A i r / 1 • • • TUESDAY, JULY 14, WM Tha WdRtlMr -r AYUBf* Dinlly Nat Pr«8 Ron ; at 0* Wuiii Pbr fha Waafc Eadad jStancl|(Bter gpgntttg J « 9 U . U U 10,664 Bavarly Buraach, J4 Moora Car Crashes^ FOR SEPTIC TMR or ■trMt, la a member .of the dean a Manchester’s CD Is Prepared ■anbar a t Mta AadH Hanthepler-^A CUy of VUlage CHarni AboutTown Hat at the College of •*^*'**' MM af Uraalillaaa Boaton Unlvaraity, for high a ^ Rips up Nine (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE Th« Popular mariiet «n Main demlc rating during tha laat SEWER LINE CLEMINQ MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 5 ,105.1 Miheater. ■ . (CtaMdlled aa Paga It) ■trMt win cloaa for half a day to­ VOI« LXXn,N 0. 242 morrow aoto thatuwi amployea of— they-- f'or linportant RA^ES Role Fence Poles lecal markat and othera In thla Scandla Lodge No. 2S Coll Manehette/s Specialists •UU and MaaahchoaetU'may at­ Order ot Am«rtca of Mancheeter, A ear drivan 1^ a 22-ysar-oM tend the llrm’a annual outlet at announcea that the diatrict M ge Gary, Ind., man, coming into Man­ Truce Talk Tumar Parl^ Longmaadow, Maaa. ia aponaorihg the annual field Key Fi|jure» In CD Communicalions In Ths Business day at Vaaa Park. South Meriden, chester off the Wilbur Croaa High­ lira. Charlaa Bunael of l>wla on Sunday. A big New Radio Unit way at 5:10 this morning, piled Chinese Reds Renew atreet, prealdent of tha DorcM 8 ^ cua show haa been planned for the Into the fence alongside the ramp S h o w d o w n clety of Emanuel Lutheran Church, « _ afternoon. TlrkeU may be ob­ and tore down nine poles before McKinney rrothers haa invited the membera of tained from John Nelson, 40 Har Is P a rt o f clety to hold an outing Satui^y Jan atreet. It could atop, pollca raportad today. SIW AGI DISPOSAL CO. « t her cottage Harold Washington, tha drivar, Thrust on UN Lines Session Set The group wUl leave f r ^ The eon bom Sunday morning was arrsated for reckless driving Expert warkNWUhlp. HimdredB of aotiafled church at 5:45 a.m.. mem at the Manchester MemoriM Hos­ U. S. System and wilt bo preaonted on tho eharga gtsroi ef Industrial firms who mil na for ••wngo dw paonipr^ Panmunjom, July 15—</Pi Per U aaked to provide her o w pital to Mr. and Mrs in Town. Court tomorrow morning. SZTiriB WMfy they cm. ALWAYS B s a m n . _ An authoritatlv* source cup and allver. If any Kania of 20 Nathan road haa been Waablngton waa arroated by Wo nloo Inoun oeptie tank oyotaM and oewer been overlooked they are aaked to By ALEX GIRELLI ! Patrolman Joseph Sartor, who CripplfNl FreighlCT Movea Into Frisco Bay amid tonight a showdown if named George Francis Kania, Jr. RACES—Radio Amateur Civil contact Miaa Vivian Laraon of 87 Emergency Service-is mmlng to aald that the driver had been un coming between Allied and . Middle Turnpike, eaaU M aopn aa .able to follpw tba left-hand curve East F ron t M r and Mrs. Donald Wlllta and Manchester and Manchestef* well- Communist truce negotiktora poaalble of the ramp. family, 84 Princeton atreet, have organiied Civil Defense setup is In another accident reported by tomorrow in a secret ae*8ion rtturned' afRr sir enjoyable vaca­ ..... Junior^ o f - U ^ i c about readY forlt.------ poltM today; David A; MeKtnney; Main Road. which will “make or break The Battle of BnUer Spreads F ire w o rk s Women’a Benefit Aa*Jclatlon. will tion in Nova Scotia. They motored RACES has been set up by the 18, of Coventry, was arreated for the talks.’’ have a meeting tomorrow at B.30 to Boston, where they took the federal government as the ama- ^ vlolatioha of rules of the road after -There la a vary distinct poaal- steamer for Yarmouth, then toured teur radio communlcationa arm of | p.m. In Tliiker hall a tvro-car accident at the Interaec- Under Fire' r ^ - blllty of another breakdown In the to Annapolis and other places. Civil Defense., , tlon of Main street and Middle trtka," the source aald. He added Irregularity The Auxiliary to DAV C^aP‘ *^ The town’s CD organisation haa Turnpike west at 10:20 laat night FOUNDATIONS that the veil of eecrecy will be lift­ No. 17. wlU hold ita annual picnic Vincent Ramiit, supervising always included a radio-communi­ Pollca said that a car driven by ed from the negotiations if there cation team which operated out of Seoul. July 16—(flV-T»‘« at the Albert Beebe cottage »t principal of the W i^ngton McKinney struck another operated Chinese tonight renewed sav­ la a breakdown. roventrv Lake tomorrow evenly School, ii currently enrolled in a headquarters in the police station, by Charles Burdick. Jr., 18, of 77 High - Wide - Handsome