—-—-■——----— Ganes, protector; Mrs. Anna Keen on, outer guard. The board of trustee** is composed of Mrs. Frank Fournier. Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. George Preston. The NEWS OF ENSLEY newly elected officers will be installed by | Mrs. Nellie Johnston during the early I HWIill il H I I HI l 1 part of January. Pat Rossier and R. Marlnoos died at Ensley No. the Tennessee company’s hospital yester- lodge. 9S7, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, will hold its an- day morning, from burns received at the nual memorial services this afternoon at steel plant early Wednesday morning. 3 o’clock at the Franklin theatre. The Rossier died about 7:40 o’clock and Mari- programme committee, which is composed of noos about 10 o’clock. The remains of Mr. Thomas Moxley, W. C. Maxwell and L. IT. Pennington has arranged an interest- Rossier were sent to Lawrenceburg. ing programme for the occasion and the his former home, far burial last Tenn., public is cordially invited to attend. The night by Echols * Angwin. Funeral serv- following programme will be rendered: ices over the remains of Marlnoos will be Piano solo, serenade (Predo Lasson), Al- vin Keller. conducted from Echols & Angwin’s chapel Opening ceremony, sacred services by lodge. the Rev. this afternoon. Interment will be nt the Prayer, George J.. Jenkins. Opening ode (tune, Elmwood cemetery. "Auld Lang Syne”), audience. Recita- The two men, together with a third tion. "All ThiiyyL Shall Pass Away" workman, were burned when a hot pot iTheo Tilton), Silas Beddow. Vocal solo, All Eyes that Are full of molten slag overturned on them Weary" (Brackerton), Dave Moxley. Eulogy, "Elkdom,” J. El- st the steel plant Wednesday morr.inj lis Brown. Recitation, selected, by Miss about 3:30 o'clock. It is stated that a Frances Youngblood. Vocal solo, ‘The Birmingham Southern switch engine Gate of Life," Miss Edna Chatman. backed into several hot pots, overturning "Fraternallsm,” by the Rev. L. E. Bru- baker. I>oxoJogy, audience and. one of them, throwing the contents ever lodge. Benediction, the Rev. George L. Jenkins. the three men who were working nearby. Two men fell in the slag and were burned The young people of the Ensley High- all over the body and face. The third is lands Presbyterian church met at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. still living and has a slight chance for L. PL Brubaker Friday night and organized a Christian recovery. He is badly burned about the 1 Endeavor society, with over 26 members. lower of his and his hands. part body The following officers were elected: H. Mr. Rossier had lived here a number of I>. Thomas, president: Miss Ruth Mor- years and had many friends. He was un- i row, vice president; Miss Ollie Montgom- married and his relatives reside in Ten- ery. secretary, ami Rush Hickman, t.cas- urer. The members of the new society nessee. | are Miss Roberta Russell, Miss M. Wright, Miss Ruth Morrow, Miss Myrtle Gay, The annual election of officers of Purity Miss Bessie Knapp, Miss Wylmouth Hick- temple, No. 3, Pythian Sisters, was held man, Miss Pearl Leymore, Miss Angela Friday night in the Knights of Pythias Ramsey. Miss Dora Wade, Rev. and Mrs. hall on Avenue E. The following were L. PL Brubaker, Messrs. Roy Scholl, chosen for the ensuing year: Mrs. Mae Glenn Miller, A. J. Johnston, A. Cope- Stewart, most excellent chief; Mrs. Myr- ■ land. Edward Thomas, Joseph Hickman, tle Hays, excellent senior; Mrs. Mary Rush Hickman. K. W. Crook, L. Brown, Young, excellent Mrs. Vida Ganes, junior; Erie Windson and H. D. Thomas manager; Mrs. Jessie Rowland, mistress, of records and Mrs. Edna correspondence; Prof, D> M. Lewis of this city has Ball, mistress of Mrs. LIANE CARRERA finance; Adelaide charge of the Red Cross Christmas seals Anna Held's who will be with American beauties at the for the benefit of the Anti-Tuberculosis daughter, Lyric association of Birmingham and has placed the seals on sale at a number of the stores from his henhouse on Friday night. Wil- in this city. Mr. Lewis stated that the liam Tucker, residing at 2212 Pike ave- VAUDEVILLE OF people were buying the stamps A freely. nue. also reported that chicken thieves committee will be in near UNDISPUTED appointed the had visited his henhouse and stole 11 MERIT future to over go all this territory and chickens. sell the stamps. There will be a meeting of the Epworth Lyric Offers Anna Held’s Daughter, League of the Eusley Methodist church Scandal and In to the Seminary Five compliment Arlon Chorus club, tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. After a the Tennessee male chorus t Other Acts company’s of short devotional meeting, a business ses- Big this