1 GEORGIA DEFEATS THE YALE BULLDOGS TRADITIONAL RIVALS UPSET THE DOPE BY IN HARD BATTLE Auburn Triumphs Over Commodores HOLDING PRINCETON _.... .......................... _........... ....... Y ...-- ---_ Jl GEORGIA ALONE BLOCKS AUBURN’S WAY TO SOUTHERN CHAMPIONSHIP AUBURN VANQUISHES CONQUERORS OF COMMODORES WON TIGERS LONG UN CONQUERED A DRAW COMMODORE ELEVEN FORCED TO BY YALE WARRIORS For First Time In Twenty Years Vanderbilt Colors Trailed in Dust By Orange and Blue Bulldogs Show Splendid Aggregation. Reversal in Form Yesterday COMMODORES UNABLE TO WITHSTAND FIERCE ATTACKS OF AUBURN BACKS | YALE TEAM TOTALLY OUTPLAYS OPPONENTS Vandy’s Lone Touchdown Results From Perfect Forward Pass—Captain Newell Again Star Analysis of Offensive and Defensive Play Shows Remarkable Man- of Auburn Eleven—Losers Hold to ner in Which Yale Out- Open Game. shone Rivals New Huven, Conn., Xoveiiii-er 15.—Rls Hj- C. W. GREER ins phoenix-like from the ashes of a dig Football In story was made on Kick wood Field heartening preliminary suasion, the Yah yesterday football team forced Princeton, the b afternoon when the Orange and Blue Tigers of Auburn van- to 7 favorite, to a tie 9core game at 3 to 1 in quished the hitherto unconquerable warriors of Vanderbilt and tlie annual contest bore lids afternoon Guernsey, for Yale, kicked a field gou trailed in the dust in the the Commodore colors, which so long have second period of play uud Captaii “Hobey” Baker tied the score for Prince flaunted over of Dixie. Twice triumphantly gridirons during ton with A similar hut more spectaciUui the contest the Auburn machine plowed its way through the feat, in the third quarter. The tic score, however, does-not shov Commodore defense for I'lrat How—I, Conch Donohue: left touchdowns, and once the fleet Vander- Wynne, end) 3, Hairston, endt 4, Taylor, half! S, Christopher, fullhaeki It, Martin, tneklei 7. Lovelace, man, the marked superiority which existed ii alter. Second row—8, Steel, Riiard) t», Ksslliiuer, tneklei 10, Pitta, center) II, Thlgrpen. Riiard) 12, I.oulsell. tackle: 13, Corkwood, Riiarrii 14, Sparkman, bilt eleven crossed its favor of the Blue. Player lor player utu opponents goal. The final score was rlRht half! IB, Culpepper, euard. Third row—22, Harris, rullbnek; 21, PreuderRaat, half; 20, Newell, euptaln and halfback; III, Arnold, quarter) IS, Hart, half; 17, Kearley, half) 10, Hoblnsou, end. team against team, the Blue was bettei 14 to n. than the Orange and Black in bpth of fenslve and defensive Playing tmc to form the Alabama Boenseh play. Yah missed an easy gual. Like a Hash adherents are say.ng tonight tha eleven concentrated Its attack upon from a clear sky came the and play, holding the Tiger to a tie garni lor a time the Auburn defence the line of It* Again and was be- was a moral victory for the -Blue opponent*. wildered. It rallied, however, after Van- WOLVERINES DOWN PENNSY hut the veterans who made gridiron his again <'a||tnlu Newell neat hi* heavy derhllt had advanced the ball to their I HUNTSVILLE FIVE tory for the Eli’s in other years know tha I opponents' 30-yard line, the fullback* cranking into the shattered following ! an actual and not moral shout* and victory kickoff, the half ended with both Ann November 15.—Us- the ball in defense of the Commodores with tell- Arbor, Mich., Pennsylvania territory. The have been won by Yule, hut for poo teams struggling in the fiercely center of the same terrific line attack that Wolverine linemen opened big holes the field. ing generalship and management in erlUCu ing effect. Hart, Harris and Christo- and the Wolverine backs did the crushed Syracuse, the football eleven rest. AFTER STATE TITLE period. and llcdcK Craig, left half; Galt, right half, and pher were n*ed inter- Vandy Comes Back of the of Outclassed Strong University Michigan today Hughitt, seldom had to be Tigers \ andt rhiit quarter, changeably and nldcd by the fierce came hack strong in the defeated Pennsylvania 13 to 0. Michigan An analysis of the offensive and deft n third content with gains of less than five quarter, but was unable to slve of the two teams shows the re plunging of the Auburn linesmen, lit- gain simply battered the defense of the east- yards and, finally Craig crossed the play consistently after they had advanced the Smith Runs Entire Length The High Sehool Basketball markable manner In which Yale outshon erners to pieces. At no time during goal line. Paterson kicked goal. erally plowed their way to an Auburn hall pust the middle of j the field. In this One of the few forward suc- the players from the Jersey plains. B; the was even dan- passes period the most hitter of of the Field for a game Pennsylvania Ambitious to