-- Travels in Some Parts of North America in ... 1804, 1805 & 1806

-- Travels in Some Parts of North America in ... 1804, 1805 & 1806

SUTAMILLI: découverte sur le croup. See HAAS ( FRIEDRICH JOSEPH VON). SUTCH (RICHARD). - -- See RANSOM (ROGER L.) and S. (R.) SUTCH (VICTOR D.). - -- Gilbert Sheldon, architect of Anglican survival, 1640 -1675. [Archives Int. d'Hist. des Idees, Ser. Minor, 12.] The Hague, 1973. .283(42062 -066) She. Sut. SUTCH (WILLIAM BALL). - -- The quest for security in New Zealand, 1840 to 1966. Wellington, 1966. .3318(931) Sut. SUTCLJJ'i' (ROBERT) . - -- Travels in some parts of North America in ... 1804, 1805 & 1806. 2nd ed. ... New York, 1815. *P. 32.15/2. SUTCLiI'lE (ANTHONY) . - -- The autumn of central Paris; the defeat of town planning, 1850 -1970. [Stud. in Urban Hist. 1.] Lond., 1970. .7114(4436) Sut. - -- The history of urban and regional planning; an annotated bibliography. Lond. [1980.] Ref. .30926016 Sut. *** Copyright date is 1981. - -- ed. Multi -storey living; the British working-class experience. Lond., 1974. .331833(42) Sut. Anothor oopy. Bcen. Iliat. Lib. ADDITIONS SUTCH (RICHARD). - -- See RANSOM (ROGER L.), S. (R.) and WALTON (G.M.) SUTCH (WILLIAM BALL). - -- Poverty and progress in New Zealand; a re- assessment. New ed., completely rev. and reissued. Wellington, 1969. .33946(931) sut. SUTCLIFFE (ANTHONY). - -- ed. British town planning; the formative years. [Themes in Urban Hist.] [Leicester] 1981. Geog. Lib. - -- Another copy. .7114(42081 -083) Sut. - -- ed. Metropolis 1890-1940. [Stud. in Hist. Planning and the Environment.j Lond., 1984. .30136(4028 -05) Sut. -- Another copy. Econ. Hist. Lib. - -- ed. The rise of modern urbanJplanning, 1800 -1914. [Papers presented at a conferehce.] See PLANNING and the environment in the modern world. Vol. 1. - -- Towards the planned city; Germany, Britain, the United States and France, 1780 -1914. [Compar. Stud. in Soc. and Econ. Hist. 3.] Oxford, 1981. .7114(4028) Sut. - -- Another copy. Econ. Hist. Lib. SUPCLlr'r'E (ARTHUR). - -- and CANHAM (JOHN WILLIAM). - -- The heights and weights of boys and girls. Lond., 1950. .61265 Sut. --- Selection for secondary education, without a written examination. Repr. Lond., 1945 Educ. Lib. (Res. Unit) - -- Another copy. Educ. Lib. (Res. Unit) SUrCLIFFE (BRIAN TERENCE). - -- See McWEENY (ROY) and S. (B.T.) SUITCLIFFE (D.W.) . - -- See GLEDHILL (T.), S. (D.W.) and WILLIAMS (W.D.) B.Sc. SUTCLIN''E (EDMUND FELIX) . - -- comp. Bibliography of the English Province of the Society of Jesus, 1773 -1953. Lond., 1957. Ref. .2715(L42) Sut. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS U1'CL1Lb 'r'E (DAVID) . - -- British black English. Oxford, 1982. .L427(L42) Sut. --- Another copy. Soc. Anthrop. Lib. SUTCLIFFE ( EDMUND FELIX) [continued]. - -- A grammar of the Maltese language with chrestomathy and vocabulary. 