MANCHESTER WEEKEND PLUS Bolton Democrats Norman has lead Health spa caters hear challengers at PGA tourney to body beautiful ... magazine inside iUaurbratrr Hrralft Manchester — A City of Village Charm Saturday, Aug. 9, 1986 25 Cents A S N E T pact Reagan faces talks down to the wire hospital tests U av Susan Okula By Terence Hunt tion of a dye into the arm, and an The Associated Press The Associated Press examination of It by X-ray. The other test involves the insertion of N E W H A V E N — Negotiators for WASHINGTON - President a device, through the penis, that Southern New England Telecom­ Reagan, who has experienced can relay pictures of the bladder. munications Corp. and the Connec­ urinary tract problems dating Speakes’ announcement ended ticut Union of Telephone Workers back two decades, will go to a Navy five hours of confusion and mys­ were considering each other’s tery in the White House about G hospital Saturday for urological proposals Friday as talks for a tests, his spokesman announced Reagan’s health. contract for 9,500 workers moved Friday. Early in the day. Peter Roussel, toward deadline. A local anesthesia will be used another spokesman, left open the Workers, have authorized union for the procedures, to be done on an possibility that Reagan would leaders to call a strike at 12:01 a.m. out-patient basis at Bethe.sda Na­ undergo medical tests over the Sunday. CUTW represents opera­ val Medical Center. weekend but refused to provide tors, customer service representa­ Presidential spokesman Larry any details. tives, technicians, secr'etaries and Speakes said doctors would be Any discussion of health matters repair personnel. "looking for some abnormality in pertaining to the president is Union spokesman Enrico Melita the urinary tract of the bladder to considered extremely sensitive said each side had exchanged see if there’s a growth, a discolora­ among Reagan’s staff because of offers. A union telephone message tion or stone or whatever there is. N ancy Reagan’s unhappiness recorded for members Friday He said he did not know whether about coverage of the president’s morning said CUTW had reviewed the president had been experienc­ surgery last year. the company’s "amended offer” ing any pain or symptoms of Speakes said Reagan’s doctors and was planning to present a problems. " I ’m not aware of recommended that he have a test counter-proposal. anything and he told us he feels "at a convenient time" and Rea­ Melita and SNET spokesman fine," Speakes said. gan decided last Monday to cancel Mike McCann both said the talks Scrapping plans for a weekend his regular weekend trip to the would extend into Saturday, the trip to Camp David. Reagan Maryland mountain retreat. last day of the old contract. While Speakes said Reagan decided to remained at the White House McCann said the company be­ Friday and planned to deliver his have the tests done Saturday lieved an agreement could be midday radio address on Saturday because of "the heavy schedule reached by midnight Saturday. from the Oval Office. After the anticipated for the fall." Melita would make no predictions. five-minute speech, he will fly by While at the hospital, .Reagan " It ’s too early to tell whether helicopter to the hospital in a also will undergo a urinalysis test there will be a strike or not or a nearby Maryland suburb. for drugs, part of his campaign to contract or not. We’ll have to wait The president is expected back set an example in the war against and see what will happen tomor­ drug and alcohol abuse. The White at the White House the same day. row (Saturday),” Melita said. Speakes said. House said the priaalysis was SNET, which recently changed Reagan’s physician, Dr. T. Bur­ moved up from Monday because its corporate name from Southern ton Smith, a urologist, will super­ medication given in connection ■ 4- 41^/-‘Y . New England Telephone, provides ■ .''4 vise the tests. with the urological exam “could most of Connecticut with telephone Although such tests often follow cause an inaccurate result" In the service. signs such as blood in the urine or drug test. Herald photo by Rocha McCann said customers using difficulty urinating, Dr. Eduardo direct-dial services would notice Farcon, a urologist at the New Mean slice no change in service in the event of York University Medical Center, 9 a strike. However, he said custo­ said they might well be recom­ Tara Sullivan from the Manchester at Charter Oak Park Friday morning. mers that needed an operator or mended without such symptoms in Cruise ship Recreation Department looks surpris­ the services of directory informa­ The booth was part of a carnival a man of the president's age — 75 — tion would face delays. ingly cheerful after standing