Be- Victory. '1’he Commodore offenne wn* part the strug- cessfully executed helped give Michigan Squad rushing. Yale gained 139 yards In 14 play | gle was witnessed. gerous. Vanderbilt, fresh from a second touchdown in the second pe- 1 to Princeton’s 87 in 22 efforts. Tim generally opru. Karly in the battle it a 15 minutes' rest, was impregnable to Touchdown Pennsylvania's attack was as erratic riod. come State Champions 1 first downs were scored against th the fierce line ■wa* clear to the Vanderbilt general plunges of the Auburn s her defense was mediocre. Now and It put the Yost men within striking Tiger’s solitary gain in this respect. eleven and both after kicks that the Orange and Blue line machines, strug- then, at wide intervals, one of Brooke'* distance of the goal and Craig scored Thirty-five netted 1211 yards agains wn* gling to fruitlessly gain, resorted to a men skirted a Michigan end for six the touchdown. 1188 yards for Princeton in 33 kicks. Vat Impregnable. Placing upon Anile Sikc* duel. The punting quarter ended with Little Rock, Ark., November 15.—The or seven yards’ gain. Attempts to Coach Brooke in the second half called Huntsville, November 15.—For two years regained 180 yards by running hack Law' the pierce the hall on Vanderbilt's on the Minds to 14 burden of the offensive tactics, 30-yard line. University of Mississippi football team Michigan’s line were so unsuccessful crippled replace Avery the high school boys have been champions | punts, while Princeton picked*up but Auburn's last touchdown Marshall took came in the the of Arkansas during the first halt that they were at fullback, and the fleet yards in u similar manner. The Tiger Itoen.scli rcNorteu to Mwecpiug end run*, last defeated University of the basketball. The quarter, and was, as the a abandoned during the final Merrill’s place at quarterback. Penn- City league Young tried three forward two of vvhict first, here 21 to two practically passes, nnd culmination of a eleven today, 10, by scoring delayed forward pa**es. But with series of fierce line period. Pennsylvania, the same as sylvania then shifted to the open game Men’s Christian association has again in- were Jncompleted, and one intercepted; plunges. The Commodore Louchdowns after their opponents had little from forward on Minds to start for- these only once were defense, which Michigan, gained offense, using while Yale's lone attempt in this respect the Commodores the vited them to become members of the City during preceding quarter lmd with- taken a lead In the first half. pass plays. It was a distinct victory ward passes, but they were invariably also went for naught. Lineup: able to fathom the defense stood the league, and in all the opposing rushes of the Auburn hacks, At the opening of the third quarter for old-fashioned, sledge-hammer foot- unsuccessful. More than 20,000 persons probability boys to Poor Hurts mid this time with n began waver before the relentless at- ball. witnessed the struggle. Hundreds stood will join this undertaking. But it is not Judgment < forward pans from Arkansas had scored 10 points, as the tack their came in tile rain and snow the the overwhelming superiorit upon line. Harris, Newell and The biggest sensation during throughout this league that now interests the Despite Sikes to Boensch, which netted A'an- result of a touchdown by Captain May City Kearly gained over center and the the first when Michigan secured game. in all round play. Yfile could only clap placed period boys so much as it is an interest they derbllt’s oval and a kick to credit in only score. within striking distance of the oppos- drop by Cook, Mississippi’s for tying Princeton the ear.l have in trying to become champions of ing goal. Here Donahue resorted to the 7. which resulted from a touchdown by battle. Errors of judgment and lndividun same tactics the state of Alabama. at critical robbed Auburn Scores which had proved so suc- Mills and a goal by Dorroh. With the slips periods the'tear! Auburn’s first touchdown cessful In the early part of the This week Manager Willard C. Hutch- of much of its effectiveness and left tkit came at the game, ball on Mississippi’s 15-yard-line, Captain EASY VICTIM FOR and BROWN Blue a still to far of again his judgment was rewarded. ens has communicated a wish to of with greater problem end the third quarter, after the Orange of Arkansas a forward many Bidez vvaH rushed In to May attempted in the Harvard game next substitute Harris, the to Saturday and Blue had carried the ball under the | McCall blocked it behind the line leading cities of the whole state and Vandy's line crumpled completely pass.
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