June 2019 Publication for members of USS Illinois Base, United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. This is a busy summer for your We could really use your support at Base, and I thank everyone who has these events. Don’t forget on July chipped in to help us with all of our 4th we will be participating in the projects. Winnebago, IL Parade. (See page 4). Tom Ramsay Base Elections Unfortunately, we had to cancel our USS Illinois Commander spot later that day for the Rockford’s MS1(SS), USN Retired Reminder that at the next meet- evening parade. ing (July 6th) will hold elections for our 2019-2021 offi cers (CDR, Senior 5th Annual SubFest VCDR, JR. VCDR, Treasurer, and Sec- This goes without saying is the retary). The Nominating Committee most exciting 3-day event in our will present a slate of offi cers, but area for submarine sailors and en- nominations will be accepted from thusiasts. This year’s SubFest coin- the fl oor. Any member may nomi- cides with the 50th Anniversary of nate another member or themselves the Wisconsin Maritime Museum. for one of these positions. Associate SubFest begins on Friday, July 12, members are eligible to serve as Trea- through Sunday, July 14. I plan on surer or Secretary. The new offi cers joining a couple of you as volunteer will take their oaths of offi ce at the tour guides aboard the USS Cobia August meeting. throughout the weekend. Base Anniversary If you are interested in volunteer- ing a few hours in one of the com- It’s that time again. We will be partments aboard the board, give me celebrating our 4th Anniversary in a call—I know they can still fi t you August. Plan to attend this meeting in—it is worth it, and FUN! and celebrate our successes. Janesville Warbirds Weekend Parades The USS Illinois Base will be there We have been pounding the in full force July 19-21 showing how ground across our region participat- submarines “fl y” beneath the ocean. I ing in parades, as well as local vet- number of us have signed up to help eran workshops and Military Salute with ticket sales and security at the events. See page 4 for a calendar of activities over the next few months. (Continued on page 3) www.ussillinoisbase.org Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 1 June 1, 2019 -- Minutes of the USS Illinois Base • It is Base offi cer elections time. We were glad to see Phil Owens at This year’s election process was ex- the meeting after being released from plained, including an explanation the hospital. of proposed revised Base Bylaws. Old Business: The Secretary will send copies of the revised Bylaws to members be- • The Base Family Picnic will be on Meeting called to order at 12:05 fore the July meeting. If you are in- Sept. 7 at Thresherman’s Park in p.m. by CDR Tom Ramsay. terested in a Base offi cer’s position, Edgerton, Wis. Ron DeGraff , histori- contact the Senior VCDR Chuck an for the diesel shop, welcomes our 16 members present: Tom Ramsay, Mongan before the next meeting. return. All family, kids, grandchil- Chuck Mongan, Bruce Pickering, The positions are for 2-year terms. dren are welcome. We need a show Kate Ramsay, Mark Dykstra, Mike Additional nominations will be of interest with a count to begin Barney, Don Bosetti, Bob Fleck, Joe placed on the fl oor during the July making plans for this event. Jones, Dick Martin, Renee Martin, meeting. The voting for the Bylaw Patrick O’Brien, Wayne Orrison, Phil • Base editor asked members to changes and offi cer positions will Owens (Dist. 2 CDR), Kep Preble. forward information to her that follow. they feel would be of interest to Guests present: None • Committee appointments. Dick the entire membership. Sea stories Tolling of Bells Ceremony, Read- Martin has done an exceptional job and general veteran information is ing of USSVI Creed, Pledge of as Chair of the Events Coordina- needed for the newsletter. Allegiance. tion Committee. Due to time com- New Business: mitments, Dick has asked to step Invocation by Chaplain Bob Fleck. aside as Chair of this Committee. • Wayne Orrison shared a change Minutes. Secretary Kate Ramsay dis- The CDR asked for a volunteer who in how the military approaches tributed copy of May 4 minutes. Two would like to help lead this Com- discharges. He added that some corrections noted Chicago Memo- mittee. Mark Dykstra will remain National Guard and Reservists were rial’s proper name: WWII Submarine as a committee member helping us sent to the frontline for “training,” Veterans Memorial, and boat name reach out into Wisconsin. so their service wasn’t counted as under Good of Order should be USS active duty. He also added that Events Committee