National Spiritualist AssociationNS of Churches,A Lily Dale,C New York Nwww.nsac.orgew Septembers 2018 New NSAC Religious clude: Church Environment, Platform Remember to have fun!! Not every Decorum for everyone on the church person that comes through the doors Services Book Launch platform, including Mediums and of our churches is looking to be on a The new NSAC Religious Services book Healers Do and Don’t; plus much more. committee, on the board, or a plat- will be launched next month during The NSAC Religious Services book, a form worker. Most are just looking for Convention 2018 in Milwaukee. 258-page, hard-cover volume, can be a place to fit in and be wanted, not This new book has been published ordered from NSAC Bookstore, nsac just through God and Spirit but by us. to assist ministers, pastoral commit- [email protected], 716-595-2000 or We need to provide this acceptance tees, and members who serve church- purchased at Convention 2018. and be welcoming, warm, and open. es at Spiritualist services. It is not only The concluding words of the Intro- How about a potluck luncheon? for those directly involved in Spiritu- duction by Writer and Editor James Throw a party, plan a field trip! Make alist services. It is recommended for Ehrhart state: This NSAC Religious time to just be us and have FUN! I’m every Spiritualist and for those who Services book is a tool that can help not saying we don’t have fun in our are investigating or studying the Reli- plant seeds for those now and in the churches, but Sunday services are re- gion of Spiritualism. The NSAC Reli- future: Spiritualist ministers, speakers, served for paying respect to Infinite gious Services book is for those who healers, mediums, and teachers, as well Intelligence and Spirit and for receiv- as those attending religious service at ing healing and comfort. All churches . recommended for NSAC churches. should have some sort of fellowship every Spiritualist and for This book is dedicated to every Spir- before or after service if time allows, itualist who has helped advance the but if you are restricted, then plan a those who are investi- Religion of Spiritualism, past and pre- cookout at a park or someone’s house. gating or studying the sent, here and in the Spirit World. Taking these extra steps will be no- ticed and reap large rewards. Religion of Spiritualism. How about getting in touch with How do we attract new people who were coming to your want to draw on expanded resources church or camp but you haven’t seen not available in the companion book, people to our churches for a while? Maybe a telephone call or the NSAC Spiritualist Manual, pub- and camps? Part 3 send them a card? Who doesn’t want lished last year. Welcome to Part 3 of Attracting More than a how-to book, the reli- New People to our Churches! Be pro- gious services are suggested for use active in your own Spiritualist com- Most are just looking for either as presented or as a resource. munity! We need to help promote our Readers are encouraged to use what is neighboring churches and camps. Dis- a place to fit in and be suggested and personalize it, adding play a map at your church, putting wanted, not just through their own words. Every Spiritualist pins in the cities and states that have God and Spirit but by us. religious service, as detailed, follows NSAC churches and camps. With this NSAC teachings and guidelines. information easily accessible, your Services in this new book include: congregation, when traveling, will be to feel wanted or important? That regular Spiritualist religious services, able to see where other churches and personal touch can make a difference. complete information on Spiritualist camps are located. If your church has This is also a good time to remind Healing, NSAC Anniversary, Holiday, a social-media account be sure to churches to have a guestbook for peo- Patriotic, Child Naming and Dedica- share links to the NSAC website, Mor- ple to sign. tion, Marriage and Commitment, Fu- ris Pratt website, and Facebook Page, I hope you have benefitted from neral and Memorial services. as well as other NSAC churches and these ideas on how to bring new peo- Spiritualist ceremonials include camps pages. Let us unite the commu- ple to our churches and camps, and to Admission to Fellowship, Pastor and nity of Spiritualism. Share fliers for keep them returning. Hopefully, some Trustee installation, and provide events from neighboring churches. of them have inspired you to think model ceremonies for Charter Presen- Attend other churches events if possi- outside the box in promoting our lov- tation, building, dining room or social ble and always support each other. ing religion of Modern Spiritualism hall, and musical-instrument dedica- What about interfaith organiza- and the NSAC. tions. tions for our ordained ministers? —Stacy Kopchinski, Director But that’s not everything! There are Many large cities have these, and they NSAC Department of Missionaries several pages in the Resources for sometimes hold public interfaith ser- Religious Services section that in- vices. 