Family Colby Free Press Monday, October 3, 2011 Page 3 Sidewalk surveys Remember relishes help Colby walkers as garden winds up Safe Routes to School program veys. Heartland Christian School As I write today, I am listening Kay coordinator Megan Carmichael and Sacred Heart School both re- to a great old recording of “Au- Melia of Smart Start visited four class- ceived $50. tumn Leaves” by Nat King Cole, a song guaranteed to put you in the rooms on Wednesday to give ap- Andrea Schuette’s class was The preciation for their participation. awarded $50 for having the proper frame of mind for the sea- • Classes in Colby were asked to highest number of returned sur- son. Those of you who have spent Gardener complete surveys about the cur- veys from Colby Middle School. a lot of time tending to the needs rent conditions of sidewalks and Schuette teaches sixth and seventh of a productive garden the past tomato relish. I suspect there were how students get to school. Of the grade language. six or seven months are probably many names given to the concoc- 440 surveys distributed, 243 were Also receiving $50, was LeAnn pretty happy with the influx of tion that could be made only from returned. Ostmeyer’s third grade class for cooler days and chilly nights. As green tomatoes as a base, and then “The data we were able to col- having the highest number of re- the harvest winds down, it gives zapped with green and red bell lect will greatly help us in our turned surveys from Colby Grade us a chance to put the past season pepper, maybe some finely shred- goal to make Colby a walkable School. in perspective and perhaps make ded cabbage, and a good dose of and bikeable community,” said Volunteers are still needed to a few notes of “do’s and don’ts” chopped onion. Piccalilli would Carmichael. evaluate sidewalks around Colby. Christopher Thomas Anzicek and Sarah Lynn Downing as we suggested a couple of weeks never have happened if there had Colby Middle School was Contact Carmichael at (785) 465- ago. not been a backyard garden. It was awarded $100 for having the high- 9103 to help. If there has not been a kill- a mixture of late maturing garden est percentage of returned sur- Colby grad to be wed ing frost in the area of your gar- plantings and not stuff obtained at den, there are probably still a few the grocery store. Ever try to buy goodies out there. We would do green tomatoes at Safeway? If you in Missouri ceremony well to utilize the remaining late didn’t have a garden, you didn’t ‘Second City’ coming season crops because some of the understand about the multitude of Sarah Lynn Downing of munity planning. vegetables that are the last to ma- flavors contained in a spoonful of Colby and Christopher Thomas She works for the city of Kan- ture can sometimes provide some piccalilli, or some other assigned to Fort Hays Wednesday Anzicek of Kansas City plan to sas City, Mo., as a staff planner of the tastiest treats of the entire name of green tomato relish. marry Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011, for the development manage- Sadly, most of us gardeners just Chicago’s legendary comedy Martin Short, John Candy, Bon- season. at the Holy Trinity Catholic ment division of the city plan- don’t take the time to create those theater, “The Second City,” will nie Hunt, Tim Meadows, Chris How many different kinds of Church in Weston, Mo. A re- ning department. wonderful relishes we grew up appear at 7:30 p.m. on Wednes- Farley, Mike Myers, Tina Fey, relish can you think of that can ception, dinner and dance will The groom is the son of with, me included. I still make a day, Oct. 5, at the Beach/Schmidt Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, Ju- be made from the vegetables that follow at the Weston Red Barn Thomas and Valerie Anzicek of few jars of Red Relish each year Performing Arts Center at Fort lia Louis-Dreyfus, Horatio Sans, still be might be growing in your Farm. Kansas City, Kan. His grand- because of a surplus of beets, and Hays State University, featuring Ryan Stiles and countless others. garden? Go ahead and name a The bride is the daughter of parents are Robert and Naomi I always try to do a batch of Corn some of the best sketches, songs The Second City will provide few that you have prepared your- Keith and Maureen Downing of Jambrosic and Peter and Nancy Relish earlier in the season. I have and improvisations from Second audiences the chance to see com- self, or read about, or remember Colby. She is the granddaughter Anzicek, all of Kansas City. dozens of green relish recipes ly- City’s 45-plus year history. edy stars in the making, and the from the old days when the