( All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse , ews Complete News Coverage of All the Poiutes Home of the News VOLUME 24-NO, 9 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post' Office at Detroit. Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY28, 1963 'Ie Per C9j)7 M.OO Per Year 20 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION HEADLINES ~"ToConstruct 01 tb~ World Prayer Day Addition To 'VEI~K A.s Compiled by tbe Will be Observed 2 Buildings Grosse Pohlle !\'eu's Government to Pay Half of $363,640 Cost of Thursda~', :February 21 At W d SOVIET SHIPS capable of I. ~o~__s___Churc h Pub~~.~:~;,tbP~.d. transponing 8,000 of thc esti- mated 17.0('0 Russi.1l1 t roo p s Women of Pointe Houses of Worship Band Together! Garag.e ~till in Cuba are headed toward the bland. American officials For 77th Annual Observance Scheduled Th C 't F 'l't' F .- 'd M h c ommum y aCI lIes rev('aled yesterday that two of or r-n ay, arc I at I p,m. Administration in Washing- ,he four SOVIet vessels nearing y.<;)'" I Grosse Pointers will observe the 77th annual World r ton, D. C., gave the Woods Cuba arc empty, indicating they ha\'(' been sent spC'cifiea!ly to . ',~"'::?~:~i:~Day of Prayer o~ Friday, March_I, at Grosse Pointe I the .g? ahead ~ignal to .b~ld Implement Khrushehe\"s prom- ',:;::'::),i'f!~ Woods Presbyterian Church, 199;)0 Mack avenue at ~ddItJ.ons to Its MumcIP:l ise to \\ ithdraw "several thou. ' , : .,: ,',:.>" r~ Torrey road at 1 p.m. Hall; 22025 Mack avenu,-, sand" troops by ;\Iarch 13, ""',~:<:;>:;'):,::.?11 Although the service is open;" . ~nd Its Department.of fub: The oth('r two ships could be (. ,.:;:;\~'.\'.';~1to all who wish to be a part of IBl d D . hc 'Wor ks Garage In Mar used as troop transports after " ' '" .':.: L",::';::,"~i this world-wide prayer fel1ow- 00 rl,Ve ' ter road, , " ' " :~:'"<""/'" ,,) ship, the women of Grosse The AdmInlstratlon approved their {'a r ~ 0 e s arc ur,Joaded. Pointe Presbyterian. Grosse two grants. $14£.300 for a Pub- Richard B. Bussell ID,. (.a,\ ,:,::'~,,:;~~/hi C d t d t chairman of the Senate Armed, ',':':,''';, :,:<,Y';,:;; Pointe Methodist, Grosse Pointe on uc e a lic Safety headquarters addition Baptist Grosse Pointe Congre- t() City Hall and 535.520 for the S e r v ice s Committee, stated i ': ;;;,;'<:>i Wednesdav that no one k,~o\\'s: ;,~:~{{";1fijgationai, Christ Church Episco., Center Today i garage extension. The gran~ , I exa(:t!:-,:which troops the Soviet I :~>,,:,~,<~i$.<~pal, St. Michael's Episcop~l, j' I were made ~d.er the Pu~lic Grace United Church of Christ Works Accelel atJOn A<:t, whIch Premier plans to pull out of: ,;::;-\';.\,j,5.<W~¥~ I ---- "", and Grosse Pointe Memorial Red Cross Sends was created. to a~l~vlate un- Cuba. but that it would be I Two logical for Russia to withdraw: Churches will lead the prayers. E- ht B d U - F "- employment 1n cntlcal areas. , . '9 - e nits to aCI 1- The total estimated cost, ac- its 6,000 combat troops. as the i ~~e t~e~~ for tins year s tate Giving; Hope for cording to Woods Mayor Ken- missiles they presumably were i selVH:e IS MOle Than Con- 300 D neth McLeod, for the two ells, sent to prorect have already I querors", and comes from the onors is $363.640 of which the go\'- been removrd from the island,' I Apostle Pau.!.'s words to the -,-- . ern'ment '~'ill pay half. The In Washington. the \Vhite i R.omans that neith~r trib~lat~on, The two e,lght bed umts I Wood,c;has matChing funds fOI" House and Slale Department ! distress, persecutiOn, famme, of the Amencan Red Cross I the program and will not go ('ontinue their official silence I nakedness, peril, nor sword can I Bloodmobile which will be; into a bond issue. the mayor on the Kremlin's note promis- I I sep~rate u~ from the ~ove of I set up in the Crystal Ball- I said. ing withdraw;.1 of "s eve l' a II ! Chnst, for 111 all these thmgs we room of the William Fries Starling Dates Specified Man~' of those who labored long and hard to I lhousand" troop~, Apparently: ~ new state constitution wins the approval of voters are more ,than con que ~.or s 1\1: e m 0 rIa 1 on Thursday, Under the grant agreement, get George Romney elected Governor have rolled ,he Auminislratiun feels <my! at the polls on April 1. Among the volunteers are, through HIm who loved us. IF'.. 