2nd impr. Lond., 1949. Islamic Lib. - -- The monks of Qumran as depicted in the Dead Sea Scrolls. With translations in English. Lond., 1960. .22044 Sut. - -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. - -- The Old Testament and the future life. [Bellarmine Ser. 8.] [Land.] 1946. .221:.237 Sut. - -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. - -- See ORCHARD (BERNARD) and S. (E.F.) SUTCLIFFE (EDWARD). - -- chairman. A report by Justice. Criminal appeals. See JUSTICE. STUCLIFFE (EDWARD DAVIS). - -- See SUTCLIF1 (RICHARD JOSEPH) and S. (E.D.) SUTCLIFFE (EMERSON GRANT) . - -- Emersonts theories of literary expression. [Illinois Univ. Stud. in Lang. and Lit. Vol. 8, No. 1.] Urbana, 1923. SUTCLIFFE (FRANK EDMUND). - -- Guez de Balzac et son temps; littérature et politique. Paris, 1959 [1960]. .8)1/1)19 Bal. Sut. - -- La pensée de Paul Valéry; essai. Paris, 1955. .84191 Val. Sut. ADDITIONS SUTCLIFFE (F.E.). - -- See WHITEHEAD (F.), DIVERT (A.H.) and S. (F.E.) wies SUTCLIrE (FRANK) Writer on Crime. --- See McCABE (SARAH) and S. (F.) SUTCLIFFE (GEORGE LISTER). - -- Sanitary fittings and plumbing. Lond., 1901. *Y.7.28. SUTCLIH'rE (HENRY ) . - -- Electronics for students of mechanical engineering. Lond., 196L.. Engin. Lib. SUTCLlrr'E (J.V. ). - -- Methods of flood estimation; a guide to the flood studies report. See INSTITUTE OF HYDROLOGY. SUTCLIFFE (JAMES FREDERICK). - -- Mineral salts absorption in plants. [Int. Ser. of Mon. on Pure and Appl. Biol. Plant Physiol. Div. Vol. 1.] Oxford, 1962. Botany Lib. - -- Another copy. Mol. Biol. Lib. - -- Plants and temperature. [Inst. of Biol. Stud. in Biol. No. 86.] Lond., 1977. Forestry Lib. - -- Another copy. K.B.L. - -- Plants and water. [Inst. of Biol. Stud. in Biol. No. 14.] Lond., 1968. Botany Lib. - -- Repr. Lond., 1971. Botany Lib. - -- Another copy. K.B.L. [Continued overleaf.] SUTCL1r'r'E (JAMES FREDERICK) [continued]. - -- Repr. Lond., 1974. K.B.L. - -- 2nd ed. Lond., 1979. Botany Lib. --- Another copy. Botany Lib. --- Another copy. K.B.L. - -- and BAKER (DENNIS A.). - -- Plants and mineral salts. [Inst. of Biol. Stud. in Biol. No. 48.] Lond., 1974. Botany Lib. - -- Repr. Lond., 1976. Botany Lib. - -- Another copy. K.B.L. - -- Repr. with additions. Lond., 1978. K.B.L. - -- and PATE (J.S.). - -- eds. The physiology of the garden pea. [ Exper. Botany, Vol. 12.] Lond., 1977. Botany Lib. SUTCLIM (JOHN). - -- A treatise on canals and reservoirs ... With observations on the Rochdale, Leeds, and Liverpool, and Huddersfield canals ... Rochdale, 1816. S.B. .62041 ADDITIONS SUTCLJJ'r'L (JAMES FREDERICK) . - -- Plants and water. 2nd ed. Repr. [Inst. of Biol. Stud. in Biol. No. 14.] Lond., 1979. K.B.L. - -- Another copy. K.B.L. -- and BAKER (DENNIS A.) . - Plants and mineral salts. 2nd ed. [Inst. of Biol. Stud. in Biol. No. 48.] Lond., 1981. K.B.L. - -- Another Copy. K.B.L. f P. STTCLI/VE (JOHN KNAPP). - -- Notes of lectures on the Apocalypse. Lond., 1854. Y.17.60. SIITCL.l.r.bE (JOSEPH). - -- A grammar of the English language ... Lond., 1815. Bound in T.23.24. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS 171 CL?'FFE (JO:fr ). -- ed. A dictionary of religious education. Lond., 1984. Ref. .37703 Sut. SUTCLIFFE (JOSEPH) [continued]. - -- A short introduction to the study of geology ... Lond., 1817. *L.22.85. - -- Another copy. V.15/2.15/7. SUTCLIFrE (MATTHEW) . - -- M.S. de concilijs & eorum authoritate, aduersus R. Bellarminum ... libri duo. Londini, 1600. A.8.13/2. - -- M.S. de monachis, eorumque institutis & moribus, aduersus R. Bellarminum, vniuersamq; monachorum & mendicantium fratrum colluuiem disputatio. Londini, 1600. A.8.13/3. --- M. Suilivii de Pontifice Romano, ejusque injustissima in ecclesia dominatione, adversus