Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1934-12-13 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1934). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1568. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1568 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ••••••••••••••• AS THOUSANDS PEER VOL. XX CINCINNATI, OHIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 NO. 10 Scanning SOCIAL COMMITTEE JONl(E IS CHOSEN Tbe Headlines -..... ·Of Tbe World WILL HOLD THEIR CAPTAIN; SCHMIDT By James E. Shaw INITIAL DANCE LEGION OF HONOR ............... "EUROPEAN POWERS DEFAULT" R. Kearney Event To Be Uelcl At Tbe Basketball Team Most Difficult Of Xavier (The New York Journal of Com­ Schcclules Is Announced merce, Dec. 11, 1934) Wins Verkamp Cincinnati Club On Dec. St art S Season The ancient, tongue tossed axiom 19th; Admission 50c At FootbaJI Banquet of pay as you go and you'll never 1 owe· has evidently not as yet been D·ebat:e Medal . A Pre-Christmas Dance will 'be I With 4 7-18 Win By virtue of his sparkling play recorded in the tomes of wisdom during the past season, Carl Jonke supposedly housed in the highly tout­ given 1by the Social Committee I --- Wednesday evening, Dec. 19, in the , Xavier's bone-crushing, All-Ohi~ ed libraries of Europe. At least the Affirmative Team Com· Gold Room of the Cincinnati Club. Ccclarvdle CoJlege Gives guard was chosen Capt.-elect of the components of the respective gov­ The price of this first dance under L' 1 0 • • T 1935 Musketeer Football Squad at ernments are seemingly uneducated posed of Kearney, Blase, the direct supervision of the Social ltl e }J }J 0 S l t l 0 n o the annual banquet tendered the as to its individual merits. 'I1hat is, Committee will be-fifty cents a cou- Musketeer's Spotty Play team, last evening at the Alms Hotel. all except the ever sagacious, gallant Gartner, Wins Decision pie. The highest award that any Xav­ Finland. For with war debt install­ ier athlete can attain, namely a place ments, totaling $630,122,354 falling It has been announced that this The Verkamp Debate medal, dance will be an all-Xavier affair Xavier University basketeers op­ on the Legion of Honor, was merited due ·in three more days, three of ened ·the court season Saturday by Captain Tom Schmidt, a fitting America's biggest debtors and inci­ awarded annually to the outstand­ and only Xavier students will b~ ing debater at Xavier, was won last admitted. Due to the fact that class­ night by coasting to an easy 47-18 tribute to a fine athlete. dentally the nations for whom triumph over. Cedarville College. The program was as varied as it America did the greatest good, Friday evening by Richard D. es will be held the following day, the Kearney, liberal arts senior. dance will be held from 8 to 12. The Musketeers had the upper hand was delightful. After the lavish namely Great Britain, France and all ~he way in ·1l11e lifeless battle dinner, . Walter S. Schmidt, Presi­ Italy, have indicated their unwilling­ Kearney, speaking as a member of The Cincinnati Club is one of the the affirmative team upon the topic: city's finest clubs and the beautiful which was featured by rough work dent of the Xavier Athletic Council ness to pay as well as their inten­ and spotty play on the part of both and toastmaster for the evening in­ tions to default. Despite the tre­ "Resolved that the nations agree to ball room will be very appropriate for the first Xavier jamboree. The teams. troduced the different talkers. His mendous sums now being expended Coach Clem Crowe is still pretty humorous quips brought numerous in their respective rearmament pro­ Gold Room will be used Wednesday evening in place of the ball room much in the dark concerning the demonstrations of approval from the gram· the nations were bold enough potentialities of this year's squad as diners. to issue the self-contradictory ex­ used a month ago for the Homecom­ ing Dance which was well attended, the lads in Xavier blue were fur­ Foremost among the speakers cuse that they were unable to pay. nished with· little opposition and were, the Hon. Russell Wilson, C. W. Likewise the other eight debtor na­ No orchestra has been signed yet showed only occasional flashes of Strickling, noted football official, tions are expected to formally an­ but several bids have been received brilliance. Passing was poor and Chester "Chet" Wynne, University o nounce default before Saturday. and good music is' promised. The guarding below par for the Crowe­ Kentucky coach, the Rev. Hugo F. Finland, the only nation to hold dance