at the sponsored by the recreation wh6 has had colon cancer or a Customers seeking the installa­ history of urinary tract infections. is grounded wrong end of the “Pie in the Face" booth department. tion of telephone service or the According to the White House, repair of equipment would also Reagan’s most recent urological find longer than usual waits if a problem was a urinary tract off Aiaska ^ t r i t f ^ j ^ called, McCann said. Inflammation in 1982, discovered He said about 4,000 SNET Renn’s Tavern is reopening; after Reagan experienced "slight management employees would discomfort.” The president took JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — A temporarily move into operator antibiotics and the problem cruise ship with 143 passengers >nd technical jobs in the event of a cleared up within several days, the and 60 crew members ran aground Job action. White House said. CMStomers turn bartenders near Prince of Wales Island on The union and the company have His problems date back as far as Friday, and began to list after Agreed to not speak publicly about 1967 when Reagan was governor of taking on water, the Coast Guard By George Layng construction workers. ’n’ roll, country and western and the specific issues under discus­ California. At the time, Smith said. Herald Reporter The two decided not to c h a n ^ sion at the bargaining table. Top 40. performed a “ transuretheral pros­ The passengers and 40 crew When it announced the May 16 the name, although they have Baldyga said she’s always tatectomy” to correct an anatomi­ start of negotiations, the union said Renn’s Ta ve rn is back in made other changes, she said. wanted to own a tavern. 'T v e cal abnormality of a portion of members were evacuated to a nearby village, and no injuries its prim ary goal was to resist any business. Most noticeable is probably the always liked the barbusiness,” she Reagan’s urinary bladder called were reported, officials said. company attempt to win conces­ The Cooper Street tavern, a rear wooden bar, which has had its said. ’’I ’ve always liked dealing the "neck” and to remove about 30 sions from the previous contract. watering hole for Manchester dark stain scrubbed off and "seed-like” prostatic stones. with the people and the The Bahamian-registered North The union also said it would seek The procedure is commonly used residents for more than SO years, replaced with a lighter shade, she atmosphere.” Star, a 307-foot cruise ship, ran better employment security and has been closed this summer isaid. to clear an obstruction in the aground about a mile east of Point She said she has worked for a Improved pension and wages. because of a change in ownership. prostate region when cancer Is not Polocano on San Fernando Island, The familiar coin toss, in which number of bars in the area, 'The union and company would suspected. said Coast Guard spokesman However, the tavern will reopen both be seeking ways to reduce customers pitch their change into occasionally filling in at Renn’s “ So this has been a history with Glenn Rosenholm. That is near Monday, said Mary Baldyga, who, health care costs, the union said. cups above the bar, will remain. when the former owner, Sylvia the president,” said Speakes. " It ’s Craig, a logging community on along with her husband. Richard, Instead of nickels, though, patrons Ann Whitten, needed an extra something they keep an eye on and The union last struck SNET for is buying the tavern. The Baldy- Prince of Wales Island in Sou­ will have to throw quarters. hand. She and her husband have test for." 2.5 weeks in 1983 as part of a gas, who live on Birch Mountain theast Alaska. Baldyga said the money will also frequented the tavern. Ri­ He said the last examination was By Friday evening, the ship had national job action. This year, Road, met each other at Renn’s continue to go to the pediatric unit chard Baldyga was called Renn's during the 1982 flareup. Speakes developed a 17-degree list, and C U TW is bargaining in a way that iWo years ago. They have high of Manchester Memorial Hospital. best customer by the former stressed that Saturday’s tests are water was still flowing into the is independent of other unions due .hopes that business will be good. Anyone tossing a quarter into the owner, she said. not related to Reagan’s bout with ship. to the breakup of the Bell systetn. ' “ The neighborhood has sup­ cup will win a beer. cancer a year ago. when a "The tide has gone out. and the 'The contract reached in 1983 ported this tavern for a long time,” She said the two had talked malignant tiimor was removed ship is resting more and more on included improved job security Baldyga said Friday.
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