Robertum Bellarminum, & universum Jebusitarum sodalitium, libri v. Hanoviáe, 1605. D.22.10. - -- De presbyterio, eiusque nova in ecclesia Christiana politeia, adversus cuiusdam J.B.A.C. de politeia civili & ecclesiastica libros duos ... M. Sutlivii disputatio: in qua presbyterium quod illi tuentur, oppugnatur ... Lond., 1591. C.21.65/1. - -- M.S. de vera Christi ecclesia, aduersus R. Bellarminum ... liber unus. Londini, 1600. A.8.13/1. - -- The examination and confutation of a certaine scurrilous treatise entituled, the Survey of the newe religion, published by M. Kellison in disgrace of true religion professed in the Church of England. Lond., 1606. C.21.60/2. - -- The practice, proceedings and lawes of armes ... Lond., 1593. Q* 23.66. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS SUTCLIFFE (JOSEPH RICHARD). - -- Why be a headmaster? Carlton, Victoria, 1977. .373(93 -94) Sut. SUTCL11.E (MATTHEW). - -- The examination of M. Thomas Cartwrights late apologie, wherein his vaine ... challenge concerning certaine supposed slanders pretended to have bene published in print against him, is answered and refuted ... Lond., 1596. [Eng. Experience No. 558 ]Amsterdam, 1973. .2859 Sut. - -- Ecclesiasticall discipline. London, 1590. [The Eng. Experience, No. 626.] Amsterdam, 1973. .27(42055) Sut. SUTCLIFFE (MATTHEW) [continued]. - -- The unmasking of a masse -monger, who in the counterfeit habit of S. Augustine bath cunningly crept into the closets of many English ladies; or, the vindication of Saint Augustines Confessions from the false and malicious calumniations of a late noted apostate [Sir T. Matthew in his translation of the Confessions]. Lond., 1626. C.21.55/3. - -- See CARTWRIGHT (THOMAS) Puritan Divine. A brief apologie ... (against all such slaunderous accusations as it pleaseth Mr. S. in severall pam- phlettes most iniuriously to loade him with). SUTCLIFFE (REGINALD COCKROFT). a L nd., 1953 JCM Lib. - -- Weather and climate. [Adv. of Sci.] Lond. [1966.] Meteorol. Lib. SUTCLIFFE (RICHARD). - -- See SUTCLIFFE (RICHARD JOSEPH) and SUTCLIFFE (EDWARD DAVIS). R.S.; the pioneer of underground belt conveying. SUTCLIFFE (RICHARD JOSEPH). - -- and SUTCLIFFE (EDWARD DAVIS). - -- Richard Sutcliffe; the pioneer of underground belt conveying. [New ed.] .Richmond, Surrey, 1948. .6218675 Sut. Sut. SUTCLIFFE (ROBERT BALDWIN). - -- Industry and underdevelopment. [Addison- Wesley Development Econ. Ser.] Lond. [1971.] .3380183(5 -8) Sut. .33got83 SuE . - -- Another copy. 0.A.0. - -- See McEWAN (PETER JAMES MICHAEL) and S. (R.B.) ADDITIONS SUTCLINFE (YN.LHt H.). The Oxford University Press; an informal history. Oxford [1979.] .6551(4257) Alt. SUTCLlrrb (REGINALD COCKROFT). Meteorology for aviators. See METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE, London. SUTCLiT r ': (ROBERT BALTh TIN), -- Hard times; the world economy in turmoil. [tirgumentc for Socialism.] Lond., 1993. .1135h :ut. - See GLYN (ANDREW) and S. (R.B.). See OWPN (EDWARD ROGER JOHN) and S. (ROO. SUPCL1.r'rL' (SHEILA). Martello towers. Newton Abbot [1972.] .7518(42073) ut. SUTCLIFFE (WILLIAM GRORGE). - Statistics for the business man. New York, 1930. .5199 :.65 Sut. SUTEL (JOHANN). - -- Das Euangelion von der grausamen, Erschrecklichen Zerstörung

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