should be the most novel giv­ men, although several of. the Mus­ S!octemeyer, Rev. T. Kane, Rev. true to her trust to date has already· en by the university in years, and keteers were shoo.ting well for early Fisher and coaches Joe Meyer, Clem officially communicated with the the exclusiveness promised should season play. Crowe and John Wiethe. Tom appeal to the students. United States as to their continued Jack MacKenna· waltzed off with Schmidt and the captain of the policy of paying off theh: just debts. Plans which are being made for high-point honors, splashing the nets freshman team, John McGowan also • • • future activity in the social line de­ for 16 points. He counted most of spoke. The Legion of Honor was an pend a great deal upon the success his total as the result of under­ nounced by Mr. John Frey. "ARMS INQUIRY CONTINUES" of this first function. Students who basket work. Russ Sweeney han­ The football schedule for the com­ (Chicago Herald and Examiner, desire more of this type of activity dled himself well and seems to have ing year was announced by Coach Dec. 10, 1934) wil_l be at the Cincinnati Club next acquired the polish of a finished per­ Meyer. It is as follows: Georgetown Richard D. Kearn'ey Wednesday, December 19, after 8 former. Leo Sack has not yet College (Sept. 27), University of Senator Nye and his "gunners" o'clock. And the price will be the Kentucky (Oct. 5), Haskell Indians bombarded the munition makers touched the ·fine play he gave last lowest ever charged for a Xavier year but there is no doubt that he (Oct. 18), Mississippi State (Oct. here early this week, relentless in prevent the international shipment affair. · of arms and munitions," delivered an will hit his stride soon .. Sack seem­ 26), Centre College (Nov. 2), West their attempts at exposing these Virginia Wesleyan (Nov. 9), St. supposed "black agents of death". exceedingly forceful main speech ed to be "pressing" a bit too much. Coach Crowe substituted freely Louis University (at St. Louis, Nov. They were successful in that they and an outstanding rebuttal. 15), and Centenary (Thanksgiving produced evidence sufficient to com­ Edwin 't. Heilker, who won the Xmas Bundle and the entire squad was shoved in Day). No game is as yet scheduled pel the two concerns that were pres­ Verkamp Debate in 1931, was the and out of the fray. Phil Sheridan, Jim Doyle and Joe Kruse showed for Oct. 11. ent, namely the Winchester and the critic judge. He awarded the debate Twenty-one of the Blue and White Remington Arms Companies, to ad- to the affirmative team composed of Drive Sponsored the need of more experience. Hy­ warriors were awarded the coveted 111it that on several occasions graft Leonard Gartner, ·11 op homo re; mie Maher was the surprise pack­ "X". They are: Capt. Tom Schmidt, and bribery were the implements Charles Blase, junior; and Kearney. age, ihoweveT'. The Detroit youth Bucklew, Janson, Kruse, Haffey, El­ employed in their sale of munitions. His reasons' for awarding the victory By Sodalities displayed an aggressive spirit and der, Grogan, Sweeney, Sigillo, Jonke, The "presents" were usually made to the affirmative was based upon· moved about in grand style. Sack, Schmieg, Maher, Sheridan, by one of the age!lts of the concerns the fact that .the Affirmative proved Centre College invades the Field­ Imwalle, Overbeck, McCormick, to officials in the various govern­ that the shipment of munitions "Tbe Candle To Christ" house .Saturday night for a couJJt Darragh, Koprowski, Wunderlich ments who were influential enough should be halted whereas the Nega­ scrap which should place plenty of and McKenna. to swing the business their way. tive team, composed of Charles Will Be Presented Under pressure on the Xavier quintet if it Gold footballs were given by Joe . Koch, junior, -James Shaw, junior, is to emerge victorious. Coach Clem Meyer to the senior members of the and John Brockman, senior, did not Direction Of D. Steible Crowe is driving the team in an ef- team, namely, Schmidt, Imwalle, El­ "NEWSY NAMES OF THE attempt to destroy the affirmative ( Continued on Page 2) der and Coleman. 'PAST WEEK" arguments but contented themselves Toward the end of the evening as GEN. HUGH S. JOHNSON, for- in upholding the status quo without "The Candle to Christ," a one-act •s a token of their esteem, Tom mer NRA executive, crashes the advancing sufficient evidence to jus- play by the Rev. Daniel Lord, S. J., un1n1 ponsors Schmidt in behalf of the team pre­ news with the remark: tify that stand.
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