Executive Board Meeting 10am, Friday 23 rd March 2012 Nottingham City Council AGENDA 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting 16 TH December 2011 4. Financial Report 2011-12 5. EMC Priorities – Business Plan 2012-13 6. EMC Budget 2012-13 7. EMC Membership 2012/13 (Verbal Report) 8. Welfare Reform 9. Transport Investment a) Midland Main Line Upgrade & Electrification b) Local Transport Bodies Consultation 10. Regional Growth Fund and BIS Update (Verbal Report) 11. Affordable Housing Provision 12. Judicial Review and DEFRA Consultation on the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 13. Board Reports a) East Midlands Improvement & Efficiency Partnership b) Strategic Migration Board c) Regional Employers Board 14. Report of the EMC Management Group (discussion to be chaired by Cllr Jon Collins) Item 3 EAST MIDLANDS COUNCILS EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 16 TH DECEMBER 2011 AT LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Present: Cllr David Parsons CBE (Chair) – Leicestershire County Council Cllr Jon Collins (Vice-Chair) – Nottingham City Council Cllr Neil Clarke (Vice Chair) – Rushcliffe Borough Council Cllr Ernie White – Blaby District Council Cllr Chris Millar – Daventry District Council Cllr Andrew Lewer – Derbyshire County Council Cllr Lewis Rose OBE – Derbyshire Dales District Council Cllr Martin Hill OBE – Lincolnshire County Council Cllr Kay Cutts – Nottinghamshire County Council Cllr Roger Begy OBE – Rutland County Council Cllr Linda Neal – South Kesteven District Council Cllr Robert Parker- EMC Labour Group Mayor Tony Egginton – EMC Independent Group Cllr Geoff Stevens – Derbyshire Dales District Council Cllr Ian Fleetwood – Lincolnshire County Council Steve Atkinson – Chief Executive, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council John Sinnott – Chief Executive, Leicestershire County Council Jane Todd – Chief Executive, Nottingham City Council Stuart Young – East Midlands Councils Jan Sensier – East Midlands Councils Andrew Pritchard – East Midlands Councils Sam Maher – East Midlands Councils Alison Neal – East Midlands Councils Lisa Hopkins – East Midlands Councils (Minutes) Apologies Cllr Jim Harker - Northamptonshire County Council Cllr Philip Hickson – Derby City Council Cllr Rory Palmer – Leicester City Council Tony Favell – Peak District National Park Cllr Fiona Martin – EMC Liberal Democrat Group 1 Item 3 ACTION 1. Apologies and Introductions 1.1 Cllr David Parsons CBE welcomed Members to the meeting. 1.2 Apologies were received as noted above. 2. Declarations of Interest 2.1 None. 3. Minutes of Executive Board Meeting held on 23 rd September 2011 & Matters Arising 3.1 The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record. 3.2 It was confirmed that Cllr Neil Clarke has been appointed as an additional Vice Chair from the District representation. 4. EM Improvement and Efficiency Partnership Board Report 4.1 Cllr Martin Hill OBE introduced the EM IEP Board Report. 4.1.1 He drew Members’ attention to the Councillor development programme and the leadership development programme. 4.1.2 Cllr Roger Begy commented on the withdrawal of the Children’s services paper and updated Members. The LGA have established a Children’s Improvement Board that will undertake internal peer reviews and also unannounced safeguarding inspections. This has not been formally discussed by portfolio holders/lead members and there is some uncertainty with regard to the accountable body. Jan Sensier to provide a JS briefing note on this for Board Members. 4.2 Resolution: Members agreed to promote the recent “New Ways of Working” report, and to encourage the use of the repository of case studies created through this project 5. EMC Regional Employers’ Board Report 5.1 Cllr Ian Fleetwood, Chair, Regional Employers Board, introduced this report. 2 Item 3 ACTION 5.1.1 He stated that the Board continues to meet on a regular basis and debates issues with the Unions. 5.1.2 He informed Members that consultations held within the region on national pay negotiations for 2012 identified the challenges being faced. 5.2 Questions 5.2.1 Mayor Tony Eggington enquired whether Authorities responded to surveys and requests for information. Sam Maher informed that there is good response from Local Authorities. 5.3 Resolution Members of the Executive Board noted this report 6. EMC Strategic Migration Partnership Board Report 6.1 Cllr Geoff Stevens, Vice Chair Strategic Migration Partnership Board, introduced this report. 6.1.1 He confirmed that funding has been agreed for the next 12 months. The Board will th be meeting with Gail Adams from the UK Border Agency on 20 December 2011. 6.1.2 Salary costs will be covered but programme work which needs to be undertaken will now be funded on a bid basis. 6.1.3 There is now good attendance at Board meetings following the new membership of this Board. 