
■ i rm bAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1959 PAGE SIXTEEN Avera«e Dnily Net Pres* Run iManrlffBtpr lEnptilttg Ifpiralb I i-il- --------------— -r-------------- m;-------- Ver the Week Bsded Tli*-W *otli*r Hmy ZSrd, 1959 Pmweuet *t 0. H. WeetlMr W f ee* I The flrat technical aasaion of tpe Mtaa Rosa Marl4 Tremarro and S h fi% 4 F i l m I of the National Asaoriitton of Ar- Mias CynthJ* Coe. both of Man-; ‘^*'**'' T I I I I I : About Town loountants at Indian Hill Country cheater, and Miaa Roberta Rich-' 12,925 TniilgM edasr Md omsI. Lear 4ft> Cliih in Newington Tuesday at (5 ai-daon.of Bolton, will regiater as'j On Air Aracleiiiy Look - A Bonus For Hale's Saturday Shoppers! .58. Tomorrow fulr, littia elMagu Thom u Pp^nOr Cirrl^ of th^ ft-eahmen at Plymouth Teachera’ j Meatiter itf the Audit p.m will hear a talk by William Boreso e f CXrealstfou Is tamgamtiim mgli Td-y*. South Methodwt Church will mrc.i T./ Hnmien. District■ manager of College, Pl.vmouthr Sunday. I Mr. and Mra. David Donovan of. Monday in tha rhapal of the Iniernationai- Business Machines ; Also attending the New Hamp- of H3 Alton .‘*1. vvill show a film at Martchp»ter~— A City of ViHane O m rm church at 1 p.m. Corp Hamlen is a native of .New 1 shire aehiwl are Miss Unda Peter-1 their home this .weekend on cadet Englaiid and' holds a master'a i aon and'M-ias G alP’’ FJagleaon o f' activities at the U.S. Air Force ' V The AVBA Guard auh will meet VOL. LXXVni, NO. 292 TEN PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY degree in husiness ndmlnistratirin 1 Majirheater who are entering their Academy in Colorado. MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1959 (CteeeUled Adiy OOeg eu Page fl) PRICE nVE CENTS tpnlg'ht at * o'clock at the home from Harvard T'niversity. ' sophomore year.' Anyone interested in the new. • of Mrs Belle Shores 51 Green ltd academy la welcome to attend the Miss Elizabeth England and I-awrenre F. Costello Sr. of 18 nl about 7:^10 p.m.- to- DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS The flrat meetirvji: of the year of .Miss .loAnn .Fisher, student nurses . Oak Pt.. hag returned to hia home and .wiinday' The 1.5-niin- the Ladies of the Assumption will- Rl St. Franci.s Hospital in H a rt-; after being confined to Manchea- m'c color and sound'film is entitled Pasternak be .held Tuesday kt S 15 p m In the ford, are currently taking a 12- ter .Nfemonal Hospital for a ".School of the Sky.” ; church The Rev. .lames O'Connell week course in pg.vchiathe nursing month, Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs.! Senators Face .of St.. James' Church will he Ruesi at the Institute of Living. Miss i speaker. All women of the parish I Donovan, ia a fourth classman at. A t Concert F.ngland is the daughter of Mr. The Green Thumb Cluty will jibe academy, the flrat cadet from i are invited to attend. and 5frs, Arthur C. England .Ir. of , meet at the Community V .Monday 0 ! Manchester. I With AH Cash Sales SaU Reds Fire Cosmic Rocket 81 S Main 81 .Mum Fiaher's pa'r-f*l * p m Everyone haa been asked Sigma Chi of Secon^ Con- erl.s are Mr and Mrs Clifford H. ' to bring something from her Fight on Rights In Moscow gregatmna] Church wiH^.itoii its Fisher of .147 Burnham SI. ] garden, flowers, vegetables or ta- first fall meeting Sunday at 5 45' ----- I ble arrangements. There will also Beautiful ^ By A. I. GOLDBRRG .pm at the rhur^. Eighth District firemen Will par-1 be a plant swap shop Members Washington, Sept. 12 (A»)— ' The rider, strongly opposed by tinpale in parades tomorrow in j are asked»to bring a friend, A mixed brew of civil rights southern Senators, would extend Moscow.^Sept, 12 (fP)— Rus­ Maschestkr Assembly. Rainbow , the life of the, Civil Rights Com­ 'Mapping and Ellington. Depart-j - and foreign aid is served up in sia’s controversial poet and for Girls, will hold 8' rehearsal at ment members are asked to meet . Campbell Council. Knights of mission for two years and give It novelist Boris Pasternak made Sunday at the Masonic at 1210 p.m In uniform to leave Columbus, will start play in Its ‘Wesco’ Fabrics the Senate today as Congress *800,000 for the current fiscal New Try to Hit Moon ^ T e m p le OfHcors aiid choir mem- for 'Mapping and again at 5 p.m setback leagiie-at. 8;.10 pm todav approaches adjournment. year. The commission is scheduled a surprise public a^pegrance hers are asked to attend, for the Ellington event. in.stead o/ the usual 8 oelock for Fall and Winter... The controveray ewirllng about to go out of existence