THE LONDON GAZETTE, 6TH FEBRUARY 1986 1777 Filing Petition—20th September 1985. No. of Matter— Whether Debtor's or Creditor's "Petition—Creditor's. Act 2577 of 1985. Date of Receiving Order—30th January of Bankruptcy Droved in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 1986. No. of Receiving Order—167. Whether Debtor's (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 (G), Bank- B. DOUGLAS HOMECARE (a firm), 25 Crescent Road. ruptcy Act 1914. Ellesmere Port, South Wirral. Court—BIRKENHEAD. Date of Filing Petition—4th December 1985. No. of PENNINGTON, Walter, an ASPHALT and TAR SPRAY- Matter—76 of 1985. Date of Receiving Order—27th Jan- ING CONTRACTOR, of and trading at 37 Medway uary 1986. No. of Receiving Order—2. Whether Debtor's Drive, Kearsley, Farnworth, Bolton, Lancashire, as or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy Perfect Asphalt. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. proved in Creditors' Petition—Section 1-1 (G), Bank- Date of Filing Petition—24th October 1985. No. of ruptcy Act 1914. Matter—2917 of 1985. Date of Receiving Order—29th January 1986. No. of Receiving Order—154. Whether WHITE, Derek Anthony James, of Albion House, Hannah, Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bank- Alford, Lincolnshire. Court—BOSTON. Date of Fil- ruptcy proved in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 (G). ing Petition—25th November 1985. No. of Matter— Bankruptcy Act 1914. 18 of 1985. Date of Receiving Order—27th January 1986. No. of Receiving Order—5. Whether Debtor's PIGGOT, Christopher Anthony, residing and Practising as or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT at 45 Willow Tree proved in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 (G), Bank- Glade, Beansheaf Farm, Calcot, Reading, Berkshire, ruptcy Act 1914. lately residing and practising as a CHARTERED1 AC- COUNTANT at 63A Reading Road, Pangbourne, Read- ELCOCK, Ian, of 176 New Line, Bacup, Lancashire. ing, Berkshire, formerly practising as a CHARTERED Court—BURNLEY. Date of Filing Petition—4th ACCOUNTANT as Denny Parkhouse & Co. and as December 1985. No. of Matter—43 of 1985. Date Charles Denny & Co. and previously practising with of Receiving Order—21st January 1986. No. of Receiv- another as Wilson Denny & Co. all at 6 Porter Street, ing Order—43. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition London W.I, formerly residing at Rosebank, Oxford —Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Road, Lower Basildon, previously residing at Aston Petition—Section 1-1 (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. Close, Pangboume, Reading, both in Berkshire. Court— HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Date of Filing Petition HOULT, Ralph Christopher, PHOTOGRAPHER and —16th August 1985. No. of Matter—2203 of 1985. Date HOULT, Jean Mary (his wife), of 6 Staffordshire Street, of Receiving Order—30th January 1986. No. of Receiving Ramsgate, Kent, formerly residing and carrying on Order—173. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition- business in partnership at 42 Grange Road, Ramsgate, Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Peti- Kent as "Ralph Hoult (Photographer)". Court— . tion—Section 1-1 (G>, Bankruptcy Act 1914. CANTERBURY. Date of Filing Petition—29th January 1986. No. of Matter—10 of 1986. Date of Receiving ROSE, George William, of 5 Usher Road, Bow. London Order—29th January 1986. No. of Receiving Order— E.3, a Butcher, lately trading solely and formerly trading 5. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. with another as a BUTCHER'S SHOP PROPRIETOR at 53 Fairfax Road, Swiss Cottage, London N.W.6. as Rose KHALID, M. (male), trading as K. Tax, of 1 Ludlow Bros. