustafa Şen July 2005, 182 pages After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, Turkey involved in many projects in all spheres with the Central Asian republics. In contrast, less of them have been realized. Turkey was more succesful in educational projects. It has initiated more permanent projects with the republics. In this regard, International Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Turk-Kazakh University, established in 1993 in Turkestan city of Kazakhstan, is one of the first and outstanding project of Turkey not only in education sphere but also in terms of all spheres. Concurrently, for the first time Turkey involved in an international higher education activity abroad. The existence of the university both facilitated the establishment of the subsequent Turkish universities in Central Asia and contributed to the sustainable enhancement of Turkish relations with the region. On the other hand, for the last two decades higher education is more highlighted as a cross- border issue mainly accelerated by the internationalization of higher education. Although the university is not directly prompted by the internationalization process, it both performs activities matching with internationalization and contributes to the development of this process in Central Asia. In this context, this study brings up the motives and objectives behind the establishment and structuration of the university, and argues that by foundation university has quite similarities with the rationales of the internationalization. Therefore, it aims to find out the compatible and incompatible aspects of the university with the internationalization in addition to clarify its identity and position as an international higher education institution. iv Keywords: Internationalization of Higher Education, International Higher Education, Regionalism in Higher Education, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi, Kazakhstan, Turkish Universities in Central Asia, Turkish Educational Relations with Central Asia, Social Capital. v ÖZ TÜRK İYE’N İN KAZAK İSTAN’DA YÜKSEKÖ ĞRET İME KATILIMI: ULUSLARARASI HOCA AHMET YESEV İ TÜRK-KAZAK ÜN İVERS İTES İ ÖRNE Ğİ Özcan Türko ğlu Yüksek Lisans., Avrasya Çalı şmaları Tez Yöneticisi: Dr. Mustafa Şen Temmuz 2005, 182 sayfa Sovyetler Birli ği’nin 1991 yılında da ğılmasından sonra, Türkiye Orta Asya Cumhuriyetleri ile her alanda birçok projelere girdi. Fakat bunların çok azı gerçekle ştirilebildi. Türkiye e ğitim projelerinde daha ba şarılıydı. Orta Asya Cumhuriyetleri ile e ğitim alanında daha kalıcı projelere imza attı. Bu bakımdan, Kazakistan’ın Türkistan şehrinde 1993 yılında kurulan Uluslararası Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi Türkiye’nin yalnızca e ğitim alanında de ğil, di ğer tüm alanlarda da ortaya çıkan ilk ve en çok göze çarpan projelerinden biridir. Aynı zamanda, Türkiye ilk defa uluslararası bir yüksekö ğretim faaliyetine de giri şmi ş oldu. Üniversitenin mevcudiyeti hem Orta Asya’da pe şi sıra gelen Türk üniversitelerinin kurulmasını kolayla ştırmı ş, hem de Türkiye’nin Orta Asya ile olan ili şkilerinin sürdürülebilir geli şimine katkı sa ğlamı ştır. Di ğer taraftan, yüksekö ğretim son yirmi yılda daha çok uluslararasıla şma ile hız kazanan sınır- ötesi bir mesele olarak öne çıkarılmı ştır. Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi, uluslararasıla şma sürecinin do ğrudan bir ürünü olmamasına kar şın, hem uluslararasıla şma ile örtü şen faaliyetler icra etmekte hem de bu sürecin Orta Asya’da geli şmesine katkıda bulunmaktadır. Buradan hareketle, bu çalı şma universitenin ortaya çıkı şının ve yapılanmasının gerisinde yatan saikleri ve amaçları ortaya koymakta; ve bunların uluslararasıla şmanın gerekçeleri ile epey yakın benzerlikler gösterdi ğini tartı şmaktadır. Bu nedenle, çalı şma, universitenin; uluslararası bir yüksek ö ğretim kurumu olarak konumunu ve kimli ğini açıklı ğa kavu şturması kadar, yüksekö ğretimin uluslararasıla şması süreciyle örtü şen ve örtü şmeyen taraflarını bulmayı da amaçlamaktadır. vi Anahtar Sözcükler: Yüksek Ö ğretimin Uluslararasıla şması, Uluslararası Yüksek Ö ğretim, Yüksek Ö ğretimde Bölgeselle şme, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi, Kazakistan, Orta Asya’daki Türk Üniversiteleri, Türkiye’nin Orta Asya ile Olan E ğitim İli şkileri, Be şeri Sermaye. vii To My Mother... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of alI, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and indebtedness to my supervisor, Dr. Mustafa Şen, for his friendly attitude, valuable guidance, and supervision. I believe without his encouragement this thesis would not have been progressed. I extremely thank to Prof. Dr. Bahattin Ak şit and Assist. Prof. Cennet E. Demir for their generous contributions and precious comments about my dissertation. I owe thanks to Ahmet Yesevi University’s Board of Trustees; to its chairman Namık Kemal Zeybek and to the economist member Feyzullah Budak for their keen interest and valuable time allocated for the interviews. I want to express my special thanks to Dr. Öner Kabasakal for providing me with the opportunity to carry out my interviews and his valuable comments and criticism about the study. I wish to thank my officemate Nuri Barı ş Tartıcı for his tolerance and generous contributions for the time needed for research and writing. I am grateful to my friends, Gülce Tarhan and Tansu Topçu, for their detailed reading and evaluations. I also desire to send my thanks to my housemate Onur Kasap for his unique moral support and encouragement throughout our thesis studies. Finally, I wish to acknowledge my deepest gratitude to I şık Küçükyazıcı for her precious help, moral support and understanding throughout the preparation of the thesis. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM....................... .......................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................iv ÖZ....................... ..............................................................................................................vi DEDICATION....................... ........................................................................................ viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS....................... .......................................................................ix TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................x LIST OF TABLES....................... ...................................................................................xiv LIST OF ABBREVATIONS....................... ....................................................................xv CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1 1.1. Problem of the Study...................................................................................................3 1.2. Method of the Study....................................................................................................6 1.3. Plan of the Study.........................................................................................................8 2. THE DISINTEGRATION OF THE USSR: A NEW PERIOD FOR TURKEY........10 2.1. Political relations.......................................................................................................10 2.1.1. The First Official Visits .........................................................................................14 2.1.2. Turkish International Cooperation Agency............................................................16 2.1.3. The Summits and Conventions ..............................................................................17 2.1.4. The Model Country Policy.....................................................................................19 2.1.5. Turkish Foreign Policy in the Programmes of the Turkish Governments .............22 2.2. Economic Relations ..................................................................................................24 2.3. Socio-Cultural Relations ...........................................................................................28
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