2017/18 Whole Group Timetable Semester 1 Mathematics Module CMIS Room Class Event ID Code Module Title Event Type Day Start Finish Weeks Lecturer Room Name Code Capacity Size 3184417 ADM003 Yr 1 Basic Skills Test Test Thu 09:00 10:00 18-20 Tonks, A Dr Fielding Johnson South Wing FJ SW 485 185 Basement Peter Williams PW Lecture Theatre 3198490 ADM003 Yr 1 Basic Skills Test Test Thu 09:00 10:00 18-20 Leschke K Dr KE 323, 185 KE 101, ADR 227, MSB G62, KE 103 3203305 ADM003 Yr 1 Basic Skills Test Test Thu 09:00 10:00 18-20 Hall E J C Dr Attenborough Basement ATT LT1 204 185 Lecture Theatre 1 3216616 ADM005 Yr 2 Basic Skills Test Test Fri 10:00 11:00 18 Brilliantov N BEN 149 Professor F75b, MSB G62, KE 103, KE 323 2893091 MA1012 Calculus & Analysis 1 Lecture Mon 11:00 12:00 11-16, Tonks, A Dr Ken Edwards First Floor KE LT1 249 185 18-21 Lecture Theatre 1 2893092 MA1012 Calculus & Analysis 1 Lecture Tue 11:00 12:00 11-16, Tonks, A Dr Attenborough Basement ATT LT1 204 185 18-21 Lecture Theatre 1 2893129 MA1061 Probability Lecture Thu 10:00 11:00 11-16, Hall E J C Dr Ken Edwards First Floor KE LT1 249 185 18-21 Lecture Theatre 1 2893133 MA1061 Probability Lecture Fri 11:00 12:00 11-16, Hall E J C Dr Bennett Upper Ground Floor BEN LT1 244 185 18-21 Lecture Theatre 1 2902659 MA1104 ELEMENTS OF NUMBER Lecture Tue 13:00 14:00 11-16, Goedecke J Ken Edwards Ground Floor KE LT3 150 100 THEORY 18-21 Lecture Theatre 3 2902658 MA1104 ELEMENTS OF NUMBER Lecture Wed 10:00 11:00 11-16, Goedecke J Astley Clarke Ground Floor AC LT 110 100 THEORY 18-21 Lecture Theatre 2893131 MA1112 Linear Algebra 1 Lecture Mon 12:00 13:00 11-16, Leschke K Dr Attenborough Basement ATT LT1 204 185 18-21 Lecture Theatre 1 2916623 MA1112 Linear Algebra 1 Lecture Mon 14:00 15:00 11-16, Leschke K Dr Ken Edwards First Floor KE LT1 249 185 18-21 Lecture Theatre 1 2938978 MA1112 Linear Algebra 1 Lecture Tue 09:00 10:00 11-16, Leschke K Dr Ken Edwards First Floor KE LT1 249 185 18-21 Lecture Theatre 1 2947272 MA1253 Mathematics and Society Lecture Mon 13:00 14:00 11-16, Rix, Clive Physics Ground Floor Lecture PHY LTA 120 100 18-21 Theatre A 1/9 Last Run: 05/01/2018 19:42:45 GMT+00:00 2017/18 Whole Group Timetable Semester 1 Module CMIS Room Class Event ID Code Module Title Event Type Day Start Finish Weeks Lecturer Room Name Code Capacity Size 2893132 MA1253 Mathematics and Society Seminar Thu 13:00 14:00 12, 15-16, Rix, Clive Ken Edwards First Floor KE LT1 249 100 19, 21 Lecture Theatre 1 2793464 MA1902 Peer Support Seminar Mon 13:00 14:00 12-16, Attenborough Seminar Block ATT 208 48 50 18-21 Second Floor LR 208 2893128 MA1902 Peer Support Seminar Wed 13:00 14:00 12-16, Adrian Lower Ground Floor ADR 55 50 18-21, Lecture Theatre LG26 LG26 27-35, 41 2880339 MA1902 Peer Support Computer Class Wed 14:00 15:00 12-16, Adrian Second Floor CL 227 ADR 227 50 50 18-21, 27-35, 41 2794069 MA1902 Peer Support Seminar Fri 13:00 14:00 12-16, Bennett Lower Ground Floor BEN LT3 86 50 18-21, Lecture Theatre 3 27-35, 41 2914655 MA2032 Calculus and Analysis 3 Lecture Mon 11:00 12:00 11-18, Brilliantov N Engineering Second Floor ENG LT2 150 119 20-21 Professor; Lecture Theatre 2 Petrovskii S Professor 3155030 MA2032 Calculus and