Daughtera of Uberty, No. /12S, Members of Reynolds Circle and ' The Lucy fipei.„«r Group of .lec- wlU meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Ward Circle of South ■ Methodist ond Congtegatlonol Church wlU Smith Heads Juvertiles Blamed hy Police About Town at Orange Hall. Mra. Peter Oaul- Church will meet tomorrow at 8 meet 'Wednesday at 2 p.m. at-the ton of the West Hartford Lodge m. in Susannah Wesley Hall, church to sew cancer pads. Member » ( the Audit TJm llw ichw tw Nile Club wlU and her imnimlttee will preside at le Rev. and Mrs. Henry Mousley MAHRC Drive For False Alarms^ ^Bomhs^ FUNERAL HOME Bnrenn of Olrcalntton meet tomorrow at 8 p.ni. at the the installation of officers. Re- will speak dn “ Strange Lands and Manchester Assembly, Order of Mancheater— A City of Village Charm Friendly People." and will show borne of Mrt. Walter Waddell, Bol­ freshmenta will be served by Mra. Rainbow' Girls, will hold a business seventeen Juvenlle.__and-’a’ Joseph Johnstonl and committee. slides of their trip to the Holy meeting tonight at 7:3i0 at the Ma^ More than 13,000 lettera of ap­ keep A'vare of what their children FUNERAL ton Center Rd., Bolton. Land. sonic Temple. Offlciers will wear year-old boy, have been taken Into peal have been mailed to towms- custody by police In connection are doing. The evidence Is that the VOL. LXXXI, NO. 38 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1961 (Cloaalfled Advertiatng on Page 12) PRICE FIVR GBNTS' white. , peopl'e for the annual fund drive bombs were made in the cellars of SERVICE Sgt. Dawin C. Schwab, whose The Junior Choir of tiie Salva­ Two Manchester youths were with offenses ranging from pass­ tion Army will r^earae tonight at the boys’ homes. WALTER N. wife, Marlon Sfhwab, lives at 22 aboard the U. S. S- ^terprlsc, the The Francis Herron Couilcll of of t^e Manchester Association for ing stolen checks to making and Florence St, Manchester, recently 6:30 at the church. discharging fireworks. One of the 17 Juveniles tried to LBCLERC world’s first nuclear-powered air­ Pythian Sunshine Girls will meet the Help of Retarded Children, it negotiate stolen checks. participated with the 14th ar­ craft carrier, when it left from Most of the youths were picked Director Two Msuichester students are at Odd Fellows Hall tomorrow at was .reported today by Joseph Two of the boys were held re­ Party Rule at Stake mored cavalry regiment's aviation Newport News, Va., for its sea 6:30 p.m. Officers will be nominat­ up over the weekend. Investiga­ State News enrolled at the Milwaukee School Halloran, president of the organi­ tion of some of the offenses goes sponsible for turning in false Call Ml 9-5869 company In practice firing with trials 'before commis.sionlng. They ed. zation. alarms, one of them on Halloween. the Army's neve M14 rifle in Fulda, of Engineering, Milwaukee, W is .are........ John...... C............. Kensel. seaman, USN, back a month, according to police. 23 Main Street, MMchester They are Henry J. Judd, son of j of Mr! and Mrs. Robert E. The fund drive coincides with TTiey have been turned over to Twelve false alarms have been Germany. The hew rifle, issued to The American Legion Post tvill observance of National Retarded Roundup Army units in Germany, will re­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Judd, 66 , Kensel, 41 Deerfield Dr., and meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Juvenile Court autborltlesi The 16- turned In since July 1, four of them place the Ml rifle, c a r b in e . Foley St., in the mechanical en -; Ernest J. Sherman Jr., yeoman American Legion pome. year-old Philip Norman Morris- In October. Vital GOP Vote Browning automatic and M3 sub- gineering program, and James B .: second cla.«w, USN. .son of Mr. and sette of 271 Autumn St., will ap­ Fire Chief W. Clifford Mason of Btachine gun. Sgt. Schwab arrived Mazxoli, son of air. and Mrs. Bruno 'Mrs. Eme.st J- Sherman. Sr., 41 The Manchester Sportsmen’s As­ pear in a rcu it Court 12, Manches­ the town fire department said the ITc’ re at Court Clears overseas ih May 1959. Mazzoli, 134 Henry St., ip the.