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Date of Street, George Town, Cardiff, South Glamorgan. Court Filing Petition—30th January 1986. No. of Matter— —CARDIFF. Date of Filing Petition—15th November 323 of 1986. Date of Receiving Order— 30th. January 1985. No. of Matter—60 of 1985. Date of Receiving 1986. No. of Receiving Order—174. Whether Debtor's Order—29th January 1986. No. of Receiving Order—3. or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act •of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Petition—Section SOUTHALL, Robert David, residential address unknown, 1-1 (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. lately residing at 10 Chingford Close, Wordsley, Stour- bridge, West Midlands, occupation unknown, lately a CROARKIN, Terry, of Upper Hayes, Barn Hayes, Ex- HAULAGE CONTRACTOR. Court—HIGH COURT bouroe, near Okehamoton in the county of Devon. Court OF JUSTICE, Date of Filing Petition—17th October —EXETER. Date of Filing Petition—22nd May 1985. 1985. No. of Matter—2838 of 1985. Date of Receiving No. of Matter—25 of 1985. Date of Receiving Order— Order—30th January 1986. No. of Receiving Order— 28th January 1986. No. of Receiving Order—4. Whether 170. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Act of Bankuptcy proved in Creditor's Petition—Section Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 1-1 (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. (G), Bankruptcy Act 1914. TSIMBOYKAS, Andreas (male), residential address un- CURWEN, Denise Leslie, residing at IA Columbia Road, known, trading at 35 Cannon Street and lately at 17 Marl Grimsby, Humberside and formerly at Bottom Flat, Hill Crescent, Moor Nook, at both as Olympic Contract 88 Park Street, Grimsby aforesaid and trading under Cleaners as a CONTRACT CLEANER, both in, Preston, the style of Denise Lingerie at The Mall, 79-83 Freeman Lancashire. Court—HIG1 H COURT OF JUSTICE. Date Street, Grimsby aforesaid and formerly at The Mall, of Filing Petition —14th October 1985. No. of Matter— 47 Eastgate, Louth, Lincolnshire as a RETAILER of 2804 of .1985. Date of Receiving Order—30th January LADIES UNDERWEAR. Court—GREAT GRIMSBY. 1986. No. of Receiving Order—175. Whether Debtor's Date of Filing Petition—27th January 1986. No. of or Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy Matter—2 of 1986. Date of Receiving Order—27th proved in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 (G), Bank- January 1986. No. of .Receiving Order—3. Whether ruptcy Act 1914. Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. YAQOOB, Umra Bakhtawer, of 42 The Water Gardens, HINCH, Jeffrey, residing and carrying on business at 2 Burwood Place, London W.2, occupation) unknown. School Lane, Cabourne and formerly at George Mews, Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Date of Filing Caistor and previously at Willow Jay, Mortown Road, Petition—22nd November 1985. No. of Matter—3230 Nettleton as a JOBBING BUILDER all in the county of 1985. Date of Receiving Order—30th January 1986. • of Lincolnshire. Court—GREAT GRIMSBY. Date of No. of Receiving Order—171. Whether Debtor's or Filing Petition—27th January 1986. No., of Matter Creditors' Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy proved —3 of 1986. Date of Receiving Order—27th January in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 (G), Bankruptcy Act 1986. No. of Receiving Order—4. Whether Debtor's 1914. or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. YOUNGS, Maurice William, of Brooklands, Sandown : Road, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9PA, trading at Profes- ROBERTS, (Mrs.), of 10 Jerningham Road, West Derby, sionals Shop, Walmer and Kingsdown Golf Club, Kings- Liverpool. Court—LIVERPOOL. Date of Filing Peti- down, Deal, Kent, lately a,t Princes Golf Club, Sand- tion—9th December 1985. No. of Matter—192 of wich Bay, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9QB, at all as a . 1985. Date of Receiving Order—28th January 1986. GOLF PROFESSIONAL. Court—HIGH COURT OF No. of Receiving Order—9. Whether .Debtor's or JUSTICE. Date of Filing Petition—12th August 1985. Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy No. of Matter—2129 of 1985. Date of Receiving Order— proved in Creditor's Petition—Section 1-1 (G), .Bank- . 30th January 1986. No. of Receiving Order—172: ruptcy Act 1914..
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