We liq/1;;sitilfi‘iinancewOuiriMen Who_Are Fighting in France PUBLISHED DAILY UNDER ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT BY THE COMMJ’ITEE ON PUBLIC INFOBBIATION GEORGE CREEL CHAIRMAN ' Vol. 1. MONDAY, ..“4. 1917. N0. 189. \VASHINGTON, OCTOBER U. S. WOMEN lN ARGENTINA FAMILIES OF MEN WHO DEED 0R WERE DiSABLED GET $100,000 FOR RED CROSS WHEN U. S. TRANSPORT WAS SUNK BY U-BOAT WELL The Department of State authorizes the SHARE EN BENEFZTS OF NEW WAR lNgURAiNCE ACT following: A telegram from the American ambas Loss of Vessel, Says Treasury Department Statement, Furnishes Striking sador in Buenos Aires that a pa states Lesson in of and Automatic triotic society of American women, or Object Benefit Compensation insurance Pro ganized when the United States entered visions of the Law—Summary Covering Various Cases Prepared. the war, held a two days” fair in Buenos Aires and cleared $100,000 in gold which The Treasury Department authorizes to come in large measure from the sale of will be sent to the American Red Cross. bonds of the second Liberty loan. This result was largely due to the gener the following: In view of the importance of the new osity of Argentinians, who attended in The sinking of the American transport law to those in military and naval service large numbers. Many of them gave their Antilles by a German submarine, with the and their families and dependents, the fol own cattle for the benefit of the fund. loss of 70 lives, has furnished a striking ' lowing oflicial summary covering; various The minister for foreign affairs. Dr. 'object lesson in the benefits of the com cases was prepared by Director lle Lanoy Pueyrredon, was one of these. Senorita pensation and automatic insurance provi immediately following notification of the Pueyrredon, the daughter of the Colom sions of the new soldiers’ and sailors” in of the Antilles: bian minister, and ladies of the Brazilian, surance law. Following receipt of news loss Uruguayan, and French legations took of the disaster, Secretary McAdoo has Compensation for Death or_Disability. active part in the affair. authorized announcement that the fami Mrs. Stimson, the wife of the ambassa lies of the men who lost their lives or Compensation is payable for death or dor, is president of the American society were disabled in the naval or military disability resulting from personal injury and Mrs. Ralph Huntington is treasurer. service of the United States when the suffered in line of duty. It is paid by the ship was sunk will immediately begin to United States without contribution from receive compensation under the auto the person protected. Warned to Have Passports matic provisions of the law, regardless The only persons entitled to receive for Scandinavia Visaed of the fact that they had not signed ap compensation in case of death are the plications for insurance policies. widow, children. and dependent widowed mother of the deceased. Department of State issues the fol The $50 a Month for Widow. The monthly sums payable in each case lowing; are stated and are not based upon the William C. De Lanoy, Director of the pay of the deceased: A telegram from the American minister War Insurance Bureau of the Treasury For a widow alone. $25. at Christiania states that Americans sall Department, in explaining the status of (a) For a widow and one child, $35. ing for Norway should have passports ,those lost on the Antilles points out that (b) For a widow and two children, visaed by thcldiplomatic or consular offi owing to the legislative forethought (c) $47.50, with for each additional child cers of all Scandinavian countries they which inserted the automatic insurance $5 ' up to 2. _ intend to visit, as visaing for the other provision in the law, a month insur $25 If there be no widow, then for one countries after arriving in Norway entails ance will be paid to a widow, for exam (d) ' ‘ child. $20. considerable delay. ple, for 240 months in addition to the com ’ (e) For two children, $30. pensation of a month, or a total of $25 For three children, $40, with FRENCH EMBARGO BESTORED. a month. Were it not for the auto (1?) $50 for each additional child up to 2. matic insurance provision she would get (g) For a widowed mother, $20. The Exportation of Canned and Preserved only $25 a month. The money to pay both Fruits Again Forbidden. compensation and insurance is expected (Continued on page 7.) Information has been received from the American consul general at Paris that the permission to export canned and pre served fruits to the United States and other allied countries in derogation of the National Guard Officers Prohibited embargo has been withdrawn by a minis terial order of October 13. Special li From Making Reports of Movements censes will now be required for the ex v portation of such fruits to any country. to Governors or Other State Officials following telegram to the conilnninling OPPOSES SUBHARINE WARFARE. The Adjutant General has sent the generals of all National Guard divisions: Resolution of Protest