Celebrate Our Success! On July 1, 1995,AIM startedits seventhyear of operationproviding mal­ practice insurance with stable rates, quality coverageand dedicated serviceto its insureds. Isn't it time youJOINED THE MOVEMENT and insuredwith AIM? AIM: For the Difference! Attorneys Insurance Mutual of Alabama, Inc ... 22 tnver ness Ce nter Parkway Telephone (205) 980-0009 Suile 525 Toll Free (800) 526 - 1246 I Birm ingham. Alabama 35242 ·4889 FAX(205)980 - 9009 'CHARTER MEMBER: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BAR-RELATED INSURANCE COMPANIES . YOUR Youoon'c have IO rea compurerwho to reapche renefm; d che !Xl\l'Cfflllandirucgrared Lawr.>esk • system.Moo: users rell us thatthey fuel inunediarely at home WJth che law Desksystem. DIGITAL In fucr,L awDes k isso ®.'f to unclcismnd anduse ch at manyare CONNECTIONsp.>ecl i!1J1chroug h researchin I~ than an hour. Thisva~t library dfers you 1mmatchcd coverage cl chelaw - TOTHE evt'!)'lhing&om regulamry lawto SupremeCoon cleri,~ AnJthanks ro thebrll t·in aoo-linking.\'OU~ instant acre!ii coche mfmnarioo you r.eek anywhl'!t in chesystem ... at che lJNivERSEOF muchof a finger. INTEGRATED LEGAL REsEARCH. InA k'IOOma,its easy co fi ndout m oreaoou cth e fast-growing l.awDesk~-ystem. )IN call L,800,762,5272 coclay. 1111~ Lawyers CooperativePublishing LA\VDESK T11ERIGHT A'\S\\l:R.R1c11r HERE.RIGHT Now. IN BRIEF July 1995 Volume56, Number 5 Putlll:shedseve n umes a year (the June 1$$00l$ a bar ON THE COVER: <f"lfectOI)' editffln) by the Alabama Stale Bar, P.O. Bo'X4 156,M omgomo,y, Alabama 36101·~156 H ere is a look al your Alabama State Bar staff. the people who make the bar work. Phono(S34)2&9·151S and some of the exciting programs lhal are being developed to bring together all RobertA . Huffak.er ................................C hall & Editor aspects of the bar, from the solo practitioners to the many-member statewide firms. Susan Shlrod<.Oe Paola ..........................Vlce-Chaft a Associate Edilor When the renovations and additions to the state bar building were completed in April FUchatdF. Allen ..- ....................- VIC&•Chalr, Finance 1993, the staff had room to expand. 1n May 1985. there were 15 staff members; that Margare1M vrphy............................... tM. naglng Edi1or Bo4ld Of EdilOrl number has almost doubled. To know "who's who" and what they do, see page221. Raymol!CIL JoMson. Jr , Birnllngham • Sfll1ley D. liowel MonlQOffltl,Y• J~I! ICON\ M~ • F0tl'fll LatiA,Mobl lt • Photo by PaulRobertson , Jr. Hon. liu,gl'IM addox. Motllgomtl')' . J.VI . Good!oe. Jr., Mobile. C. Macleod Fuller . Columbu._ GA • 01egory C Bu!lalow. INSIDE rms ISSUE: Motllle • Benjatnltl a..Spn111no, Ill, Bimlil'lgNlffl • William J undttWOOd, TldOJtl'lbia , Arwitl!W P C8tnpbell, ~•m , Book Review- Bus Ride to Justice Alex L Hcm!Ofd.Jt .. M~ety , Alan T. RoQtrs..BlrmlrlQ· Nffl • JamM G. St~ena. MontgomMy • Aoben W, &lld !OtO. 8)' !"red D. Cray, Sr .... ...........................................................................................................2 13 J1 , MonlOOfflety• ~an AllltySmith , B1mlinr,r111m• N o.ney L f,a~ Leeds • Jol\l\ 0 SomervHllt.S1rm.ig1Wn • Ml9'e Your AlabamaState Bar Staff Dnlh&f\ Mobile • Robe11Selle!'S Sm11h , H1.111uv11!e• Cl\llfles By Pamela L. Ma.ble ........................................................................ ............................221 Qeolelfwld, Bcmll'IONffl• CletlclaCochti11n . ~Im • Uu Huo,ginf.. Bumi~ • Debta H. Oold1utin, ~am • Fraudulent Suppression's Duty to Disclose - P.11mel.1L M:a!H, MotllOOfflflY• stltm T FrMmM. 131rmlng• Has Exception Swallowedth e Rule? 11am• WllliamG.. 0.1'1!1, Bitm~ Bo•td ol Commlssione r1 lly Madeline H. Haikala ................................. .............................................................2 31 Liaison - , , .••,.,_, ..$,aml,Nl(A.Rurnor .. Jr,. Blrmlnohlm Offlcen MontgomeryCounty Bar Association EstabLishes New Volunteer LawyerProgram 91'00ltG . H~ Mobll•- ..., .... _,_, __ ,_,_,_,_,,_,_ ~esldem 8)' Donna Sims ............................................................................ ..............................236 John A. Ow..... T~. --,........... ..,_, Pr~·Gloc:I RchatOS. Manley, Oemopolit ..... ,_,_. __ ,.. ,- VJCe1!1e,lden1 Allied - Bruce Terminix, Inc. u. Dobson:Widespread Enforcement of Arbitration f(euhB. Norman, MoolQOffl8ry- ·--·-- seaera,y Agreements Arrives in Alabama Boatd ol C«nm lssloners l&lCiro.Ill Edw.a.rd P TIKnef.JI_ Chil.ooi• :2r1C1Clrou+t. Joon BSy Henry C. trickland. ..............................................................................................2 38 A N\dloll. l.LJYIMTW• 3rd Clrcuil Lynn Ao~ Jotek$ofl. Clay1on • •1t1 C:1tew1. Aa!ph N Hoobs, s.na • Sm Circui1. The Third Citizens' Conference on AlabamaSta te Courts Joh n Pen;y ~ . II. ~e • 6citC.fQllt. Place No. 1, Via! 1er P Crowncwe,. Tu~ • 61h c«cuit, ~ No. 2, J By Associate Justice Hugh Maddox ..............................................................................24 3 CJouo!asMcEh')I, T IMCl!loosa • ni Cmilt.Am,Jr f ,-._ rn, Nll'l51an• 8th Cil'WII, John S key, Doc;;cwr• 1kr\CIIQIII. W,N President's Page ........................................200 CLEOppo rtunities... .................................226 w auon, Fon Payne • 1ocn Circui:i, PJ.acilNo. 1. San11JelH. F~ n. Birmingham · IOch CirctM, ~ Ho 2, Jltl'l'iK W. Executive Director's Report... ................... 203 Opinions or the General Counsel....... .......2 27 O.ffln, Binnlr,g.ham• 1<11hCncull, Place No. 3, Jam1tii S Uoyd, Birmingham • 10th cirCf.111,Place No. ,, Sll1ll\le4A. About Members.A mong Firms..... ........... 205 l.egislative Wrap-Up. .................................229 Aumout. Jr.. Oimw,gh.am• \Olil CwQ.111.Pt.ace No . S, Fre6erid( Building Alabama's Courthouses.. ............20 7 Young Lawyers' Section ............................247 T l<uyll.Oneblt,llt . B«tnil'IQhaM• 1Olh Cltcull . Pl.le• No. $. Mlle G. Gre-aves.e:mul"QMll'I • Hiett circu., PlaceNo 7. J. Ma:scn SpringAdmi ltees .......................................21 5 Disciplinary Report ...................................248 D.1'9'1$.S.mlngflam • t()ttl Cfreull P~ Ho ,8. Ma, C . P9po, Lawyersin the Family... ............................217 Recent Decisions .......................................249 J, ., Blrm111Qtwn• 10th Cltcuh , rlac-eNo . 