Nov. 9. last night, fits t since he'YVM hour. the last major piece of legislation Attaching > the extension meas­ shunned by fellow Soviet attHs The executive board and mem­ Miss Loretta Carlson of IBB ,S ALL WASHABLE and CREASE-RESISTANT! could boil over and epoil plane for ure to the money bill requires a thors for writing his novel bers of the Ladies of SI .lamesi' Main St. IS attending ti.e Alpha ‘ For Dremfen, Skirts, Jackets, Suits, Slacks end an early wrap-up. suspension of a Senate rule bar­ Doctor Zhivago. will meet tonight at 5 o rlock at Province convention of Kappa But leaders were hopeful that ring legialation in an appropria­ He attended a concert of the Launching to Herald Kiliffht Altenrliim Rernuida Shorts........... the Quish Funeral Home fo pay ; Kappa Gamma soioritv a.........'t the,.. ^ • ^ .1 the lid would not blow off and that tion bill. It take.* a two-thirds ma- New York Philharmonic Orchea- ■ final respects to Mrs Cnncetta | Lexington Hotel ,n loxington.l / ( .S O - ( .O il fe re ilC P . CMRU S.RmMkBEMT Congress could finish Its work by jority to do this. If attarhed, th e' ti-g rheered its musicians, cried 5'incp. whose daughter is a mem­ Mass, today and tomorrow. .She / » M m w 0 POMOMAWuetm Monday. rider could be adopted by a ma- aver the music and then emotion- ber of the organisation will return to Cornell University/ — - - WESCO “FLANADOR” There even seemed to be a long- jorlty vote. uim m i >’70Si Yard ally embraced and kissed conduc­ Khrushchev’s Visit where she i$ in her junior vear. oh " ’illiam N. Knight of 85 While ----------------------------------- 48" Wide -shot possibility that the session Southerners could fliibusler tor. Leonard Bernstein. The Gleaners Circle of South Sept IS. ; participating In the annual RAYON FLANNEL would end late tonight, as evi­ .against the move. But they are Pa.sternak. whose 'Boctor Zhiva- Methodist Church WSCS will meet / ' internatiohsl college organization denced by the decision of the awkre that if they do, they may Six shades Marinei^a blue, terra mat, olive green., navy, igo won him the 1958 Nobel prize at 7.30 Monday night in the chap­ The Manchester Garden Club b’ «bl>''8s «t the Firsl Church of AMESITE House to meet smd stand by to see touch off a drive by civil rights I for literature and caused him to . - B y BTAVUr.V JOHNISON black and rambler red. el Mrs Edith Smith will read the will hold'lta first meeltfig of the Christ,,.Scientisl in Bostor^-Col- DRIVEWAYS what happena In the Senate. advocates to pass a measure the j be denounced as a "pig" by fellow Moscow, Sept. 12 (/P)__Thp Soviet 1 ’nioti fired another rock­ devotion.* * season on Mondav In the Robbing wge students from all ^ v e r the Up for Senate action was a *3,- Southerners would find harder to Soviet writers, showed up (ipan- et toward the moon today and said it would help open the way room at Center Church There Will attending, OUR BUSINESS 891,269.508 catch-all money bill. stomach. I nounced. We repair eracka, surface to interplanetary flights. ' The Polish National Alliance be a coffee hour at 7:30 followed, Knight Is piTStllent of the The great bulk, *3,281,813,000, la ! The 69-year-old author had lived M>al with Flintar, a Fllnt- Group ISSX Will hold a meeting by a workshop on c/irsages. im-, Christian Sclenpe^rganizatfon at WESCO "KERRY” Tard for foreign aid. (Continned on Page Threel i in seclusion outside Moscow many This new rocket was launched into space at 25,162 mileC *n kole produel. Meets all Fed­ tomorrow at 7 p mi at 77 N’orth ■ der the direction of Mrs. Dean Amherst Co)l€ge Amherst, Maas.. McCall's I months after being awarded the hour on the* weekend before Premier Nikita Khrushchev eral Goverhmenl apeclDea- 48" Wide Although the fofelgji aid total Is 'Miley of Coventry. Members are I " here he returns a.s a junior on : prize he Arst accepted and then St The meeting tomorrow is be­ tinna. Over t.W sallsfled eus- -. 5044 RAYON FLANNEL *648 million belifw President makes his heralded visit to the United State*. ing held one week In advance of asked to' bring materials for cor- Sept. 20. A graduate of Manches- ‘Suburbia Today’ rejected. His novel has been ban­ tomera In .Manehesier. Cost Heavier quality than Flanadnr. Nine color*—Black, navy, Elsenhower's original request, the ned in the Soviet Union. It deals The announcehient of the new launching made no mention the normal meeting date This- sages including /feaves, wire and ter ■ High School in 1B57.
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