^Hyde St. sociation will meet at 8 p.m. tomor­ ter, Nov. 20 on a charge of dis­ chief danger in a false alarm is preparatorv program. Both are „ , row at Its clubhouse, Merrow Rd., charging fireworks in violation of that It pulls men and equipment | near at 1959 graduates of Manchester Tw;enty-five members of Cub North Coventry. After discussion, a town ordfnance. out and might delay them in get- i your Set for Tonight Employer I of St Margarefe arcle, Daughte,rs uic-h 4,-hnni i Soout Pack 151, accompanied by 10 a vole will be taken .on a change in According to pdlice six under­ ting to a fire. In some fire.s a five- j of Isabella, will hold a business ^ ■ ___ _ I parents, toured the submarine base age boys were also involved in mak­ minute holdup is critical, he said. ; telephone meeting Instead of the planned so­ the bylaws pertaining to Increasing Bias Chairge ^ Dr. Harold Lehmus, a doctor ofGroton S a t u r ^ afternoon. ing “bombs’’ and firing them off Six of the boys rfijinded up by | da] tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the K the membership of the club from bn Halloween In various parts of Your order for drug needs and Jan. 17, Not .13 police broke into the ’ PAG Motor i Hartford, Nov. 14 (A*)— A f with the approach of tonlghfa 'inteimal medicine at MMChegter jfe„,bcrs of the ladles of St.! 75 to 100. town, particularly the downtown rosmatlcs will be taken care ef Hartford, Nov. 14 <yp)—The ^ of C Home. Memorial Hospital, attended a one-, tonight at 8 at St. Freight Co. on Perrett PI. and | decisive vote, the Alsop camp was area. lmmedlatel,r. nip and tuck tug-o-war was Connecticut Supremle Court of | week course which ended .'’ester-1 school Hall. A Red Cro.ssj The Women’s Home League of stole merchandLs'e. police say. j predicting that Pinney would win Members of the VF^V PoM and Police Chief James Reardon said being waged today by two the post by a margin of at least Errors, in an unanimou.s de-1 AuxHlary will meet at the Holmes I day in “The Role of the Interni.st (j^^t „.ju jjc showm. Mr.s. |the Salvation Army will meet to­ that while the firerA'orks incident Two were picked up for stealing • morrow at 2 p.m. in Junior Hall. avowed candidates for the Re­ four votes, and possibly 10. inuneral Home. 400 Main St., to­ i in Pre- and Post-Operative Care willinin Rice is chairman of the; was mischief, it could have result­ a coin collection. Some of the FREE cision, ruled today in favor of ■ M a c a p a g a l ; at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, evening program, and Mrs. Alvin ■Haste.sses will be Mrs. Robert ed in injury to’Innocent persons. coin.T were spent, police say. ; publican gubernatorial nomi­ Meanwhile, the May camp was a Bridgeport dry cleaning; morrow at 7 p.m. to pay reepecUs more cautious and merely said it T shombe to the late Philip Williams, who 1 Minn. The course was given by the Baldl is hospitality chairman. |Richardson. Mrs. Herbert Metcalf, nation for control of the state atoi-e owner who refused to' American College of Physicians, j ----- . and MLss Edith Jackson. DELIVERY is "very close and could be de­ was a. member Of the 'VFIV Post. transferring to Keeney Annex. He for young retarded children at the ; party organization. reinstate an employe in a -la­ I —^— I ‘‘Chri.stma.s in Everv Room’’ , Opposing forces backing A. cided by on-e or two votes either Leading in AtnElllaii' mombora will meet to­ received a B.S. degree in educa­ Bun'ce' Center Monday through ' way.' bor case. morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Post ' Dr. Gerard -Miller of the Man- ^'‘ >1 be the topic of Mrs! Blake D. Friday from 9 a.m. to noon, spon­ Searle Plnn-cy of Brookfield and Chester Memorial Hospital staff Pre.soott of Longmeadow. Mass.,, tion from Boston ITniversity, a Some members of the commit­ ITie action was based on | Present at i Jamea E. Bent of Weet Hartford home. ! J XI.Si s meeting of the Manchester; Osgood Honored master’s degree in education from sors holiday parties, and a camp tee, disturbed that the party might an appeal by the owner, \ es. • program. The organization also : for the party chairmanahip were land p^sident of the Manch^ter tonight at’8 at Ceii-1 Springfield College, and doctorate be injured by the depth of the Carmine J. BIsogno from a deci- Philippines The bingo party to have been carriea on a year-round program I waging a last ditch effort to I Area Heart Association recentl> a.ngregational Church. Bv Marine L^nil at the Univei’.sity of -Connecticut. conflict, were suggesting post­ .aion by the Connecticut State held twilght at the Newington rpturnwl from the annual meeting ___ | He is a member of the American of educating the public to the needs . (ffjMcmi garner the necessary 36 votes for Board of tabor Relations Veterans Hospital, sponsored by of the retarded. a.sslsts parents in PRESCRIPTION PHAR.MACY their candidate before tonight’s ponement of tonight’s vote to con­ Manila.
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