Regulatory Amendment 30 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Snapper Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic Region Rebuilding schedule, seasonal prohibition, and commercial trip limit for red grouper Environmental Assessment Regulatory Impact Review Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis September 9, 2019 A publication of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award Number FNA15NMF4410010 Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in the document ABC acceptable biological catch ESA Endandered Species Act ACL annual catch limits EO Executive Order ACT annual catch target F a measure of the instantaneous rate of AM accountability measures fishing mortality AP Advisory Panel F30%SPR fishing mortality that will produce a static SPR = 30% APA administrative procedure act FCURR the current instantaneous rate of APAIS Access-Point Angler Intercept Survey fishing mortality B a measure of stock biomass in either FEP fishery ecosystem plan weight or other appropriate unit FES Fishing Effort Survey BCURR the current stock biomass FMP fishery management plan BMSY the stock biomass expected to exist under equilibrium conditions when FMSY the rate of fishing mortality expected fishing at FMSY to achieve MSY under equilibrium conditions and a corresponding BOY the stock biomass expected to exist biomass of BMSY under equilibrium conditions when fishing at FOY FMU fishery management unit BPA Byatch Practability Analysis FOY the rate of fishing mortality expected to achieve OY under equilibrium CPUE catch per unit effort conditions and a corresponding biomass of BOY CRP Cooperative Research Programs HAPC Habitat Area of Particular Concern CS consumer surplus IQA Information Quality Act CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act IRFA Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis DEIS draft environmental impact statement LBS GW pounds gutted weight DPS distinct population segments LBS WW pounds whole weight EA environmental assessment LOF List of Fisheries EBFM ecosystem based fishery management M natural mortality rate EEZ exclusive economic zone MARMAP Marine Resources Monitoring EFH essential fish habitat Assessment and Prediction Program I OY optimum yield MFMT maximum fishing mortality threshold MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act PRA Paperwork Reduction Act MRFSS Marine Recreational Fisheries RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act Statistics Survey RIR Regulatory Impact Review MRIP Marine Recreational Information Program SAFMC South Atlantic Fishery Management Council MSA Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act SBA Small Business Act MSST minimum stock size threshold SDDP Supplementary Discard Data Program MSY maximum sustainable yield SEDAR Southeast Data Assessment and Review NARW North Atlantic Right whale SEFSC Southeast Fisheries Science Center NEPA National Environmental Policy Act SERO Southeast Regional Office NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service SIA social impact assessment NMSA National Marine Sanctuaries Act SPR spawning potential ratio NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration SRHS Southeast Headboat Survey NOR net operating revenue SSB spawning stock biomass NS National Standard SSC Scientific and Statistical Committee OFL overfishing limit TL total length OMB Office of Management and Budget 2016 Opinion 2016 Biological Opinion of the Snapper Grouper Fishery II Regulatory Amendment 30 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Snapper Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic Region Proposed actions: Revision to rebuilding schedule for red grouper, modification to the seasonal prohibition on recreational and commercial harvest off North and South Carolina, and establishment of a commercial trip limit. Responsible Agencies and Contact Persons South Atlantic Fishery Management Council 843-571-4366 4055 Faber Place, Suite 201 843-769-4520 (fax) North Charleston, South Carolina 29405 www.safmc.net IPT lead: John Hadley [email protected] National Marine Fisheries Service 727-824-5305 Southeast Regional Office 727-824-5308 (fax) 263 13th Avenue South https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/region/southeast St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 IPT lead: Mary Vara [email protected] South Atlantic Snapper Grouper iii Regulatory Amendment 30 Table of Contents Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in the document .............................................................................. I Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. iv List of Figures ...................................................................................................................................... vii List of Tables ......................................................................................................................................... ix Chapter 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 12 1.1 What Actions Are Being Proposed? .......................................................................................... 12 1.2 Who is Proposing the Actions? ................................................................................................. 12 1.3 Where is Red Grouper Managed? ............................................................................................. 13 1.4 Why is the South Atlantic Council Considering Action (Purpose and Need)? ......................... 14 1.5 What is a Rebuilding Plan? ....................................................................................................... 15 1.6 What is the History of Management for Red Grouper? ............................................................ 16 1.7 Why are recreational data reported in Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Survey (MRFSS) and Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP) in different sections of Regulatory Amendment 30? ............................................................................................................. 18 Chapter 2. Proposed Actions and Alternatives .................................................................................... 19 2.1 Action 1: Revise the Rebuilding Schedule for Red Grouper .................................................... 19 2.1.1 Comparison of Alternatives ................................................................................................ 20 2.2 Action 2: Modify the seasonal prohibition on recreational harvest and possession of red grouper in the Exclusive Economic Zone off South Carolina and North Carolina .......................... 22 2.2.1 Comparison of Alternatives ................................................................................................ 23 2.3 Action 3: Modify the seasonal prohibition on commercial harvest, possession, sale, and purchase of red grouper in the Exclusive Economic Zone off South Carolina and North Carolina 25 2.3.1 Comparison of Alternatives ................................................................................................ 26 2.4 Action 4: Establish a commercial trip limit for red grouper harvested in the South Atlantic Exclusive Economic Zone. ............................................................................................................... 28 2.4.1 Comparison of Alternatives ................................................................................................ 28 Chapter 3. Affected Environment ....................................................................................................... 30 3.1 Habitat Environment ................................................................................................................. 30 3.1.1 Inshore/Estuarine Habitat ................................................................................................... 30 3.1.2 Offshore Habitat ................................................................................................................. 30 3.1.3 Essential Fish Habitat ......................................................................................................... 32 3.1.4 Habitat Areas of Particular Concern .................................................................................. 32 3.2 Biological and Ecological Environment .................................................................................... 33 3.2.1 Fish Populations Affected by this Regulatory Amendment ............................................... 34 3.2.2 Red Grouper (Epinephelus morio) ..................................................................................... 35 3.2.3 Stock Status of Red Grouper .............................................................................................. 39 3.2.4 Other Fish Species Affected ............................................................................................... 40 3.2.5 Protected Species ................................................................................................................ 41 3.3 Economic Environment ............................................................................................................. 43 3.3.1 Economic Description of the Commercial Sector .............................................................. 43 3.3.2 Economic Description of the Recreational Sector ............................................................. 49 3.4 Social Environment ................................................................................................................... 53 3.5
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