Theri'wera atrang Indications Is Reported I S w h S ^ u ire tranaportatlon course enUtled "The ElemenUjy but in anUcipaUon of its inclusion Greenwood drive, while both were age attacks on the east-cen­ the showdown would «-ome over Workshop" at the University of in RACES, the unit is setting up a Red demands for the recapture of iiould be at the;yP1V home. Man- communications center ' in the turning right Into the turnpike tral Korean front with a tw^ cheater Green,, before ® ™ Connecticut. He received his Mas­ from Main atreet. According to non-Communist Korean priaonara Hartford, July 15— t/P) — basement of the Municipal BuUd- ll^raM PhotOa A f« « d fwmdartoH it Hm bosh o f o prong, 3,000 man freed last month and Iron-clad The arrest of State Rep. Wil­ After the ter's degree from New York Uni­ rREDBRlCK O. EDWARDS police. McKinney Waa trying to south of Kumaong. The at­ gamea, the versity and is now working to­ ing. EDWARD KIRKHAM paaa Burdick'a car on the riifht guarantees from the UN that South liam M. Foord of Litchfield & dreaMnga. Mra. Dorothy Kleln- Seven Freqoendea (W18VK) (WIDJC) tack broke a day-long lull in Korea would honor a truce. wards a doctorate at the Univer­ According to Frederick G. Ed­ Radio OCicer when the accident occurred. / and nifford B. Rackes, Wal­ i^m idt heada the committee. sity of Connecticut. Director Pattolman Robert Tdrcolte the biggest Red offensive In The eourc* aald Thursdays nego­ wards, who wrlU head the RACES made the arrest. McKjriney la tiating aeasion "will be the ahow- lingford fireworks manufac­ operation here as radio officer in more than two years. down. The meeting will make or turer, waa recommended -to­ Rev. Arnold‘^ a n d Mra. T o i« Lakota .Council No. 81. Degree the Civil Defense organlsatton. the scheduled to appear In .^ourt Fri­ Iff oMTHoo to our Mrmol •nie new assault—backed by of Henrv atreet wMll leave on Frl break the talks." day by State Referee Newell of Pocahontas, will meet In CWd large room at the rear of the base­ day. / tanka- -was bellavrd aimed at a The eotirce. who could not be dav for Geneva Point, Lake Wlnn^ Fellows Hall tomorrow night at 8 ment beside the boiler room will sonrico wo oro offorhif Moochottor ood main Allied highway. ____ Jennings as the climax of his peaaukee. Mr. Toaer expMU to r^ Identified, gave hi* estimate of the o'clock. Deputy Great Pocahon­ eventually be the location of a It waa preceded , by Cbirteae truce situation after the Chinese one-man grand jury investi­ ium for the Joint ‘ ^e tas Edith Rockwell of Collawanaha four-post radio center from which • vkliilty cemphto foMHdotloR stnrlco. probing aenaulte In tha aector that Second Congregational Communist radio cleimcd the UN gation into legislature ir­ Council No. 24 of Hartford and operators will be enabled to broad­ began at duek. _____ Command negotiator# "walked Methodlat Churchea, Sunday, July A combination 'of stubborn regularities. her staff will be pnv»«nt to finish cast on seven frequencies. out" of Wedneaday'a truce meet Jennings found probable causa 38 at t:S0 a.m. installing the officers. Refresh­ Edwards and hia co-workers H A LE'S Houth Korean reaUtance, driving ing. rain, and a bitatering curtain ot tor charges that Foord violatad ments will be served following the have applied for Ihcluaion in But Peiping Radio made It clear the statute prohibiting the bribary meeting. AH members are urged RACES and expect to hear from Allied artillery fire had temporar­ there would be another meeting Headquarters ily Btalled the maaalve Red offen­ of membera of the General Assem- to be present. the government soon. E^J. POLOMSKI at the cuetomary hour of 11 a. m. bl.v and that Barkea violated the Meanwhile the group la going FOR sive by 11 a. m; today along a 20- oh Thursday (10 p. m. d.a.t. statute covering attempts to im- Pfc. Normsn Kronick, 18 ahead with iu plans for local mlle front. Wednesday). proparly Influanca laglalatlon. _ , NOTICE Stcp'heil Street, who is stationed emergency communications,---- FNONiS; 5TORRS f 044 Hr But an 'lines ey lull hung over "There is a vary dlatincypwl- (i»jnuuM worn tato »to .lL. J!L matae. aff. Mritta.far. a cbaAce. ta Jmy in Germany, recently appeared in One of the four positions at the the bloodied Mumaong- Bulge T>nRy td'andtacybrtakC'own ’in the . T « ! ! ^ . r r M a t o a ^ ^ n r » « ^ dewmtoa. Prealdert Eto-ntower-. affer ta w M f ^ ta tae Report la intoi the annual Fourth, of July "Army specially equipped bench along one where' more than tO.OOO Reds talks," tha aoMre* said.
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