5 BOARD OF SELECTMEN OFFICE OF THE TOWN AGENDA ACTION REQUEST ADMINSTRATOR Meeting Date: January 16, 2019 EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED BY: Board of Selectmen DESIRED ACTION: Enter in Executive Session based on G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(6) PROPOSED MOTION: Alan McClennen: I move to adjourn the public meeting at ______and enter in executive session for the following reasons: 6. Pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, §21(a) (6) To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body; The board will reconvene in public session after the executive session. Roll Call Vote. VOTED: McClennen ____ Runyon _____ Galligan ______ Mathison _______ Currier _______ BOARD OF SELECTMEN OFFICE OF THE TOWN AGENDA ACTION REQUEST ADMINSTRATOR Meeting Date: January 16, 2019 MINUTES REQUESTED BY: Elise Zarcaro & Jennifer Clarke DESIRED ACTION: Approval of meeting minutes PROPOSED MOTION: I move to approve the Executive Session minutes of December 19, 2018 as printed/as amended. I move to approve the minutes of December 19, 2018 as printed/as amended. I move to approve the minutes of January 2, 2019 as printed/as amended. ACTION TAKEN: Moved By: _________________ Seconded By: ________________ Condition(s): VOTED: Yea _____ Nay_______ Abstain ________ Orleans Board of Selectmen December 19, 2018 ORLEANS BOARD OF SELECTMEN DECEMBER 19, 2018 DRAFT A meeting of the Orleans Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, December 1, 2018 in the Nauset Room of the Orleans Town Hall. Present were Chairman Alan McClennen, Vice Chairman Mefford Runyon, Clerk Kevin Galligan, Selectman Mark Mathison, Selectman David Currier & Town Administrator John Kelly. Chairman McClennen called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order at 5:30 p.m. Chairman McClennen read the list of agenda items to be discussed in executive session 1. Properties to be discussed: a portion of the Town Hall Annex to Orleans Historical Society and Cape Cod Five Operations Center On a motion by Mr. Currier and seconded by Mr. Mathison, the Board voted to enter into executive session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property and that the Chair declare that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating or negotiating position of the body, and to reconvene in open session. The vote was 5-0-0, with Mr. McClennen, Mr. Runyon, Mr. Mathison & Mr. Galligan all voting aye by roll call. The Chair declared that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the body. Mr. McClennen stated that there is nothing to report in open session from executive session. 6:43 p.m. Public Comment No public comment was heard. 6:44 p.m. Approval of Minutes a. November 14, 2018 Mr. Mathison moved to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2018 meeting, 2nd by Mr. Runyon and approved 5-0-0. b. December 5, 2018 (Executive Session) Mr. Mathison moved to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2018 Executive Session, 2nd by Mr. Runyon and approved 5-0-0. c. December 5, 2018 Mr. Mathison moved to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2018 meeting, 2nd by Mr. Runyon and approved 5-0-0. 1 Orleans Board of Selectmen December 19, 2018 6:45 p.m. Meet with Affordable Housing Committee, Laura Shufelt of Mass Housing and Community Development Director George Meservey to discuss potential affordable rental housing development Laura Shufelt from Massachusetts Housing and Community Development Director George Meservey were present. Mr. Runyon feels that the Select Board should try to agree on long-term affordable housing goals. He hopes that attention is paid to the report that was given last year. Mr. Meservey stated that Orleans is at approximately 9.1% of the affordable housing goal of 10%. It has been identified that even when the 10% is achieved, it does not address all of the housing need. Using CPC funds in 2017, the town hired a consultant who completed a comprehensive study of the demographics in Orleans and concluded that 1800 housing units are needed. The need for units for young people who grew up in the community and would like to be able to stay, seems to be the most acute need. Mr. Galligan has been a participant with the Community Housing Institute who has helped public officials understand the ins and outs of what the needs are. He agrees with Mr. Runyon about the need to set goals. He hopes that the Board can vote on goals, set realistic time frames and start the process. Meet with George Meservey-Discussion on revisiting charge for the Zoning Bylaw Task Force At their December 