San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1940 Special Libraries, 1940s 5-1-1940 Special Libraries, May-June 1940 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1940 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, May-June 1940" (1940). Special Libraries, 1940. 5. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1940/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1940s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1940 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries Oficial Journal of the Spscial Libraries Associ&m * PARTIAL LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS IN WHICH SPBCIAL LIBRARIES ARE OPERATING * ADVERTISING AGENCIES AERONAUTICAL MANUFA~URERS AGRICULTURAL COLLBG~ ARCHITECTS' OFFICES ART MUSEUMS AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS BAKING COMPANIaS BANKS BOTANIC GARDENS BROADCASTING SYSTEMS CAMERA CLUBS CEMENT MANUPACTURERS CAAIN STORES 1 CHAMBERS OF COMMERCB CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS CHEMICAL COMPANIES CHURCHES CLUBS CONSUMER RESEARCH AGENCIES DAIRY LEAGUES DENTAL SCHOOLS DBPARTMENT STORES ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANIES ELECTRICAL MANUPACTURERS FOOD DISTRIBUTORS FOREST SERVICES FOUNDATIONS FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS FRUIT COMPANIES PUND-RAISERS GAS COMPANIES GLASS MANUPACTURBRS GROCERY CHAINS HEALTH OFFlCES HlSTORlCAL SOCIETIES HOSPITALS HOTELS INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES INSTRUMENT COMPANIES INSURANCE COMPANIES INVESTMENT COUNSELORS INVESTMENT TRUSTS LABOR BUREAUS LAUNDRIES LAW FIRMS LUMBER DEALERS MAIL ORDER HOUSES MANAGEMENT ENGINEERS MARKETING CONSULTANTS MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS MERCHANDISEES MICROPILM MANUFACTURERS MINING COMPANIES MILK DISTRIBUTORS MOTION PICTURE COMPANIES MUNITIONS MANUFACTURERS MUSEUMS OF SCIENCE MUSIC INSTITUTES NEWSPAPERS OFFICE EQUIPMENT MANUPACTURERS PAINT MANUPACTURERS PAPER MANUFACTURERS PATENT DEPARTMENTS PETROLEUM REFINERIES PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS PLAYGROUNDS PRINTERS PRISONS PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSELORS PUBLIC ROADS BUREAUS PUBLISHERS REAL ESTATE BOARDS REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTURERS RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS RffEARCH FOUNDATIONS SAFETY ASSOCIATIONS SXURITY DEALERS SBBD GROWERS STORAGE BATTERY COMPANIES SUGAR REFINERIES SYNTHETICS MANUPACTURERS TAX WUNDATIONS TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATIONS TEA COMPANIES TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANIES TEXTILE MANUPACTURERS TRADE ASSOCIATIONS TRANSIT COMPANIES UNIONS U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS WAR COLtEGES WARl3HOUSES WEATHER BUREAUS WORLD'S PAIRS Y.M.C.A. ZINC COMPANIES Indexed in Industrial Arts Index and Public Affairs Information Service 1 Uninersitg- of Minnesota Press 1 BOOKS FOR SPECIAL LIBRARIES A PROGRAM FOR LAND USE IN CIVIL SERVICE LAW, by Oliver P. NORTHERN MINNESOTA, by Jesness Field. $5.00 and Nowell. S2'50 MARSHALL AND TANEY, STATES- MEN OF THE LAW, by Ben W. Palmer. Art $3.50 MODERN MEXICAN ART, by Laurence THE JUDGES OF THE SUPREME $7.50 E. Sohmeckehier. COURT, 17894937, by Cartez A.82.00 M. SPAIN POISED: An Etcher's Record, by S. Chatwood Burton $5.00 Medicine CHEMISTRY AND MEDICINE, by Maurice B. Visseher. H.50 GUATEMALA, PAST AND PRESENT, by Chester Lloyd Jones. $5.00 TIIE KOSHER CODE OF THE ORTHO- PROBLEMS OF ADMINISTRATION IN DOX JEW, by Levin and Boyden. $4.50 SOCIAL WORK, by Pierce Atwater. $3.50 IODINE AND THE INCIDENCE OF GOITER, by J. F. McClendon. $5.00 DICTATORSHIP IN THE MODERN WORLD, edited by Guy Stanton Ford. $3.50 VICTORIAN CRITICS OF DEMOC- RACY, by Benjamin E. Lippincott. $3.75 Newspaper OWATONNA: The Social Development of a lVIinnesota Community, by Edgar B. Wesley. $2.50 SWEDEN: A Modern Democracy on Ancient Foundations, by Nils Herlitz. s.00 Biohgical Science I THE INDOOR GARDENER, by Daisy Denthtrg T. Abbott. $1.50 ALFRED OWRE: Dentistry's Militant TIIE NORTHERN GARDEN WEEK BY Educator, by Netta Wilson. $4.00 WEEK, by Daisy T. Abbott. 8.75 THE BIRDS OF MINNESOTA, by hMucatiim Thomas S. Roberts. 2 vols., $15.00 CllILD CARE AND TRAINING, by Faegre and Anderson. $2.50 BIRD PORTRAITS IN COLOR, by Thomas S. Roberts. $3.50 THE STATE UNIVERSITY: Its Work and Problems, by L. D. Coffman. $2.50 THE ALGAE AND THEIR LIFE RE- LATIONS, by Josephine Tilden. 