Analysis 3 Lecture Mon 15:00 16:00 11-18, Brilliantov N Physics Ground Floor Lecture PHY LTA 120 119 20-21 Professor; Theatre A Petrovskii S Professor 3198179 MA2032 Calculus and Analysis 3 Revision Lecture Tue 10:00 11:30 21 Petrovskii S Henry Wellcome Ground Floor HW FKM 133 119 Professor; Frank and Katherine May LT Brilliantov N Lecture Theatre Professor 2919667 MA2032 Calculus and Analysis 3 Lecture Tue 16:00 17:00 11-18, Brilliantov N Bennett Lower Ground Floor BEN LT2 150 119 20-21 Professor; Lecture Theatre 2 Petrovskii S Professor 2913689 MA2104 Elements of Topology Lecture Mon 17:00 18:00 12-18, Neumann F Dr Attenborough Basement ATT LT3 96 91 20-21 Lecture Theatre 3 2913688 MA2104 Elements of Topology Lecture Tue 09:00 10:00 12-18, Neumann F Dr Attenborough Basement ATT LT3 96 91 20-21 Lecture Theatre 3 3222588 MA2104 Elements of Topology Lecture Fri 09:00 10:00 11 Neumann F Dr Maurice Shock First Floor MSB LT2 124 91 Lecture Theatre 2 3222586 MA2104 Elements of Topology Lecture Fri 12:00 13:00 11 Neumann F Dr Maurice Shock First Floor MSB LT2 124 91 Lecture Theatre 2 2897896 MA2132 Linear Algebra 3 Lecture Mon 16:00 17:00 11-18, Baranov A Dr Ken Edwards Ground Floor KE LT3 150 119 20-21 Lecture Theatre 3 2780500 MA2132 Linear Algebra 3 Lecture Wed 12:00 13:00 11-18, Baranov A Dr Engineering Second Floor ENG LT2 150 119 20-21 Lecture Theatre 2 2/9 Last Run: 05/01/2018 19:42:45 GMT+00:00 2017/18 Whole Group Timetable Semester 1 Module CMIS Room Class Event ID Code Module Title Event Type Day Start Finish Weeks Lecturer Room Name Code Capacity Size 2790378 MA2252 Introduction to Computing Lecture Mon 10:00 11:00 11-18, 20 Hall E J C Dr Attenborough Basement ATT LT1 204 150 Lecture Theatre 1 3236793 MA2252 Introduction to Computing Lecture Mon 10:00 11:00 21 Hall E J C Dr Charles Wilson Third Floor CL CW 304 82 150 304 and 305 305 2790381 MA2252 Introduction to Computing Lecture Mon 12:00 13:00 11-18, 20 Hall E J C Dr Ken Edwards Ground Floor KE LT2 158 150 Lecture Theatre 2 3236795 MA2252 Introduction to Computing Lecture Mon 12:00 13:00 21 Hall E J C Dr Adrian Second Floor CL 227 ADR 227 50 150 3192755 MA2401 Cash-flow Analysis and Interest Test Tue 09:00 10:00 14, 16, 18, Walsh S George Porter Upper Ground GP LTC 66 31 20 Floor Lecture Theatre C 2914715 MA2401 Cash-flow Analysis and Interest Surgery Tue 10:00 11:00 12-18, Walsh S Ken Edwards Third Floor SR KE 322 40 31 20-21 322 3155050 MA2401 Cash-flow Analysis and Interest Surgery Tue 15:00 16:00 12-18, Walsh S Physics Ground Floor Lecture PHY LTB 120 31 20-21 Theatre B 3159375 MA2401, Cash-flow Analysis and Interest; Lecture Tue 14:00 15:00 11-18, Walsh S Attenborough Basement ATT LT3 96 92 MA3074, Introduction to Actuarial 20-21 Lecture Theatre 3 MA7401 Mathematics; Theory of Interest 3159775 MA2401, Cash-flow Analysis and Interest; Lecture Tue 17:00 18:00 11-18, Walsh S Attenborough Basement ATT LT3 96 92 MA3074, Introduction to Actuarial 20-21 Lecture Theatre 3 MA7401 Mathematics; Theory of Interest 2914725 MA2404 The Principles of Financial Feedback Sessi Mon 15:00 16:00 12-14 Grechuk B Dr Attenborough Seminar Block ATT 111 48 31 Modelling First Floor LR 111 3232207 MA2404 The Principles of