2 NSAC News, September 2018 NSAC Convention 2018 Advance Schedule September 30–October 5, 2018 – Crowne Plaza Milwaukee Airport Hotel, Milwaukee Schedule subject to change; visit NSAC website Convention page for latest convention information: www.nsac.org. Sunday, September 30 5:30 – 6:30 No-Host Reception 1:00 – 3:00 Healer’s League presents Spiritual 3:00 – 5:00 Taste of Wisconsin 6:30 –10:30 Dinner and Dancing Healing Workshop (no charge; Welcome Reception Love donation accepted) Tuesday, October 2 and 3:00 – 4:30 Registration 2:00 – 5:00 MPI Open House (Reception) Shut- Wednesday, October 3 tle bus available ($10) 7:00 – 7:20 Healing Service 7:00 – 7:20 Healing Service 7:30 – 8:30 Religious Service 7:30 Tues. NST Club meets 7:30 Wed. Ministerial Association meets 7:30 – 8:30 Religious Service Monday, October 1 8:30 – 8:45 Registration Friday, October 5 8:00 – 9:00 Convention Registration 9:00 – 4:30 Convention Business Session 7:30 Licentiate Ministers & Certified 8:00 – 9:00 Workshop Check-in 7:00 – 7:20 Healing Service Mediums Society meet 9:00 –12:30 Workshop: Pastoral Conflict in the 7:30 – 8:30 Religious Service 9:00 – 4:30 Convention Business Session 21st Century, Bonnie Crosier and Norma Turner Thursday, October 4 1:30 – 4:00 Workshop: Multiculturalism and 7:30 Spiritualist Healers League meets Modern American Spiritualism: 8:30 – 8:45 Registration Uniting the Worlds, Jackie 9:00 –12:00 Convention Business Session Randall, Marrice Coverson, Charvonne Carlson Gratitude Corner 419 extracts from the records of sit- Order from NSAC Bookstore, PO tings with John Campbell Sloan, the Box 217, Lily Dale, NY 14752, nsac The following have donated time famous Glasgow Direct Voice Medi- [email protected], 716-595-2000. and/or funding since the July News: um. BKS110, $13.80 Checks and credit cards accepted. If Michigan State Spiritualist Associa- order total is $100 or more, prepay- tion; Laurie Drake; The First Spiritual On the Edge of the Etheric, by Arthur ment of 50% is required. Temple; The Spiritual Science of Life Findlay. Based upon the medi- Church NSAC; Central Spiritualist umship of John Sloan. Subtitled Sur- Reminders Church; Center for Spiritual Enlight- vival After Death Scientifically Ex- September 23: Observe NSAC Day enment, NSAC (DJ); Jim Ehrhart and plained, this volume supplies the September 27: 125th Anniversary of Joe Owen; Camp Edgewood, NSAC; key to the mystery of what awaits us NSAC founding in 1893 Patricia Craig; JT & EJ Crumbaugh all after physical death. September 30-October 5: NSAC Con- Spiritualist Church; Betty Hutt; Rich- BKS280, $19.95 vention 2018, Milwaukee ard Newburg; Love of Spirit Spiritual- The Rock of Truth, by Arthur Findlay. ist Church. This is the second book in Findlay’s There may be members in your famous trilogy (On the Edge of the church or camp who deserve special Etheric being the first and The Un- recognition for their continuing ser- folding Universe the third), which vice in helping build and support your investigates the origin of the Chris- auxiliary? Gratitude Corner is a place tian faith, and can rightly be regard- where they can be introduced and ed as a classic among the annals of publicly thanked. psychic literature. BKS180, $21.95 NSAC News To express appreciation to these Published monthly by the National Spirit- members in this column, simply con- The Unfolding Universe, by Arthur ualist Association of Churches, 13 Cottage Row, PO Box 217, Lily Dale, New York tact NSAC Administrator Bobbie Cas- Findlay. “This is Arthur Findlay’s 14752. 716-595-2000, www.nsac.org, nsac well with details at 716-595-2000 or greatest book. In it he gives a com- [email protected]. [email protected] prehensive picture of the Universe, To subscribe, make a request by email as revealed by spiritualism. His (Subject: NSAC News Request) from the address to which you want NSAC News sent. Bookstore News philosophy and his psychic experi- Your request must include: your name; and ences must satisfy all human desires your church or camp name. A monthly Featured this month . as to life and conduct on earth and email notice will contain a link to the NSAC The Way of Life, by Arthur Findlay. A out destiny after death.” website page from which a PDF copy can be viewed and downloaded. guide to the Etheric world giving – Psychic News BKS109, $28.95 .
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