85.00 Zndustrg TREES AND SHRUBS OF MINNE- SOTA, by Rosondahl and Butters. $3.00 WOMEN, AND JOBS, by son and Darley. $1.50 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF All Libraries BUILDING MATERIALS, by Frank B. Rowley. cloth, $1.50. paper, $1.00 ~~,"~E,"~~~,","o~~r~BRARIES'8.75 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IN URBAN TRANSPORTATION, by Emerson P. ON AND OFF THE CAMPUS, by GUY Schmidt. S.00 Stanton Ford. 84.00 / UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS MINNEAPOLIS Special Libraries CONTENTS FOR MAY-JUNE 1940 Toward a Safe Democracy .........DR. ALVINJOHNSON The Relationship Between the Library and the Patent Attorney ANTHONYWILLIAM DELLER The Library of Congress and the Special Libraries Association ...... Publications ..................... Buy Your Books the Cooperative Way ...GRETCHEN J. GARRISON Ave Atque Vale! ..............ALMA C. MITCHILL Tentative Program, Convention, SLA ............. Who's Who Among the Speakers ............... Methods Committee, a Progress Report . MARIELUGSCHBIDER 167 A Story of Buried Treasure, A Review . FLORENCEBRADLEY 168 News Briefs ................169 Chapter News. ................171 Books of 1939: Moving Pictures ..HELENGLADYS PERCEY 173 Personal .....................176 Indexed in Industrial Arts Index and Public Affairs Infomation Service THE STAFF MARYELIZABETHE BA~TL~Y BE~TILLESHAY Assi~tantrtot& Editor ELIZABETHA. GHRAARDT CYNTHIAGRIFPIN MARIELUGSCHEIDER LUCILEL. KECE Amxiate Editor, ELI~ABI~THLOIS CLA~XB Adverririq Managr The articles which appear in SPECIALLIBRARIES express the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the opinion or the policy of the editorial staff and publisher SPECIAL LIBRARIES published monthiv September to .4~iil,with bi-monthly issues May to A~gusf,by The Snecial Libraries Association. Publication Ofice. 10 Ferry Street. Concord. N. U. Editorial and Advertising Offices at 31 East Tenth Street, New York. N. Y. Addiem all corresmndence to 31 East Tenth Street. New York. N. Y. Subscription price: 15.W B year; foreign IS.50; single co~ies.SO cents. Enlncd as s~rond-rlosr waiter z the Post oficc el Concord, N. H.. under the ad of Mllrch 3. 1879 HARPERBOOKS for SPECIALLIBRARIES May-June 1940 NEW ROADS TO SELLING By HARRY Sr~raro~s.This latest book adds to the author's many popular volumes all his latea selling slants - new sales ~trate~iesand o portunities which have been developed as s result of the intxodnetion of scores of new procL and services in the last ten years. The rules and suggestions here introduced have all been tried, teated and profitably applied for the helpful use of sales managers, salesmen and all sales promotion ereeutlves. $2.50 TEN POINTS POR ADVERTISERS B KENNETHM. GOODE.This author by mmrnon consent is one ofthe most vivid and stim- tin^ of the writers on husine~sthemes. He here addreases all business executives on the subject of usin more advertising to spur on business recovery. How the advertising can be effective enougi to reall stimulate recovery is the theme of the second half of the book in which, out of hie long ad;ertising experience, he gives TEN POINTS for checking an$ pre- testing advertising cop Everyone connected with the shaping of advertising pohcy or advertieing material wilrhd help in this hook. $3.00 WHITHER INTEREST RATES trends and how to cope with ;hem. - $2.00 NATIONAL LABOR POLICY-And How It Works fly JO.LW Ihwrr~~nn,Attwney in RLnl3. .4n erhaurtivr, cletiuitive and hdlv dwumeuterl and>& uf the law ard ita adtainidrrtim 1,) the RLRli. Give6 hiator" id the lor. *how* Iwr it rorkx. and *Iron* tlw *~n-r,ticIP*UIIA it is nchievine. 32uaeea of *varrfullveul,*tnn- tiated data make ths the onlvLco&nlete record of the ~asonalLabor Board's activities in book form. A "muat" for ever$ law,^corporation and trade union library. 55.00 SOCIAL WORK ENGINEERING By JUNE ond ARTHUR GUILD.Sete forth a new philoeophy for sound social planning which ia gaining wide acceptance in the field of midwork. Every eocial sgenc will want to place thie compact manual at the disposal of its board members, mcial executives and aocial workers. Treats specifically mblems of planning, budgeting, e~lrveyingand appraising all types of community work. &my ideas on fwd raising. $1.75 A BC OF LETFERING By J. I. BTECELEISEN.A handy guide for practical use in advertini? departments of large corporations, in advertising agencies and wherever knowledge is nee ed about effective use of hand lettering for display purposes. Contains a complete range of standard st les draw large enough for copyin .tracing or scaling. With 23 complete alphabets, 10 fullpage drill charts, more than 100 pfates, etc. Size 9 1 12%-221 pages. $4.00 For the businessman's playtime- TENNIS AS A HOBBY Bv HENRYI. CuMnalNGs. Everv orranivation interested in having its emdoveen net outdoors at Boar baokstore, or on appro~dfrom HARPER & BROTHERS 9 49 bt33rd Street = New York Toward a Safe Democracy By DR. ALVIN JOHNSON Director. New School far Social Research, New York City ONE BOOK,THE BIBLE,was the whole butterfly court, patronizing the arts, devis- literary equipment of Mrs. Peterkin's com- ing irresistible uniforms; it is hard-headed, munity, in Scarlet Sister Mary.
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