Financial Feedback Sessi Mon 15:00 16:00 15-18, Grechuk B Dr Attenborough Seminar Block ATT 208 48 31 Modelling 20-21 Second Floor LR 208 2914722 MA2404, The Principles of Financial Lecture Mon 11:00 12:00 11-18, Grechuk B Dr Astley Clarke Ground Floor AC LT 110 66 MA7404 Modelling; Models 20-21 Lecture Theatre 2914723 MA2404, The Principles of Financial Lecture Tue 13:00 14:00 11-18, Grechuk B Dr Physics Ground Floor Lecture PHY LTA 120 66 MA7404 Modelling; Models 20-21 Theatre A 2914724 MA2404, The Principles of Financial Lecture Wed 12:00 13:00 11, 13-18, Grechuk B Dr George Porter Upper Ground GP LTA 95 66 MA7404 Modelling; Models 20-21 Floor Lecture Theatre A 2914728 MA2414, Mortality Modelling; Mortality Lecture Mon 14:00 15:00 11-18, Morozov A Dr Attenborough Basement ATT LT3 96 61 MA7414 20-21 Lecture Theatre 3 2914729 MA2414, Mortality Modelling; Mortality Lecture Fri 09:00 10:00 11-18, Morozov A Dr George Porter Upper Ground GP LTB 95 61 MA7414 20-21 Floor Lecture Theatre B 2914730 MA2414, Mortality Modelling; Mortality Feedback Sessi Fri 11:00 12:00 12-18, Morozov A Dr George Porter Upper Ground GP LTC 66 61 MA7414 20-21 Floor Lecture Theatre C 2847926 MA2510 Investigations in Mathematics Lecture Thu 12:00 13:00 12 Clark A Professor Bennett Lower Ground Floor BEN LT2 150 91 Lecture Theatre 2 2952718 MA2510 Investigations in Mathematics Lecture Thu 13:00 15:00 20 Clark A Professor Engineering Second Floor ENG LT2 150 91 Lecture Theatre 2 3/9 Last Run: 05/01/2018 19:42:45 GMT+00:00 2017/18 Whole Group Timetable Semester 1 Module CMIS Room Class Event ID Code Module Title Event Type Day Start Finish Weeks Lecturer Room Name Code Capacity Size 3173512 MA2901 Employability: Core Skills Lecture Thu 10:00 11:00 11-18, Fitzgerald P Mr Charles Wilson Second Floor CW2 45 10 20-21 LR Belvoir Park Annexe BPA 2860119 MA3002, Equations of Mathematical Lecture Tue 09:00 10:00 11-18, Brilliantov N Ken Edwards Ground Floor KE LT2 158 54 MA7032 Physics; Equations of 20-21 Professor Lecture Theatre 2 Mathematical Physics 3159269 MA3002, Equations of Mathematical Lecture Tue 13:00 14:00 11-18, Brilliantov N Attenborough Basement ATT LT3 96 54 MA7032 Physics; Equations of 20-21 Professor Lecture Theatre 3 Mathematical Physics 3157992 MA3002, Equations of Mathematical Lecture Tue 15:00 16:00 11-18, Brilliantov N Maurice Shock First Floor MSB LT1 200 54 MA7032 Physics; Equations of 20-21 Professor Lecture Theatre 1 Mathematical Physics 2951618 MA3002, Equations of Mathematical Test Wed 10:00 11:00 16 Brilliantov N Bennett Ground Floor Geology BEN 78 54 MA7032 Physics; Equations of Professor Dept Lecture Theatre 10 LT10 Mathematical Physics 3157979 MA3002, Equations of Mathematical Feedback Sessi Wed 10:00 11:00 11-15, Brilliantov N Bennett Ground Floor Geology BEN 78 54 MA7032 Physics; Equations of 18-21 Professor Dept Lecture Theatre 10 LT10 Mathematical Physics 2784390 MA3012 Scientific Computing Computer Class Mon 15:00 16:00 11-18, Jolley L Mr; Wang Adrian Second Floor CL 227 ADR 227 50 40 20-21 M Miss 2793353 MA3012, Scientific Computing; Scientific Lecture Mon 10:00 11:00 11-18, Davidchack R Dr Attenborough Basement
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