6.2 Questions 6.2.1 Cllr Roger Begy enquired about the ESOL campaign. 6.2.2 Cllr Geoff Stevens confirmed that discussion relating to ESOL is ongoing. 6.2.3 Cllr Robert Parker commented that the survey the Migration Board is undertaking in Spring 2012 should be taken in conjunction with the review of EMC. SY/SS 6.3 Resolution: Members noted the contents of this report. 3 Item 3 ACTION 7. Planning and Housing Update 7.1 Andrew Pritchard, Director of Policy & Infrastructure for East Midlands Councils introduced this report. 7.1.1 He drew Members attention to the new ‘duty to co-operate’ on strategic planning in the Localism Act and to the latest information on the delivery of affordable housing in the East Midlands. 7.1.2 On transport issues, he highlighted announcements in the Autumn Statement and by the Secretary of State for Transport confirming funding for number of outstanding schemes in the former RFA programme, including the A453, Lincoln Eastern Bypass, A43 Corby Link Road, A14 Kettering Bypass, and the Nottingham Ring Road. 7.1.3 The recent lobbying event in London to promote the upgrade and electrification of the Midland Main Line had been well attended. However, there is now a need for greater engagement with MPs to move this project forward. 7.1.4 A Government announcement on the future of HS2 is expected early in the New Year. 7.2 Questions 7.2.1 Cllr Lewis Rose enquired what lobbying needed to be undertaken in relation to affordable housing. 7.2.2 Cllr Neil Clarke welcomed the widening of the A453. Cllr Andrew Lewer also commended the work that Cllr Kay Cutts and Cllr Jon Collins had put into this scheme. 7.2.3 Cllr Martin Hill enquired about the Duty to Cooperate and how this would work in practice if conflicts between authorities could not be resolved. 7.2.4 Andrew Pritchard stated that if local agreement on key strategic issues could not be achieved it is likely that plans would not be found ‘sound’. On affordable housing, it would be important to work closely with the Homes and Communities Agency and the National Housing Federation to get the best deal for the East Midlands. 7.3 Resolution: Members noted the report. 4 Item 3 ACTION Members supported further lobbying on Midland Main Upgrade and Electrification and delivery of affordable housing 8. Review of East Midlands Councils 8.1 Members received a presentation from Cllr David Parsons. 8.1.1 Questions/comments 8.1.2 Cllr Martin Hill stated that a decision will need to be made in relation to East Midlands Jobs – if it fails to generate sufficient income, then the project should be discontinued. However this could also be an income generator if enough Authorities sign up. SY/JS 8.1.3 Cllr Chris Miller commented that broadband is an important issue in rural areas. He also asked about collaboration and cross-boundary working. He feels East Midlands Councils should be to promote East Midlands and cross boundary issues are more akin SY to national level work. 8.1.4 Cllr Andrew Lewer highlighted the need to avoid duplication of work and that cities will only engage if they feel they get extra value from EMC activity. 8.1.5 Cllr Robert Parker stated the need to expand on priorities. He commented that IT is an important issue re infrastructure and highlighted the need to look at expansion, priorities and funding models. 8.1.6 Stuart Young confirmed that there needs to be a limited set of priorities for EMC that need to be relevant. EMC will be financially sound for 2012/13 but the current financial model post April 2013 is not sustainable in the longer term. 8.1.7 Cllr Roger Begy stated that Authorities who actively participate see a value however those who don’t, don’t see this. 8.1.9 Jan Sensier stated that the engagement from councils has been included as an annex to the report. This shows levels of involvement. 8.1.10 A specific report on priorities for EMC activity to be brought back to the next Board meeting that will be the focus for the organisation for the next 1 – 3 years. SY 9. Update from Management Group Meeting 9.1 Members received this paper for information. 9.2 Resolution: Members noted the recommendations agreed by management group. 5 Item 3 ACTION 10. Any Other Business (previously notified to the Chair) 10.1 None. 10.2 Members placed on record their thanks to Jan Sensier. 11. Date of Next Meeting 11.1 Friday 23 rd March 2012, 10.00am at Leicestershire County Council. 6 Item 4 Executive Board 23rd March 2012 EMC Accounts – Financial Update Report (Period Ending February 2012) Summary The attached statement provides details of the financial position for the period ending February 2012. Recommendation Members are invited to: Note the financial position as at February 2012. Note the forecast surplus of £164,000 and that subject to year end confirmation of the accounts and Member approval this will be carried forward to 2012/13.
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