fam- of Jerry and Lorraine Downing Anzicek is a 2006 graduate of ing around that I’ll probably never Founded in Chicago in 1959, opportunity to see hilarious satire ily learned to use just about every and Glenn and Verna Reilley, Kansas State University, with get around to making. The Second City has become the and cutting edge improvisation. growing thing remaining in the all of Colby. a Bachelor of Arts in architec- How about some Rummage Rel- premier training ground for the Tickets are $5 for the public and garden before cold weather shut Downing received a bache- ture and a minor in regional ish, or Artichoke Relish? Maybe comedy world’s best and bright- free for Fort Hays students. Phone things down. I remember many of lor’s degree in political science and community planning. He some Dixie Relish or Cucumber est. Its alumni list includes Mike orders may be made with a credit them, nearly all of which required in 2005 from Fort Hays State is a housing rehab specialist for Relish would add some fresh taste Nichols, Elaine May, Alan Ar- card by calling (785) 628-5306. a bottle of vinegar and a sack of University and a master’s de- the department of housing and to a winter meal. Relishes of any kin, Joan Rivers, Robert Klein, For information, call the Uni- sugar. gree in 2007 from Kansas State community development for kind are just plain good food. The Peter Boyle, Harold Ramis, John versity Activities Board at (785) As I think back to those days, University in regional and com- Kansas City, Mo. ingredients are probably awaiting Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Mur- 628-5355 or the Center for Student the one relish that immediately your magic touch right out there in ray, Gilda Radner, George Wendt, Involvement at (785) 628-4664. comes to mind is one called pick- lelilly, or was it piccalilli, or per- the garden. Rotary Club haps it was called just plain green- Franklin letters displayed Colby Rotary Club met Tues- ing Trail. day with 31 members and guests Relda Galli had the program Colby Shakespeare Club at Fort Hays’ Forsyth Library Lacy O’Neal, Karen O’Neal, Cla- which featured Lacy O’Neal The Colby Shakespeare Club member to remember to pay their rissa Unger, Joyce Washburn, Le- sharing her recent experiences met for its first meeting of the new dues and also suggested we con- Two letters written and signed The display will be available for roy and Joan Ziegler and Marsha as a student ambassador for the year on Sept. 9 at the country home sider contributions for the upcom- by Benjamin Franklin are current- viewing until the end of the fall Ziegler. People to People Program. This of Kathy Calliham for a review of ing year. Following discussion, ly on display at Fort Hays State 2011 semester. Library hours are Carolyn Armstrong gave an En- program established in 1956 by the yearbook, programs for 2011- Sheila Frahm offered to contact University’s Forsyth Library, in 7:30 a.m. to midnight, Monday ergy Bandit Presentation as part of President Eisenhower. His vision 2012, and special activities and the Thomas County Museum re- the Government Documents sec- through Thursday; 7:30 a.m. to 7 the Colby Take Challenge. was that each person can make a projects that will be planned. garding a paving stone. tion on the second floor. p.m. on Fridays; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Clarissa Unger, a former Rotary difference and help achieve peace Kathy Calliham, hostess and The remainder of the afternoon The Benjamin Franklin Collec- on Saturdays; and from 1 p.m. to District Scholarship Recipient, through understanding other cul- presiding officer, called the meet- was spent visiting enjoying the tion was donated to the library by midnight on Sundays. presented the club with a banner tures. O’Neal’s delegation had ing to order with all members beautiful fall day and cherry des- Fort Hays alumnus Dr. Cecil B. Hours for fall break, Nov. 21- from the Rotary Club in Dublin, 41 students and traveled to Italy, joining in the flag salute and club sert prepared by Kathy. Currey. 25, have not been announced but Ireland, where she attended Trinity Austria, Switzerland, Germany collect. For roll call six members, – Sheila Frahm College. The Dublin Rotary Club and France. The display also includes two will change from regular hours. plus Phyllis Elliott’s chauffeur Recording Secretary copies of newspapers that Frank- For questions, contact the Special recently celebrated their 100th an- Joyce Washburn won Roto- George Elliott, enjoyed sharing lin published, figurines, plates and Collections area at (785) 628- niversary.
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