city has postponed its regular meet- sion will be held. Vaudeville ing this week from Tuesday until Thurs- that surpasses anything I else ever day night. This will give the members seen at the Lyric theatre is The services at the Fair view Presby- offered this of the male chorus an opportunity of week, commencing with terian church on Ann street this morn- the attending the Arion club concert, which matinee Monday afternoon. Four ing will be conducted by the Rev. E. E. of the will he at the. Jefferson seven acts promise to be the given theat:e Washburn, of Richmond, Va., who has 1 greatest hits of the season and this Tuesday evening. The male chorus is come to to recently Ensley work among is true of over 40 voices and especially of Liane Carra, the composed practice the foreigners of this city. is daughter of Anna Held, whose re- being held weekly in preparation for Both the morning and evening services 1 the semblance in every way to her noted annual concert which will be given at the Ensley Presbyterian church today the of mother is great. She has the same early part next year. will be conducted by the Rev. C. W. charming stage the same of personality, Clarke, pastor the Woodlawn Presby- winsome the The annual election of the officers of ways, same talent and terian church, owing to the resignation the the same ability to please an audience. Steel City lodge No. loll, Woodmen of Dr. T. P. the former 1915 Models Now Hay, pastor. In fact, she has made a of the World, will be held tomorrow night place for her- The regular services will be conducted self that New hanger and coaster brake; in the promises to equal that of Knights of Pythias hall on Ave- at. the Ensley Highlands Presbyterian five her mother. She will appear in a guaranteed years. nue E. church The L. K. today. Rev. Brubaker, of music written There a melange especially will be meeting of the Home of tlie church, will conduct both pastor for her by Irving Berlin, and which Mission society of the Ensley Methodist services. at 9:15 Sunday school o’clock: includes a .number of church tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock melodies never The Merkel 15s morning service at 11 o’clock and the heard Flying in before. She is assisted by Tyler the Philathea room at tlie church. At service at 7:30 o’clock. are beauties. Many new improve- evening Brooke and a bevy of American tills meeting a nominating committee will beauty ments. | girls. be appointed preparatory to the annual Offering a bunch of special Moody's Bicycles Make Excellent election of officers for the ensuing year. FRENCH CABINET songs which are as new as the Xmas Gifts for Your Next Friday night, the general visiting government Boy currency Just issued, a real com- committees from the Odd Fellow lodges RETURNING TO PARIS story, edy as clean as it can bo and a in the Birmingham district will meet with crowd of new laughs, "A Scandal” the Sampson lodge No. 115 at Wylam. Bordeaux, via Paris, December 5.—(6:40 Seminary D. R. will be offered at the Lyric this week Moody W. S. McCaghner, residing at 2300 Bes- p. m.)—Members of the French cabinet are as the extra added attraction. Miss 215 S. 20th Street sie avenue, reported to the Ensley police to where it is returning Paris, expected Tommy Allen and Walter Ware head department that 13 hens had been stolen will the government be re-established a group of seven people who appear soonr Aristide Bryand, minister of jus- in the act. It is a second big spe- tice, left for Paris today. Alexandre cialty. been equaled by any other organization and Daintee La the girl on the numerous Ribot, Louis J. Malvy and Gaston Dou- Tramp comedians come and tramp Crgrfulall, play specialties and fea- of character. Their names and the wire. tures will be introduced. A mergue, ministers of finance, the interior comedians go, but Joe Jackson seems this fames special pro- duction is promised and in the cast and colonies, respectively, will leave to- never able to leave the stage once he are remembered by thousands of amuse- are, In the latest "The Smart 25'*35'| VAUD^iiiE gets there. With a vehicle, besides Whitney and 40 other artists, i morrow. Mm. Sembat, Guesde and bicycle that seems | ment lovers throughout the length and Set" company, underlined to curry fa- will be Homer Tutt a and Blanche Thomson will go Monday. scarcely able to stay together, he con- j breadth of the land. vor at the Jefferson on Friday, Decem- Thompson. The entire house will be No date has been announced for the re- tributes a highly artistic and humorous The announcement of George Primrose ber 11, matltiee and night, and oan ring reserved for colored people.
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