Updates. Wisconsin. Motion to accept minutes “bad conduct” discharges may still as revised by Wayne Orrison; second- • Upcoming Parades: June 15th, be available for benefi ts. He en- ed by Dick Martin. Motion carried. Pecatonica (rescheduled); Belvidere couraged anyone with questions to Heritage Day, June 30th, 4th of July contact their local Veterans Service Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Parade in Winnebago, IL (a.m.), Offi cer for a review. Bruce Pickering presented the End of 4th of July Parade in Rockford, IL • Discussion was held about the Month Report for May 2019. Mem- (p.m.). bers were asked to return unwanted Harlem Veterans Documentary • Booth (exposure): The Base will reports to protect privacy. Motion program. They videos students are have a table at two events on June made by Don Bosetti to accept the creating are going to government 8. One in Janesville, Wis., for Treasurer’s Report as presented, and archives. Military Veterans Workshop, and seconded by Bob Bates. one in Beloit, Wis., at Bryden Mo- • High schools are also holding “sign- District CDR’s Report by Phil Ow- tors for a Salute to Military event. ing” events for HS Juniors joining ens. Base members encouraged to Volunteers are needed. the military. Wayne will be looking for opportunities for the Base to participate in Base events. • Kaps(SS)4Kids(SS): Mark Dykstra have a presence at future events. Storekeeper’s Report. None. confi rmed our acceptance at a chil- dren’s event at the American Fam- 50-50 Raffl e. The raffl e was won by CDR’s Report by Tom Ramsay. ily Children’s Hospital in Madison, Bob Bates, who donated his win- • Recognition to Dick, Renee, Bruce Wis. on Aug. 1 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. nings back to the Base. and Chuck for their support dur- K4K haps, coloring books, and Closing Prayer by Bob Fleck. ing the Love Park’s Parade (during crayons are being collected. torrential rain), as well as for their Meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. Chaplain’s Report: Bob Fleck support during the Beloit Memo- Motion made by Wayne Orrison and reported on the passing of Terry rial Day Parade. The Pecatonica seconded by Dick Martin. Motion Elmeier’s mother. A card from the Parade was rained out. carried. Next meeting July 6, 2019 at Base was sent to the Terry and Deb. Mustang Bar & Grill. Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 2 CDR’s Column (Continued from page 1) These are a lot of sightseeing Continued gates, helping to fl ag planes to their events in this six day Convention, but parked locations, and even serving the schedule has been designed to al- as plane Ambassadors. We will also low you to come in Saturday, August have a booth on site to share the 17th for Half-Way Dinner; attend USSVI experience with attendees. base meetings on Saturday; Holland Club Breakfast and This event is well-worth the drive Tolling of the Boats for you and your family. There will be Ceremony on Sun- a number of WWII planes on hand, day; some sightseeing with the opportunity to tour some on Monday; and the of these historic planes, and in some USSVI Annual Busi- instances (if space is still available) ness Meeting and Awards Banquet to take a fl ight. on Tuesday. Base Contacts USSVI Annual Convention I fi rst head about USSVI at a boat reunion held during one of these I am looking forward to having Conventions in the early 1980’s, while Commander a number of you joining me at this I was still in the Navy. It is a good Tom Ramsay year’s USSVI’s Annual Convention in tram688@jcwifi .com time to meet and greet friends. If you Austin, Texas. Events start as early as have never attend one of these Con- Thursday, August 15th through Tues- Sr. Vice Commander ventions, you are missing a lot. Chuck Mongan day, August 20th. [email protected] Jr. Vice Commander & Kaps 4 Kids Coord. Razorback survives major fl ood Mark Dystra [email protected] NEWS The Arkansas ing into the barge at the other end. from Inland Maritime The bank-end of the gangway had Treasurer NATIONAL sifted downstream from its normal Bruce Pickering Museum (AIMM), [email protected] home to the USS position. Razorback (SS-394) survived a ma- Greg Zonner, executive director Secretary & jor fl ood event earlier this month. of AIMM, wanted you to know “our Editor/Webmaster In preparation for rising water, the historic vessels are both okay.” Kate Ramsay Museum was closed just before the kateram@jcwifi .com Memorial Day weekend. Storekeeper Flood stage on May 25 was at 16.71 Terry Elmeier feet which was one foot above the [email protected] entry gangway.
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