9, e.t1nr s. Wt!flll. 81rmlrf,;iham• 10lh CIICWI, 9e:s-wne r C\11.ott,Gt:!or~ ligg,tl · Statistics of Interest ..................................218 Memorials.. ................................................2 55 1,01t11m, ee,-temer • 111ncucu1t . Rob•11 M HIii. Jr .. Fle)(erc:e • 1211'1C.Q.1/t, M. Dale H..arali,Eniet p,!Se • 13m Cit· Bar Briefs .................................................. 220 Classified Notices...... .................................260 cult. Place No. l. Vt0101H . Lon. J,. Mobbe • 1.J.lhClrcl.kl . PlaectHo .1, BillyC Boc;bolcr, MobM • 131h ~IL PIIIQONo ALABAMAS TATE BAR HEADQl/ARTEHSSTAFF 3. calNt O"Reat, m. Mobile, 1311\arcu11 ~Place No. tt, Ber,a· 415 Dexlu Avt'nu<, Montgomery,Al. 36 104 (334)269 ]SIS • FAX(334) 26 1,6310 menT , Rowe,Mobile • 14th Cltcult.R. Jeri Oorialds«I . Jas.pe1 • I Sm Circuit, Pl~ No, I, Rkha«t H Gil, Monigom~ • I5th &xtC'uti1>"COht:('lor .. .................................Kath 8. Norm:t.n M,mb,o.h1pIU$.t$~1 - "···-·· ···- ···-- ..·-- .... KellyC,irdtn Clteutt.Place No, 2. wanaaD Deve1e.aui. MonlQOfflil!fY• 1su, CitaA. Pl;M:e No. 3. James E WAams. l..\ontoofn8f)'• 151h Executh.v .\$Sist.1n1.... .......-····---, ..........M~rprc t Soonc Oin:ctor o( Admjuiom .......................Ooroth)' 0. Johnson Ci~. Pia~ No. '4, ~h.vd 8. 0- nua. Mon1gomery• 16=1 O.rtctor orP roglilms........... ............. EdwardM . P.itter$i0n Adml»lon,,Assut.anl......................... ....Ehu.btth ShwartJ. CirCt.11,Ro)' 0. McCo!a, Glldsden • 17th Circull, Rlct111fdS. ;\dministr:iti>.'tAs&bl.4nt for P~ams ........Diltnt \\'tlckm AlabamaLaw .-ouncl.l11on, tnt:. Dir«IOt - ...•Tney l).1niel Manie)!. Demopolis. · t4lh C!rcvll. C-oorad M fowler . Jr., Prog~ms Stttebry ...........................................H tidl Al\<ci A.1.FAublanl ....... - ...., . ..............- ...............Dawn H~ilrd Coa.,mbJ.llntt· 19111 Ciro.Ill. Jahn HollisJodlson. J1 ., Clanton• Directorof Comn1utuc:itJon&& 8ookkttpe:r ..........- ..... _ .........- .. - ......CJ !t Skinner 20ln CitOJII. Wade H Ba:ilty, Doman • 21S1O,cuil. ECIW'af(IT Hlr'ICIS.. Br~ • 22ncj C•rc~ . Aon• A Powell, 111. Andaik.1$la l'ublic lnformation- ···-···· ···- ·- ···.$U;S;lnH. Andra Cl'lphkt. AIU-Oin«or ·---- .., ... , _ .., .M3Uii:Stu ller • 23:d Circuit Plac& No 1, OOnlltlS . Pate, tlln c!Mlle • 2:kd Puhltc.UIOMOlrtcll)f ................... " .... M!l.rJ!)rtlI .. Mumh)> ~'tr Rtfcrra.JSttrtla.T)' •••., .......... Katherine C. C1t~mt.r Qrwlt. Ptace No. 2, P~ Ii- Gra<tfl, Jt .• Hl#ltsVlfe • ?.tltl Communk.ataons & VI.PSecrt liuy ............ Lindaf. Smilh R«tPt&OnU.t................................................. .Ji:nnlt l..oii.n Clrcuil, John A. AU$$ell, Ill, AiOr.11111• 25 th Circuit, Helson Mmtl\trship $tl'\'iW l>ll'tCtof.... , .........Cht1>lK'. T :uMlmO V\OiOrl.Hammon • 26th Cwcl.it Bowen H Brassell. Phetibc­ C41y• 21'1hCIIQIC, Jotin C. Guhahom.A1b$11Yille • l$1h Circ:IM, Jahn Elltltt CMSCW\Brlr M lnflee • 291h o«:uh r om R. Ogle­ ALABAMAS TATE BAR CENTER FOR PROFESSIONALRESPO:>ISIBIUTY STAFF lrN . Sr1~a • 300\ ClrWC,A. OwiohlBfa lt, Pel Cicy, 31'1 415 Dtd tr Av,mu•. Montgomery.AL 36 11),1l334) 269 -1515• FAX(334) 26 1·631I CirQJlc. WIiiiam K. HrM.it..Tuscumbi.i • 3«ndOro.,k, S,ophtn K. Gt'lllid'I, CIJllmarl• 3lt d Ccrcult.Ftob4wl H Brogdltl , 01.ltlt. •
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