Is Adapted by the Communicate orders to each organization commander in your division Colombian Senate. that during the time they are in Federal service they are problblted from informal, to the governor or other authorities, Mr. Beiden, American charge d‘Aifaires making any report, formal or respective States, relating to any movement of at Bogota, reports by telegraph that the civil or military, of their any troops personnel Colombian Senate has passed a resolution their organizations, or of other Federal 01- protesting against submarine warfare. ' EVERY PATRIOT is expected to Invest in the Second Issue of THE LIBERTY LOAN' to the by Purchasing a Four Per Cent Liberty Bond Lend Your Money Government 2 THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN: MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1917. LIST OF MEN LOST WHEN U. S. TRANSPOR “ANTILLES ” WAS SUNK BY GERMAN U-BOA T A. Diego, Dispatches from the commanding oilicer 1910 St. Catherine Street, Montreal, Fireman Diego. (Father) F. of the American expenditionary forces an Canada. Santandas. Spain. Seaman R. Parks. Ella Fireman I. Eeheverria. A. nounce flat the following (emergency ad (Mother) (Mother) Parks, 314 Kearny Street, San Fran~ Eeheverria, San Diego, Chile. dress ii“. each case given) were lost in cisco, Cal. Fireman Jose Silvar. (Mother) M. Fran the sinking of the transport “Antilles ”: Third Assistant Engineer E. A. cisco, Coruna. Spain. Gav-.111Civilian H. H. Cummings. Ad Walker. (Wife) Mrs. E. A. Walker, Assistant Storekeeper D. Bayne. (Sis dress unknown. 1010 Willow Avenue, Hoboken, N. J. ter) Mary Broderick, 356 Montgomery Junior Engineer Thomas Boyle. Street. Jersey City. N. J. Se'gt. Otto Kleber, Infantry. (Father) E. Boyle, County Louth, Ireland. Chief Cook Charles Jasen. L. Pari Kleber, Woullisch Strasse, 2021. Ber (Mother) (Wife) Junior Engineer I. O’Rourke. Jasen, 46 Livingston Road, Portswood, lin, Germany. (Sister) B. O‘Rourke, 220 West Twenty-eighth England. Sergt. Otto Miller, Infantry. (Mother) Street, New York, N. Y. Second Cook William Bell. (Sister) E. Mrs. Mary Miller, Nordenhem, Olden Water Tender James Finnegan. Gray. 5 Hood Street, Secumb, England. berg, Germany. (Father) J. Finnegan, Greenmore, Third Cook V. Ripa. (Brother) I. Ripa, Corp. Abraham Swartzberg, Infantry. County Louth, Ierland. Clarendon Hotel, New York, N. Y. (Sister) Theresa Arico, 338 East Thir Oiler O. Fearon. (Wife) M. Fearon, 323 Crew C'ook Charles Tunnie. (Mother) teenth Street, New York, N. Y. East Thirty-sixth Street. New York, N. Y. M. L. Schuelter, 9 Washington Street, Pvt. Roy Cottrell, Infantry. (Mother) Fireman M. Boza. (Mother) I. Boza, Oakland, Cal. Mrs. Alfred Cottrell, Clinton, Ind. Veiga, Spain. Chief Butcher George Stanley. (Wife) Fireman Fidel Gonzales. A. M. Stanley, 1121 Eighth Avenue, Brook Pvt. Lee W. Nelson, Infantry. (Cousin) (Brother) Max J. Nowaczyk, 47 Prescott Avenue, Gonzales, Santander, Spain. lyn, N. Y. Grand Rapids, Mich. Fireman H. L. Llnret. (Father) G. Second Butcher Casiane Maurin. / Pvt. Ernest Egert, Infantry. (Friend) Llaret, Barcelona, Spain. (Mother) C. Maurin. 25 South Street, New Miss Edna Barnett, 532 North Forty Fireman Antonio Leal. (Mother) A. York, N. Y. fourth Street, Chicago, Ill. Leal, Valparaiso, Chile. Second Baker E. Bishofberger. (Broth Battalion, Pvt. Anton Ehrhart, Infantry. (Cou Fireman 2. C. Rodriguez. (Brother) M. er) A. Bishofberger, 64th ' Swiss sin) Charles Ritt, Feriy Wharf, NeWport, Rodriguez, Bilboa, Spain. Army. R. I. - Fireman Antonio Rodriguez. (Mother) Scullion A. Touhey. No address given. Pvt. John Bright, Infantry. Mike 0. Rodriguez, Alvucro, Portugal. Waiter J. L. Devine. (Brother) L. De Bright, 1241 Lake Street, Milwaukee, Fireman A. Reyes. (Mother) Carmen vine, Camden, N. J. Wis. Fuentes, Ironieo, Chile. Waiter George Haskie. (Aunt) Mary Pvt. Jorgan P. Lock, Infantry. (Friend) Fireman F. Sanis. (Father) 0. Sanis, A. Grown, 317 St. Anne Street, Balti Floyd Pearmen, 422 West Eleventh Astoria, Spain. more, Md. Street, Kansas City, Mo. Fireman Pedro Sola. (Mother) Senora Waiter F. Michiel . (Sister) M. Sola, Parulo, Pvt. Carl G. Norsell, Infantry. (Father) Spain. Miehiele, 2058 Fulton Street, New York, Carl Norsell, Vesterbroghe 47, Copen Fireman Constantine Suarez. (Mother) N. Y. hagen, Denmark. J. Suarez, Coruna, Spain. Waiter W. Pirie. (Wife) Mary Pirie, Pvt. Burett Hamilton, Infantry. Fireman J. Gonzales. (Father) Jose 315 East Eighty-sixth Street, New York, Gonzales, Coruna, Spain. N. Y. (Father) .7. R. Hamilton, Grapevine, Tenn. Pvt. William L. Faust, Field Artillery. Fireman F. Solas. (Mother) A. Matteo, Seaman A. Deufors. (Mother) Irene Lisbon, (Mother) Mrs. Sarah Faust, Stoney Creek Portugal. Denfors, Krunsiluota, Finland. Millafa. Fireman E. Parcero. (Mother) P. Par Steward W. Slattery. Address un Pvt. Edward L. Echel, Field Artillery. cero, Coruna, Spain. known. Address unknown. Fireman J. Thomas. (Mother) L. Total casualties, 67. Total survivors, Pvt.
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