28 f 9' th work on the Public S a f e t y lip their sleeves again to get another job done for premature dedaration w 0 u I d ' left to right: MARY MOST, GLORIA MEAD, stand- The Christian women of the I el)r~ary .... ro:n m e Building must be started within The Boss. They have set up headquarters and are world believe that prayer brings m?rnmg t? m the eve- 120 days, from the date of offi- tend to embarrass Pre m i e rl , ing, and ELIZABETH PAYNE, HUDSON MEAD, I 9:.:>0, conducting a vigorous campaign to see that the results which are as far reach.. n 1 n g WIll accommodate cial notification, and the work Khl'ushehcv. making it difficult: _ MARY ATKINS and IRENE MONROE. for him to recall his troops,' ing and as miraculous as the nearly 300 blood donors to on the garage, before May 1. results of astronauts orbiting replenish the Gr.osse Pointe Approved p r:) j e c t s must be u.s.Meanwhile.political membersparties continue01 both: UN Offl-Cl-al Antlequated TI1Oaff.cI LI.ghts the earth. During the 76 years I Community B 1 00 d Bank completed within one year, To l,nprove that women have been sponsor.. and all the manv church McLeod said. that he -had 10 demand that Kennedy press T T lk H W.II B RId. P I ing thls d~y of con tin u 0 u s and other ,of'J'anizational, been informed of ,th: a;>proval ~~ra~lt~~S:i~~ ;::i\~~a;;a~~:;~~~; 0 It ere I e ep ace In ar { prayer, eVIdence has mounted blood b k ' tl ; of the grants by Michigan Sena- Facilities at that the lives of many ,people an .s In Ie area. ! tors Patrick McNamara and n('l from Cuba, 'Ab t C F 'Alt t B f. ld throughout t.he world have been d G7ss~, ~oID~~rs tr~ ~~ged to I Philip Hart, and Rep. liarold re~~~:e~tn~le ~,~r;::;'ra, ~'t ) 011g0 0 blessed and helped by World onI a e E 1elr O?( ey are Ryan. but official word from :re~~~~~: rom er eacons Ie Park Marina D f P b ay a ac.rayer. tantl mergencl(si . 1 _are, Icon-I'I tlte. Communl 'ty F aCI']'t'lIes Ad _ S v ar sIng anI p wCU, oar Y . h t t b Batista,of tChe island'stold a HouseSenate Foreign:lln~ler, Ph'I'lip Deane,---0'Irec t or 0 f I Signals That Have Been Slowing Vehicular Movement 'rhe United States will be one t tl: t' f I' ministratIOn as no ye een a_ liS Hue 0 "ear sUPP ies 'd lIt rt Park Authorizes Expendi- of 150 areas in six continents in 1 A T h i . d' It i receive at t Ie as repo . Affairs subcommittee that he' Infcrmatioil, to Lecture Along Jefferson to be Changed by Wayne th Y UP the worlJ where some group I tare ow60. nJ eda, t a U ft : The mayor disclosed that the has information in d i cat i n g Af Center on March County Road Commission ture of $3,968 for Pil- ' " 0 age may 011a e as 0 en ha bee n bud eting be. there arc definitely more than _ wIll gather at some tIme dunng 1 as every six weeks. Young peo- I.clty s g ings, Concrete and the 24 hours of March 1 to en- pIe ages 18-21 may give with tween $20.000 and $40,000 ~ 17,000 SOVlCt troops still in 8 at 8:30 p.m. Modern traffic lights will replace the oldest lights I Enlarging Wells circle the wol'1d with its prayers I ts. .. I year, for the past several year~, Cuba, Varona placed the total " in Wayne County located on East Jefferson, between They will be reaffirming thei; pa~en <", p~~m~ss~on. b d I to accumulate a fund for the Hussian military per son n c I,. As part ~f theIr contmu- Alter road and Beaconsfield, City Manager Robert Slone faith and prayers that through t verk: e, 0, • a1- , eeT~ ma e con:;truction of the city hall and Th P k 0 figure as high as 30.000 and I mg study oi the peace-k~ep- informed the Park council on M:ond~y, February 25. e ar counCl '1on 111l~ on- the love of Jesus Chnst' they are roundingsma e givmgare lc',Telv,eas~. babye sur-sit. gar age add't'onsI I , The total said that "well - i n for m e d I ing machinery of the Umted Slone said that after several :', ' day, February, 25, auth- "more than conquerors," t 'd d t- tak amount of $181.820.
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