5, 2018 meeting, the Board reviewed a revised charge for the Zoning Bylaw Task Force. He reviewed the rolls that the Planning Board and Task Force will have and briefly discussed the amended charge. He is requesting that the Board adopt the policy. Mr. Currier stated that he is unsure why the terms “expand and clarify” were removed from section 5. Ms. Meservey responded that expansion and clarification are implied in the charge, and didn’t see it necessary to call out definitions in the bylaw, but would be glad to add that language back in. Mr. Currier moved that the Board of Selectmen adopt the charge for the Zoning Bylaw Task Force policy as amended to include “including expand and clarify definitions” in section 5, 2nd by Mr. Mathison and approved 5-0-0. 6:55 p.m. Final Report-New Police Station Building Committee Mr. Currier left the room. Chairman of the Police Department Building Committee, Tom Finan, was present. He presented a final report of the committee and reviewed milestones from November 2014 through December 2018. Mr. Finan presented a budget status as of December 2, 2018. At the moment, there is $72,802.00 of contingency funds available with projected expenses of $32,660.00. There is an expected surplus of around $39,000.00 at the end of this project. Mr. Finan is requesting that the Board vote to sunset the Police Station Building Committee. 2 Orleans Board of Selectmen December 19, 2018 The Board and Mr. Finan reviewed the need for the flashing yellow light on the Route 28 side of the building. It is a plate reader which opens the gate for the police cruisers. Mr. Galligan thanked Mr. Finan for looking after this project, with compliments to town staff as well. He asked about the possibility of a fake chimney to be placed around the outside duct work. Mr. Finan responded that if you start to enclose the vents, it would affect the venting ability. Mr. Runyon moved to accept the final report of the Police Station Building Committee and to sunset their service with appreciation and gratitude, 2nd by Mr. Mathison and approved 4-0-0. 7:30 p.m. NSTAR Pole Hearings Jessica Elder from NStar was present. a. Pochet Road-to install one 35-foot pole on side of road Mr. Mathison left the room. No public comment was heard. The property owner was present in the audience. Mr. Galligan moved to close the public hearing, 2nd by Mr. Runyon and approved 3-0-0. Mr. Galligan moved to vote to approve NStar Electric Company’s petition to install 1-35-foot FO Pole in side of road labeled pole#16/5A at Pochet Road in Orleans, MA, in accordance with Plan No. 2281334 dated November 7, 2018, 2nd by Mr. Runyon and approved 3-0-0. Mr. Mathison returned. b. Winslow Drive-to install 35 feet of conduit/cable and one hand-hole in the public way No public comment was heard. Mr. Galligan moved to close the public hearing, 2nd by Mr. Runyon and approved 4-0-0. Mr. Galligan moved to vote to approve NStar Electric Company’s petition to install 35 feet of conduit/cable and one handhole in the public way at Winslow Drive in Orleans, MA, in accordance with Plan No. 2281998 dated October 4, 2017, 2nd by Mr. Runyon and approved 4- 0-0. Mr. Runyon moved to recess as Selectmen and convene as Park Commissioners with Mark Mathison as Chairman, 2nd by Mr. Mathison and approved 4-0-0. Meet as Park Commissioners with Natural Resources Manager Nate Sears Natural Resources Manager Nate Sears was present. 3 Orleans Board of Selectmen December 19, 2018 a. Review draft agenda items for subcommittee meeting with Chatham Mr. Sears stated that he met with Bob Duncanson in Chatham two weeks ago to discussion prioritizing items for the agenda. They discussed items such as regulations specific to chase vehicles, definition of fishing on the beach, definition of self-contained vehicles on the beach as well as the ability to share staffing and the term of the Inter Municipal Agreement. Mr. Sears asked Dr. Duncanson to provide a summary of what Chatham would like to have on the agenda. Unfortunately, the information as not submitted in time for the Board’s packets. Mr. Sears informed the Board that he would like to see discussions on chase vehicles, self-contained vehicles and definition of “active” fishing as priority agenda items. Mr. Kelly added that Dr. Duncanson sent over Chatham’s requested agenda items. He reviewed how staff sharing between the 2 towns would work. Mr. Sears and Mr. Kelly both agree that it is fine for both of the towns to work together, but that staff sharing does not belong in the agreement and can be discussed at staff level.
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